Monday, September 17, 2012

My Crazy Weekend

I found myself wandering around this weekend. I didn't quite know what to do with myself because frankly, we did not have one, single lick of plans. This is not a normal thing in my life. We are the type of people that always have something going on. Whether it be a party, family event, or a trip, we seem to constantly be on the everlasting go.  There were times when Ross and I just looked at each other and said, "This is nice." Nice to not be in a rush, nice to just piddle around, nice to not have anywhere to be, nice to just decompress.

Here are my weekend wearings. I have become a little obsessed with my button up shirts and skinny jeans. And these fabulous earrings, I won them from Ashley, whom I love to pieces. Then, I decided to dress it up a bit on Sunday for church.

It actually started to feel like fall this weekend. Yes, people, 67 degrees is somewhat "cold" for us Texans. It was raining most of the time and the temperatures stayed in the 60's all day Sunday. We went to a football game Friday night and I actually needed a jacket. Don't roll your eyes at me. My blood is used to 100 degree heat. I am adjusting. Give me some time. As much as I love summer, I got a little giddy with the cooler weather and I was almost bold enough to break out my riding boots and a scarf.
Like I said, the no plan weekend, had me pacing the floor at times trying to figure out what I could do. Boredom set in a few times, so I figured why not whip up another DIY nail polish statement necklace. For the full tutorial, click here. I got this one at Charlotte Russe for $10.00. It took me all of about 45 minutes from start to finish. I really like how it turned out and ended up changing a few stone colors from what you see in the picture. Ladies, this is SO easy. If I can do it, you can do it. I plan on doing a few more. I want to paint one with the Essie Mint Candy Apple polish.

Since I already had every single solitary polish strung out from painting my necklace, I figured why not paint my nails. This is my #1 go-to color for the fall. It's my all time favorite, You Don't Know Jacques.
Then came Sunday...rain ALL day, homemade vegetable soup, Houston Texans football and a nap. I couldn't have asked for a more snuggle up in your pajamas kind of day.

Moving onto to my nugget children...Landry looked like Yoda in Ross's Texas State shirt.  She said it was her BEAUTIFUL dress. She is saying "Eat'em Cats" in this photo. And then there is Logan with the Biebs at the mall. She asked me if Santa Claus could bring her this cut-out for Christmas. I told her, "Santa doesn't know who Justin Bieber is." It's the first thing that came to mind. Don't judge me.

So, there you have it, my crazy weekend in a nutshell. I know, I am exhausted too. 

What were you up to this weekend? I have feeling football, shopping or drinking a Starbucks Pumpkin Spiced Latte was involved.

There is a $330 necklace up for grabs! Make sure to go enter yourself a few times.

I am linking up with:
Leeann, Dana and Sami for the Weekend Update. 
Molly for YOLO Mondays.
Go visit them! 

64 comments: said...

i had one of those weekends, too! but in effort to find something to do, we ended up being gone all day saturday, haha.
that is a really, really neat project! i am a certified messy person and i'm quite sure i could pull this off! however, considering it doesn't cost very much to make, i might as well give a try!


sweetvintageofmine said...

Do nothing weekends can be the best weekends! Your skinny jeans and shirts are my kind of style~~~casual but makes a statement! LOVE the jewelry, what a FUN idea! I posted a few vintage purses and I was trying to decide which ones would go with what you posted! I would be curious to know~~~~From one sweetie to another~~~Roxie said...

Don't you just love those weekends? That necklace is amazing and you've totally inspired me to try it out myself. If you have a minute, I'd love for you to check out my post today on Fall Ankle Boots for Under $100:)

Katie said...

that is nice when you don't have any plans! i love those weekends. and of course I'm super impressed with your jewelry making skills! love it!

Unknown said...

I think you deserved a nice relaxing weekend like this since you're always on the go :) I have got to try out the necklace tutorial. The ones that you have done have turned out so great! Also, I love that you told Logan that Santa doesn't know who Justin Bieber is. HILARIOUS. Have a great Monday!

The Mrs. and The Momma said...

Your weekend looked pretty similar to mine, minus the awesome DIY! I'm so going to have to try this!!!! I'm already thinking Christmas gifts....I'm just saying.

And I LOVED the weather....although my husband said I jinxed it by claiming "fall is here!" I'm pretty sure Halloween will be in the 90's. Yuck.

Rebecca @ Mommy in Heels said...

Your newest follow from YOLO! I LOVE what you did with the Charlotte Russe necklace....I just might have to try that!!

