Friday, August 17, 2012

Flat Out Wrong

Top: Forever 21 | Jeans: NY & Co | Shoes: Forever 21 | Belt: NY & Co | Earrings:Target 

I have been looking for some gold, glitter, sparkly shoes for some time now.

I thought I hit the jackpot with these pointy flats.
I found them at no other than...
Wait for it.
Forever 21.

I mean, for $20.00, I was all in.
Plus, when I swiped my finger across them,
not a speck of glitter fell off.
BIG plus.

Here is where the story takes a blistering turn.
Keep in mind that I only wore these out to dinner.
I walked from my car to the restaurant, to the ladies room,
back to my chair and then out to my car again.

And this my friends, is what happened...

 I know. It's GROSS! It's PAINFUL. It's flat out WRONG!

I just don't get it.
Why do flats always seem to leave battle scars and 6" heels don't?

Does this happen to you too?

I am pretty bummed because there are so many
fun loafers, smokers and flats out right now.
Should I just slap a Band-Aid on it, be a big girl and call it day?

Oh the things we endure for beauty and fashion.


Don't forget about the Group Giveaway going on. 
Make sure to follow these fabulous ladies and enter to win BIG!

Today I am linking up with


Cathy said...

It happens to me too! Is it the way we walk in flats and the angle of our feet that causes this? Am I being too analytical about this?! But they look so fabulous on you! Also loving the metallic shoulder detail on your top :)

Just Another Shopaholic said...

I hate that the flats gave you blisters, but the flats are so cute though! And that top, did you recently get it? I want!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

I literally gasped at the cuteness contained in this post! Then gasped again at the blister! I don't understand why flats are SO painful :( It's all s cute though!

Alisa Marie said...

I never wear flats they always give me blisters like that! Too bad though because they are super cute and inexpensive

Jenn @ Party of One said...

Adorable outfit OF course! You ALWAYS look super cute :)

I had terribly awful blisters like that a few weeks back after working a trade show in shoes that were NOT my best choice. These things Band Aid Blister Healing Cushions


did WONDERS for me. Not only did it make it stop hurting (I had to wear nice shoes for the rest of the week and this disaster happened the first day!) but it healed it pretty quickly also!

Hope they go away soon, my dear!

TwoThirtyFiveDesigns said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE.... just love it (not the blister, the outfit ;))

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Those flats are so cute, but the blister is not. :( Love the detailing on the top, and those sunglasses look great on you!

Carly said...

Oh noooooo! I looked at those same flats this week, guess no go on buying them!


Chris said...

You need to get Band Aid Blister Block... it's a little tube and you rub it on your feet where the shoe is rubbing. Are you getting a size too small? Maybe size up?

p.s. you look so freakin' cute.

katie said...

That's awful that such pretty shoes are so evil! Yikes, your poor foot!

I do love this look. It's so simple with the white top, jeans and pretty flats, but the accents make this so special! The gold trim on the shirt and those pretty (and evil) flats make this so chic looking.

Samantha Green said...

haha we endure so much pain for fashion but the flats look so pretty and i absolutely love them paired with the pale pink & gold top -- really pretty look :) xx

jeands said...

ouch those look so painful! but the shoes is pretty though. style first before comfort, right?

and i love your top!

happy weekend.

Head to Toe Chic said...

Gorgeous top!!! That always happens to me with flats so I just stick a heel insert in them or some moleskin and then no more blisters! Happy Friday!!


FitTravelerAJ said...

A family friend once told me "Beauty is Pain" (i was crying because the chemicals from the perm she was giving me were burning my eyes...hahaha).

Anyway, those flats are adorable! So sad they they gave you an evil blister. My Sperry's used to do that and I was NOT going to give them up. So I tried Dr. Scholl's Rub Relief Stick on my heels before wearing them and VOLIA! No more blisters!! I'm sure there are other brands too, but try it before you give up on those adorable glitter gems!


Danavee said...

Ouch! Breaking in new flats is the worst!!!!

Courtney said...

Boo about the blister! I bought some flats at Old Navy that did that:( On another note, I love that top! I need to spend more time at F21--have a great weekend:)

Chelsea Alise said...

