Well, we finally finished up Christmas Extravaganza 2012. I was planning to title this post "Christmas Round Up #2" as a follow up to my post from Monday, but I changed my mind. Instead I went with the one above because that's exactly what I am, blessed.
Blessed to have been present for an uplifting and powerful Christmas Eve candlelight service and to have found a church home with a pastor that speaks to my heart, soul and mind every Sunday. If you are in the Austin area and looking for a church, please give Celebration a visit.
Blessed to have a group of friends that I consider an extension of my family.
Blessed that my girls have a group of friends that they consider brothers and sisters.
Blessed that we were able to celebrate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's birthday with good health and solid happiness.
Blessed that our family company provides for us and enables Ross and I to give our children gifts "from Santa" Christmas morning.
Blessed to have two fun loving, crazy beautiful, healthy, smart and sassy little girls.
Blessed to have a thoughtful, giving, selfless and handsome husband that surprises me every single day; even on Christmas morning with an iPad.
Blessed to have two parents that have wholeheartedly and willingly sacrificed their lives, even today, for our family.
Blessed to have the home I grew up in to come back to for every holiday, special event or for a quick visit.
Blessed that nothing is fake about our family. The love, silliness and sincerity is real.
Blessed that I am a winner!
A winner in race car driving competitions with my husband.
A winner in a friendly family game of Scrabble.
A winner at another friendly family game....poker...dealer calls it. Nice red Solo cup of wine, right. Hey, I never said I was a classy gal.
Blessed to have made some of the best blog friends in the world. Ones that surprise you with Christmas gifts and sweet, melt your heart notes. Thank you Kristin and Ashlyn. I love you girls. And to the ones I got Christmas cards from, you made my day. You guys, I never would have thought blogging would bring so many new friends into my life.
Blessed to have been part of the Secret Santa group with some of my favorite blog buds. Eight of us ladies drew names and I was so lucky that Jes drew my name. She and I met when I first started blogging. Her little bun head self is one of the funniest and most sincere girls I have met through this crazy world. And, yes, she calls me Body Odor Shanna. It's our little secret as to why, but I PROMISE, I do NOT, I repeat DO NOT have B.O. Thank you, Jes. I love you to pieces!!!
What's crazy about this post, is that sometimes all it takes are a few photos to remind a person how blessed they really are. I know we all have our struggles, heartaches, hardships, but if you just take a minute to look through your pictures on your Facebook page, Instagram profile or even your phone, I bet you will discover you are pretty darn blessed too.

What a wonderful Christmas! So much happiness and love! :) It's great to take time to reflect and appreciate.
You are blessed, and so am I! How wonderful to have all the things we do. It looks like your family celebrated Christmas marvelously! Enjoy the iPad mini. How great Santa was!
Yes, I absolutely love going back through old pictures. It really does remind me of how blessed I am.
So glad you had a wonderful Christmas, Shanna!!
Beautiful post. I looks like a perfect holiday. You are so right, all I have to do is look through my photos and I'm reminded of how fortunate I am.
I love this post. You are truly blessed! I feel so lucky to be able to spend the holiday with my amazing family and have SNOW!!!
LOVE this! So happy that your Christmas was wonderful! I love that this time of year brings out the "blessed" in all of us! Merry Christmas!
Nothing wrong with wine in a solo cup. It's red so it matches all things xmas :)
Looks like you had an amazing Christmas. Cheers to that!
What a fabulous Christmas it was... loved looking through all your fun and crazy xmas photos... You are so very blessed & thank you for the reminder for me to stop and remember how blessed I am myself :) Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week, Shanna! xo
I am so happy you guys had such a wonderful (and maybe whirlwind) of a Christmas! My post is titled the same today because that is just the best word I could think of to describe it. I was wondering who won the car race...glad you did :)
Looks like you guys had a great Christmas. And ain't nothing wrong with wine in a red solo cup...
Fashion and Beauty Finds
this is such a sweet post! it makes me feel blessed too, merry christmas!
Yahoo for all those blessings.........and husbands who continue to surprise!!! That's so fun!
What a wonderful Christmas you had with your family! Enjoy your new iPad!
The Tiny Heart
This is such a great time of year to highlight all of our blessings! This is a great list girl; definitely blessed :-)
what an absolutely BEAUTIFUL post, Shanna. i, too, am so blessed! and it's so encouraging to see someone else share how blessed they feel!! absolutely love this. <3
What great pictures! Hope you and your family had a wonderful christmas! <3
What a great and truly happy holiday you enjoyed! :)
I loved seeing how much fun your family has with the festivities!
What a great and truly happy holiday you enjoyed! :)
I loved seeing how much fun your family has with the festivities!
Looks like you had an amazing Christmas - blessed indeed :)
Pearls & Paws
You are definitely blessed girl. So glad you had such a wonderful holiday!
LOL I need a decoder for the race car stuff. It looks like you had a wonderful day. :)
BOS! oh how i love you so. looks like you had an amazing christmas. mainly because i know you and a little one stuffed cheese puffs in your mouth in the car. that sounds like my kind of christmas. i just invited myself for next year.
It looks like you had an amazing Christmas Shanna! I hope the new year is just as great for you and your beautiful family :)
Looks like you had a beautiful Christmas with your beautiful family!
What a wonderful post!
Such a happy and reflective post :) I love the pics of the girls opening presents. You truly are blessed!
What a great Christmas! Beautiful pictures :)
Love, love, love this post!! Yes, you are SO blessed and wonderful! I love those Christmas morning pics of you and your sweet little girls... heart melting!
You truly are blessed! Merry christmas love :)
I couldn't have said it better myself. Love this post!
Glad you all had a WONDERFUL holiday! I loved keeping up with everyone via IG, and the car race just made my day.
Your words about your Church really spoke to me. My hubs & I are SO wanting to get back into our local Church. And your words just reiterate that.
Thanks for sharing & happy holidays to you, Ross & the adorable girls!
Love this post, we're all blessed but don't always realize it. So it's good to think about it.
You have such beautiful girls!
xx Audrey
sounds like you had an amazing christmas! :) i felt really blessed this christmas too. i need to take the time to focus on that more than i do!
Yes Very Blessed!
I definitely feel very blessed too. Looks like an amazing Christmas and I love the picture of the girls in their matching pajamas :) I'm so happy you came into my life and now it's time to plan a trip so we can meet!! Love you!
I'm so happy you had a wonderful Christmas! It's also nice to hear how you LOVE your Church and Pastor! Blessings to you and your family! Happy New Year....your blogging friend, Roxie p.s. your family and friends are beautiful!!
Blessed you are, sweet friend!! So happy to see you had a wonderful holiday!!
Amen Shanna! And we feel blessed to know you as well. Hugs sweetie! So happy you had such a wonderful Christmas. :)
Looks like a wonderful Christmas! God is good.
xo Marie
I love this post. Counting my blessings is one of my most favorite things to do.
You are very blessed and I love the pics of you and your daughters...so cute!! I still really love that polka dotted pj!! I am blessed that Leeann convinced me to start my blog and meet you :)
A favorite post:) Love the picture of you in your glasses with your girls holding cupcakes, I mean precious!
Love this post! How exciting that you got an ipad!!! You are going to love it! Looks like you had a great Christmas with your family! I'm so glad that you loved your little surprise too :) xoxo
Omg that is so true. I looked back at my pictures on facebook and found out I had some really great things happen to me this year. Sometimes we need to see the small moments that made us happy to see that we are truly blessed. Great post. May you and your family have a blessed and Happy New Year!
I'm so glad you've had such good holidays! An iPad is definitely a good surprise ;)
Your kids are adorable!
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