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Dress:Old Navy | Shoes: Forever 21 | Belt: Forever 21 | Jewelry: Forever 21 |
Okay, I am about to digress TWO topics that have absolutely nothing to do with my outfit.
I am sorry. Call me scattered and distracted.
Is it bad that I am not an active member of Logan's PTA?
I mean, sometimes I feel like an incompetent mom.
Most of my best friends are actively involved at their kids' schools.
I just can't seem to get into it. I love my girls. I love them more than life itself,
but for some reason, it just seems like another inner circle to be part of.
Ross and I have decided to focus on our own household by taking care
of homework, reading and keeping Logan in line.
of homework, reading and keeping Logan in line.
I know most of my blog friends do not have kiddos.
So, maybe I am talking to the wrong peeps.
I just needed to let it out.
And to those ladies, that I love so much, that ARE involved...
I LOVE you for it and so thankful that you do what you do.
I LOVE you for it and so thankful that you do what you do.
It's just not for me and therefore maybe Logan will suffer from my lack of involvement.
Maybe I suffer from NOT being the stand up parent.
I will say, my mom and dad never attended a PTA meeting my entire school life.
I think I turned out just fine.
I realize that one day politics will come into play.
I just hope my sweet babies don't suffer from mine and Ross's
decision to not take the leadership in our children's Parent/Teacher Association.
If you beg to differ on our choice, please let me know.
I am open to discussion and hearing the pros to being more involved in school politics.
Again, I LOVE my children and want only the best for them and their scholastic future.
One of my best friends, Holly, texted me last night asking if Ross and I wanted tickets to
the Texas Tech vs. Texas State game being held in SAN MARCOS, TEXAS!!!!
the Texas Tech vs. Texas State game being held in SAN MARCOS, TEXAS!!!!
Hell yeah!!! These tickets are SOLD OUT my friends!
And I am GOING!
This is HUGE deal since Texas State became a part of the
WAC (Western Athletic Conference).
I was there when Texas State was Southwest Texas.
Don't think that I won't be tailgating with my OLD SCHOOL SWT shirt on!
Can September 8th come any sooner!?
And really quick...I truly love every single one of you that stop by and read this little piece of my world. You really don't know how much it means to me. I have grown and continue to do what I do because of YOU! I am blessed and love you all!
This is HUGE deal since Texas State became a part of the
WAC (Western Athletic Conference).
I was there when Texas State was Southwest Texas.
Don't think that I won't be tailgating with my OLD SCHOOL SWT shirt on!
Can September 8th come any sooner!?
And really quick...I truly love every single one of you that stop by and read this little piece of my world. You really don't know how much it means to me. I have grown and continue to do what I do because of YOU! I am blessed and love you all!

OK three things.
1. I can't even handle how adorable you look in that outfit. Love. It.
2. As a parent, and a former teacher...you're not missing much. The PTA can definitely be cliquey - and your kids will not suffer in any way if you choose not to be involved. It actually might be the contrary...
3. Way to go on the tix. Score!
this is such a cute outfit! you are adorable! and I am a teacher and the majority of the PTA moms at are school are crazy. It is like a little clique that they pass on to their kids - so you are not missing out at least at my school!
I don't think the PTA thing is a big deal...I think you are pretty spot on with what you said about it. That dress looks amazing on you!
We all have to pick and choose what we want to be involved in, you can't do EVERYTHING. If PTA is one of these things you don't want to do then, so be it. My parents never attended a single meeting either and I never felt left out or anything at my school. Plus, I think sometimes the PTA is too much drama for ya mama anyway! Who has time for all of that?
It doesn't mean you love your children any less so do not let yourself fell bad about that!
obsessed with your new design! and you look beautiful as always :)
so exciting about the tickets, sound like it will be awesome!! i've been trying to get tickets and a hotel for a WVU game but now that we're part of the big 12 everything is sold out AND the prices are 10x more than they used to be. i'm not giving up though! i love college football!
A) Love the dress and shoes.
B) Don't sweat the PTA. Do what fits into your life. It's not a big deal:) I'm betting you're a fantastic mama! For what it's worth, I signed on to be room mom last year and regretted it. Stressed me out and just wasn't my thing! And I'm a way better mom when I'm not all overbooked and stressed;)
Don't ever feel like just because you don't attend PTA meetings you are not involved in her "life"
I am no mother so speaking on those terms I cannot relate,
I can however relate as a girl who's parents NEVER attended any PTA meetings, like ever.
Concerts, School Plays, Award Ceremonies, When she has a question on her homework, or just wants to hang out with her mom after school.
That is what is going to matter most to her and help her succeed in the end.
I love that dress! And don't worry, as a teacher I know that parents are involved in all different ways. Supporting your kids with their homework, and making your home a happy place is the MOST important!
Just gorgeous as always! I wanted that chunky bracelet, but f21 sold out online :(
UM have so much fun at the game, that sounds like a blast!!!