Simply Sarah said...

love this Shanna - your posts just keep getting better and better. I had a similar weekend too and LOVED it!

Always Maylee said...

Even when you're not really doing anything, your weekends still seem so fun. Love those earrings! Like I said to you before, 67 degrees is still beach weather here in the northeast. Pretty soon I'll be shivering and buried under snow, haha. :)

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee

Amy Shaughnessy said...

Love all of your weekend looks! I am looking forward to having a weekend with nothing to do. Not happening for a long time for me though!


Fashion and Beauty Finds

The Pink Growl said...

I sooo look forward to weekends with zero plans. Those are the BEST!

emily said...

you're amazing at the DIY nailpolish necklace makeover, and im LOVING your oxford button downs! happy monday!

Jordan said...

Love the outfits! And GO TEXANS!

DSR said...

And you said you weren't crafty! That's such a cute necklace makeover. Last fall/winter I totally posted about You Don't Know Jacques. Love love love that color.

Looks like another fabulous weekend. Thanks for linking up!

Jamie said...

Wow, that necklace turned out great! Good job! Definitely a DIY worth trying!

Head to Toe Chic said...

Obsessed with that necklace!!!! A weekend with no plans sounds perfect! Loving the 4th outfit picture.


Carly said...

aw, fall weather....I'm jealous! It's still boiling here in Lala land!

That necklace turned out perfectly!


Anonymous said...

A weekend with no plans sounds wonderful! That DIY necklace is gorgeous... nice work! Love that nail polish color too. Happy monday!

Makaila said...

it can truly be some kind of wonderful to just pitter patter around, can't it!? ESPECIALLY when projects and shopping are involved. Which of course were for both of us! ;D Love your DIY!

Andrea said...

Love all of your outfits and you are just getting to a regular DIYer!! It is always so nice to slow down and not have plans! Hope you are having a great Monday! We need to put together a blogger meeting :)

Lindsay said...

I think I commented on pretty much all of these photos on insta. But I didn't comment on that fab church outfit! That dress looks amazing. I love it! Glad that you had a chill weekend and go to relax a bit!

Angie said...

I am envious of your weather! Florida is a long way from the 60 degree days...glad your weekend was a good one!

Girls Love Fried Pickles said...

My weekend consisted of Not shaving my legs .. Again! High five me!

Ruthie Hart said...

love weekends where you can just piddle :-). you are doing some amazing necklaces friend!! IT LOOKS GREAT!! and been meaning to ask you, what church do you guys go to :)

Lindsay Erin said...

Visiting you for YOLO Monday! Love your DIY necklace update!

Jane {In The Pink & Green} said...

I LOVE that necklace, it came out great and that's such a creative idea! I'm also a huge fan of that OPI polish, I love fall colors for nails. I also wanted to ask you where you got your chambray shirt? I've been on the hunt for one for awhile and I can't seem to find one I like anywhere!!

Courtney said...

I love the necklace, I think I'm gonna make one too! Sounds like a great weekend, sometimes it's fun to not be tied to plans. Love all your outfits as usual! Have a great week:)

Unknown said...

that necklace is soooo fun! such a great diy find! and i love your button up shirts...super cute and classy! :)

happy monday!

The Millers said...

I am really loving the necklace! Good eye for color matching too!

Anonymous said...

Love your outfit!

Wine and Summer said...

Those are the best weekends! It sounds like it was just what you needed!

Love that necklace!

Anonymous said...

My goodness gracious, Shanna! What a weekend... a few things: love your DIY necklace... totally adorable! Secondly, I wear "You Don't Know Jacques" like ALL FALL AND WINTER... and actually while at home this weekend, I got my nails done and am now sporting it on my nails and toes :) I love it!! and last but not least - your muchkins are so precious and I was glad to experience a bit of "cold" weather myself!!! xoxo

Ashley said...

those earrings are fantastic on you!!!

zhanna said...

I love weekends where you lounge around and do nothing. Sometimes you need to do that to recoup from the week. I love what you did to that necklace..such a cute idea!


Allie @ Between Dreams said...

Sometimes the weekend where you have no plans at all, turns out to be the best kind of weekend!!

Tiffany said...

I am DYING for one of those weekends. Just dying. Then I will paint all of my necklaces with pretty polishes!

EverythingPrettyGirls said...

You're so adorable, Shanna! Love your looks and that DIY nail polish necklace is amazing!! Sounds like my favorite kind of weekend.


