We are half way through the week, my lovelies! And what's even better...it's Leap Day! Whoo-hoo!
I know most of us have at least two jobs {career and blogging}, but for me, add a few more to the list...mom, wife, housekeeper, chef {okay, maybe not so much}, laundry queen, personal chauffeur, appointment scheduler...need I go on? I work hard for the money and the non-money too.
Somehow, for the most part, I always get things done. What can I say, I am a night owl who regrets it every morning when the alarm clock goes off. Do you feel me?
This is my "day job" attire. I don't think you would want to look at an outfit post of my "night job". Okay, no dirty minds..."night job" meaning at home - gym shorts, tank and $3.50 Old Navy flip flops.
Top:The Limited (old) | Skirt:Forever 21 | Shoes:Payless | Belt:Target | Clutch:Sam Moon
Ring & Earrings:Forever 21| Necklace: Custom TrashATX
Do these leopard wedges look familiar? If not, let me refresh your memory {here}.
I have seriously gotten more wear out of these than most of the shoes in my closet. And they have held up exceptionally well for getting them at Payless. In case you want to grab a pair, they are on sale for $19.99.
Have you gotten something lately and been surprised at how much you have actually worn it?
Cheers to a day that only comes once every four year & to everyone working hard for the money!
Pat yourself on the back today!

Today I am linking up with: