Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November Group Giveaway {$300 Value}

You are not going to believe what you are about to see. Hands down the BEST group giveaway this little ol' blog has ever seen! It's WINNER take all, people! And that lucky lady (or gent) is seriously going to hit the jackpot with over $300 in prizes. 

The holidays are coming early around these parts! Heck, if ya win, you could be done with your Christmas shopping! Now, that's what I'm talking about. There's a little somethin' - somethin' for everyone.

And you can thank these fourteen gorgeous and brilliant women for making it happen. I adore them and their addicting blogs! Many have become my personal friends and all of them truly have a piece of my heart. 

Now, go make some new friends and enter yourself so you can be finished with your holiday shopping. You're welcome!




a Rafflecopter giveaway
And don't forget that tomorrow is Round #2 of the Random Wednesday link-up. 
I hope to see your pretty faces there!



My-cliffnotes said...

Pick me pick me

Unknown said...

I would give a couple things away, but the rest is all mine :) Love it all!



Jessica Who? said...

yes! to myself :)


Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} said...

WOW! What a giveaway!!!! Super Super Fun!!!!

Unknown said...

Of course i will be giving some of the items away . These are amazing Christmas shopping . With 3 female cousin i have to shop for this would save me a lot . The sephora and target gift card would be great for my cause Danielle . The forever 21 , Starbucks , and utla card would be great for my cousin Taylor . I'm so excited for this give away hopefully i win . I would love to give them something for Christmas. I want to be able to give them something to thank them for helping me out so much this year

Myranda said...

I will totally give some things away, I have 6 sisters who need Christmas gifts :)

Dani @ Wine Cheese and All The Things said...

I would definitely be giving some of these items away as gifts this year! Anything to help my tiny xmas budget!!

Amber Dominguez said...

I might give away one or two things...maybe. :) I might just use the gift cards to purchase gifts, I'm in need of some retail therapy!

Karen said...

Yes, I would gift a couple things to my aunt and my niece. Great giveaway!

kaizengirl said...

Alright, alright, alright (in Matthew Mcconaughey voice)

I'm trying to link up for Random Wednesday, not sure if I was successful, but I should get some credit for effort...and for being influenced by your blog to wear scarves twice this week!


Alyssa @ Sweet Shangrila said...

I would probably give a couple away but would definitely keep some for myself too:) Great giveaway!!!

Casey said...

I'd probably give away the Starbucks gift cards...only because I can't use them in Germany! :(

Unknown said...

ummm... maybe the Starbucks card, because I don't have one close!!
What a great giveaway Shanna!

Ellen said...

Some as presents and some as presents for me!

Haley Wishall said...

Ahhhh I might be able to part with a couple (okay, just one) thing...but everything else is staying with me ;)

Fingers are quadruple crossed for this one! xo

Always Maylee said...

Great giveaway Shanna! :)

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee

TheTinyHeart said...

This makes me sound greedy but I'd probably keep most of the stuff for myself!

The Tiny Heart

Arielle said...

ooo pick me please! ;) New follower!

Brittany Dawn said...

My sister loves Ulta so I'd probably let her have that gift card ;)

Brooke Hamilton said...

I just might give some of them as gifts!!! ;)

Chelsea said...

Definitely! I'll probably buy specific things to give with the gift cards-- but this would help immensely with my Christmas shopping!

Shannau said...

Yes I would- we don't have very much extra $ for gifts, so this would REALLY help out!!!

Tara said...

I would definitely give away some of these items as gifts!

Melody said...

wow these are all seriously good gifts!! It would def. cover most of my christmas shopping.

The Balch Bunch said...

YES! This is the season of giving and I think I would just go up to a few random people and hand a few out! Of course some I would keep too!

Girls Love Fried Pickles said...

Can you just go ahead and give me all this crap and save these ladies the boo hoos oh wait I have the worst luck, they all have a fighting chance. Good luck everyone.

