Sweater: Target | Leggings: Forever 21 (similar) | Boots: Forever 21 | Scarf: Gap Outlet | Bracelets: Forever 21, Gallery, Stella & Dot | Rings: Forever 21 (sold out online) |
First of all, thank you to everyone who linked up yesterday for Random Wednesday. You ladies rocked my riding boots off! After reading all the posts, I found a common thread with 90% of us bloggers. One word: Target. Does that surprise you? Not me in the slightest.
I did get one comment that may just change my life, well at least the life of my skin. The sad thing is that she is a "no-reply blogger" and I couldn't email her back. So, Courtney, if you are reading today, thank you, thank you, thank you! So, here is what she said:
"My sister and I have had bad acne since our teen years--we're now in our 30s and still deal with it. Our
faces have been clear for a few months now thanks to oil cleansing. Sounds counter-intuitive, but I swear it works. my face/skin has never
looked better. Google "oil cleansing" or search for it on Pinterest. There's lots of info out there. We've spent hundreds on washes, scrubs, accutane, etc and nothing has worked like oil you can buy from the health food store!"
So, I did Google it and searched on Pinterest and hot damn, this method seems to be legit. Long story short, you clean your face with extra virgin olive oil and castro oil. People swear by and say that it has done wonders for their complexion. So, guess what I am going out to purchase today? Yep, you guessed it, lots of oils. I will keep everyone posted on how it works for my face. Have any of you heard of the "oil cleansing" method?
In other acne related news, I am NOT happy to report that we ate Mexican food last night and I avoided taking even one little dip into the queso. Nope, not even a smidgen of a taste. It was brutal and torture, but I am shooting for a 100% commitment of being dairy free for 2 months. We shall see if it makes a difference in my skin.
On a completely unrelated note, I now have a favorite child. No, not my actual children, but a clothes child. This sweater has become my numero uno. You are going to be shocked to the heavens to find out where it came from. I got it from Target! I know, complete disbelief. This little number is perfect with leggings because it covers up the booty-boot, but isn't too frumpy. I kinda felt like I was in my PJs all day. PJs with a scarf wrapped around my neck.
And, let's not forget about the RocksBox giveaway going on. Who wants free jewelry for a year? Yep, don't we all? Well, you can't win if you don't enter. So, click here or on the image below.

Good luck with the oils. Great look & I love that scarf!
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( . .)
Adorable as always! Can't wait to see how your oil cleansing goes...might have to try it myself as I ALWAYS break out on a monthly basis. Hate it! XO
I've used the oil cleansing method, with some raw sugar thrown in for exfoliation a couple days a week. It worked so well, and I need to go back to it. I was out of town and bought face wash, and then never went back to my oil, and my face is sure fighting me over it. Good luck with these trials. I am interested to hear how the dairy free goes.
Good luck with your oil cleansing. Yes I do love Target! I am your newest follower.
Good luck with the dairy free and the oil cleansing!! I saw so many cute things at Target pre-breaking of spending freeze, but I resisted!! Ugh!!
Such a cute outfit! Love your side braid! I've never heard of oil cleansing before... so interesting. Keep us posted!
You look great! I'm really loving your outfit. It's super cute. I may have to recreate it. :D Oh my gosh, I suffer from acne too. It leaves for a little while but then it come back out of nowhere. It's super frustrating. I'm definitely going to try that method. Thanks for sharing!
Enter my Chicnova Thanksgiving Giveaway! Ends in 3 days. :)
Love the up close pic of your arm candy. Gorgeous!
Love that scarf!
You inspired me this week-I wore scarves twice during my big week at work!
I'm hooked!
Good luck with the oil cleansing! I hope it works. I love those orange leggings!
That's the great thing about blogging...so much great advice from other people just for you!!
I'm also loving that sweater!!!
I HAVE heard about the oil method! Good luck!
Interesting info on the oil cleansing method. You look cozy fab in today's look! Love the mustardy brown color of your leggings :)
i NEED to try this oil cleaning method ASAP! I dunno what about this fall it was, but man oh man, my face is back in the 10th grade! It's so depressing and even makes me crabby. WTF!!! My husband is convinced that my hormones are changing and blah blah blah. Either way, I NEED the acne to stop. I am googling this, stat!
