I realize this post entails a tab bit of picture overload. These are actually one-fourth of what are still on my camera. I also realize that I may get a few "unfollows", not nice comments or dislikes from it, but I am okay with that because this part of me and my life.

This past weekend we headed to the Heart of Texas for a family getaway to a good friend's 640-acre ranch. It could not have come at a better time. I was having huge anxiety last week over everything. I felt like I was suffocating and couldn't keep up. It was mostly small things, but they kept piling up on top of one another. I needed a place to escape; a place of peace, serenity and away from the daily "go, go, go".
I wish you could jump right into these pictures and experience the pure, raw beauty that I witnessed. The flat, computer screen images just don't do real life justice.
The sunsets were breathtaking. I watched the sky change colors at least a dozen times within a thirty minute time period.
I stepped foot into a ranch house that was not only filled with detailed history and stories, but a place that was so warm and inviting I could cozy up there for weeks. The cedar and stone work blew my mind. Ross was head over heels to say the least.
I fell in absolute love with Ruger, the German Shorthaired Pointer. He and I became best buds over the weekend and I tried to talk our friend into letting me take him home. I think there might be a dog in our near future.
The deer. Oh my goodness, the deer! They were EVERYWHERE. I sat in the field and in a blind for a few hours over the two-day span and just watched, listened and took in their beauty. I am not a hunter. I am more of a "watcher". I let Ross bring home the "meat".
Our girls loved every minute. Logan even set her iPod alarm clock to make sure she woke up each morning to go out with the "hunters" and sat in the blind during the evenings too. She is chomping at the bit to get her first buck, but we are giving it one more year. She is definitely following in her dad's footsteps.
Now to the part where I feel like I have to explain myself. I shouldn't have to, but I will. I got a couple of UGLY comments on Instagram this weekend from a person I don't even know. She called us FREAKS. She asked if I would like to be shot and that I should be ashamed of myself for posting picture of the bucks that were brought home.
Needless to say, I was FURIOUS. Furious because this person has NO IDEA who I am, who my family is or the story behind the pictures. Yes, my husband and his family are hunters and fishermen. They shoot deer not only for the sport, but for the food. They process their own meat and we eat it all year long. It's not just a trophy that hangs on the wall.
So, to the people that think we are cruel and are killers, you are wrong. It's called wild life management. It is far less cruel than what happens at actual slaughter houses and meat packing plants that send meat to grocery stores and restaurants. Also, sportsmen, like my husband, are one of the biggest wildlife conservationists out there. They care about aiding in sustaining our resources and keeping herds healthy. There. I had to say it. It's been said.
So, congratulations Ross and Heidi for the beautiful bucks and providing us sausage, jerky, backstrap and ground meat for the next few months!
So, congratulations Ross and Heidi for the beautiful bucks and providing us sausage, jerky, backstrap and ground meat for the next few months!
We had an amazing time and it gave me a few days to unwind, decompress and escape from the daily doses of stress that's called life.
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Molly for YOLO Mondays.

I'm glad you had such a wonderful weekend! The scenery looks gorgeous, and that doggie looks quite smitten!
Great photos! The dead deer makes me a little sad but, that salami is delicious!
Come check out my kawaii giveaway!
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Why in the world would someone drop you over these pics?
They're beautiful. They make me miss Texas something awful! We're on a work assignment to the Middle East.
Love the picture with your doggie. One of our labs was supposed to be a champion hunting dog...she's afraid of loud noises and water! She's a sweetie though.
Your girls look so happy!! Great photos!
xo, amy
I'm so glad you were able to relax and re-group. And that dog is awesome! I love the color mix of German Shorthaired Pointers, so pretty.
Don't worry about what other people think. I'm a HUGE animal lover, and I'm not a huge hunting fan, but I agree with you that it is wildlife management. I would rather it be shot quickly and used for food then hit it with my car and have it die a slow death or just be injured. Plus a good venison steak sandwich is pretty tasty!
that is so frustrating about that comment! people who go out of their way to say something mean - I don't understand them! on a different note I want to be part of your family so I can go on your next getaway! :)
I hate it when people leave ugly comments just to be ugly. It's so irritating! I'm sorry girl - you ain't no freak! :)
I'm so glad you got to get away and be in nature with your family. No better place to be. Those sunsets are just Epic.
