Tuesday, January 8, 2013

It's Official

Thank you, Walt Disney for the simple and oh so true statement above.

So, I sorta, kinda threw it out there last week that I had one goal for myself in 2013. Well, we are eight days into the new year and I just made the skydive leap.

Ahem, ladies and gentleman, it's official. I added a new little page up above...yep, it's the one that reads Hire Me.

I actually did it. I am now officially open for business!


Please let me know if you are want to chit chat about any of my styling services. Also, if you know anyone that might interested or in need of personal fashion styling, please pass my name along to them. I would be forever grateful.

I would be honored if you took a look at what I have to offer. If you have any constructive suggestions, I am eager to hear. This is my first rodeo. So, I could use as many opinions, ideas and as much feedback as I can get. Just be nice, okay?

There are a few tweaks coming later this week. I will have two separate pages for local and out of town clients.

Here goes nothing!! My heart is racing, my palms are sweating and my knees are weak because I REALLY just put myself out there.

But, if I didn't at least try, I would never forgive myself and would always wonder. 

Annnnd, I actually have my very first client this weekend. We are going to dive into her closet and  remix and build up what she already has hanging. I will keep you guys posted. Wish me luck!

Um, wow, did this post just get posted?
