Go, Shawty, It's Your Birthday!!

Well, ladies and gents, it's official. Today marks the one year birthday of Because Shanna Said So. I stuck with this little blog of mine for 365 days and 247 posts. I think when any blogger hits the one year mark, they say the same thing, "I never in a million years thought I could do it, actually stick with it and that it would be so rewarding."
When I first started, I had absolutely zero clue what I was doing. I never even followed another blog. I just knew I wanted to have my very own. And here I am today, loving every second, minute and hour that I put into my little space. It's mine. Pretty much the ONLY thing in this world that is ALL mine.
Blogging hasn't stopped me even though I....
am older than most bloggers, 34 years young and not ashamed one bit.
may not have the most expensive camera or highest quality of photos.
don't have a bottomless wallet to buy expensive clothes.
am not the best writer and my grammar sucks.
may not have the cleverest of ideas.
don't know how to be truly funny or witty.
know some people don't like me, have unfollowed me or never respond to my comments.
I have discovered through this experience that I've...
grown in so many ways; thicker skin, self confidence, personal style, courage and appreciation.
been inspired more this year than any other time in my life.
met some of the most amazing women and call so many my good friends.(Best part!!)
hopefully helped inspire women of all ages and been some sort of role model.
stayed 100% true to myself and have written, posted and shared genuine experiences.
not given up. I wanted to throw in the towel a million times, but knew if I did, it would be one of my biggest regrets.
I smile, cringe, laugh and even get a little weepy looking back at all the things that I have posted over the year. It will be something my children will cherish and hopefully treasure when I am long gone. My blog means more to me than you may think. It helped me tremendously during a not so fabulous time in my life and has played a huge role in why I am the woman I am today...a happier, stronger, humbled and more thankful one.
To think that this post started it all. Lord, I really had no clue what I was doing. We all have to start somewhere, right?
And my very first outfit post here. I remember being so nervous about posting pictures of myself on the blog.
And if you are curious about what some of my favorite posts are, well, just search the word "weekend" at the bottom right. These are the moments that I shared with all the people that mean the most to me in life, my family and friends. Without them, I would never be where I am today.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading, commenting, keeping me going and being my sidekicks.

I love each and every smiling face that visits me on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis.
And to all the new bloggers out there...work hard, stay committed, remain genuine and don't let anything or anyone stop you!
Cheers to another year!

Happy Blog Birthday! I hope you have many more!
My blog turned 3 last year and I celebrated with a cake and a "3" candle on top. Any reason to celebrate and have cake, I'll take it!
Congratulations Shanna! My blog is relatively new and I can totally relate. I hope to make it to the 1 year mark. You're just a baby compared to me :) Wishing you many more years of blogging!
Happy blogiversary to one of my favorite bloggers! ;) Keep the super cute outfits and witty commentary coming!
Happy one year blogiversary, Shanna! Cheers to many more years to come. :) Thanks for your inspiration, positivity, and sweet words.
happy first blogiversary! it's always so exciting to hit those blogging milestones!
Happy Birthday Because Shanna Said So!
I'm like you, I never could have imagined how much FUN (and how much hard work!) it was going to be. I've only been around 4 months...but I know how much time and dedication it takes to keep your blog going. You definitely deserve a piece of cake....and some wine. :)
Sheaffer :)
I'm so glad I found your blog! This post is an amazing recap of your year of blogging. I started my little blog a few months ago and have thought about deleting it many times, but I agree..it's my own little space.
I'm trying to get the nerve to do OOTD's, that and decorating my house are my fav things! ....and food.
Happy Bloggiversary! I am SO thrilled to have connected with you! You are the most REAL bloggers, and I love your honesty!
Happy blogiversary!! I can't believe your blog is a year old- you have grown so much! You are definitely one of my faves and I love reading you every time you post!