Shanna!! This outfit is so cute!

Put Vaseline on the part that rubs when you wear them next time. It'll help I promise!

Melody said...

Ooh man, I hate it when that happens! I have one pair of flats like that. Now when I wear them, I usually just put a band aid over it.

That top is really cute! I like the shoulder details.

still being [molly] said...

i LOVE THIS OUTFIT. and i totally know what you mean about the silent killer flats!

Anne said...

Blister Band Aid for sure. They work AMAZING!!

I have the same problem with any flats I own that are under $20. So cute but SO uncomfortable.

I'm curious to try the mole skin someone else mentioned above!?!

That shirt...I die. Just LOVE it!

TaraMixandMatch said...

I thought I was the only one this happened to! Yes, flats give me way worse blisters than heels and have even made me bleed...I don't get it, they are supposed to be comfy!

Katie said...

yes! that sadly happens to a lot of flats I own! but they are SO cute! and I am still loving your new blog layout!!!

Sam said...

Love all of the glittery gold!!! And yes my flats give me blisters too especially ones from f21 or target. I thinks it's that hard cardboard ish stuff they put in the backs of the shoes. Oh well for the price I just put a bandaid on!

Unknown said...

Love the shirt. And that's why I stopped wearing flats! My heels get so ripped apart like that! I hate it!

Understated Classics

Sheena Rae said...

Buy some moleskin (at walmart by the shoes OR b the insoles at the pharmacy) and you can put it inside the shoe and you won't get blisters anymore :D

Unknown said...

Sorry about the blister :( But your outfit is really cute! One of my faves so far!

xoxo ♥ Shar

Always Maylee said...

Oh no! I have certain flats that does the same and I need to break them in. I usually do walk around with a bandaid if the shoes are just too cute to not wear. If they are leather shoes, you can try using a hair dryer to soften the leather.

You look super cute in that top and the shoes DO look great on you! :)

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee

Andrea said...

The same thing happens to me at first too with flats. I use the band-aid friction block now before I wear shoes that I know rub. Don't put it on an open blister though. I'm sorry you are suffering but they are super cute and that top is perfect! Have a great weekend!

Erin said...

That's why I stick them on in the store and legit walk around in the for twenty minutes to see if they'll start gnawing at your ankles. Gets a little awkward when there's elastic ties between them haha.

TheTinyHeart said...

Ack, that stinks that the flats gave you a blister! I hate when that happens! It seems to me that the softer the shoe in the back, the less likely it will hurt. Have a great weekend, Shanna!

The Tiny Heart
Enter my group giveaway!

Penniless Socialite said...

You might just have to break them in and soften them up. However, sometimes cheap flats are made of practically cardboard and they never soften. Try getting those little heel guard things. Flats will give you blisters if the backs of the shoes are hard. I usually look for flats with the stretchy back because they don't give blisters.

Penniless Socialite

Anonymous said...

Dr.Scholls makes a wonderful clear gel-like insert for the back of the shoe where you received your little boo-boo. Although they work wonderfully,....the adhesive backing would require you to buy a pair for each pair of shoes. All in all, it's worth the comfort! ~Celeste D.

Anonymous said...

Dr.Scholls - HER Heel Liners! You dont have to worry about bandaids coming off, etc. Just slip-on your shoe and Wah-la!

Kelli said...

Love the top! So cute. Flats always give me blisters on my heels too.

Anonymous said...

OMG!! LOVE your new blog page!!! LOOKS delightful!! You are such a doll, and I highly dislike when you get flats that rub :( .. but dang they are sure cute! MISS YOUUU!!! XOXX

Danielle said...

I usually wear no-show socks if I've bought a pair of flats that rub blisters. Otherwise, when shopping I try them on & I've learned to tell which ones will give blisters. Only one pair of shoes have tricked me since then. I ALWAYS wear flats, or flip-flops. Sometimes tennishoes.

Scribble-N-Dash said...

It doesn't make any sense, my 5" heels are more comfortable to wear for a night out rather than any pair of flats I own... crazy!