You are You, and I love that you own it and make no doubts or excuses for it. That is what makes You so wonderfully YOU too! And I sure think You are a rock star. :)
Distinctly M
The first set of photos are beautiful!! I'm glad you had a great weekend and got to unwind for a little. I hate when people leave nasty comments. Just because they don't like or agree with something, doesn't mean they have to make you feel bad about it!
I believe 100% that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but it absolutely baffles me why people have to be hateful to one another. I will never understand why some people feel the need to go out of their way to say something ugly! Just keep being your fabulous self! :)
Fizz and Frosting
Beautiful photos! I can't believe someone would leave such nasty comments, so unnecessary.
That dog is a beauty! I have been around GSPs and they are such great dogs, no wonder you fell in love!
I saw those comments on Instagram and wow, they even made me mad. You responded with such class and I don't blame you for being furious. I do not personally hunt, nor do I have the desire, but that doesn't mean I would EVER judge or suggest that someone should be shot over it. Those comments were hateful and ignorant and I hope she feels ashamed of herself. No one can spoil or take away the happiness you can see in your girls' faces in those pictures... that's what matters and I'm glad you had a great family weekend! :)
How beautiful! Glad to hear you got some time to relax. How ignorant and extreme of that person!
First--boo to someone saying ugly things to you. So sorry that happened to you.
Second, your pictures, the ranch, the sunsets, looks like heaven on earth! Your girls are the cutest and so are you and the hubs. A favorite post;)
Hunting isn't cruel and neither are slaughtering facilities. Feeding the world requires it. Trolls be hatin.
Okay, as far as getting 'unfollows' I think that you should post about who you are, what you like, etc., and if people don't like it, then whatever. I know I get 'unfollows' because I didn't respond to their "OMG, I totally love your blog and I'm following you so please follow back." Uh, yeah right. Secondly, I am not a hunter but my dad is big into it. So I sort of grew up with it (my husband doesn't hunt though). What did people do for food back in the day? They certainly did not go to their local Kroger for all of their food. I don't understand why people think it is cruel. Not everyone wants to be vegan. I love a good cut of steak and have eaten deer meat on several occasions. Don't worry about what some person said.
Fashion and Beauty Finds
Springer spaniels = the best dogs.
Sorry people made rude comments. I'm glad you all had a great weekend!
People think they are so tough with a computer screen in front of them. I didn't see the instagram comments, but knowing you you handled yourself with great dignity and class! Don't sweat those idiots, just block and keep it moving. LOL
Loved the pictures! Your family is the cutest thing ever. :)
Shanna, I LOVE you! You know why? Besides the fact that you're beautiful and feed into my shopping habits by making me buy shoes I don't need... you keep it real. You are who you are and you should never have to apologize or explain yourself. And how did that random person even find your instagram pics? It's like they were LOOKING to cause trouble! You handled it perfectly and only made me like you more! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Those sunset photos are absolutely breathtaking! I'm so sorry you had to deal with such hateful comments :( But I love that you responded and held your ground!
The Tiny Heart
Bubble Necklace Giveaway!
Dear Shanna,
Thank you for sharing! Your photos were lovely and so many deer! I don't trust those comments on instagram. Your one of my favorite bloggers.
Esther Norine Designs
Looks like a beautiful place and a relaxing weekend to me! Ruger is precious!!
Stopping by from yolo monday!
Have a great week!
Oh Shanna I am so sorry that someone said that. That's awful. My dad hunts elk every year and it's something he grew up doing with his father. I swear he loves elk more than any other person. He thinks they are beautiful, majestic and could watch them for hours. Me on the other hand I'm like okay dad that's the 1000th elk we've seen can we keep going?? Beautiful photos. So glad you got the recharge you needed. And um that ranch house looks amazing!!!
LOVE this post!! What a great weekend!
Haters gonna hate. Don't listen to what anyone else thinks or says. You had a wonderful weekend with your beautiful family. That's all that matters.