Happy Blog Birthday! YAY! Congrats on the past year and good luck on all the future ones! :)
Happy year!!! That's so exciting!! I'm so glad I found your blog and to be part of it (by reading of course lol)
congrats Shanna! as a fellow blogger who will be reaching her one year birthday this coming February -- I know how much of an accomplishment it is! xo
Happy Blogaversary! Keep doing what you're doing!
Thank you for this post! It gives food for thought to a newbie blogger like me :) Happy Bloggy Birthday! And congratulations on sticking it out one whole year! Here's to year two!
Happy Bloggiversary! You've accomplished a lot in the year! Congratulations!
We love you Shanna! Keep it up! And I'm 33 so I'm right there with you (PS I totally thought you were like 24). Happy Blog Birthday Because Shanna Said So!!!
Happy birthday to your blog! And you shouldn't stop blogging ever because you are a daily read of mine. So if THAT isn't enough to keep you blogging I don't know what is! jk :)
Happy blogiversary to one of my favorite bloggers!!! :) What an accomplishment! Congrats <3!
YES! Happy blog birthday Shanna! You are obvi one of my favorite bloggers and I consider you one of my best blog friends. I'm so glad you started your blog and stuck to it and look how far you've come! I cannot wait to see what year 2 has in store for you! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Happy blogaversary!! Loving the Lily gif!!!
My favorite thing about your blog (and instagram pics) are the amazing outfits you put together utilizing a normal budget. I always wonder if girls are seriously that financially comfortable or if they're just in crazy credit card debt. And I love that I can relate to you and actually go out and purchase the cute top or scarf I see you wearing. Keep it up gurlie! :)
Happy birthday to your amazing blog! So glad I found you! LOVE!
Happy blog day! I'm glad I found you to read this year.
p.s. I'm a 35 year old blogger. High five.
Happy blog birthday, and congrats! My favorite bloggers are the ones that show personality on their blogs. If there's no personality, what's the point?
Happy blog birthday! Mine is on Saturday! I didn't realize we started ours at almost the exact same time :) Here's to more years of blogging!!
The Tiny Heart
Dec. Group Giveaway!
I can't wait for another year of your blog! I look forward to "visiting" you every morning! You have by far been the biggest influence on me, and have become the sweetest friend. Many HUGS to you and Happy Birthday, you sweet-pretty-cute-witty-charming lil' thang!! xoxo!
Happy blogiversary! So glad this virtual world has brought us together. Us 30-something bloggers gotta stick together!
Happy blogiversary girlfriend! It's true - blogging is the best hobby ever. :) P.S. I would've never guessed you were in your 30s! Lookin' fab! ;)
Happy Blog Birthday! While I just found your blog, I love reading it and can't wait to see what next year has in store for you!
Happy birthday lovely! Hope its amazing!! xo
Happy birthday lovely! Hope its amazing!! xo
Lady! I cannot believe this blog is only one year old and you have almost 1500 followers...what?!? What's your secret! You are such an inspiration! Congrats to you! It is honestly an amazing achievement! And I love that you posted your first posts. It's good to remember where we started isn't it?
oops... happy bloggy birthday :)
love you and your blog! so glad I've "met" you!
Happy Blog Birthday sweetie!!
Go YOU!! You are awesome and so is your little corner of blog land! So happy for you and you are always an inspiration to me! Love ya!
Yah! Congrats :)
Congrats Girl!! So proud of you!
Xoxo, Becky M
happy one year blogiversary!!
i have loved following along!
You are amazing! You've grown so much in a year and I'm so excited for your Blog-o-versary!!!!
Happy Blog Birthday!
So glad I found it! And your instagram too! I stalk you like cray!
Congratulations on your blog anniversary/birthday, Shanna! What a fun milestone and it's so fun to look back and see the evolution over the last year. I think you are absolutely one of the sweetest, most stylish and fun bloggers out there. I don't always comment, but of course read regularly and you always put a smile on my face!
