Sweater: Target | Top: Old Navy | Pants: Kohls | Shoes: Target (not online yet) | Bag: Target | Necklace: Forever 21 |Bracelets: Forever 21 & Shop Gallery Style |
So, this is my very first Random Wednesday link up. I am fired up and a little a lot nervous. Thanks in advance for your support! And I have to give a quick shout out to Kelly for being my pro bono PR agent.
Let's get to biz-ness...
Let's get to biz-ness...
1. Can we discuss Tar-jay for a moment? It has recently become my second home. I found myself wandering in there for almost 2 1/2 hours on Sunday. I should have been doing laundry, cleaning toilets or restocking our empty pantry. You know, fulfilling my domestic duties. But nope, instead I was pushing my big red cart around the store and putting things in my basket that I absolutely DO NOT need (cap toe heels and a heart sweater). I did, however, get a Red Card and saved a whopping 5% which totally justifies buying things that I DO NOT need. Right?
2. I was reading Stephanie's blog yesterday and she mentioned that she is now on a dairy free diet. As I read through her comments, I found out it was causing her major acne. I suffer from cystic acne. It really hits me upside the head during "that" time every month. They hurt. They are ugly. I can't stop messing with them. They look like big ass warts. I have even gotten steroid shots in my face. I am over it. So, I am now contemplating being dairy free. GASP! I love cheese. Any kind of cheese. This will be HUGE for me. I honestly don't know if I will survive not eating queso on Fridays, but I am willing to give it a try. As anyone else experienced this? If you have eliminated dairy and seen a big difference in your skin, lemme know.
3. This post wasn't meant to showcase all my aliments, but since we are on the subject, I am having crazy night sweats. Please Lord, tell me I am not facing early menopause. It's awful. I wake up drenched. Not only do I feel like I just got out of bikram yoga, but I am also getting severe Charlie horses. Ones so painful, I scream cuss words in the middle of the night. Ross says it's because I am dehydrated and not drinking enough water. Maybe the three Diet Dr. Peppers I have before 2 PM every day could have something to do with that. Hmmmmmm.....
Well, wadda ya know, Target, cheese and Diet Dr. Peppers are impacting my little ol' life more than I realized. I guess it could be worse. I mean, at least I am not addicted to Wal-Mart.
In case you didn't feel like reading my long winded ramble above....here are some short and sweet randoms.
I have never played Angry Birds.
I bit off all my nails during Sunday night football.
My legs desperately need a razor.
H&M opens in Austin this weekend.
Last, but not least....
My seven year old wants a bra and thinks Santa Claus is making her one. Pray for me.
Rules to the link up? I don't really like rules, so I just kindly ask that you please follow my blog and either grab this button or link back to my blog in your post. It's called good manners. Thank you!

Linking up with The Pleated Poppy.

hey! love the outfit, that red jumper is precious!
☆ Letizia
This outfit is fabulous Shanna! Head to toe - I love it!
you did NOT get those fantabulous shoes at Tar'Jay. ???!!?!?!!! Holy Moly! I'm copying!!
Love it mama, as Always! XO
Love those shoes! I purposely limit my trips to Target... it's so dangerous. Do you like bananas? They have potassium which might help with the charlie horses. :)
Oh, you look like a model girl!! Never saw a difference in our skin when I made myself & the kids go dairy free last year, so it didn't last long. I think we did it for 3 weeks. Hopefully, it works better for you.:) Bless Target, man I LOVE that place!! I completely forgot about the Random Wednesday link up! Dang!
Absolutely love this outfit! No more shopping until after Christmas! :)
I love those shoes... And trips to target of course
Oh my gosh.....#3. That is ME. What the heck is going on?
LOVE that heart sweater SO much!!
I'm totally blown away that those shoes are from Target! Are they comfortable? I need them!!!
Pearls & Paws
hahahahhahaha best. Christmas wish list item from Santa. ever! There are those cutesy sports bra ish ones? ....Good luck
and ps LOVE those shoes. I saw them at my Target and didn't snag them up and now wishing I had..
SO excited for today's link up! Have a great day :)
I've never played Angry Birds either.
And it isn't called No Shave November for nothing. Right?
I think I just died reading your last comment about your daughter! You've got A LOT going on, girly!! I hope the dairy-free can clear up your acne, it better be worth it to give up cheese! And the night sweats...I get them sometimes in hotels. Make sure you are wearing minimal clothing to bed because your body heat increases as you sleep (and because Ross will like it too!)