Lauren // Pink on the Cheek said...

i love giving back to friends, I would gift some of the gifts:)

Jessica @ Here(and)Now said...

A-freaking-mazing! This would definitely help finish off my holiday shopping! You rock lady!

Heather Bern said...

Alright Girl! It's my first entry. Fingers crossed!!

#mommylife said...

No Way! I'm gonna be selfish and keep em for myself!! ;)

Holly said...

I love giving gifts, and because I'd give most of these things as gifts, you should probably pick me :)

Anonymous said...

of course! and the ad space i win would go to mamamarchand.com :)

Mellissa "Shia" Rondinelli said...

If I win - I think I am totally sharing with my sisters!! Stocking stuffers!!!


Unknown said...

yes i would give some of it to me sister.

xx audrey



Jamie said...

oooh, what a great group giveaway! I would love to win, we just decided we (hubby and I) won't be exchanging gifts this year-- so these would make amazing stocking stuffers for me, myself and I :)


Amber Nicole said...

I actually don't think I'd give any of them away! I've spent so much time and money on Christmas presents that I deserve something just for me :)

Megs said...

OMG! This is amazing! This will extremely help me out for Christmas gifts! We can't afford much this year but if we win this, this would be like PERFECT SCORE! Thank you for opportunity for me to win!

dreaming en francais said...

Amazing giveaway!! I've got my fingers crossed!

Makaila said...

Wait a hot second! I don't want to sit this one out! What a great giveaway package!! But, since I'm giving away something I guess it'd be reallly awkward to enter and win, right!? ;)

Shanna you are really the absolute Best. This is my first big blog giveaway to participate in, and I love how you do what you do- you are pro girl! Thank you!! Good luck to all the ladies that entered!

Head to Toe Chic said...

I would give a few things as gifts. Love the giveaway!!!


Anonymous said...

This is definitely the giveaway of all giveaways!!:) SO sweet for all of these ladies to give all of this great stuff!

Anonymous said...

This is definitely the giveaway of all giveaways!!:) SO sweet for all of these ladies to give all of this great stuff!

Anonymous said...

This is definitely the giveaway of all giveaways!!:) SO sweet for all of these ladies to give all of this great stuff!

Yvette | Classic Glam Blog said...

Yes! I'd probably end up treating others some Starbucks :) We all need some this time of year!

Awesome giveaway! Best,

Lacey S said...

Yup, I'd probably give them all to myself! I could use a little spoiling :)

Hilary said...

I would give some of the jewelry as gifts for girlfriends!
x Hilary
hilary . l . adams @ gmail . com

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome giveaway!

FitTravelerAJ said...

I think if I won I might use some of the gift cards to buy gifts for people. Thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway, Shanna!


Unknown said...

I'll use the gift cards to buy giftd for others :)

Unknown said...

Some of the prizes will def. be given as a gift :)


Unknown said...

This would make me so so so happy!! And I would be able to cross a couple people off my list as well!! :o)

Unknown said...

I would use some of the gift cards for gifts! Thanks for the chance to win! Wonderful giveaway!

KBranscombe said...

I would absolutely use some of these as gifts - it isn't the first time I have done it!

Janna Renee said...

Heeelllooooo Christmas gifts!

Katie | FashionFrugality.com said...

Yes! I would give a few away as Christmas gifts - I have a best friend that would love any of these gift certs! :)

Jenny said...

Such an amazing Giveaway! These are serious gift, if I won I would definitely be sharing the love! Thanks for the opportunity to participate!


SuperLuper said...

Maybe a couple of things....mostly for me though :)

Kelsey Eaton said...

I would probably give about half of them as gifts to cut down on my christmas shopping although I would love to keep them all! ;)

Betsy said...

I would give some away and keep some for me

Lindsay said...

I would use some of them for Christmas gifts : ) I might have to keep one of the Starbucks cards though ; )

Unknown said...

There are so many great blogs in this giveaway! Thanks for introducing us to them!!