Congrats gorgeous! I forgot to add this: I'll be 29 next year. You're NOT old! I love your blog. I seriously had no clue your blog was (up until yesterday) less than a year old. You definitely have inspired me to be a better dresser. We all have things that we struggle with. I really thing writing is therapeutic...I might post something really deep soon...
Happy Birthday! I love reading your blog :)
Happiest of bloggy Birthdays to you my friend! So inspiring to look at how far you have come! You are one of my faves to catch up on and I cannot get enough of all your cute outfits. Although I may not always take the time to comment, I ALWAYS READ!!
Currently Coveting
Happy blogiversary! I'm so glad I've stumbled upon your little corner of the Interwebs! Love you!
Happy Birthday to your amazing blog! You truly are one of my favorite bloggers. Your posts always make me smile.
What a great birthday post - your blog is fab and definite daily reading for me x
HAPPY Birthday! I found your blog through the Jessica Who giveaway and I am so glad I did, I love it and I am now following you!
Sparkles and Shoes
500 Follower Kate Spade Giveaway
Happy birthday Shanna! I'm so glad I found your blog, I always enjoy reading it :) Enjoy your day!
Yay for birthdays!! :-) Love your blog! Xo
Cheers! Thanks for keeping us entertained.
I've just discovered your blog!!!! It's lovely.....happy holidays and happy birthday!!!
visit, follow and let me know what you think!!!
Happy Anniversary. You started out better than me...my first outfit photos were taken in the mirror with my iPhone...haha.
Penniless Socialite
Enter My December Giveaway!
Shanna!!!!!!! Happy Bloggiversary!!
You have always inspired me and I'm so glad that I've met you through this wonderful community.
I really liked your first outfit post...those red pants are fantastic!!
Thank you for being the wonderful person you are.
Happy Birthday to your blog Shanna! I can't believe you've only been at it for one year! To me it seems like you really know what you're doing, so I figured you'd been at it for longer! Congrats on all your success! Your blog is one of my favorites to read because it's very unpretentious and genuine. Keep up the good work!
Wohooo!! So happy for BSSS! Freckled Confessions turns 1 TOMORROW - how ironic! You've been so successful with your blog, and I'm very proud of you :)
Happy blog birthday Shanna! Here's to many more;)
Congrats to you! You're def one of my favorites. <3!!!
I am so glad to have met you through blog land! And you are so right...you may not have the best camera but seriously all your outfit pics are AWESOME. you inspire me to dress cuter (and I do it in my head, just not in real life!)
Yay happy blogiversary!!
happy blogaversary!!!
yayayayayayayayyyyy!!! happy blogiversary, shanna!!!!! you are a blessing to me and blogland!
happy happy happy blogiversary! Such an exciting milestone! I think I have been following from the very beginning, starting when I "met" you because you were the winner of my first blog giveaway! You are such a sweet lady, and I hope that we do get to "meet" one day for real! Hope you have many wonderful celebrations this holiday season!
Happy birthday on your blog!!!!!
i love follow your blog, i don't care you're much older or you don't have a expensive camera. i love every blog post.
i hope to reach the one year mark someday.
xx Audrey
YAY Shanna! I am so proud of you! BTW- I know I don't comment but I read every one of your blogs and they make me laugh, cry, and smile - sometimes all at once!
You ARE an inspiration to me!
Congrats on one year Shanna!
Happy Bloggity Blog Birthday to you Shanna!!! I'm so glad I found your blog. Your smile is catching! CHEERS
Happy Blog Birfdayyyy! Thanks for being such an inspirational and wallet-friendly fashionista!
Happy blogiversary! Love you and your Blog - which I discovered through GCOGH by the way. And we are the same age - so you aren't alone in your agedness. :)
Happy Blog Bday!! Congrats on such a super cute blog. Thanks so much!!