Lindsay said...

I'm glad you got in a nice relaxing weekend! I still want that necklace. :) I love the picture of Logan with the Biebs cutout!

Simply Evani said...

Hi Shanna! Stopping by to say hi from my guest post over at Glossy Blonde, thanks for your sweet comment! I LOOOOVE that DIY you did, that is SO fab. I'll definitely be stopping by here, I love finding new blogs too!

Evani from Simply Evani

Shea Lennon said...

Sometimes weekends without plans are the best! It's nice to just relax and hang out.
I loved your last necklace DIY but I think I love this one even more. It looks amazing, I'm so impressed!!

Sami said...

I am dying over the fact that you told your daughter Santa Claus doesn't know Justin Beiber! So funny! I wonder how Justin would feel about that ;) I didn't do much of anything this weekend either and it was fabulous!

Delusions of Grandeur said...

Shanna, what an awesome DIY necklace, and I'm LOVING the black and white stripes with the yellow skinnies! So fabulous lady. :)

Cathy said...

I absolutely LOVE your DIY necklace! So beautiful! I was feeling the button-down and skinny jean look too as we hit the 60s in Tx this past weekend :) Love your yellow jeans/striped button-down/black bubble necklace combo!

#mommylife said...

Lol.. you know if Santa finds out who Beiber is.. My SIL found a life size cut out at Toys r us over the summer. She bought one for my neices bday party.. maybe Santa likes to shop there?

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Oh I'd give anything to have cooler weather...67 sounds wonderful. We had over 100 and that was not a lot of fun for a mid-September weekend. :( hahaha.

Love the nailpolish too.

Happy Monday.

FitTravelerAJ said...

YAY for cooler weather in Texas! I'm happy for you!! Its going to be cooler this week in my neck of the woods too, I'm pumped.

I ADORE that OPI color! Its great for fall. And your DIY necklaces are awesome! I really don't think I would have the steady hands to do that, plus I don't have enough nail polish colors! But I love your works ;-)


Danavee said...

HA! Santa doesn't know the Bieber. Love it.

Glam Mania said...

I love what you wore for the weekend! It's so casual chic!! You look lovely dear. Would you like to follow eachother? :) Let me know! <3

Glam Mania...!!

SimplyxClassic said...

i wish it felt like fall here in socal! waiting to wear my boots!!!!

Jenna said...

I am loving this fall weather. Can't wait for it to get a little bit colder.. so I can wear my boots and sweaters! Love your outfits.

Laura said...

look at you and your OOTD shots! you look so dang cute, and great necklace painting lady!!!

Lauran {The Real Young Housewife of Southern VA} said...

Why are you sooo damn adorable?!?! love you and those leopard loafers!!!! xoxo!!! Glad you had a relaxing weekend... even if you were bored! It's good for the soul!!!

Just Another Shopaholic said...

Your weekends always look so fun!! I would definitely love to hang out with ya!!

And I love that OPI polish.

Lacey S said...

Um, I love your necklace!!

Kendra said...

New follower from the GFC hop at the life of the not so ordinary wife. Looking forward at getting to know your blog!


Sophie @TheForge said...

love the outfit pictures and the nailpolish necklace diy. i never thought to do that :) found you via the gfc hop and would love it if you stopped by sometime :)

The Jack Chronicles said...

New follower via the GFC Blog Hop :) Love your blog--so cute! No judgement on weather here. I consider 67 degrees to be jacket weather too!

Jennifer Hanson @ Wuthering Iris said...

Thanks for co-hosting the GFC link up! Great to find your blog and what a awesome DIY on that necklace.

Have a great day!


Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

For not having anything to do you sure rocked some cute outfits! And it sounds like you managed to enjoy yourselves!

I love that necklace "makeover". Annnd I'm pretty sure they made that Justin Bieber cutout far too tall ;)

Thanks for linking up!

BeaumontGirl said...

I am lovin your style! Super cute!!!!!! Following you from the hop, thanks for hosting!

Anonymous said...

You are so adorable, so happy about finding your blog!! I love the necklace ides, darling.
xo, amy

still being [molly] said...

weekends like that are the BEST. just getting to relax and not feel rushed!! also, LOVEEEE your diy necklaces. you are so crafty. thanks for linking up, friend.

Kimberlee said...

Awesome DIY! You may have not had any plans but you looked super chic :)

Unknown said...

You did an awesome job on that painted necklace. LOVE!