So excited to join this link up! And can I just say that you're awesome?! Because you love cheese & Target just as much as I do. ;) xo
first of all you look fabulous! love that sweater and Target obviously...
second, I went from a mostly high-protien (meat)/low-carb diet to being a vegetarian about a year ago and it revolutionized my life. I also try to stay dairy free as much as possible though some days its hard.
You have to find what works with your body!
good luck
Love your outfit and congrats on your first Random Wednesday! Glad I could join you. :)
Hailey @ Love, Laughter and Lipstick
Love the outfit, saw those shoes yesterday, knew you would have them!!! You've never played angry birds, come on, download it now, you'll still be playing when lunch rolls around:) H&M, you lucky girl, our closest one is 2 hours away (which is probably good for me:) Yay for your first linkup--happy Wednesday girlie!
Girl, I have been so excited for today and your link up!!! Love that red sweater and those toe capped heels are one of my favorite things this year!!
I am addicted to Target too, dang them and all of the stuff I walk out with & didn't need :)
Good luck with Santa making a bra....I will be praying for you :)
I love your randomness! I linked up but my picture didn't work - fail on my end.
LOVE this outfit!!!!!! I just bought those heels at Target, too - only in blue!!! They're amazing and as I was staring at them, I realized they have cushioned insoles. Haven't worn them yet but I hope they're comfy!
Home sick w/ the flu today but I'll be back in the game for next random wednesday! :)
first, love this idea for a link up! I joined!! second- I am so sorry you are having night sweats! that sounds awful. I just hate it when I can't fall asleep!
And Target, just yes!
loving your shoes! xo
Target made it onto my randoms too- I wandered around forever yesterday admiring (and trying not to buy) all of the Christmas decorations :) The charlie horses definitely could be hormonal, I've noticed I get them before my period (and am usually dehydrated during that time too so that really could be the culprit). Loving this link-up!! :)
It must be a 2005 model thing, Eva asked for a bra not that long ago... so I bought her one of those sport bra type ones with running shorts from target. Then she proceeded to tell me how she needed to work out and stay active.... so she laid on her bed and watched a movie. HA! Kids...
I can't say much about the target addiction, my husband and I have target dates. We don't usually spend anything just walk around with a coffee. We just love being in target. We may have more problems than you. hahaha!
Also, I really want one of the clarisonics this year. You live by yours right? I have horrible dry skin around this time and I would love to find a way to exfoliate better.
You and me, we're like two peas in a pod. A country pea and a city pea, that is.
I spend too much money/time at Target. I have saved like $200 this year with my Red Card. I had to go on a gluten and dairy free diet a while back for a medical issue and I never felt/looked better. Of course I was miserable because I couldn't eat what I wanted...then I went to Greece and couldn't resist the flaming cheese. Whomp whomppppp.
Ok, if you need to find me later, I'll be at Target.
Okay...totally random...but put a bar of soap under your fitted sheet on your bed, and it will help your night leg cramps. I had them during pregnancy, my mom read about this home remedy somewhere, and it totally worked. Weird, but true!
First off, super cute outfit! Secondly, my 8 year old wants a bra too, what's up with that? Third, I'm also getting night sweats, it's probably perimenopause although my hormone levels are still "normal". I have other symptoms too. This aging thing is for the birds! Thanks for hosting the link up!
Haha, Target could be my second home too! And I've never played Angry Birds either. I love this look and those awesome pumps! I missed it this time but I'll have to join in next week :)
I use to suffer with bad bad acne too. For years I was teased about it. Well I got on birth control (the patch kind) and since then my face has cleared up alot! I also don't drink milk or eat lots of dairy products but that's because I am lactose intolerance. Also, I use to get serve leg craps. So bad they would last through the night til the next morning. It is because you are dehydrated. Try drink a glass or bottle of water. If you don't like the flavor try using those flavor packets.
Wow I wrote your ear off but I these are things I discovered so I thought I would share and hope something might help.
You are rocking that outfit!
I spent eleventy billion dollars in Target last night on things I do not need BUT I did buy a turkey AND two Christmas gifts, so that gets a pass.
Thanks for hooking up this Random Wednesday linkup!
I have nightsweats too and sleeplessness and started taking the Estroven for nighttime (in the blue box). It has made such a difference!
Man we are bad for each other! That sweater and those heels...swoon! And yay for the first link-up!
First of all - love this link-up, let me know if you ever need a co-host :) Love that sweater from Target I've seen it there a few times and was debating over it, I might have to go get it now :)
Yay I totally linked up with you! Um, I love Target and I love you. You look so cute!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Love this link up. I am going to Target tonight...an my wallet is scared.