( =
Congrats! You're def one of my favs and so glad to have "met" you via blogging! Here's to many, many more years :)
Hey Shanna! Happy blog birthday! I just discovered we have something else in common...I'm 34 too! It's a good age but I like to pretend I'm 29 still. My mouth is healing and I love when you comment on my blog. :) Esther Norine Designs
i am so so glad you stuck with it! happy blogiversary! :)
Yay! Happy blogoversary! It's so nice to see someone do fashion posts that isn't sponsored by Kate Spade or have a Wall Street hubby. I personally think you look better than them anyways :)
Happy happy birthday! Can I just say I love the HIMYM gif? Awesome!
yay, happy (blog) birthday!! xoxo
I am sure there are many wonderful people from this blog world that you love yourself. And that's okay I will share but I sure that I am so happy to have you in my life as a real life friend. I wouldn't trade it and for many years to come and we will meet and share more memories, good, bad and ugly. I am always here. Thank you for being my friend through all my craziness! Big hugs to Ross, Logan and Landry for sharing their mommy with so many especially me. Now that's as mushy as I get.
YAY!!!! I'm so proud of you! It's hard to believe your blog is only one year old, its def wise beyond its years (if that makes sense for a blog.. ha!) I just love ya girl and am very glad you decided to make this blog one year ago! Thanks for posting amazing/inspiring things! XOXO
Congratulations girl!! I have been following your blog for a long time and love it!!
Happy Blog Birthday!!
woohoo! congrats and happy 1 year birfday :) good post....now, I only have 7 months to go. hahaha
Happy 1 year!!! I'm so proud of you! I absolutely love reading your blog everyday and I'm so glad that we met and became friends!! Love you!!!
Congrats! That's such an accomplishment! For real...I can't imagine having to juggle a family and blogging. I love your blog and hope you keep blogging for many years!
There may be a few people that don't like you {not a soul that I know of}, but you are obviously loved and adored by many more, including me!! Happy Blogiversary!
Happy Blogiversary!!! I love your blog and think that you are an amazing person. Keep doing you! :-)
Congrats! I love your blog!
Mery Christmas!
Happy Blogiversary! I'm definitely looking forward to what you come up with in year two.
I was Mia from the blogosphere yesterday. Happy belated blog birthday my love! I'm so happy you started blogging and that you are now in my life! Love you!!!!
Happy Bloggyversary my dear!
Happy Blogversary love! You killed year one! Thanks for sharing your life with us. You are a true gem Shanna. Xoxo
I love your space and I'm glad I found it!! Congrats!!
Congrats on your b-day blog! Very well written.
I am only 4 months into this blogging thing so I can relate to how you felt.
Keep up the awesome work!!
Yayyy congrats! :)
Congrats my love!!
Have a Wonderfully, fabulous, Happy, slopinly drunk Christmas!..lol.
Seriously I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family!!!!!
sheree xxxx
I just started blogging earlier this year and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I have recently been trying to build a bigger following and have seemed to fail miserably. I have been told (by friends and fam, of course) that my blog is something special...but apparently they are the only ones who feel that way:) I too am "old" for the blogging world and have often wondered why I was bothering at all. I do enjoy documenting our life and so have continued. I just have been blog-stocking a bit and found your post, you are hilarious and have a great gift! It is one of the few blogs that I have come across tonight (trust me I've been to a ton) that I was actually interested in. Congrats on your success so far, keep it up! Thanks for giving me hope.
happy one year it is amazing what you can accomplish when you put in a little time and effort!
p.s. having a dress giveaway for LuLu*s on my blog :)
Congratulations!!! SO happy for you sticking to who you are :)
High-Stitched Voice
Happy blog birthday! I'm so glad you never threw in the towel. Your blog has definitely inspired me in many ways. I'm so excited to be on your sidebar this month :)
Aww happy blog birthday, friend!! I'm so glad you've stuck with it! :)
Yay! Congrats!
Sorry I missed this post. Congratulations Shanna! You did it! :) I love your blog and getting to know you is a real pleasure because you are genuine. Stay true to yourself pretty lady. Xo
Happy belated Blog birthday!! I definitely have loved reading your blog...even before I started mine!! To more wonderful fashion post to come!!
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