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Top: Old Navy (similar) | Scarf: Express (similar) | Jeans: Kohl's | Boots: Francesca's | Bracelets: Gallery & Forever 21 |
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. We are still rolling in the yule tide at my mom and dad's. Speaking of my mom and dad's, I took these pictures on my high school campus while we were there a few days ago. Talk about major flashbacks. Jacket Pride Never Dies! The sting is back! Sorry, I couldn't resist.
I also wanted to thank my girl, Courtney, for inspiring this look. Well, I was actually a straight up copy cat. Leopard and plaid; it just might be my new favorite mix-a-roo.
Anyway, back to holiday stuff....after today, we will have officially made it through five Christmas celebrations. I can't believe we are wrapping up another holiday season. It seems like we all just started talking about how much turkey we ate at Thanksgiving and now we are just a few days from ringing in a new year. Time sure does fly when your running around like a chicken with your head cut off. Even though I am high fiving Ross that things will finally settle down in our house, I am somewhat sad that Valentine's Day and Easter stuff will be popping up in the stores in the next week or so. As much as I bitch and complain about the stress that comes with the holidays, it's my favorite time of year.
Here are 10 random things that I am gonna miss most about Christmas:
1. Elf on the Shelf and all his shenanigans. "Elfie" played a huge role in keeping everyone in line at our house.
2. Bath and Body Works Twisted Peppermint candle.
3. Michael Buble's "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas".
4. Candy cane Oreos. They were better than the candy corn ones at Halloween.
5. All the sales. Enough said.
6. Not being able to threaten my girls that Santa Claus is watching them. I guess I can tell them the Easter Bunny is on his way.
7. No more mailbox surprises. Now it's back to lame junk mail and bills and more bills.
8. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and the Griswold clan.
9. Cozying up by the tree in my infamous blogger polka dot PJs from Target with a glass of red wine. I worked hard on that tree and the thought of taking it down pains my heart. Pains my heart because it's gonna be a pain in the boo-tay to put it all up.
10. Last, but certainly not least, eating every sweet, salty and fat Pat filled morsel of food just because it's the holidays and that's what we do. We eat. Alot. All day. And calories NEVER count during this time of year.
What are you gonna miss most? I betcha we have a few in common and I'm sure food is involved.
Girl all we have is a four foot pre-lit tree and I'm dreading taking it down. Ugggghhhh. I can't imagine packing up a full-on tree. You can do it!!
Samantha @ Sam ipsa loquitur
Love your scarf! Hope you had a wonderful holiday, I'm going to miss the peppermint twist BBW candle too!
Love that leopard print scarf! Glad to hear you had a great Christmas. I definitely ate too much over the holidays and will be resuming my search for a pair of boyfriend jeans. :P
You look adorable as always. I have seen so many bloggers mix/match Leopard with Plaid and I love the results. I will keep that in mind.
All your Christmas posts of late have been great and there are so many things I will miss from the Holiday Season as well. However, I know next year will be our most special Christmas yet because it will be our baby's first one. =)
Cute pattern mixing, Shanna! I was searching for those candy cane oreos, but I couldn't find them, boo. Hope you had a great Christmas!
The Tiny Heart
Putting Christmas away. YUCK! We have a few days though, right?
I have a scarf like that one the way. And you already know I have that same plaid. Copy cat number three coming soon!
Love you look today! I'm so not looking forward to taking decorations down, I am looking forward to getting the junk food out of the house. I really would like to still fit in my pants...
We have pretty much everything in common! I've watched Christmas Vacation several times and it's still funny. I'll also miss watching ELF. Because I never watch Christmas movies when it isn't the right season lol
My high school mascot was a jacket too. Love this print combination! Hope you have a great rest of the week!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
LOVE this look!
It's my first time linking up, new follower too!
Have a great day!
5 celebrations?! OH MY! You have been busy!!!
Oh gosh, so many things I'm going to miss - 24X7 Christmas music, twinkling lights, time off with my kids. You look super cute in those mixed prints. I'm inspired to give that look a try too!
Cute outfit! I'm with you on eating a million calories over the holidays, It will be nice to get back to eating vegetables (without crazy dips), and dinners without seven different kinds of dessert!!
Hope you enjoyed your holiday!!
And your pattern mixing is genius!!
now I'm going to have to copy you! I have to find those pieces first though haha.
Totally going to steal that outfit! Might actually wear it today! I can't believe you guys made it through all your Christmas celebrations! I'm going to miss xmas music and eating all kinds of food at any time of the day! Brownies for breakfast? Yes please....
