So, how did last week treat you? Better yet, was the weekend good to you? I can say that my last seven days were proud, delicious, adrenaline filled, devastating, shout-out worthy, creepy, wet and a tad bit unsettling....all in that order and documented through my little addiction called Instagram. You can find me @becauseshannasaidso. Let's stalk each other! You know you want to!
Proud Moment - Ross, his brother and long time friend caught a 200lb, 10' swordfish 90 miles off shore in the Gulf of Mexico. No lie, this thing was MASSIVE! People pay thousands of dollars to catch this bad boy and these crazy fisherman did it all on their own. They even slept in the ocean over night on their boat. Talk about DIE HARDS! You may also refer to them as straight up studs!!
Delicious Moment - The outcome of the fishing trip; fresh swordfish with homemade mango pico de gallo. Holy hell, it was the best thing that I have ever put into my mouth besides Diet Dr. Pepper, Chic-fil-A nuggets and Jack-in-the-Box tacos. We ate swordfish steak three nights in a row. Needless to say, Momma made a happy plate!
Adrenaline Filled and Devastating Moment - My blood was pumping Wednesday night as I was preparing for MY TEAM (remember this post) to tie up the Western Conference Finals in basketball. We were whooping that booty the entire first half and then MY TEAM (aka San Antonio Spurs) couldn't hang with the young guns of Oklahoma City (insert devastating moment). I had to endure smack talk on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for a few days. I am still a die hard and will continue to wear this hat circa 2003 until coach, Greg Popovich, exits the building.
Shout-Out Worthy - This little square of goodness was sent out to all my lady friends on Friday. I stole it from my blog buddy, Stephanie's, Instagram. It has to be one of the catchiest song ever. My little ladies even know all the words. Carly Jepsen is so cute, but she needs to invest in a fashion stylist ASAP.
Creepy Moment - Ross found this Texas Brown Tarantula in our yard while mowing Saturday morning. He came into the house and told me that he had a special surprise for me. I was thinking diamonds, pearls of just some flowers, but NO, he whipped out this hairy creature captured in a pickle jar! Holy, ARACHNID!!!
Wet Moment - Get you minds' out of the gutter right now! We went to the lake with some good friends. Quick question to myself. Why is my hand on Ross's chest? It's not prom on the water. Total poser...I know.
Wet Moment #2 - A little bit of tubing as the sun is setting. All I could say at that very moment was, "Life is good". It was such a last minute, fun afternoon. Pool, lake, ocean, pond, river, bathtub; the water is where I love to be.
Unsettling Moment - After massive amounts of begging and pleading, my crazy kids and husband talked me into letting us keep the ginormous, hair ball that we have now named Hairy Handsome. Yes, my friends, we have a new addition to our family and he has eight legs, can jump, eats crickets and resides in my home! I must confess, I can't stop watching it. In a weird sort of way, I am hoping I can catch him pounce on one of the live crickets we gave him for dinner! Am I sick and twisted?
I just couldn't resist sharing this video of Hairy Handsome. My friend Erin wanted proof that this "thing" was real, so I did a quick video. It's only 56 seconds. Watch it if you have time. Landry is pretty comical.
There you go, a glimpse into my almost normal life. I hope you enjoyed the illustrated story time. And, if you are on Instagram, look me up @becauseshannasaiso.
Cheers to a new family member named Hairy Handsome!

I am linking up with these fab ladies today!
Oh my goodness, I may have nightmares after seeing that arachnid. And look at that rockin' bikini bod, you hot mama you. I'm still working on getting mine back. I figure it took 9 months to gain my baby weight, so I have that long to lose it. Only 4 more months to shed these last 6 lbs!
Looks like an eventful weekend.
Ugh. That spider is sooo creepy! But the rest of your weekend looked like a blast! Tubing is probably one of the most under-rated sports! It can be a tough work-out! Your arms the next day? Way more sore than a session in the gym!
You always have the best Instagram pics!!! Although the tarantula still freaks me out lol!!
I'm not a big basketball fan but I feel ya - I'm a huge baseball and football fan and I'm losing it that the Kings haven't won the Stanley Cup yet!!
Thanks so much for linking up! Have a great week :)
All I can say is...EWWW!!! Huge spiders just creep me out! Glad you had a nice week!
Shana, looks like you've been pretty 'busy' the past week! That swordfish your brother caught is something (I thought it was a marlin in the beginning) and I'm drooling over the swordfish and mango salsa thingy.. so succulent!
Come see my new post when you can :)
Wow that is amazing and that swordfish plate looks absolutely delish! JEALOUS!
Ok didn't have a clue what that Keep Calm picture was all about and I thoroughly stalk your instagram already. LOL But... let's just say between you and me I *may* have bought it on itunes. DAMN that's a catchy song. ;)
Oh em gee!! That spider is all kinds of disturbing!!! Yuck!!
Just found your blog--love it! Happy Monday:)
You are the greatest wife and mother ever. I'm not sure I could say yes!
that spider is disgusting. I had to scroll down fast past it - I can't believe you are keeping it! you are a good mom! : ) and you and ross are so cute - I'm all for the posing pics! looks like a great weekend!
Looks like so much fun...minus the spider. Haha. And that fish is HUGE! I thought it was fake at first until I read it. WOW!