Well your outfit is adorable per the usual. Unfortunately, I have no advice on the PTA front. I know that my mom was never very involved in it because it just wasn't her thing. She was super involved in other aspects of our lives, though, and I turned out ok. I mean, I think so, right? And yayyyyyyy for the tickets!!! You're going to have so much fun!!! If Ross gets sick or something, let me know and I'll fly down and come with you ;) I love a good college football game!
I struggled with the PTA conflict for like.... a minute. Then when they told me they meet in the middle of the day, yeah they hand select members anyway with those hours. I work an hour from home. I just cherish the time I do have with her. Don't sweat it, you seem like a fantastic mom to me! I look back and remember how hard my mom worked to keep food on the table and a roof over head, not whether she came to any PTA meetings. You know? Plus soon they'll be at the age where they don't want their parents participating in so much school stuff anyway.
My little brother graduated from Texas State, beautiful school. Congrats on the tickets!
My mom was never on the PTA and I turned out just fine...haha.
Penniless Socialite
Wow, what a dress! You look great! As for the PTA, I say if it's not your thing, that's totally okay. From what I can tell, you're a great mom and you really love your kids. That's what matters.
Please tell me you got those shoes recently. I love themmmm! As for the PTA my Mom was never involved in it and my sister and I were just fine. Just do whatever is best for you and the fam. And yay for the tickets!! Have fun :)
Love this outfit! I can't believe you got those shoes at Forever21! I need to find them!
Love your dress!!
No input on the PTA because of my lack of little ones, but that is super exciting about the football game!! I am so ready for fall college ball I could scream! Have a blast!!
You look FLAWLESS in that outfit!
I honestly think that your daughter will benefit most from having a happy mama that is confident in her choices (which is seems that you are) so I really wouldn't worry about a silly PTA. I think it shows that you prioritize according to what works for you and that is a very valuable lesson for your kids in itself!
You look so adorable in this dress! Ok, I don't have any kids yet, so maybe I don't really know... but I wouldn't worry so much about the PTA thing. Just because you attend, doesn't make you a perfect parent and just because you don't, doesn't make you a bad one. I think you and Ross know in your hearts what's best for your family! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
llllloved this outfit when you posted it on igram (I think it was on Sunday? #stalker) aand being a teacher, we do not think of you any more or less if you're not in the PTA. I don't have kids, but I just cannot fathom what it's already like to juggle their schedules, yours, errands, life, etc., and to add that on just is superfluous. If you're already being the best mom you can be, then that's all that matters. :)
Ok, 1. You look very cute in that dress. 2. I think sometimes it's better not to be all over your kids at school (not that I have kids, haha), but my parents were never overly involved in PTA stuff, they just provided a lot of love and support at home - which I think was more than enough! And 3. I'm sorry if this was changed a while ago and I'm just noticing, but I like the changes to your blog layout!
Love this dress, its so great for the season
That dress is adorbs on you, Shanna! And I love the mustard wedges with it.
I'm not a parent but it is so apparent from reading your blog that you are VERY involved in your children! So I don't think not being in the PTA is going to matter because you seem like a great mom. My mom was in the PTA but she also was a stay at home mom and had the time to get involved.
The Tiny Heart
Enter my new giveaway open internationally!
That dress is precious on you!! Now book some tickets for the UT/TCU game on Thanksgiving so I can meet you!! My whole family will be there :)
I love this dress Shanna!
I'm in your boat, I can't/don't/won't do the PTA thing either. And I feel guilty too. But. I still won't do it. I agree with some of the comments above, it's rather clique'ish... and just not my gig.
Have so much fun at the game!! <3
I don't have children so I can't offer up insight into topic #1, but "YAY" to topic #2, and your dress is absolutely stunning! Loving it paired with the belt!
i don't have kids, but my mom was never into the PTA and that stuff. mostly because those parents were a little too into it. she always wanted to stay away from them, because she cared about and love me, sure, but at the same time, that doesn't mean she needed to run booster stuff for me. i'm glad she didn't. it is a weird clique indeed, and i'm sure i'll never fit into it either.
and oh that sounds fun! yay for you & your friend.
and your outfit! i love red and yellow together - and prints! so of course i love this
<3 katherine
of corgis and cocktails // current giveaway
Your dress is gorgeous and I love the pairing of colors.
My parents wasn't active in PTA too and I turned out fine. My girl isn't in school yet and I'm not sure if I'll be an active parent when it comes to PTA's. I think focusing more on household and school works with your daughter is far more important than being always in the loop, PTA wise.
my parents didn't do jack squat with the PTA and you see how i turned out! LOL :-) but seriously. i think you're a great mom and don't worry about what other people think! LOVERYOU!
Don't even worry about PTA. I don't have school aged kids yet, but I'm guessing it's not that big of a deal :-)
And yayyyy for the game!!!
Hooray for the tickets, girl!!!
I am not a PTA kind of mom. I am perfectly fine not being on a phone tree. I don't want to set for hours and talk about how my kid does this and that when I see that shit at home. I have no need to decide whether we ban cupcakes or not. In other words I am fine with being just his mom and not up kissing ass for new monkey bars.