I want to try that! and target should really be paying some of us bloggers who love them so much. but I guess they don't really need help with their publicity!
I was not the no reply blogger, but my skin has been an ahole since I was 11. Last year at age 34 I started using the oil cleansing method and I have no problems anymore. None. Two days a week I exfoliate with freaking baking soda and my skin is the best it's ever been.
Try it!
Getting these oils stat.
I'm assuming you will definitely go get your oils at Target?? I mean where else would you go! :)
What!! I've never heard of the oil cleansing method and will definitely be trying this. I've found that cleansers made for acne make my skin so much worse. I'm definitely going to try this. Also looking forward to hearing how the non-dairy method works for you.. I've noticed as I get older my body is much more sensitive to dairy so I'm also wondering if it would help to cut it out. Good job for not eating the queso, I know how hard that must have been!! :)
If I wasn't on a shopping ban I would get this sweater! I love it!!! I think I'm going to try out this oil thing too. I've tried everything else under the sun so might as well give it a shot!
Target AGAIN! Man I need to go back there! That sweater looks amazingly comfy - and I love it paired with the leggings! GREAT look!
Normally I wouldn't condone leggings as pants but this outfit is so adorable I'm going to have to change my mind!
I'm loving the chain link bracelet, it looks great with the watch. I may have to order one like yesterday! I'm also doing a target run tonight, on the lookout for leggings.
I may have to try this oil cleansing thing, too. I have acne and in reading your post yesterday, while I hate that you have it, it's nice to know I'm not alone out there with it. And I, too, can't just leave it alone. Pick, pick, pick. Got that habit from my dad. You look absolutely adorable, per usual. Love it. Want that sweater. Didn't see it at Target last night. :)
I love the sweater! I think I might just call you the queen of scarves...
Fashion and Beauty Finds
Yes! Dairy free works! I had to go dairy free a year ago this month because my infant son was intolerant of cow's milk protein. I have had a few pimples here and there but nothing like I had before. It's SO tough b/c dairy is in EVERYTHING but it works!
I am intrigued by the oil cleansing, I definitely want to know if it works for you! My skin is always changing, so it never hurts to try new ways to keep it fresh.
You look beautiful as always, I'm really loving the rust colored leggings, so fun!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
so cool how we all learn from eachother. this is why i ADORE blogging!
I can't wait to hear how the oil cleansing works for you. Definitely keep us updated!
Fizz and Frosting
Love this sweater!! Heading to Tar-jay today!!
Keep me posted on your oils! I can't wait to hear more and what you think!
I'm adoring that sweater!!
I've tried the oil clensing method with some brown sugar + Olive Oil (or coconut oil sometimes) and my face was baby-butt soft! However I've never really had skin problems so I can't say it was life changing :-)
Never heard of oil cleansing but good luck with it! Keep us posted on the results.
Your Target sweater looks super cute and comfy! I could buy their entire clothing section, I swear.
The Tiny Heart
I've never used oil treatment, but I use a sulfur wash(i think it's called sulfacetamide sodium/sulfur) that was prescribed by my dermatologist. I LOVE IT! Yeah, it sounds gross, and my face smells like matches afterwards, but I swear it wears off eventually! It's the only thing that works. I try to use it every other night. Of course I get some pop ups during my time, other than that, it evens out my complection and keeps zits away. Sorry so long!
I have so many things to say! First off, I am almost 29 and I deal with acne to this day. I used to cry as a girl and it still frustrates me. Thanks for the oil cleansing idea, I'm definitely going to try it!
I can't believe you got that sweater at Target! I'm a very regular shopper there and they have so much cute stuff. I have boots from two years ago that I still wear and have lasted beautifully!
I also want to commend you on going dairy-free. While milk would be easy, cheese is another thing! I'm curious too see what the changes bring :)
Southern (California) Belle
Very cute outfit, love the color of those pants! Thanks for sharing about the oil cleansing - I'm def going to look into that!
I'm obsessed with that sweater! I need to get my bootie to Target! And I never realized that oil cleansing could help skin so much! That is so cool!
a favorite clothes child!!!!!! LOL!