Preach, lady! Although I don't hunt myself, I've had to explain to many a person that people do hunt for food, and it's actually more humane than eating farm raised livestock! Hormone free, humane, and you can actually use the whole animal! It's just another way of providing for your family.
what a perfect weekend!! i loved following you in instagream!! love you!
As a bio-nerd and a huge animal rescuer, I will say that hunting is needed. It keeps down herd size and disease in the heard.
Your pictures are gorgeous. Ignore the haters.
Very well said! My husband hunts, too, and sometimes people say rude things about animal cruelty to us. There is a huge problem around here with overpopulation of deer, and then they cause car accidents where both the deer and people will probably die. If there weren't hunters, it would only be worse. It's great that your girls are into hunting and fishing! I'm totally not outdoorsy!
This looks amazing! It makes me want to go to Texas immediately!
Don't let anyone ruin your weekend and the way you like to spend your time with your family! Do your thing!
Ignore the negative comments!
I love animals, but even I know that population control is needed and that is why we have a deer hunting season.
I showed my husband the pictures of the ranch, he is so jealous!
Um, what?? I can't believe that someone left you nasty comments. I'm sorry about that. Just pretend like that never happened.
It's so awesome that you guys got to go on a family getaway. We definitely need one of those!
Beautiful pictures and what a wonderful weekend! We are hunters too and also process our own meat. Don't let these rude comments get you down!! Love ya girlie :)
P.S. - I will take you to the coast if you will take us to the Ranch :)
Beautiful scenery. The sky is dream like.
This looks like such a fun Fall weekend, so cozy! Love the pictures
Okay - I'm loving all the antlers. I enjoyed seeing all the pictures via Instagram - especially that beautiful baby that Heidi shot :) So glad yall enjoyed yourselves! xo
dang girl!!! Seriously you got "game"!!!!
I'm so glad you had a nice weekend! I'm definately a 'city girl' but when I get that anxious-nothing-is-going-right feeling, some fresh air and puppy dog kisses are all I need!
Working in the agriculture industry, I hear negative comments about animal cruelty everyday. I wish people would check their sources and understand that agriculture and wildlife are the ways that a lot of people make it on a daily basis.
I appreciate you handling this the way that you did.
First of all, those pictures are amazing and I can totally see why it was such a refreshing weekend for you!
Secondly, that is so rude for someone to comment like that! If you don't like something, move on! I totally understand hunting for population control purposes. It simply makes sense. You should never have to defend yourself through your social media channels!
People just can't keep their mouths shut. To be honest I don't agree with hunting & it does pain me a little to see these photos BUT that doesn't mean I hate you and ur family now. I respect your life & what you chose to do. Who am I to judge anyone. I can see how happy you are & how happy your kids are and that's all that matters in the end, if you're happy. Love you gf!
I want to know who the B is that called you freaks?! I'm gonna kick their ass! Nobody calls my friend a freak! :) You already know that I'm super excited for some deer jerky!
I'm glad you had a great, peaceful weekend. You deserve it! xoxo!
A stocked freezer full of meat? JEALOUS!!!!!!
And what a nice getaway!!!
The ranch looks amazing and your weekend sounds fabulous. Do NOT let some negative, unhappy, unkind person effect you. I have come to realize that people who spread negativity like that have it in all aspects of their life..It's sad. And you don't need that energy around you! I thought the pics were amazing. Looking at your SIL and her buck made me think "Girl Power!!" I loved it. SO Miranda Lambert! And the thought of fresh, free range meat like that with not a single unnatural thing it in....delish. There was recently a news story in CA about a slaughter house that was mistreating cows and there was some pretty graphic video that our darn local news put on...it disturbed me for days...DAYS! Free range organic meat is expensive so we have just cut back on meat consumption. It grossed me out to think those were the things that ultimately made it to my plate! EW! Lucky you to have fresh natural meat! Love you girl for being who you are - a fabulous, kind, smart, stylish gal-- who will take negativity from no one! xo
That ranch looks gorgeous! It's so nice to get back in nature and just be outside, isn't it. Looks like a fabulous weekend!
i'm going to send my hubs to hang out with your family because he's always wanting to go fishing and camping and hunting and i am just way too prissy for all that!!
