Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Peep Show

Top:Apt. 9 @ Kohls | Skirt/Belt:Apt. 9 @ Kohls | Shoes:Target | Necklace: ColorBlock Shop on Etsy | Ring:Forever 21

Embarrassing Moment #212

So, as you can see from my wind blown hair, it was super breezy last Saturday.  My lady love friend, Joy (here), and I took a road trip to Houston for our sweet Erica's wedding shower and bachelorette party.  We made a pit stop at Joy's niece's hair salon to get her hair "did".  On our way out, Joy snapped a few pictures of me in my shower attire...in public.  If you have been reading (here), you know that I get super nervous and awkward when taking photos with strangers strolling by.  But, that is not the embarrassing part, the humiliation, laughter and a little snorting came a few minutes later.  After we were done and our hair blown to pieces we started walking to her car. Keep in mind that this was a busy shopping center and a gorgeous day, so people were out and about...lots of people. 

We were almost to the car, just strides away, and then it happened...a gush of wind came wooshing right up my pleated skirt...and BAM...it went flying up Marilyn Monroe style.  Just my luck, passing by right next to me, was a nice, little old man in a nice, little white car that got a little big glimpse of my lady business.  Yes, I had my "lacies" on, but they were the "lacies" that don't cover all of my boo-tay.  So, the nice, little old man in the nice, little white car was awarded a 3/4 moon on his Saturday afternoon...and Lord knows who else...like I said, it was a happening place. 

I was mortified at first, but then thought, what the heck, at least I made someone laugh today...okay, at least three people laugh...me, Joy and the nice, little old man...okay, not sure if he was really nice (we didn't get a chance to chit-chat or shake hands), but he was old.

Cheers to peeps shows on a Saturday afternoon!

P.S. Here is the beautiful bride.  She was my little sister in our sorority and I fell in love with her the day that we met.  I heart this girl more than words could ever define.  I am so happy for you, Erica!  Owen is the best Irishman on the planet!  And, ladies look at her Ahhhhh-mazing shoes...I would have smuggled them into my suitcase if we wore the same size! 


Danavee said...

Loving that outfit!

Head to Toe Chic said...

Haha oh my gosh, the combination of wind and flowy skirts are the worst! I'm loving this entire outfit! The yellow and green together is amazing and you look gorgeous!


Anonymous said...

You are absolutely adorable, friend! I am sure that made ol' man's day! ;)
xo, Jessica

Unknown said...

Hahaha, that is too funny! And that has totally happened to me as well. At least you can laugh about it :) On another note, I love your outfit!

Just Another Shopaholic said...

In love with that skirt.

Debra said...

That was by far the funniest post I have ever read. Thanks for sharing your embarrassing moment with us. And you are not alone....it has happened to this girl as well. Lol! You must've really made that old man's day. *winking*

Debra @ stylewisebydebra.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

Fabulous combo! Love the polka dots and the green skirt!!

Always Maylee said...

Haha, oh no! You were probably the best thing to happen to that sweet old man in a long time! :) LOVE that skirt, the color is amazing. Your whole outfit is so pretty!

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

another statement necklace? love it! I'm also lovin' all these photoshoots in pretty places. :)

Kate said...

haha that's really funny/ embarrassing, but it sounds like you have a good attitude about it! And hey, at least you were wearing something really cute!

Anonymous said...

You always make my day, Shanna! This is toooo funny! I actually went to Dallas to shop at H&M and F21 -- not too much there. Of course it was packed to the brim, so I didn't want to try anything on & all the stuff I liked online was gone - go figure. Oh well. Glad to see you were in my home turf this weekend :)

I'm hosting a great giveaway this week for a free "Blogger's Notepad" which is a great tool for keeping your blogging life organized! Would love for you to enter! http://bit.ly/K1Dxat

Tami said...

Your to funny Shanna:) I am loving your outfit of course! Sorry to say, but i am getting a little jealous of your great wardrobe! lol. Your great, and i am going to Kohl's now!!
XO Tami

Katie @ My Darling Days said...

