Happy Friday, folks! Today, I bring to you my very own Five Things on Friday post. One has to do with girls and water, one is a total a downer, one is exciting, one is about a favorite blog of mine, one is the beginning of a mommy wish list and the best one is a WINNER! So keep reading to get the scoop!!!
So, today I will be heading to Lake Buchanan for a girl's weekend getaway...no boys...no kids. Don't get me wrong, I love my boys (Ross, Dad, brother, father-in-law, uncles, brother-in-laws, guy friends, etc...) and I love my kids, but this Momma could use a little time away with the ladies. Can I get a HELL YEAH?! Thank you! We will be having big girl drinks, floating in the lake, gossiping and working on our tans. Simply Heaven....
This one is the DOWNER! I just found out that the ONLY show that I REALLY watched on the boob tube has been cancelled!! I have loved Sarah Michelle Gellar since the Buffy days, so of course I started watching her new show. And to my (and Ross's) surprise, we were HOOKED from the get-go. This show was so good. It had passion, twists, turns, OMG moments and did I mention I LOVE S.M.G.? She is my one, true, long lived girl crush and now it's over. They left us with a cliff hanging finale and now I will never know what happens. I am DEVASTATED and PISSED!! It's almost as bad as Christian Grey leaving my life.
Moving on to to brighter things. The above is a list Logan (my oldest) started making yesterday. She didn't get past #3, but it's a start and work in progress, right? I decided it's time to start running a tighter ship around this house because, quite frankly, I am tired of being Mommy-Maid. Any suggestions of what she can add? I sure could name a few!
Miss Sharon with The Tiny Heart interviewed me today on her blog. Hop over and learn some FASCINATING facts about moi. I always get so nervous in interviews and seem to say the most RANDOM things. So, don't judge, just love and go read it now!
I saved the BEST for last. So, the winner of my cuff bracelet and earring giveaway is Marie from NYorker @ Heart. I am overly PUMPED that Miss Marie is the lucky lady!! Let me tell you that this girl is one of my BIGGEST supporters. I couldn't be happier that all the love she has shown has paid off!! Marie, email me your home address and I will mail these beauties to you ASAP.
Cheers to my first top five post! This was kind of fun. I may do it again real soon!

I am also disappointed that Ringer was cancelled. The only shows I got into this season were Ringer and Alcatraz. Both cancelled. I am TV poison. I am not a mom, but I have the boyfriend and a male roommate living with me. I use a dry erase calendar for chores. The boys seem to be able handling simple chores like sweeping and bed making. I just added cleaning the toilet, so let's see how that goes.
Penniless Socialite
I am also disappointed that Ringer was cancelled. The only shows I got into this season were Ringer and Alcatraz. Both cancelled. I am TV poison. I am not a mom, but I have the boyfriend and a male roommate living with me. I use a dry erase calendar for chores. The boys seem to be able handling simple chores like sweeping and bed making. I just added cleaning the toilet, so let's see how that goes.
Penniless Socialite
awesome guest post Shanna! And I love Sarah Michelle Gellar too; you kind of look like her!!!
Um have a fabulous time! I'm just going to imagine I'm there in a floaty with two margaritas in my hand, k?
Have a great girl's weekend!! You deserve it! Love your daughter's list too. I agree with Sarah - you do look like Sarah Michelle Gellar! Heading over to read your guest post :)
So jealous of your girl's weekend - wish I could come! Hope you have a blast! And loved your interview on Sharon's blog...so fun to get to know more about you :)
The Other Side of Gray
Helllllllllllllll yeah!!!! {That is for your girl's weeekend} ;)
So jealous!! I love the lake...besides when the little fisheys touch my legs!! Ekkk! Makes my skin crawl! I read about SMG's show in a magazine a while back...never got around to watching it though (I am HORRIBLE about keeping up with shows! I just can't do it for some reason lol).
Have a fab weekend!! Xo
PS. Write ya back soon...thanks so much for your words!!!
Have so much fun this weekend! It sounds amazing and I'm definitely jealous. Loved your interview :)
I obvs already commented on Insta but I'm still so confused as to how it got canceled. I know lots of people that were hooked yet they cancel it and keep Secret Circle and 90210. Both of those shows suck! Come onnnn CW! Girl's weekend sounds fun :) Have a great time! I love the list.. I used to have a clipboard next to my room that had my list of chores. There was no messing around with my Mom!
Have a wonderful time with your girls on the lake, Shanna! Thanks again for doing the Q&A with me :)
Enter to win a clutch!
that list is the cutest! i think it's a great start. we always make the kids wipe the table after dinner, maybe that's an easy one to add? have a fabulous weekend. that sounds like an amazing time!
1. I'm jealous of your getaway. Can I come? 2. I'm also so disappointed that Ringer was cancelled! I'll miss SMG! 3. Um that is just too cute. 4. Loved your interview with Sharon. 5. Congrats to the winner!
Have a great weekend Shanna! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Oooo girl's weekend! That sounds like a fantastic time! The list that Logan made is adorable. My personal favorite is, "Wosh the Deshis".
Also, thank you so much for the sweet comment yesterday! You are absolutely NOT a blogger grandma! I agree with you on everything else though and wish we lived closer too! You are the sweetest, and thank you so much for being you - wonderful and awesome you :) Love you, girl!
xoxo, me
Here's your HELL YEAH!! Enjoy your girls weekend!
HELL YEAH!!!! Enjoy your girl's weekend!! I'm totally jealous! My ladies and I have ours planned, but it's not till the end of the month! Cannot wait! Have a blast! Oh and the list Logan made is adorable! Totally made me smile!
Congrats to the winner! And yahoooooo for girl weekends!
Hi! I just found your blog through Sharon's blog and am now following :) I'm sad about Ringer being cancelled too. It seems like any show I like gets cancelled.
Have a good time at the lake! I was so mad they cancelled Ringer too, I have no idea what the CW is thinking. They cancelled the majority of the good shows from this past season to make room for that sex and the city repeat show and that lame one about the hotel in florida. Crossing my fingers it will get picked up by another network.
Okay WTH... I LOVED Ringer... and am pretty furious they cancelled it!! Man, that totally ruined my day! :( I hope you have fun at the lake this weekend... you deserve it! xo
Sharon is such a doll! Checking out your interview now :)
I liked that show too! I am so bummed it won't be on anymore - I feel like that always happens to me! :( Oh well, happy friday!!
Girls Weekend!!!!!! have fun!!! I have never even heard of that show...but I HATE when one of my shows gets cancelled.
I have gotten into a lot of shows only to have them cancelled. I think a lot of people are watching reality tv more now so that brings down the ratings for real shows. SO annoying.
OMG I can't believe I won! LOL! So exciting! Thank you :) Great post! Have fun this weekend! Post some pics :) Have a great time darling.
xo Marie
I hope you have a chocolate wasted with sprinkles, fall down chip your tooth, non emergency room kind of time with the ladies.
Hey, Shanna! New here, got here via Sharon's. Fell in like with your blog when I read Sharon's post and I would be thrill if we could follow each other. Come visit mine when you can and follow if you wish! I am following :)
I loved your interview!!
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