I will admit seeing the deer pictures made me a little sad, but it's your life and I respect what you do and the fact that we have different lifestyles. People who leave negative comments just need to keep their mouths shut and move on or ignore it. I have no clue about hunting so I would never feel the need to have a say in it...I just don't like the idea of death...that's another comment...the pictures were wonderful and I loved following on instagram!!
stop this makes me miss texas so much!
xo SideSmile,
SideSmile Style Blog
AND who cares what anyone else thinks! people just like being mean.
Wonderful pictures! It looks like a much needed, relaxing weekend. Don't worry about the negative people out there... there will always be a couple that try to ruin things for the rest of us. Keep on hunting!
I love your photos! I just snatched up a pair of antlers from my Dad's last hunting venture :) Next I want a bear skin rug... for my apt in LA.. I'm crazy :D
I found you through #yolo mondays! I love your blog and I am your newest GFC Follower :)
People can be so ignorant...and so quick to judge. Don't let them get to you! Amazing pics!
Love those sunset pictures! Don't worry about what anyone else says! People who hide behind the computer and leave negative comments are just mean people who have nothing better to do. It's your life and you can do whatever you want to :) Love you!
I don't know how people are able to say the things they say and not feel bad about it. I just don't understand!!! You're such a sweet person and don't deserve that. You're so loved + I enjoy looking at every pic you post :) I wish people would be a bit nicer!! Love ya girl!
Hahaha "ummm no person, I would not like to be shot - because IM NOT A DEER, IM A HUMAN!" people are ridiculous. she must not eat meat...guess she wouldn't approve of us going to our acreage and putting corn in the deer feeder because that's deceiving them to eat so I can shoot it :/
Looks beautiful. That's wonderful that your daughter and husband are able to bond over something that's so important to him. I'm sure it's great that he has a daughter that is interested in what he enjoys. I'm sorry about the instagram comment, but I'm sure you didn't let it get you down.
I am so sorry for the mean comment. It is always so hard to get those, lame. But, it looks like you guys had so much fun! You are such a cute family and the experience of watching the deer sounds amazing!
I'm not a hunter, I don't like venison, but I don't judge what other people do. I respect the way your husband and his family hunt. Sometimes people judge when they don't understand or don't have enough information. Looks like such a great weekend for you guys and so glad that you had a chance to catch your breath. Also, the antlers... I'm crazy about them! So Cool! Have a great week!!!
Those sunsets look STUNNING!
Glad you had a great time!
Such beautiful scenery!! Loved all of your photos and am a bit jealous of y'all being able to escape!! :) I would love to just go and chill out on a ranch. I grew up in a hunting family. It wasn't necessarily trophy hunting, but hunting for food to last until the next season. And there is a need for wildlife management.
Haters have way too much time on their hands. Sorry you received some of that extra time. Hang in there girl! All you can do is be yourself. :) xoxo
That place looks gorgeous! And send me some deer meat to Ohio, would ya?! I'm so sorry that idiot posted assinine comments on your Instagram. People are rude. Everyone is a badass behind the screen. I'm glad your family got to spend some quality time together in that beautiful place! xoxo
Those sunsets (I think they are sunsets?!) look amazing and you seem to have had a great weekend despite that awful comment on intagram. Who does that?! Haters are silly and deserve to be blocked!!
I don't like hunting myself (I couldn't eat anything that I met) but that doesn't mean other people shouldn't. Its a natural part of life and hunting was a primary way to get food for thousands of years. "Don't hate 'cause you ain't" ;) Hope you have a wonderful day!
Katie Pea
LOVING your pictures and I'm so happy that you had a good 'down time' weekend- well deserved. Have a great week, lady!!
That looks like so much fun! That pink gun is too cute, and those sunsets are gorgeous!
not everyone is into dead animal photos... no disrespect but I don't eat meat and I feel sad when I see dead animals. But it's your choice to display your trophy and my choice to unfollow. Just don't like seeing it in my reader, hope you understand :(
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