Dress: Forever 21 (old) | Boots: Charlotte Russe | Scarf: Sam Moon (similar) | Necklace: Forever 21 | Ring: RocksBox |
Happy New Year!!!
I want start of by saying that this isn't my typical "Random Wednesday" post, but I thought since it's the start of the new year, the timing couldn't be better.
This time of year, everyone and their mommas are making resolutions, whipping out their planners, trying to get organized and doing a little goal setting.
I am no different. Well, I guess I am, sort of . I have never been one to make resolutions because, well, I just don't stick to them. I have a planner, but haven't written a single thing in it yet. I am not the most organized person and like to think I can keep it all together in my head.
Here is where the "I am no different part" comes into play. I have set a goal for myself for 2013. It's a big one that has been floating around in my head for quite some time. I have just been sitting on the fence and nervously twiddling my thumbs.
Why haven't taken the leap yet? I am scared of failure. I am worried I will disappoint people, including myself. I am nervous that nobody will be interested.
So, what's this goal of mine?
I feel like I need to give you some sort of background first.
I got my degree in marketing and was a marketing manager in the home building industry for 12 years. My last couple of jobs ended up being complete and utter nightmares. And last April, I began my sabbatical from the corporate world. I now help Ross with his company and do more things with my girls than I ever could do while I was working full time.
But, I feel like there is more out there for me. Something I have a true passion for. Something that as been part of "me" since I was a little girl. Something that doesn't feel like work. Something that I think I am actually good at. Something that inspires others. Something that I have always wanted to do, but have never had the guts. The guts until now. This is THE year that I WILL make THIS happen. Come hell or high water.
So, what is it?
It's to become a personal stylist and wardrobe consultant. It could be as small as helping someone pick out an outfit for a special event or as large as going into someone's closet and putting outfits together for them.
Starting this blog has put a fire in me that I haven't had in a long time. It's given me the confidence and drive to want to do something more than just post my own personal style. I want to help other woman find comfort in their closets, with their wardrobes and their style.
I think a little voice in the back of my mind was telling me that if I actually posted this, that I would have to make it happen and it would hold me accountable.
I am scared to death and still ironing out the details.
My goal is to do this personally and virtually. I don't want to be tied down to just the Austin area. My ultimate plan is to be able to help woman all over, no matter the location.
This is the part where I need your honest opinion and help.
I want to know what you would be willing to pay for such a service, or if you would even be willing to pay at all. I REALLY could use some feedback. I have a few ideas, but before I get the ball rolling, I was hoping to get your thoughts and opinions with the surveys below. Also, please feel free to leave a comment on what you think. I mean, am I out of my mind?
Thank you so much!! I value what you guys think, so please be honest. I promise, my feelings won't be hurt. Okay, maybe they will, but I will love you regardless!
And this is getting posted on my bathroom mirror to remind myself to get my booty in gear and just go for it.
**If you are linking up today, please use good manners. I kindly ask that you follow my blog and link back to it in your post. It's called blogging etiquette.
Oh, and go meet some new friends!

Sounds like your true calling! Happy New Year, Shanna....so excited to watch this new, exciting part of your life unfold!
How exciting, Shanna! You would be great at this! Love that quote... so true. Best wishes to you as you begin this new venture! :)
You should go for it! You would be a great personal stylist. Good luck!
I think you would be great at this Shana! I've always wanted a personal stylist/consultant because I can never decide what will look good on me. I think that if you could help women who are plus size as well that would be amazing! I rarely find cute things for someone my age because of my size. {I am basically in between junior size and too small for the plus sizes}
You look so cute Shanna. That dress is adorable. You always find great things from F21. I like it paired with the Royal Blue Tights. I will remember pairing Brown with Royal Blue. ;-) Love the circle sweater scarf around your neck, too.
Ohh and it is great linking up. Stop by my page when you get a chance. =)
Hope you & your family had a Great New Year's Eve!! Happy 2013 to you & your loved ones!!
