Dress: Francesca's (last year) | Vest: Old Navy (out of stock online) | Boots: Charlotte Russe | Jewelry: Forever 21 |
Okay, okay, I will admit it, once again...the only reason I ever picked up this vest was because I am easily influenced. This has happened at least three times now. The first time was the chambray shirt. I said, "Heck no" when they first came out. Then the floral jeans came dancing right along. Again, "Not just heck no, but hell no!!!" Now the vest. I tried it on at least twice before finally getting it. Third times a charm, right?
I am really beginning to think I am a straight up follower, copy cat, style thief and have absolutely no style brain of my own.
I am really beginning to think I am a straight up follower, copy cat, style thief and have absolutely no style brain of my own.
I blame it all on YOU. Yes, you fashion bloggers of the world. I blame you for helping me think outside of the box, broadening my fashion horizon and giving me confidence to wear things I never thought I would. So, thank you. Thank you very much.
All kidding aside, I am grateful for joining Blogland because I have been inspired by so many of you. You ladies give me and millions of others true inspiration and provide a spring board for ideas. Clothes hanging on the rack can sometimes trick us into thinking that we couldn't pull off a particular look. Or we may walk into a store and have no idea where to begin or how to incorporate things into our wardrobe. I know there are hundreds of us that bought this very vest. Or own a bubble necklace in 25 colors. Or all have the exact same chambray shirt. That's okay because the beauty of it all is that we put our own spin on these pieces and make them our own.
Now I feel better. I just talked myself out of thinking I have no style to call my own. We all have style. We all have certain tastes, but sometimes it's nice to try something new even if you think to yourself, "Heck no!" Go ahead, step out of your comfort zone. I bet you surprise yourself. I know I have, thanks to a little blogger influence.

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Linking up with the Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday.

I LOVE that dress! It is so cute! love the vest too!
Oh I love that vest! I totally wanted the green one but of course all sold out :) And today I'm wearing our floral pants :) And I love that we all inspire each other!!! Have a good day dear!
Ooh Shanna, I heart that vest! What a versatile piece for fall and super cute with your top and skirt--of course it's sold out, I'll have to stalk my store:)
This is definitely one of my favorite outfits of yours..obsessed with vests. Don't worry, your not easily influenced your just inspired ;)
sheree xxxx
Love it girl! You are so true about finding your style from all the blogs. I just may be trying out some printed denim sometime soon. If you see it enough, it finally starts to grow on you, right? If you have time, I'd love for you to check out my What I Wore Wednesday post:)
definitely okay to be a fashion follower. : ) LOVE the vest! I actually have that vest and got is so long ago - I still have yet to wear is all the time like all the cute outfits I see. I need to try!
LOVE this look. I want it. Guess what makes me a copy cat too. Thank god for you fashion bloggers... you've helped my "style" evolve as well :)
Ohhhh that dress! LOVE! The whole shebang is great!
LOL, sometimes I feel like that too. BUt you TOTALLY have your own style and you rock it! :-) I think part of the fun of style blogging is seeing something on someone and giving it your own twist. And you do it well!
Ha - your post made me laugh because I clicked oVer from WIWW because I liked how you styled your vest. Which I always said in a million years I'd never want but now that I've see them styled so many cute ways I "need" one!
CUTE OUTFIT! Love this one!
You're so stinkin' cute! :D
I absolutely love that dress (or top/skirt combo)! It is precious!
I was definitely influenced by bloggers to buy that vest too....but isn't it the best? It goes with everything, and I LOVE how you styled it with the stripes and skirt...so cute Shanna!
The Other Side of Gray
I love your dress and vest together! It's true, you do have to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things. I'm sure tons of people thought I was cray when I wore floral pants last spring but I love trying new things. You rocked this vest!!
Love love love this outfit! You're adorable!
Yayaya! So glad you got it and it looks adorable on you!! This may be one of my favorite outfits of yours, LOVE!
No one is totally unique in their fashion. We all feed off one another and use our perception of others to help shape our own style. You wear things that look great on your body and that help you project confidence. That's what matters! Who cares if you "borrow" an idea from someone? That's why the fashion bloggers of the world have fashion blogs...to share and inspire others.
I ADORE this outfit, and ALL of your other outfits
You actually inspire me in dressing myself, so that does make you a leader in my book.
