Dress: Target | Jacket: JcPenney | Shoes: Target | Bag: Rue 21 (similar) | Scarf: Sam Moon (similar) | Bracelets: Gallery & Forever 21 |
I'm baaaaaaaack!!!! Praise the Lord! I have a ton of blog catching up to do. Thank you for all your comments, tweets, emails and texts. You ladies are the best. It feels good to be back to the land of the living and to have my husband sleep with me again. Whatever crazy, evil virus I had, good riddance.
Speaking of husbands...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROSS!!!!
Today my own, personal Superman is another year older and another year wiser.
He deserves more than I could ever give him. He is truly the best
husband, dad, role model, companion and friend anyone could ever dream
of having. Example, while I was on my death bed, he took Logan and her
friend to their Girl Scout Christmas Bazaar with 500 other screeching
girls and their mothers. When they got home I asked him how many dads
where there. He said, "oh, about five." That will tell you something,
people. I love you, babe. Can't wait to celebrate tonight. You deserve a
nice prime rib and a couple of brewskies.
Now for some more random on Wednesday.
If you are looking for some fun, witty and original stocking stuffers or white elephant gifts, guess who has them? You guessed it, Target. I came across an entire end cap full of hilarious and clever little items. I wanted take one of each home, but decided on The Table Topics for our company party this weekend. I know, I should have gotten the unicorn corkscrew. What was I thinking? Take a peak at this, and this and this. Get there now. These clever goodies won't last long.
While we are on the subject of Christmas, here's a sneeky peaky of our Christmas cards! I am beside myself on how they turned out. I am more beside myself that I have to address them all now. Gettin' it done today even if it kills me. Thanks for an amazing deal, Shutterfly. And thank you, Melanie, for the fantastical photography.
Okay, are you ready for a proud mom moment? Guess what my eldest child learned to do?

Yep, the classic armpit fart and no, this is not MY child. I thought this ended back in 1987. I tried not to laugh as she demonstrated her new skill, but told her with the best straight face possible, "Logan, this is NOT lady like and doesn't show your personal best." Let's just say, she hasn't done it since. Momma means business in this house.
A friend of mine on Facebook pointed out to me that T-Swift and I are twinsies. OMG. Say it ain't so. I think I might have died a little. Okay, so her sweater cost 3x as much as mine, but who cares. We do have a connection...I just knew it. We are FEARLESS and foxy!
Now onto something that touched and broke my heart at the same time. I was reading Katie's blog yesterday about the story of her friend's little girl who is currently battling the nasty disease we all call cancer. I read little Maggie's story and cried the whole way through.
I just don't understand why this happens to precious, innocent children who have done nothing in this world but make it a better and happier place. I felt helpless sitting there reading her story and wanting nothing more than to just reach through the screen and wrap my arms around this little angel. I have two girls of my own and cannot even fathom what Maggie's parents are going through. The only thing I could physically do was donate money to this family in hopes that it will relieve some of the medical bills stress or possibly help with the family's Christmas this year. I think we all can pitch in $5 and give this season to a family and little girl in need. Don't buy your Starbuck's today. Skip out on that Big Mac. You don't need that new Essie nail polish. This family needs us. Please. You can go to Katie's blog, read the full story and donate there. Thank you.
**If you are linking up today, please use good manners. I kindly ask that you follow my blog and link back to it in your post. It's called blogging etiquette. Oh, and go meet some new friends!

Linking up with The Pleated Poppy.

