Sweater (sold out online) & Denim: Old Navy | White Top: Kohls (old) | Loafers: Charlotte Russe (similar) |
Bracelets: LovelySWAG & Forever 21 | Rings: Forever 21
Since I am wearing a big ol' heart on my chest today, I figured why not chat a little bit about what I am loving at this very moment.
1. Obsessed with the stackable rings in this post. I ran into Forever 21 for a belt and these little beauties and another set of friends jumped right out at me. Ladies, they have some of the cutest stack sets right now. Most of them all under $7.00. The ones you see above came in a group of eight. Eight rings + $6.80 = No Brainer!
2. We have a wedding this weekend. I haven't been to a wedding allllllll summer. Can you believe that? The last one I went to was in May. The reception is at a winery. Uh-oh!! I am going to do my best to not wake up with a headache Sunday morning. I will keep you posted on that one.
3. The hubs is now 100% owner of his company. He started it with a partner 4 years ago and now we have full ownership. So exciting, but at the same time so scary. I am so proud of you, Ross! Thank you for all you do for our family.
4. I just received new vintage dictionary prints in the mail from the Salvaged Sparrow on etsy. Please look at this shop. How fun and unique is this? It will be part of the gallery wall we are planning in our home office.
5. Okay, this last one might make or break our friendship. I am LOVING the new Taylor Swift single, Begin Again. No, this song has nothing to do with my own life, but I am sure it has something to do with hers. I wonder who this one is about. Yes, people, I am a Taylor Swift fan. Logan and I have seen her twice in concert and she puts on one hell of a show. I don't care what anyone says. And her new album, Red, debuts on October 22nd. And you can bet your sweet boots that I will download it that day. Don't judge. Last week, I talked about P!NK, this week it's Taylor. What can I say, I have a wide range taste in music.
I hope everyone has a great weekend...oh, and another thing I am loving...the fact that a cool front is moving in this weekend. Maybe, just maybe my riding boots can be added to the rotation sooner than later. Fingers crossed!