Haha apparently I'm a copycat too, because I've been looking for a vest just like this! Will have to keep checking old navy for restocking!
I love the outfit. I feel like the vest is dual purpose. You could also use it while on safari.
Never would have guessed that was a dress. When ON was doing 30% a few days ago I almost bought that vest because I saw a few outfits on Pinterest with them. I've withheld, but seeing another fashion reignites my interest!
And friends share so send me it all in the mail. I am lazy to come steal it.
I want that vest badly and I'm so sad it's out of stock online! I too have worn a lot of things I never thought I would wear thanks to blogging. I love getting new inspiration daily from bloggers!
The Tiny Heart
Win a Mint Green Statement Necklace!
You are too cute! Loving the whole look, especially that great skirt :)
Cute color combo, I love that vest too!
(\ /)
( . .)
LOVE the vest and I completely agree with you. Blogging really opens your eyes to new styles and trends that you otherwise probably wouldn't even consider. And it's so fun because we do all put our own personality into those pieces and make them unique!
ADORABLE!! I have been looking for booties this color for ages and am SHOCKED they are CR! You are a beauty and ROCK that 'vest' darling!! LOVE YOU! XO
Love this post because it's so true! I wear things now that I never would've dreamed of...thanks to Blogland!! Even though I still don't think I could pull that outfit off.... : ) But you look too cute!
I just got that vest at ON on Friday. And I thought it would look perfect with a striped shirt too. I'm just waiting for a skirt to be delivered to complete the look. Ha ha! Great minds think alike!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
Ha!! I'm so with you. I did the same thing with the chambray shirt and a vest like this one! It is fun to step out of your comfort zone and try something on you never thought you would! You look super cute in this outfit, so it's def workin for ya!!! You have fabulous style xoxo
I think this might be one of my favorite outfits from you Shanna! You look so cute. I have this vest too.. it looks fabulous on you! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
I totally agree : ) haven't tried out the vest yet but you made it look awesome! Might have to give it a chance now : )
I love this outfit! The vest is so cute and you look great in those sunglasses!
I love this outfit! I had a dream about you last night! I kept calling you Shanna and then one day you told me Shanna wasn't your name, it was Emily. Shanna was your daughter. So random.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this outfit!!!! It is perfect for this time of year. And the booties with the vest is genius. I'm giving you all the credit for that combo :-)
this is one of my favorite looks of yours Shanna - so classy!!!
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I'm always such a fan of stripes and you look great today! ;-)
This is fantastic! I saw that vest online and didn't give it a 2nd thought. But it look amazing with the dress and the boots! You are so good at this :-)
This happens to me sometimes too! Currently I'm pondering those wedge sneakers that are everywhere right now. I can't stand them and love them at the same time...What do you think?? Love the vest, btw. Might have to swing by Old Navy this week ;)
Shan you are rocking this outfit! I love that you have gotten a little trendy because it fits you so well! love love! an I miss chatting with your beautiful face!!
Classic & Bubbly
I'm really influenced by fashion bloggers as well. I've bought things I never would have before because they looked so cute on someone else. I think the vest looks great and wish I could find one!
girl you are a fashion rock star!!! I copy your outfits as often as I can!!! Love the way you're rock'n this vest :-)
I definitely know what you mean; other bloggers have definitely influenced and inspired my sense of style. At the same time, I love blogging because it challenges me to step outside of my own style zone. :) A little change is always a good thing.
P.S. I like how you edged up your girly look with that vest. Tres chic!
so dang cute. love this outfit!! and i've totally been influenced by blogland- i wrote about it today too. now i might have to go grab that vest....
You're one of my biggest inspirations for fashion! (I hope you're ok with that) :-)
Love, love loveeee this look!!!!
love this look on your shan! so cute. you are rocking it girlfriend! :] i have been eyeing it, but dont really have an old navy close by. & there is no copy cat in fashion. just own it girl!
Love this vest! It is so cute!! I think I am going to be a copycat too!
the vest is such a great addition!
Love it on you! I gave it the side eye when I first saw it in store and now that it's sold out I'm stalking other stores to send it to me! Haha!
I saw some little boots like that at Old Navy on Monday...so cute! I love boots - tall, medium or short!