On the plus side, I am loving your shirt!!!

<3 Melissa

Amy Shaughnessy said...

Love the shoes! I tried some on at DSW the other day and resisted. Ugh. Dang shopping freeze.


Fashion and Beauty Finds

Girls Love Fried Pickles said...

That's what happens to pretty girls. Blister bitches come and take over our shoes and invade our skin. I still have scars from blister butch invasion back in march.

Unknown said...

Oh I HATE it when this happens :( Unfortunatley, I have no advice except to slap on the bandaids and grin and bear it. It doesn't sound too appealing, I know. Eventually, you will break them in, though, and not have the blisters! So that's something to look forward to :) On a happier note, the shoes are adorable, and they look fabulous with that top! Such a cute outfit, as always!

Maca said...

Ugh this happens to me too with most flats. It's so annoying. I have learned my lesson though and now I put band aids on before I put my flats on, no matter how much walking I'm gonna do. It works decently.

tara said...

Uncomfortable flats are the worst!!! they're super cute though!

Karen said...

I always get blisters from my flats, but still easier for me than heels :)

Tiffany said...

I have about 8 pairs of flats that I have worn once and then never again because they ruined my life. There isn't a good solution!

This might be my dream outfit. So sparkly and so chic! Is the shirt from F21 also? I feel like I've seen it there before. Lovely as usual!

Have a fantastic weekend!!

Allison @ In the Queen City said...

I hate when that happens!!! That has happened to me too unfortunately.. in fact I didnt buy a really cute pair of flats the other day from target for that EXACT reason!

Ashley said...

This happens to me with every shoe. The things we do for fashion :-) You look great my friend!!

Laura said...

bleh i hate breaking in new flats. i feel ya sister.

love jenny xoxo said...

You look amazing - I love that outfit, I want that shirt!!!
I'm a new follower - loving your blog!
love jenny xoxo

oh and flats hurt because they are evil... :)

Ashley K said...

They are cute flats you'll probably just have to break them in a bit. I like to put the sticky part of a band aid on the back of mine to help stop the rubbing till they are broken in.

Sarah said...

I think this should be called 'new flat syndrome'. I think it happens to us and all its the worst!! Band aids and some neo and you should be all good!

henning love said...

what? flats?? you wearing them are pigs flying?? kidding! you look great in them and i love that gold detail on the shoulders of that top

Alyssa @ Sweet Shangrila said...

Ow ow ow! I have the same issue w/ some flats, but also with heels so it doesn't matter for me. I have glitter flats from Target and can't wear them because I literally leave a trail of glitter when I do. You were so smart to check that before buying! Hope your blister feels better soon!

Jeans and a Teacup said...

Really cute shoes! Sorry about the blisters though :-( I think it happens when the back of your foot rubs against the shoe. To keep it from slipping out I would put heel gel pads on the inside. It should cushion the heel and keep it from slipping out preventing blisters!

Kathrin@shopschoolsleep said...

For this reason, I HATE flats. That is probably why I am the crazy tecaher at my school in heels....or sandals of some times. Plus I LOATHE socks, so I don't wear them (unless I have to) and so my feet can stink pretty bad...overshare? Sorry :) I'll take my feet in pain because of heels over my skin rubbing off, thank you.

Lindsay said...

It seems like all my flats do this! I just get gel inserts to put in the back and voila problem solved!

Jamie said...

Well the outfit was very cute! I've had this happen to me with some flats before too, usually it just takes some breaking in, after I wear them a couple times my feet get used to them! Sorry about your blister!

Ashley said...

I need everything in this post! Love all the gold. I always would put a band-aide over mine and go on but now that I've read through some of the comments I can fix all my flats that cause blisters.

Chelsea **A Bit of Sass** said...

That is such a cute top! You should try the little silicone heel protectors you can stick in the back of your shoes, they really help:)

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Lovely...everything but the blister. :( I don't know why. I happen to have flats that never hurt. I know, almost impossible. I just think it depends on the humidity and temperature. Sometimes I get blisters, sometimes not. But the "not" rarely's just painful and ugly. :(

Happy Friday though!! :)

Makaila said...