You are seriously adorable! I love every single one of your outfits, I even pull up your blog instead of my pinterest when shopping sometimes!
Again - you, freaking adorable! Love that color combo! That sweater looks comfy and not frumpy at all!
Um, I'm approaching 30 - almost 29 - and have been breaking out randomly. Adult acne is not ok. As if I didn't get enough in high school - ugh! I may just have to try this oil miracle! Thanks for sharing!
This sweater is SO cute! I love it!
omgosh I repinned this on pinterest last night and thought of you!! I may have to try it out too!
I meant to tell you that I use Coconut Oil on my face every night and some mornings... The kind in the jar from the grocery store!
Love the leggings! Perfect fall color!
Also, try this: http://reviews.sephora.com/8723/P1831/reviews.htm
It's a sulfur mask, you will put it directly on your acne and let it dry overnight. Not attractive but super helpful! I used to work at Sephora and this works well! :) Good luck
That is such a cute & cozy outfit Shanna - I LOVE it! That sweater would be my fave child too :) And what a great tip about the oil cleansing...I need to share it with my little sis :)
The Other Side of Gray
you are rocking those leggings like no other!! totally obsessed :) I hope the oil cleansing works !!! Love you!!
I can't wait to hear how the oil works! I've never heard of that before. Cute outfit!
Please keep us updated on how the new skin routine works :) I love that scarf!
you've gotta let me know if it works!! my skin is whack!
miss you millions lady & totally loving your leggings + that cute sweater! target rocks my booty-boot! ha :] & hope that oil cleansing works -- sometimes the weirdest things work!
hope you are having a great week!
Can I please raid your closet?
I missed out on Random Wednesday!! I'm so sad. Totally linking up next week, though. I've got to get a calendar or something.
Any whoo, can't wait to see if your oil cleansing thing works! I've never even heard of it. Also, that sweater is the best.
Love that scarf! So cute! I'm super curious about this oil cleansing. My skin isn't great and I hate that but let's be honest me and dairy...we are best buds. Not gonna happen for me!
Cute & comfy is my mojo, and you are rocking it for sure lady! Can't wait to hear about your oil cleansing, my favorite makeup brand, Bobbi Brown, is always tempting me to try it too!
No dairy?? I would die without cheese. Major props to you girl!
Shanna, love, this scarf is stunning. You look amazing. Thanks for sharing, love. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest. xo
I'd love to hear how your oil cleansing routine works out! I've been seriously thinking about trying that sort of thing for a while now! I noticed that my skin got a lot better when I switched from normal (harsh) cleansers etc to a more natural tea tree oil range. Maybe switching to pure oils will clear it up completely... :)
Life etc
Love your crochet top. The scarf is lovely. Simply loving this outfit.
It'd be great is you took a bit of time to visit my blog too sometime and if you like it, do follow too!!! :)
You look so adorable! And I'm sure you don't need to cover your booty-boot. It's prob adorable lol!
Happy Friday, Friend!
love your outfit! let us know how the oil cleansing works out.
xx Audrey
Heard that olive oil is wonderful for your skin but was too terrified to put it directly on (it's for cooking!) but got a cleanser that is olive oil based and I love it. Hope the treatment works for you!
Cute outfit... love the army candy :)
Wait how do you clean with oil? Does it remove makeup too?
I also love Target (but I'm pretty sure you already knew that, haha) - what a great sweater!! And I hope the oil works for you! I've been fortunate not to have too much acne the last few years but when I did I used Proactiv and it worked wonders for me. I hope the oil works just as well for you!
DYING over your outfit! So pretty!!
Good luck with the oil cleansing!
Your sweater is sooo cute!
I DEFINITELY want to know about the oils. I hear that they have a lot of antibacterial properties, but I'm still always wary!
Oh my gosh...definitely keep us updated on the oil cleansing! It sounds really interesting! Your outfit is super cute...love the color of the tights!
I am in love with that whole outfit. Especially the riding boots paired with those leggings. Adorbable! I have terrible skin...maybe I will give that a shot! I have GOT to try something new!
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