Man, what a roller coaster of emotions this weekend. I went from being on cloud nine to screaming very unladylike like words at the television screen. Let me explain.
If you follow me on Instagram, these photos are no news to you. Let's dive into deeper detail...beyond my IG captions.
1. I decided it would be a great idea to buy these clip-in bangs. I have seen them on a few blogs and thought, this could be kinda fun and sexy. WRONG. Complete and utter fail. It looked like I clipped some sort of dead animal onto my hair. They looked very unnatural on me. My youngest even got a little scared when she saw me. And Ross, poor Ross, I wish I could have gotten his reaction on video. He was not a fan. So, this puppy went straight back to the Ulta shelf. Good try Shanna, good try. At least I made a few people laugh.
2. Landry HAD to wear her black twirl skirt on Saturday. She pulled shirts down from her closet and started styling away her #ootd. She was very serious about it and was concentrating hard on her final decision. In case you were wondering, she chose the neon green one. That's my girl! Notice that home girl has THREE pony tails in her hair. No, I did NOT do that.
3. I bought this Conair curling wand at Ulta (along with clip-ins). Now this purchase was an actual success. I really wish I had not waited so long to buy this magical stick. My hair has never kept curl all day with a curling iron and I have never quite figured out how to make waves with a flat iron. Enter THE WAND. It is truly wondrous, easy to use and the curls lasted like a champ. Go buy one.
4. And this is where it gets bad. Really bad. Downright tearful. The Houston Texans season is officially done, thanks to fancy pants Tom Brady. I mean, really, out of all teams to have to play, we had to play Tom, Giselle thong wearing, Brady? I knew we were the under dogs going in, but I had a good feeling about pulling out a win. Oh, well, I am still proud of my boys. Dang, I really thought this was OUR year. Devastated.
BUT, I am still holding on to the magic moment of Saturday to pick me up from my Texans depression.
I had my first personal styling appointment on Saturday!
It's now confirmed that this is what I am supposed to do.
It was so much fun and could have done it all night. Here's the low down:
We went through her closet to get rid of pieces that were dated and that have seen there better days.
I picked a handful of staples that I liked.
She chose her favories from what I selected.
We grabbed a few of her shoes and accessories.
We drank wine and went to town.
We created 32 outfits without spending a dime. I mean, wine, playing dress up and getting paid, this is my kind of living. I can't wait to do it again and again and again. Who's next?
Take a snoop at our masterpieces.

Thanks for all the support, encouragement and love on Saturday. I have
the best in real life and blog friends in the whole entire world! I love
you guys. And just so you know, YOU are the reason for all of this (my blog, new adventure and me pushing forward). You
all have given me the confidence to take this leap. A confidence that I haven't
had in my entire life.
P.S. Make sure to come back tomorrow for a GINORMOUS group giveaway. I am talking gift cards galore!
P.P.S. Want win $200 worth of ad space from some amazing bloggers? Go here and enter. Plus, Lisette, well she's freaking fabulous. You will want to read her rambles every day....hilarious!
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