I can't say how honored I am to have received this award from my blogger friend Dallas Diva Diaries.
Liebster is German for dearest, beloved or favorite. This is an award given to bloggers with less than 200 followers, and she picked my blog to feature! I am so thrilled and humbled by this award. I just started blogging in December 2011 and have already met some amazing women and discovered so many blogs that I love reading every single day!
As part of the award, it's standard to share five things about yourself people wouldn't otherwise know. Here it goes...this was waaaaay harder than I thought...
1. I am scared of heights - freakishly, scared!
2. My all time, hands down favorite movie is Footloose. I still think {the original} Ren McCormick is HOT!
3. I have two little girls - one is a firecracker red-head and the another one thinks she is Taylor Swift!
4. The very first concert I ever went to was to see Neil Diamond. My mom used to rock me to sleep to his music.
5. I started blogging so I could have an outlet to share my biggest passion, fashion!
The five blogs I am awarding this Liebster to are, in no particular order:
These ladies are amazing and am so glad I found there fab blogs!
Please, go check them out and let's share the love!

Congrats Shanna! Thanks for the shout out, you're the BEST!
heya!! congrats for the award!! i really like your blog, so inspiring. wanna check out mine, maybe?
Congrats on the award! You have a wonderful blog :)
how fun! congrats! <3
Someone gave me this award recently, but I didn't know what Liebster meant. Thanks for sharing more of the story!
yeah! thank you SO much for passing it on to me! you are so sweet and I'm glad I found your blog too!
So cool! Congrats!
I did check out all these blogs:) And I will continue to watch them:)
Congrats Shanna!!! and thanks for the shout out :)
Congrats on your first blog away! So happy for you.
First of all big congrats and secondly-- thank you so much! Love your blog, too and so glad we follow eachother girly!! :)
Congratulations on your award girlie!!
I'm scared of heights too which is weird because it didn't really start till a few years ago.
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