Ahhh ahahah! That has totally happened to me before. In Hawaii, on our honeymoon, at a fancy shmancy restaurant. TALK ABOUT COMPLETELY EMBARASSING! I do like the positive spin you put on it though... you made that old man's month! haha :) Adorable outfit too... why didn't I see that at Kohl's when I went??

Rachel said...

Wow I really love this outfit! Awesome colors- green goes so well with black and white and that necklace is realllly cute!!

xo Rachel


Stesha said...

you are one hot mama!!! love it lady! send it to me so i can borrow ok?? :)


Lindsay said...

Love the outfit! I'm sure you made that old man's day!

Andi said...

LOVE your skirt, love the way you styled it with polka dots and neon! I might have to check out Kohl's!

TheTinyHeart said...

Haha Shanna, that story cracked me up! I've been there, girl. Note to self: do not wear a mini skirt when it's windy out. Next time I'm seriously just gonna wear shorts underneath. That pleated skirt is gorgeous despite the peep show!

The Tiny Heart

Penniless Socialite said...

I've had the same kind of experience on a windy day. I ordered that necklace on Etsy awhile ago and I'm patiently waiting for it to arrive!

Penniless Socialite

winetastegirl.com said...

I am totally dying laughing at your story. I've had that happen too and all you can do is laugh about it. I'm sure you made that man's year! Thanks for your comments on my GNO Bunco group. It's so much fun!

Meghan @ More from Meg said...

love your outfit!! The green shades look great on you! :)

Amy Shaughnessy said...

SO cute girl! That is my worst nightmare. It would have happened to me too...



Annie said...

OK first of all, I LOVE your outfit! that neon yellow looks awesome with the green skirt and black polka dots! Second, I'm sure you made that little old man's day. And third, Erica's shoes are fabulous - no wonder you love her :)

The Other Side of Gray

Amanda said...

Omg girl! Too funny! I love her bright pink shoes!!! And at part of Houston did u visit?! That's where I live!

Simply Sarah said...

I can always count on your posts to cheer me up - that skirt is GORGE too, I might just have to invest. Love it with the neon pop and accent!
And for God sake's woman keep your skirt down from now on ;)


Girls Love Fried Pickles said...

Reason 212 I don't wear thongs. I am gonna convert you I just know it. But you sure look purty.

TaraMixandMatch said...

Again, in love with this outfit..it is so adorable!

tara said...

ugh, why are you always looking SO cute?! ;) love your outfit!

Laura said...

seriously, this outfit kills me, you look gorgeous lady! oh, and i've totally been there with the accidental mooning of people in public. isn't it great?

Kristen @ All In My Twenties said...

LOVE THIS SHIRT!! So cute!! The green is amazing!

Unknown said...

Your outfit from the baby shower is beautiful!! Also, you probably made that old man's year. You go girl doing you deed for society.

Alexa said...

Oh my gosh hilarious about your skirt. Well all you can do is laugh. Plus it looks fantastic on you!

Sugarr2518 said...

That outfit is adorbs! I would have never of thought of the color combo, but it totally works! The story just made me laugh...that's all you can really do in a situation like that is just laugh it off!

Emma said...

LMAO! That would totally happen to me! I read it like I was there and find myself laughing out loud! Oh, that dang wind...gets me every time ;)

Audrey @ Putting Me Together said...

Oh, girl. Sorry that happened. At least you looked cute. :) I eyed that skirt at Kohl's, but since I already have a green skirt I had to use all my willpower to not get it. I love it with that cute polka dot top.


Audrey @ Putting Me Together said...

Oh, girl. Sorry that happened. At least you looked cute. :) I eyed that skirt at Kohl's, but since I already have a green skirt I had to use all my willpower to not get it. I love it with that cute polka dot top.


Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Love your outfit...so you!
And haha, yes, at least you made some old guy super happy. ;) And a laugh or two never hurts. ;)


tres chic chica said...

Very pretty look, the skirt looks great with that top and the pop of neon with the necklace was perfect!

Happy you guys had a nice time!


Chioma said...

Aww that seriously sounds like something that would happen to me lol! you look super cute though! I got over my nerves of taking public blog pics by waving at those who stopped to stare lol :))


Erin at thesparkle.net said...

LOVE this outfit!!