Here's my two cents, for what it's worth:
Logan will be fine, just fine, if you never attend a PTA meeting in your life. You are there for her as a momma, as a parent, and you are clearly involved in her school success (reading/homework, etc). You don't need the gossip and caddy-ness of the PTA moms. In fact, sometimes I think it's worse if a parent is more involved with those kinds of things. Heck, Logan might even thank you in the long run for not being a memeber o the PTA!! :)
Cute dress girl! My son is just starting pre-school so all that stuff is ahead of me. But I can tell you right now that I have NO desire to do it!!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
have so much fun miss! I am jealous, I cant wait to get back to AZ for tailgating and football season!!
have a blast love! you look so pretty! ;]
I dont think its bad you arent into PTA...I think about what I want to do when I am a mama and I do think I will do PTA bc my mom did it but I will NOT be a cheer/dance/gymnastics mom...haha!
Still obsessed with this dress! I don't have children, but I imagine that when I do I will have the same feelings toward PTA. My parents were extremely involved and I always kind of wished they weren't. They knew everyone and made me e involved in everything at school, even if I was completely not interested. They were always there and I kind of felt like I was being hovered.
Congrats on your Texas State tickets!!
Significance or Nothing.
I love it. I love how you are such a proud mama and are not afraid to flaunt it. Kudos!
And that dress? Adorable.
Understated Classics
Love that dress!
And my mom was on the PTA and look at me!! Stay as far away as possible!
love the dress in these shots!
in my mind, there's nothing wrong with parents not being on the PTA. Nooooothing. it's not a requirement for a kid's success at all.
second, have a great time at the game!
First of all - love your outfit!! LOVE it! The shoes rock! Second congrats on the tix. I went to a university that didn't have a football team so I can't really relate but hey, if you like, I like it. :)
Now onto the PTA stuff..... I am currently on the PTA board at my daughters elementary school. I do it for a few reasons. One....I love the teachers at the school and they need support. Two, without a PTA there are no field trips, extra curricular activities, school assemblies, "new monkey bars" etc. I know there are many kids who don't have parents that expose them to different things and I am thankful that we as a school are able to do that for children that may otherwise not get that opportunity. The PTA does a lot of great things. I don't argue that it can have it's drawbacks. There does tend to be one too many chiefs at times. BUT-- I have learned to just do my job and not get involved in the silliness. I am there because I wat to help for the sake of the kids and teachers. I don't judge anyone for being invovled or not involved...it's up to each individual person. Everyone does what they are comfortable with and NONE OF US as mothers should ever judge another mother. We should just be supportive of each other as moms and as women! I am POSITIVE your girls are happy and well adjusted and you guys are making the right decision for yourselves and your family. That's what matters!!
Ya'll should go read my last two blog posts....PTA and DANCE MOM! :) xoxo
As a fellow mama who has zero interest in the PTA I am happy to see all these great comments! I help where I can including volunteering in the classroom and on field trips. The PTA is where I draw the line. Glad to see I'm not alone!
1. You are the cutest.
2. I'm not a parent but I think it's OK. You can only have so many people wanting power within the PTA (or any organization).
3. FUN! I got ripped off and didn't have a college football team :(
This dress is gorgeous! What a fabulous color on you! I am obsessed with that bracelet too - I saw forever 21 had a similar necklace and now I need them both!!
It will ALWAYS be SWT to me <3! Lucky you for having tickets to the game!!
Have fun at the game!!! a good friend of mine is working as a grad assistant for the Texas State Football team...they are working hard to prep for the game!!! :)
I love this dress on you! You always look so cute! You're a great mom... being on the PTA doesn't make anyone a good parent! Don't ever doubt yourself... the smiles on your girls' faces say it all!
Very cute dress! I love how bright of a color it is! So fun :) your outfits are always so fun girl. I'm sorry I can't help too much with the PTA discussion but I would say not to worry too much about it, It's not mandatory and if it's not for you its not for you and that's that! but like I said..yeah no clue haha!!! How exciting about the game, sounds like it will be a blast!
So very cute! I love how you styled it. I don't think it is baad that you aren't a member of the PTA, you do what you can right? Being a mom is all about guilt some times. You can never do everything. Don't feel guilty!
I am so, so glad that you wrote this post! I couldn't have worded it better myself. It's not for me either....yet I feel some weird 'mom guilt' about it. I'm thankful that there are women that have the drive to do it.
Loving this outfit, of course! :) I don't think there is anything wrong with not being part of the PTA - don't worry about it! Congrats on scoring some tickets to the game!!! That will be so much fun!!
You lie, that dress is not from Old Navy! Okay, I believe you. I'm going to get one today.
You can't be a PTA mom because you would be the best dressed and they would be so mean to you because of that. If they ever ask why, tell them that ;-)
LOVE this color on you!!! and pairing it with the yellow shoes it adorable. however what i like even more is the bright blue ring. it adds a fun flare to the outfit! as usual you look fab! love ya!
Loving your kids and being there for them is enough. You are a great MOM :) and I agree.. another set of people in your life, business and opinions flying around. You don't need the hassle. God is the PTA. God is your family's guidance. Your kids are doing just fine with or without PTA because of YOUR decisions, faith and upbringing.
xo Marie
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