I am not normally a Debbie Downer on "the blog", but I felt obliged to rant a little bit about Mod Cloth. I promise I will try to limit my grumpiness in this little place of peace going forward. I just couldn't help myself today.
So, a few weeks ago Mod Cloth posted on Facebook about a limited quantity "Grab Bag" promo. I love their website and most of the products that they have to offer. When I saw this, seemingly amazing offer, I jumped on it.
The deal was spend $20 and get $70 worth of merchandise. Right there, I should have remembered the old saying, "If it's too good to be true, it probably is". My excitement over took my intelligence and I purchased the grab bag in matter of minutes of reading the Facebook post.
We all like surprises, right? Most of us like Mod Cloth, right? So, it seemed, at the time, like a win-win situation, right? WRONG!!
My package arrived and I couldn't wait to see what $70 worth of stuff I got for $20. I opened it as fast as I could, ripping and tearing the box in lightning speed.
Then I just froze, jaw dropped, eyes as big as quarters and with a big gulp....and said out loud, "SERIOUSLY"?!? This is it? This stuff looks like something from a freaking gumball machine or from The Dollar Tree.
So, here it is folks...this is what I got for $20 + shipping...looking back, after the anger passed, I actually can laugh about it now. I mean, it is pretty comical!
Reusable tote (kind of cute), TIGHT blue camisole that hits my mid-thigh, neon yellow tube-top bra, Holly Hobby bow clip, peanut earrings and a flower headband |
This is the UGLIEST bow and print I have ever seen! My little girls didn't even like it. It looks like it's from Holly Hobby or Little House on the Prairie. |
Gold earrings shaped like peanuts...I have to admit, I have actually worn these twice. My friends laughed at me and asked, "Are those nuts on your ears?" |
This is okay, but really not my style. I will most likely never wear it. |
Brand of the neon bra and the waaaaaay too long tank. No, I will NOT "See You on Monday" or any other day of the week for that matter. I know neon colors are the latest trend, but this? Come on! |
Okay, you tell me, did I expect too much? I am being bratty? Be honest. And, yes, like I said before, I can laugh about it now. It gave me something to blog about, right?
Cheers to NEVER participating in a "grab bag" promotion again! Oh, the lessons we learn in life.

I'm so glad you posted this!!! I've seen that same ad on FB, and was tempted to try it out, but now I'm so glad I didn't! I'm so sorry you got disappointed though. A company like that should know better than to mislead customers into thinking they're getting a fantastic deal.
For the record though - I totally would have worn those peanut earrings, too! :o)
I've also been let down with the grab bag deal from ModCloth. They had a bag of glasses for $20 once and most of them were broken. I still have the bag, but the rest got thrown in the trash. I like ModCloth but like I said earlier, the quality of some of the things I've ordered doesn't always justify their prices, IMO.
O no! I guess it is just their way out getting rid of the things no one buys lol. THat bow is horrid!
I'm still waiting for the picture in which you model ALL of these fabulous items at the same time. I know you can make it work! :)
Ugh, how disappointing! That stuff is pretty awful. I think you should complain to Modcloth. Seems like they had a bunch of stuff they just wanted to unload. :(
The Tiny Heart
Yes, YES! I agree with Amy!! You MUST model!! ;) But seriously, what a let down! It was sold out by the time I heard about it, otherwise I would be right there with ya sister!! xoxo Jess
Thanks for posting this. You just made me LAUGH out loud with that bowtie! I'm sorry that happened, but hey, it made for a great post! :)
Seriously? They thought the masses wanted peanut earrings? Come on Mod Cloth I thought I loved you? Glad you did this post so I know in the future!
I have to admit, I kind of love the peanut earrings. However, the rest of the stuff is unacceptable. It's not even worth the $20! It seems like ModCloth tried to get rid of crap they had lying around that no one else wanted.
Penniless Socialite
Oh, wow. That IS bad! Lol!! Definitely laughable. You can't return it?!
Wow, that's so bad! Definitely don't think that's $70 worth.
No worries about coming across as a "Debbie Downer", I think it's important to share(the good and bad) especially if it helps others awareness of possibly ending up in the same situation.
I'm with you. That's just insulting for them to even ship that stuff. Who okayed it?
It looks like to me, they had a bunch of leftover stuff that didn't sell so they just decided to make a profit by marketing it as a great deal. Um, great deal for who? Them. They make money and are able to move the merchandise. It's terribly unprofessional and in bad taste. Sorry love, but it seems like you got a laugh so not all is lost :))
Can I just say, I took a big gulp of tea while I read, "Are those nuts on your ears?" and spit it out faster than a bullet I laughed SO HARD!! Classic.
OMG. WTF. That is terrible - each of those items is pretty terrible, especially that tube bra top - I mean what? Ish - you are not being bratty at all... that is just awful!
Omgosh, this made me giggle (sorry!). Way to rock the peanut earrings though! I would probably have been pretty disappointed as well. xx Nat
so glad you posted this! I've been seeing this around lately. what a bummer! that bow is redonkulous.
Are you kidding me? I hate being mislead by "great deals". I don't really like mod clothe because their prices are ridiculous! You just encouraged me more. Those earings are a little cute :)
Great blog!
Umm you deserve to be unhappy....these items are so not worth $70. Seriously? I would be disappointed too!!
those deals are never worth it !
he he...
loved reading ur honest opinion
That is so frustrating. I saw that deal too and I was pretty tempted. I can't believe that didn't include a REAL article of clothing.
See Me Rwar
i also got this "grab bag" and was disappointed. my excitement took over and thought "wallets, bags, jewelry?! oh my" honestly the best thing was probably the tote. i did however get a scarf in a normal maroon color so that was nice, but other than that i got the same obnoxious color as your bra, but in spandex shorts with lace and kitty bow earrings that look like hello kitty knockoff for 3 year olds, a lame headband and something else awful i have tried to permanatly erase form my memory! it seems as thought this was the first year they did it and either they won't do it again or it will be better next year and all of us ho bought this year will miss out on the good stuff next year. i completely agree that its a bunch of leftover stuff that didn't sell :(
hahaha! that really is amusing! Remind me never to do the $20 grab bags lol.. so glad I found you're blog! Totally adorable! Happy to be your newest follower! xoxo
I will never do the grab bags! Thanks for sharing this.
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