OMG Shanna. That tarantula creeps me out big time! I don't know how you're handling living with it, but huge props to you! Other than the creepiness and the devastation, your weekend looks pretty spectacular! Hope you have a happy Monday :)
xoxo, me
What a fantastic week you had! That is one massive fish, my husband would be so jealous! I'm sorry about the Spurs (my mom was devastated), and then the Celtics lost too, not a good week in basketball!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
And I have fear of spiders.. you are one sweet/brave Momma for letting that guy stay in your house! So sorry to hear about your Spurs :( I hope you'll be rooting for the Thunder to beat the Heat :)I was practically drooling when you posted the picture of the fish on Instagram, it looks amazing! Sounds like a great weekend lady, thanks for linking up :)
What a fabulous looking 7 days!! We are lake-ing it this weekend and now I am dying for it to be Friday already!!
You are one BRAVE mama...good luck with that furry guy!
That mango pico-de-gallo looks amazing! I also love those cat eye shades!!
Oh my gosh so creepy, can't believe you kept the tarantula! Loving the name though. That picture of you and the hubs is too cute, sounds like you had an amazing weekend!!
oh my that spider is SCARY! I'm glad I'm reading this Monday morning instead of Sunday night ;) Looks like a great weekend!
Your weekend looks amazing!! The swordfish dish looks so delicious!
Love your blog!
AHHHHHH!!!!! Spiders!! Soooo scared of them, but that guy doesn't look too bad, oddly enough! If it makes you feel any better, my boyfriend has two snakes...a red tail boa and a ball python. I don't live with him at this point so luckily I don't have to live with them! We will cross that bridge when we get to it, LOL!! :)
Looks like you had an otherwise awesome weekend!
You are a really good mom to let that Tarantula stay as a pet. :-) In VA we don't have these so it just blows my mind that this was in your yard. I think I'd die! :-)
Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings
My mom would have NEVER allowed a pet like that... way to go Shanna! :) Looks like a fabulous week!! You and your hubby are such a cute couple!
That spider is so creepy! Landry definitely cracked me up though, love her little voice!
Boo to the spurs losing - now lets just hope that OKC can take down the Heat!
Feel ya with loving the water! I need it almost as much as wine or another tasty adult beverage! :) Happy Monday!
you are so stinkin cute!! I love all your lake photos!!! Lets catch up soon please!!!
A tarantula in your backyard?!??!?! ahhhh!
Haha ew - I think I screamed a little bit when I saw Hairy Handsome - I literally have chills! Spiders REALLY get me - you are so brave (and a little crazy) for keeping that guy around Shanna :) Looks like an awesome and delicious weekend!
The Other Side of Gray
I can't help but to totally jam out to 'call me maybe' every time I hear it. Puts me in such a great mood! :)
Omg..I would DIE if I ever saw a tarantula in real life. I can't believe you let them talk you into keeping it! Ahhh crazy! Hope he doesn't escape ;)
Oh my goodness, not a fan of hairy handsome!! haha I'm so scared of them. Yikes! Love call me maybe, it's just so darn catchy!!! :) Have a great week girl! xo
You have some awesome fisherman in the family that is a fish to be proud of! I love fish so I can only imagine how good it was. Sorry your team lost!
You are super brave to keep that thing in you house!! I'm scared just watching the video girl! lolol
OMG Girl!! I can't believe your husband found that and you loved him enough to keep it! LOL The things we'll do to make our family happy! :)
Thanks for stopping by darling!
xo Marie
OH MY GOSH! Screaming through the computer right now at that hairy scary tarantula!!
xo Shane
That meal looks really delicious! And your sunglasses are ADORABLE!
love your pics mama! i love that you're a die hard bball fan- ME.TOO. and that Fish?! WHAT! Dang! Do you eat that thing?? Happy Monday!
Swordfish is my absolute favorite!! We made it last year while in Destin and its amaziiiing! I can only imagine how good it tasted!! I am so impressed with Ross' fishing skills that I showed them off to Matt and his best friend! LOL And as for the spider...cannot believe you kept it! I will forgive you though...even though it gives me the heebee jeebies!! :/ (I am terrified of spiders!) No worries about the hand on the it to Matt all the time ;) Love you and glad you had such a great wknd!!
Listen. I know stranger things have happen but by looking at the picture and the huz and the fish, if in 10 years something half fish half human show up on your doorstep I would demand a DNA test.
GAH! oh my spider. terrifying! love the faux prom in the water picture- too cute!
I can't believe you have a pet tarantula! Your lake pictures on instagram were fun to watch!
Omg that spider is so scary!!!! Love your sunglasses in the water pic...& boooo the spurs. Hard core laker fan here! Haha!
Um. It took eveeything in me to stay lonf enough to comment. I hate spiders!!!
Long enough*
I was just stopping by to make sure that Mr. Handsome had not escaped and eaten you!
Love the little glimpse into your life (not like I don't see (stalk) it on Instagram! lol.
Thanks so much for linking up with us for Life Lately. LOVE your blog - new follower ;) Oh and that spider - I would have peed my pants!!
That spider made my skin crawl! If I found that I would probably never go outside again! AHHH!! Thanks for linking up with Life Lately!!
The Weekend File
Wow what an amazing catch! That fish is huge. Also huge, that hairy spider. I can't believe you kept him! What a trooper!
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