DYING over that armpit picture. What a proud moment in that kid's mom's life. ;)
Samantha @ Sam ipsa loquitur
your dress is darling!
Cute striped dress, and I love the different textures of the scarf! Glad to hear you are feeling better... have fun celebrating!
So glad you're feeling better, Shanna. It's so terrible to be that sick...so I know you're loving life now.
Happy Birthday to Ross!!!
Maggie's story is really breaking my heart...I'm going to go read the whole thing now.
Love the striped dress. Love the fox sweater. :)
Happy birthday to the mister!!!!!!! I think I need that fox sweater!
LOVEEE your striped dress, and I actually thought of you when I saw that picture of Taylor the other day! That fox sweater is so stinkin' cute!! And happy birthday to your hubby :)
Your Christmas cards look like they turned out SO good!! I'm in love with that foxy sweater :)
I love your striped dress! Thanks for letting us know where you get your outfits from as not all of us have pockets that match our tastes!
Happy birthday to Ross!!! I'm so glad you are feeling better! I love this striped dress on you and your Christmas cards look perfect!
I NEED the unicorn corkscrew. and thank you for sharing about beautiful Maggie. I will be donating and sending out LOTS of prayers for her.
hahah. love the armpit picture! & praying for maggie. & you look cute as usual! hope you are feeling better love.
The armpit farts...when I my oldest first figuring this out...it was nonstop! Now he's progressed to using a straw...it's a real talent :)
Super cute outfit. Love, Love the orange and denim!! Glad you're feeling better!
You're a cutie pie!
Happy Birthday to your husband. xo
You look so cute and happy birthday to Ross. Mmm prime rib sounds pretty fantastic (is it weird that I'm craving steak at 9am?). I'm so glad you decided to go with Shutterfly, they are the best. Glad the cards came out the way you wanted!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
I feel like I am missing out on something by not being able to do the armpit fart. Maybe your daughter can teach me?
Love your dress, jacket, and scarf. I haven't even done Christmas cards yet. Probably won't happen this year. Again.
Fashion and Beauty Finds
love your outfit! that made me laugh about your daughter. and yeah for being twins with taylor swift!
Happy birthday to your hubby.
I am chomping at the bit to get that hilarious unicorn opener since I saw it on your instagram.
It's on my list for my Saturday Target trip. I hope it's there!
Love this outfit! The colors and the dress are perfect and that scarf is beautiful!
I love your cute look. You should start a styling business. And I think you made a good choice with the table topics. I think it will be a hit!
I'm so glad you're feeling better! Happy Birthday to Ross! Your Christmas cards came out beautifully...everyone will love them :)
The Tiny Heart
You're so pretty - I can't take it! Of coure I linked up :)
Glad you're feeling better! Love the way you accessorized this outfit.
hi. i just want to say hi. and i love you. okay, bye. and you look adorable. okay, really bye. OH, and happy birthday to Mr.BOS!
Happy Birthday to your husband! He sounds like a great guy :) And um, I kind of love that unicorn corkscrew (and know just who I can buy it for)!
I am going to go over to Katie's blog now and check out Maggie's story.
So happy that you're feeling better! Adore the colors of that dress...so fall-y! :)
Happy birthday to Ross!
Lose this post! Totally heading to Target to buy some Christmas randoms :) Your Christmas cards (from what we can see) look gorg! And the picture of the boy towards the end gave me a good giggle!
I'm glad you're feeling better!! Being sick is no fun! I love your fun striped dress and your "twinsies with T Swift" fox sweater!
Love TSwift and love your fox sweater, the christmas cards look beautiful and happy happy birthday to your hub!
Praying for maggie and sending good thoughts to her family. I can't even imagine what they are going through :(
You are amazing! Thank you so much girl for spreading the word. You helped us reach $1,000 and I'm so grateful!! :) xoxo
Happy birthday Ross!
so glad you left sickland! How adorable that Ross took your girls to the bizarre...he gets a pat on the back! And I love your stripey dress! and fox sweater!
I remember too clearly when my brother learned how to do that exact trick. He thought he was THE.COOLEST. kid on the block. Oh how my parents must have felt! LOL Loving that dress! And anything to be just a tad bit closer to T.Swift just rocks! ;)
Glad you are feeling better, friend!!
I LOVE that little purse. Also, I totally own those measuring cups AND the sock monkey wine thingie. Which I forgot about, and then Justin found it when I was moving and was like, WTF is this for? WINE, obviously...
Thanks for sharing about Maggie! I dontated!
AWESOME AWESOME Christmas card! I love what I can see of it! ;)
hahaha soooo funny that you kid learned to do the armpit trick, i am dying!
Glad you are back too. Loved your outfit (at the very beginning...) the scarf is my favorite!!! :)
Love that scarf!!! And you :)
xo, Emily
So cool you have the same sweater as Taylor! Couldn't even tell they were different! Awesome find, wish they still had it at Old Navy!
3 things:
1)SO glad you are feeling better!
2)i am in need of a white elephant gift and that winestein has my name written all over it!
3) thank you SO much for sharing Maggie's story...big tears over here. left my donation and hope like heck she beats this cancer.
such a lovely outfit, you look so good. Haha, you and Taylor are like twins now ;)
Your Christmas cards look cute, hope to see a full pic of them :)
x Audrey
I love your response to the armpit situation! That was perfect! Oh Target definitely has some great stuff as always, I got the boyfriend a head lamp as a stocking stuffer, it was $5!! So random but I'm so excited to give it to him. haha:)
I know I posted earlier, but I forgot 2 things...
1. Happy Birthday to your hubby!
2. THANK YOU for this link up! Seriously, I've gotten some new followers and found some new blogs to follow myself! You're awesome :-)
Hee Hee I'm so glad I posted the fox picture. I read the Dailymail (my not so dirty secret) and I saw it and thought it looked familiar. Then it hit me! SHANNA! lol Feel better!!!
love how you styled that dress and I need to steal that bag from you! gorgeous!
C's Evolution of Style
Your hair looks great in the outfit post!
happy birthday to your boo!! i'll be checking the mail every day waiting for the unicorn corkscrew to arrive! ;)
Just found you via All Things Alisa. You.are.adorable! Thanks for hosting the link up!
I've been thinking about that fox sweater since I saw it on you last week! I think I need to get it for my daughter...especially since t-swift is sporting the same threads! Wonderful post as always...
xo Angie
That striped dress is adorable girl and Happy Birthday to your husband.
Love this outfit! I just wore a striped dress with a denim jacket this weekend! One of the most comfortable outfits ever! Love your link-up!
Cute outfit! The purse & scarf are so much fun!
LOVE that dress on you Shanna - so cute! Happy Birthday to Ross, and congrats to your eldest for learning how to armpit fart...amazing :)
The Other Side of Gray
Love Table Topics! I posted it on my gifts that don't suck post..we can play for hours!!!
sheree xxx
you look adorable, shanna!! and i LOVE that you and t-swift are twins!! i read the story of that sweet little girl, too and it broke my heart. thanks for bringing more attention to it!! praying for her and her family!
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