Love your list! Mine is similar, totally going to miss all the Christmas music (especially anything Michael Buble!), and sweets that I don't feel extra guilty eating! Love the family time that I've had, so I'm going to try to soak up more of that. :-)
Oh Elfie...I secretly want kids JUST to buy an Elf on the Shelf & tease them with it allow December long.
Maybe not a reason to get pregnant? Who says?
Glad you had an AMAZING Christmas!
hahaha Shanna, i love that you use Shanna to make your kids behave, I would too!
I'm so glad that calories don't count because I'm feeling a little roly poly right about now. This girl is in need of some Zumba. So yeah, I'm going to miss all the eating! And Christmas Vacation too - my cousin actually kinda resembled Uncle Eddy yesterday!
Love this combination of plaid and cheetah! I am definitely with you on missing holiday sales!
Fizz and Frosting
LOVE your outfit. Looks cute and comfy :)
I was just thinking this AM how I'm gonna miss getting massive amounts of Christmas cards in the mail. Back to the boring stuff!
you can still tell them that santa is watching. santa is ALWAYS watching :)
love your outfit, shanna!! so glad you had a great Christmas - i'm gonna miss the twinkly lights.
Shanna, I love your blog! You have great style! :)
I have been searching high and low for a shirt just like that! You pull it off so well! Merry Christmas!
I love that scarf you are wearing! haha I know what you mean about not wanting to take the tree down! It took a lot of work and looks amazing! Merry Christmas!
Ashley @
you look so cute Shanna! plaid and leopard are amazing together, especially with those riding boots! i hope you had a merry christmas!
C's Evolution of Style
leopard and plaid?! love it. trying it tomorrow
now I need a leopard print scarf...and those boots. those boots. love you!!!!
I LOVE the plaid and leopard together! I'm sad Christmas is over but I feel like i can finally relax. I always try to do too much before Christmas comes. It was so fun though! I hope you and the fam had a great Christmas!
LOVE the leopard with the plaid! So cute! Aww I'm gonna miss all of those things about Christmas too, but ours is being extended as my brother and sister-in-law are coming into town this weekend and we're doing more celebrating, yay!
We listened to Michael Buble every chance we got! I can't wait to have an elf on the shelf one day when we have kids! They look like so much fun! I'm headed home to my parents in Tennessee tomorrow for another big Christmas celebration, so it's not over yet for me!
I love the leopard/plaid combo. Cute!
Thank you for hosting, Shanna!
(And calories don't count this week at all. Not at all.)
Be still my heart, LOVE the leopard and plaid!!
Looove this outfit! I also love how you took pics at your high school, how fun! I agree, it's kind of sad to have the holiday season over...but before you know it, it'll be here again! Hope you had a great Christmas!:)
You're so sweet to give me a shout out, I love you to pieces! That looks so cute on you, I wish it looked that cute on me;) I love your list, I too will miss Michael Buble's buttery voice singing carols among all those other things. What a great Christmas!
LOVE the outfit...I would have never thought of pairing those two together! And I agree with your list 100%. No more Christmas Vacation? Tears thinking about waiting until next year!
FIVE celebrations? You're a Saint. Making it through one was tough enough ;)
Love the look.
I am definitely going to miss all the Christmas decorations! Our apt. just looks so much cozier with the tree and lights. I might just keep it up and turn it into a year round holiday tree....is that weird?
Anyway, love the plaid and leopard mix!
Jeans and a Teacup
I LOVE the plaid and leopard combo! I am going to have to try that. Cute blog, I'm following! I found you through www.getyourprettyon.com, who joined your link up.
Love you outfit.You look so beautiful.
Looks like you had a fab holiday with your family! I love the leopard with plaid - I think this will be filed under to be copy outfit!
I love the plaid! Also, all the things you will miss about this season are on my list as well! Well, I don't have kids to keep in line with Elf on the Shelf, but still. Anyway, I hope you had a very merry Christmas, friend! :)
I have that top :) I love it with the leopard!
Such a cuuuute stinking outfit. Who cares if you are a copy-cat? ;) Merry Christmas!
Our elf's name was Elfie, too!! Weird!
hmmm. I am gonna miss family time and vacation time and The Grinch/ Charlie Brown Christmas :) haha. I can tell you I am not going to miss the mall being ridiculously packed and overeating and the general stress of buying presents.
I am in love with your outfit. I love it! The plaid and the leopard scarf -cute.
Love the leopard scarf with the plaid. Great combo!
Totally copied this outfit and posted it on the blog today :) hehe! Oh how I love blogland, never would have came up with this on my own!
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