Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I am still alive, Nicole is saving the day, plus a giveaway

Hi friends, I am still alive, but barely. I've been sick since Sunday morning and it doesn't seem to be getting better. It's not the flu, just some sort of evil virus that won't go away. I did not get up until 5 o'clock yesterday evening, so I am sorry if I didn't respond to comments or read any blogs yesterday.  I did read all of your comments from yesterday's post and they made my day brighter.

I am sure poor Ross has been thinking this for the past two days. I look like complete and utter warmed over death with greasy hair and stinky breath. I know, super hot. His birthday is tomorrow, so say a prayer that I can at least find the energy put some make-up on for him and buy him something special. Lord knows he deserves it.

And the UPS man did leave these beauts for me on my door step, so the day wasn't entirely ruined. Okay, enough whining, moaning and groaning.

I have someone that I would like you to meet. Her name is Nicole and she blogs over at Probably Polka Dots.

If you two haven't shaken hands through the interwebs, let me make a few introductions.

First of all, this is Nicole. Everyone wave.

And this is Ryan, her precious Beagle/Jack Russell Terrier mix. Nicole tells me that she is quite the little princess. Everyone say, "How freakin' adorable."

Nicole lives in Atlanta and her full time job is actually a middle school language arts teacher.
Bless her heart.

She is a contributing writer for Poppy Magazine which is an amazing online life and style mag.

She loves to explore her city and try out new places. And let me tell you, her restaurant recommendations are better than any Zagat guide out there!

She owns more books than clothes. Wow, I can definitely say we are opposites there. Nicole, do tell what some of your favorites reads are.

Fun little fact about Nicole:
She just took a Blogshop class a few weeks ago, and up until then, she had never even opened a program like Photoshop or Illustrator. She did all of her blog graphics via PowerPoint. Girl, you got some skills because I would have never known.

So, I know you are going to leave this post and go right over to Probably Polka Dots, but I must  share five posts you DO NOT want to miss. The first one on the list is GENIUS and such a perfect gift idea.

Nicole is also offering a $50 Gift Card to Social Dress Shop. Make sure to enter and visit her girly,  stylish, fresh, savvy and fun blog. I promise you will want to add it to your daily reads.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness... hope you feel better soon! The Jewelry and Prints gift ideas post is so creative! Love the Emilee Dress in red ikat.

Helene said...


Catherine said...

I'm a fan of the Emilee Dress in Cobalt!

Rach said...

Oh girl, feel better SOON!

The Balch Bunch said...

Hope you feel better ASAP!

my fave dress is
Babs Bibb Mini in Raspberry

Happiness at Mid Life said...

Hope you feel better soon!


Erin @ Currently Coveting said...

Hope you feel better soon!


TheTinyHeart said...

I hope you feel better soon, Shanna!

The Tiny Heart

Colleen Boudreau said...

I like the 3TN SIREN DRESS.

Always Maylee said...

My fave is the Birdie Bow Dress in Silver. Feel better!

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee

Lindsay said...

Oh no! I was hoping you were on the mend. Hopefully by tomorrow for Ross' birthday!

SuperLuper said...

I love the Emilee Dress in red ikat. I could see it with gray tights and booties. Here's hoping!

Amy Shaughnessy said...

I hope you feel better. My son had some horrible fever virus 3 weeks ago. I thought it was the flu at first but when we took him to the ER (he had a seizure and I thought he had died) they said that it wasn't the flu. Ugh. Tis the season for illnesses.


Fashion and Beauty Finds

Taylor Brione said...

First time ever hearing about social dress shop! Love it!

Ashlyn | Let It Be Beautiful said...

feel better soon love bug!

Andrea said...

Ugh, I have a nasty virus too. I guess it's a good thing I was negative for the flu?? Here's to us both being miserable and therefore not getting sick again for an extremely long time.

I really love the Mod Party Dress!

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon! It sounds like what I had. It wasn't the flu, but it might as well have been. I was sick for over a week.

Unknown said...

Love the elegant lace dress in black! So many beautiful dresses! Thanks!

J and A said...

I love Emilee dress in red ikat! So cute. Feel better!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway, Nicole!

Kimber said...

so many cute ones!! I really like the silk VIXEN dress

Shannon @ Bungalow960 said...

Are you still alive? I made it through a whole day of work. I only went through two boxes of Kleenex too!

Sheena Rae said...

Emilee dress in the red print!

Courtney said...

I'll go with the Emilee! Hope you feel better soon Shanna!!

Andrea said...

I hope you are feeling better friend!! Being sick is the worst :( I'm sure you have something fun planned for tomorrow!

FitTravelerAJ said...

Feel better soon, friend!! Hopefully Random Wednesday will help you recover ;-)


Michelle B. said...

the elegance lace is beautiful. it has a hefty price tag so the gift card would help make it closer to affordable.

Kristine -Heart Shaped Sweat said...

How could I pick just one dress to be my favorite!? Thanks for introducing me to this shop....it's Fab!

Lacey S said...

Love this one: http://www.socialdressshop.com/collections/all/products/walter-dress

tres chic chica said...

My fav is the EMBELLISHED SHIFT BEADED DRESS by Erin Fetherston!

xo Marie

Betsy said...


April Crisafulli said...


April C.