YESSSSSS, flats freaking kill my feet every time! What gives?! I am COVETING that top, bad!

Kelly { MessyDirtyHair } said...

shanna!!! i WANT those shoes! theyre fabulous! ahh! i love the outfit its so adorable! and so funny bc i literally have the exact same thing on the back of my heel from flats! so annoying! LOVE the blog design its fab! xo kelly

Caitlin C. said...

OUCH... this looks so painful!! They're so cute, too :( Makes me so sad! You could try putting moleskin in the back of it? Maybe that would help!

Unknown said...

cute top and flats, the gold elements are prefect together in this outfit :)
would you like to follow each other?

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Emily said...

I LOVE those shoes, but I hate it when shoes hurt. I had some like that and eventually I broke them in and loved them. I guess you never know.

CC said...

Such cute flats! And I have the same problem. I usually put a bandaid on and wait for the callouses to happen. They will after a few weeks. ;) I think that is my least favorite part of September (when I change out my closet) is getting my heels used to my flats again. ;) I have heard that the bandaid blister block is supposed to work, but it is slimy and grosses me out. ;)

katie said...

Hi again! You asked me how I did my hair over on my last outfit post, I follow this super easy guide from Liz over at Delightfully Tacky.

Its so easy to do, I did end up using a buttload of bobby pins however, I just don't have fantastic curls that keep it all in place. :) Thanks for your sweet comment dear and I hope this helps!

Angie said...

Well, I have to say the outfit looks great on you, but flats don't work for me either! I think I have flat feet and I need a bit of an arch in my shoes or else I get horrible pains in my toes. I am a wedge girl! But, yes, sometimes, beauty is definitely worth the pain. Have a great Saturday!

erica said...

I love your top! Flats and I definitely are not friends they always end up killing my feet. xo

Rach said...

They are so cute! But the same thing always happens to me which is why I seldom wear flats.

Jamie said...

First of all, I love this outfit!! It's lowkey but still fashionable, and that top is so different! I'm also super jealous of how great those jeans look on you - NY&Co is one of my favorite stores but I have SUCH a hard time with pants there because I'm a bit lacking in the hip area.

And I HATE when that happens with shoes. I bought these adorable croc flats (NOT those clog thingys) and crocs are supposed to be soooooooooo comfortable....after 2 hours I had a giant cut on the back of my foot just like yours. Ugh. I say if they're cute, just slap on a band-aid and a smile! But it's still a bummer.

Jessica @ Here(and)Now said...

I have to wear closed toe flat shoes to work everyday, and they used to give me the biggest blisters... that is until I found the magic of moleskin... slap a bit on your ankles and you can wear flats blister free... pretty amazing stuff. Flats that cute are allowed to be uncomfortable, but a little moleskin fixes all problems!
You are too cute

Katherine said...

ouh! that sucks. glitter shoes just do the whole falling off thing though. but the blisters - the worst. at least your top is just about the best thing ever

<3 katherine
of corgis and cocktails

Meg said...

That top is adorable!! Xo

Unknown said...

Ouch! Well beauty is pain and we do have to sacrifice for fashion sometimes! Lol! You look amazing and love your top :)

alovelylittleblog said...

ugh the worse!!! i hate when that happens!! on the plus side the outfit is awesome, as always!! ;) xoxo

alovelylittleblog said...

ugh the worse!!! i hate when that happens!! on the plus side the outfit is awesome, as always!! ;) xoxo

alovelylittleblog said...

ugh the worse!!! i hate when that happens!! on the plus side the outfit is awesome, as always!! ;) xoxo

Sylvia said...

It happens to me all the time! I've had to get rid of a couple of flats. I know we do many things, all in the name of fashion, but I just can't stand for my feet to hurt! You looked fabulous, by the way :)

Janna Renee said...

Did you know that you can find sticky inserts that stick onto the inside of the shoe to stop them from causing blisters? You can get them from Walmart and they are FABULOUS!

Heather said...

Love the detail on your shoulders! I saw that Target also have some fun glittery flats :)


Unknown said...

Ouch! At least you looked fabulous!!! :)

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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