Penniless Socialite
oh my, i love the sweater so much! i wish we have target here too. and at least h&m will open in your area, that means you have a new place to hang out. haha
Love this outfit! Swap out those jeans for a fun skirt and some pretty tights and you have the perfect holiday party outfit:)
Cheese, target and diet dr. pepper (or ddp as my college roomie and I called it)= a few of my favorite things :)
Looove this outfit! And the link up - but already posted about hurricane sandy relief - Looks like I can be random on thursday?
LOVE that top! Seriously it's tooo freakin' cuute! And those heels are absolutely adorable - I'm totally diggin' how they look like they were made for that top!
Those shoes are gorgeous and the heart sweater is so cute! I try to avoid going into Target now because I know I'll wind up dropping serious cash every time I'm in there.
The Tiny Heart
Love your entire outfit! Red looks great on you ;) Visiting from WIWW!
xo, Angela
Congrats on the success of your first link party!! I went dairy free years ago bc of my acne and it was so worth it. When I cheat I can tell immediately! And I cannot wait for h&m. I will be in line!
gorgeous gorgeous!! love the shoes especially!!!
I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can
p.s.s santa can makes bras.
I love the outfit. I may or may not be looking at my local target for the same sweater. I am not sure about the no dairy but I hope it works. Acne is terrible stuff. I will be praying for you. I love your blog! Esther Norine Designs
Love your outfit! Great sweater and shoes : ) And I'm supposed to stop by Target pick up "groceries". Uh oh, might have to stop by the shoes.
Ps I linked up as well!
Oh no! A bra?! Ha ha! I have 2 little boys so I won't be dealing with that. And cap toe shoes at Target? How have I missed that? Don't tell me about any more cute stuff because I am on a shopping freeze FOR real until Dec. 31st.
Fashion and Beauty Finds
I LOVE your outfit! The top and shoes together is awesome!! Such a fun combo! I can't wait to hit up Target when we are in Vegas, we don't have one in Calgary yet!
Enjoyed reading your random list! Those Tar-jay metal cap shoes are fab :) You have such an amazing inexpensive shoe collection. When my adult acne resurfaced in a wild way, I started using a Clarisonic and it completely healed and brightened my skin!
Target KILLS me! I am totally in the same boat! My husband won't even go with me anymore because I run away from him and he'll find me in various aisles deciding on buying stuff I don't need! I am in love with your sweater and shoes!!!!
Such a great post Shanna!!
cap toe shoes at Target!? You are such a little Target temptress - since I am on a shopping ban for this month, I better say far far away, because I KNOW that I don't have enough will power to resist that cuteness! Can't wait to check out some new blogs in this link up! Thanks lady!
So proud of you for doing this link up! It's awesome possum!! Love your outfit... it's adorable! And I used to have HORRID night sweats... like having to change clothes in the middle of the night because I was so wet and cold from being wet. It was horrible! Then - it just went away... so weird! Hope it gets better for you!!
LOVE everything. The shoes especially! Hope all is well love!
xo, Emily
i've read your blog for a while and never commented, but i HAVE to let you in on an acne secret.
my sister and i have had bad acne since our teen years--we're now in our 30s and still deal with it.
our faces have been clear for a few months now thanks to oil cleansing. sounds counter-intuitive, but i swear it works. my face/skin has never looked better. google "oil cleansing" or search for it on pinterest. there's lots of info out there.
we've spent hundreds on washes, scrubs, accutane, etc and nothing has worked like oil you can buy from the health food store!
this is the blog post i read that piqued my interest......
Love that sweater, so cute! I'm liking this link-up...I say keep it around :)
Those shoes are amazing! I love wandering around target. So glad I found your blog because you are really funny! Would love your thoughts on my latest post!
xo Dina
Sweetest Somethings
I love that shirt it is fabulous and I am loving this linkup. Thanks for hosting!
New follower.
I just saw those shoes at Target and really want them! I think I might get them on my next trip there :) You look great!
Haha...love all the randomness in this post. Seriously, Target is awesome! I got a Red Card a little bit ago and just realized it gives you free shipping on Target.com! You don't have to spend the $50 in order to get it!
I looove dairy too. That would be so hard to give up. I get acne a lot to and have thought about it but I don't think I can.
But definitely stop drinking diet dr. pepper!! It can't be helping your acne OR sleep. Water, Water, Water is the answer!
The bra. Oh my. I definitely chuckled a little. Lord help you.
I went through a horrible bout of night sweats but it was the pills I was on. Sometimes it still happens but the dehydration makes sense, in a weird way.
I can't give up cheese, but that also makes sense. Inconvenient sense.
h&m!!!! you better get in line now.
I saw that Target top, and loved it so much, but I had to walk away....now I'm wishing I didn't! Trying to make the best with what I have right now.