Totally with you on the effect of blogland! I have also embraced trends that I would have turned my nose up at a year ago! Floral jeans were a recent one too ... and now I find myself loving your vest! So you are the bad influence now on me - lol! You look great today...the combination is just sweet and your backdrop compliments it perfectly! Avril x
I bought that brown polka dotted sweater from Old Navy because of your outfit post! I bought the one in white with black polka dots too! Hahaha.. Old Navy is putting out some pretty darn good stuff this time around.
Great outfit. Loving all those fall colors in cuts that still makes sense for late summer!
In LOVE with your outfit!!!! And that vest. And don't feel bad... it's not considered "copycatting" it's considered inspiration! ;)
I totally know what you mean, I always admit that I'm a follower :) Love that orange skirt and the vest is amazing! I can't wait to wear more fall styles, is summer over yet? Oh wait, we both live in TX and summer won't be over until the end of November haha!
I so love that vest with that outfit!!
I'm wearing my Old Navy vest today too! Gosh, I love vests :) I love your outfit! All of it. Thanks for inspiring me!
i love love LOVE this outfit!!! so cute!! i can't say it enough i simply love your blog!
Love this on you! And I think you're a total original in it.
Haha I love this post... because it's so true. We are all influenced by the lovely fashion bloggers (yourself included) and since starting my blog, I've found myself definitely buying things I wouldn't have purchased before. I think the vest looks precious on you though ;) Have a wonderful evening, sweet Shanna!
I love this outfit! I want to copy your look :) First I need that vest! I tried to get it from Old Navy obut they were all sold out of my size like right away :(
So cute! Just found your blog in the last week or so. I'm 49 so I could be your mom but you are adorable and inspiring!
i love love LOVEEE this outfit!!!
I feel the same way--I LOVE all the fashion risks and styles I've tried thanks to the blog world! I have the green version of that vest and now I want to steal YOUR look :)
Oh wow! Love it!
Love the outfit!! xo
You look great! I love the tomato orange skirt with that nautical top!! I hope you're having a great week, if you have time I'd love for you to stop by Twirling Clare to enter my giveaway from Brighthouse Baubles. The winner will be announced on Friday!
Twirling Clare
I love your outfit! Especially the skirt. That's why I love blogging.. it's such a community and I feel so inspired after reading everyone's stories, seeing pictures of outfits and style.. it is definitely motivation to stay creative and try new things :)
I had these same discussions with myself when i debated buying the vest. I don't know sometimes if I like a trend because I truly like it, or because it looks so great on everyone else so I want to try it too. Luckily I think a military vest is something you can wear heaps of different ways, so hopefully it will be a worth while purchase. I'm actually planning on wearing mine tomorrow!
so so cute, I so wish that I had gotten that vest! You lucky duck.
I am glad you got the vest, it looks adorable on you!! Love it over that dress:)
i LOOOVE this look girl!! and yea, i blame fashion bloggers too for all my excessive shopping right now!!
Sandy a la Mode
HAHA I feel the same way sometimes, but I love being inspired by bloggers including YOU! Great job repping that vest! Keep pushing the limits because you do a fab job at it! xx, Allie
I agree 100%! My wardrobe and stepping outside of my typical blacks and whites has increased significantly since I started blogging. Love this vest on you!
i adore this outfit on you!! it feels different than the usual shanna outfits. i applaud you for stepping outside your fashion comfort zone. one of the best parts about blogging is getting pushed to do that!
You and the outfit are ADORABLE as always. Love, love, love it.
This outfit is soooooo cute, Shanna!
No joke, I have NEVER seen you post an outfit that I don't like. That's impressive!
Very cute, I like the vest! Thanks for the inspiration!
I will copy u now ;) Have a great day darling!
xo Marie
hahah i am the same way - i love that vest and totes want it now!
Adorable! I did the same with the chambray shirt, the bubble necklace, and would with the vest (if it weren't sold out in my size everywhere I look...) - but I see nothing wrong with buying the popular item, because we all make it our own in how we wear it! Love your version with the vest.
Cute outfit! Love the dress!
I love the stripes and color combination. Such a cute outfit! :)
-Mary @ stylethatmoves.blogspot.com
Super cute outfit! Love the stripes and vest!
Style in the City
Ha! I must be a style follower too! I definitely got the bubble necklace AND the printed jeans because I saw some of my favorite style bloggers in them. I wasn't lucky enough to get this vest though. I wish they would bring it back! Love how you paired it here.
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