HYDRATE, girl!!! HYDRATE!! My OB/GYN told me I wasin menopause - while my Eastern Medicine doc told me the nigth sweats & leg cramps I started experiencing at 38 were from a lack of water... I no longer suffer at 44 unless I forget to hydrate. It will help the skin too :-)
Ohh...I LOVE those shoes!
I too, had BAD cystic acne. And I too, could NEVER give up queso. So I'll let you in on a little secret...
Find out if there's a place near you that does "acne treatments" Basically, its a facial every two weeks to a month with a chemical peel. The best part!?...it's covered by insurance because acne is a medical condition. AND it's anti-aging at the same time!
I've been doing them for 9 months and my skin has never looked better! I get comments all the time about my porcelain skin and it still blows my mind! TRY IT!
when im not quite sure what to do with myself or a i have a few extra hours i head to target and you know it always ends up being a bad idea because i spend but is is tar-jay for crying out loud!
I love your whole outfit, but that is nothing new. Are the shoes comfy??
Fab link up pretty.
Look at that! 73 link ups! Awesome!! I'm sorry I didn't join. I'm still getting back into the swing of things.
I freakin' adore that outfit you're wearing. It matches so perfectly!
Haha good luck with the bra situation "Santa" ;)
I should probably own some stock in Target, I'm there once or twice per week (if not more) and I also end up buying things that I don't really need. I just got the Red Card at the beginning of the month and I must say it doesn't help with my addiction!!!
I'm an Esthetician and I've heard that about cheese and meat too because of the hormones. LOVE this outfit! The red and gold is just perfect! That last one just cracked me up- you poor thing!
LOL I love Tar-jay and I think it's totally normal! I'm sure others can say the same :) Love your outfit! I'll have to stop by Tar-jay for those cute shoes!
I love Target. I was there tonight and bought some boots. I wish we'd get an H&M here!
Diet Dr.Pepper is so freaking good. I think it would be easier to give up over cheese though. Good luck!!
PS - I've never played angry birds either, I have no desire. My husband does all the time.
What a successful link up!! I used to get Charlie horses and the arches of my feet would cramp up. It was because I wasn't getting enough potassium. A banana a day solve that problem!! Love those shoes!!! Are they comfortable?
I'm seriously laughing tears at this post! I try to save Target for 'celebrations', small victories in life...somehow I have these celebrations once a week! But seriously, I do go to Target after some less enjoyable things, like my yearly exam. There happens to be a Target near my doctor's office, so the whole time during the exam, I am thinking if I just make it through I can go to Target ALONE and walk around for hours shopping for only ME!
LOVE those shoes, can't believe they're from Target! Well, actually, I can. I love Target too!
Goodness. Target is such a time and money eater. I have similar feelings about Target and I have one right next to my office so it takes a daily dose of willpower not to go there!
I absolutely love this whole outfit! The colors just go together so perfectly!
I absolutely LOVE Target! I've been blogging about my almost exclusive Target wardrobe for 2 years!!
Love the outfit! I want those shoes! "It's not how much you spend, it's how much you save" ;)
I did not know that diary can cause acne... I love cheese. I don't think I can give it up! :/
Hi! If you go dairy-free, please check with your doctor about taking extra B-12. I went dairy-free, ended up B-12 deficient & had to get a shot of B-12 every 2 weeks until I was up to par. Going dairy-free for me relieved my sinus congestion & headaches.
um for real?!!!!!! you always find the best shoes!! I'm usually pretty picky with pumps and only buy a few select brands but i might make an exception for these bad boys! did you get them recently?! looking FAB as always!! you always always do doll!!
xoxo, lyndsey
I used to be a cheese ADDICT, but slowly cut it out due to the calories and over-consumption of...Now I eat it every now and then, but I really don't miss it. Just give it time!
So happy to see the link up! I was a little pre-occupied this week with a hospital stay for my 15-year-old and an emergency appendectomy, but I will be here next week! Love your post as usual....Happy Thanksgiving, Shana!
AH! I just now am getting around to catching up on blogs. So you're giving up cheese?! Let me know how it goes! It took about 4 weeks for me to notice a difference so be patient my little grasshoppa!! It's DEFINITELY worth the try.
Try cheese first and if you don't notice a difference, try giving up ALL dairy...butter, yogurt, milk, sour cream, etc.
I am having so much fun catching up on your blog. This post is old, so you may never read this, but I struggled with acne in college and did accutane, but after 2 kids, and this mirena IUD it got REALLY bad again. My dermie put me on spironalactone(sp?) and it has totally cleared me up! Just FYI! Love your blog!
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