<3 Ada.
Shanna you would be AWESOME at providing this service, and if it's itching at you enough to put it out there, then there's no doubt in my mind that you should get going on it.... now! :)
I think you would be PERFECT at this!!! Such a good idea. I wish you all the success in the world (I took the polls as well!)
Yay! This is something that I have wanted to do too :) Look forward to watching this new stage of your life unfold!
You would be a great personal stylist! Love these blue tights, If I had the money I would definitely hire you! Make your dreams come true in 2013!
happy new year! cheers to a great 2013.
This is fantastic! (And PS- I hear you on the nightmare jobs. I've had several already.) Girl, it's a new year and your passion is still growing! Go for it! You'd be an amazing wardrobe consultant... I can just tell from virtually interacting with you. lol And duh your fashion sense and the way you put together outfits/mix colors is perfect. This world needs more color!
I'm sure you will, but you'll have to keep us posted on your endeavor! Best of luck!!
I think posting on your blog is a great way to keep you accountable to your goals. You have such a wonderful sense of style and you would be an awesome stylist! Seriously, I wear yoga pants and leggings every day since I no longer am obligated to get dressed for my job. You must be the cutest darn mama out there, my friend!
I love that dress! And I love that you are attempting to follow your dreams! GO FOR IT!
I think you would be AMAZING at this and would be a great opportunity for you!! I say GO FOR IT!!
Oh Shanna, you would be So great at this! I think you should absolutely continue to pursue this passion! I am so glad to be back to the blogging world :) Hope you have a great New Year's friend!
Yay Shanna! First, that outfit is so cute--you always surprise me! I love the blue tights, wonder if I could pull this off? Second, congratulations girl, go for it! You're a natural, you've got to do this:)!
Go get it girl! You can do it!
I think it's awesome that you are following your dream! I wish you the best of luck in your new adventure :)
The Tiny Heart
Girl, I am PROUD of you! You go after that dream, it is YOURS!! I hope you truly make this a reality for you, doing something you love is very important :) and omg.. I am so envious of you rockin those blue tights!! Love them!
I'm going to send you an email about all this... It's too lengthy for a comment.
Fashion and Beauty Finds
Blogging inspired me as well! Why is it that the people in our e-lives can sometimes be more supportive and encouraging than those in our real lives? I think this is a fabulous idea. One thing I've learned from reading your blog is that Forever 21 is for me even though I'm not 21 and that it can look extremely chic when styled properly. I can't wait for a day to go hunt around in there.
I love it! I think you would be great at this and I look forward to seeing your progress. :)
DO IT beauty!!! This truly is your talent darling!! With your marketing experience and your blog, now is the PERFECT time!! WOOHOO, sooo proud of you!!!
How exciting! And yes...you should TOTALLY give it a whirl! GO YOU! :)
Shanna! I cannot wait for this new exciting chapter in your life and to follow along as you grow! You will be awesome at this! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
If you don't try, then you won't SUCCEED!
If you don't succeed, then the worst you did was TRY!
I'm glad you are finally taking the big leap. You are going to do awesome; I am SO proud of you!!!
Dream Big!!
Becky M.
a.) loving this outfit and it totally just jumped to the top 3 faves thus far.
b.) GO FOR IT! Seriously, I would pay! I honestly wouldn't pay a TON, but I would definitely pay for someone to take a look at all my clothes and and put together outfits and even find deals online for me! SERIOUSLY! I would probably be one of your first clients :) haha.
c.) The Lord puts a desire in your heart for a reason; that's why everyone is so different...that passion just sits there until you do something with it...my suggestion is to go for it and work diligently as unto the Lord! When you keep Him number one in your business, it CANT fail!
SHANNA! Oh my goodness! This is such a cool goal. Go for it! You'd be wonderful at it and even though we've never met (obvi) I just get the feeling you'd be so good at making women feel great about what they're wearing. Can't wait to see where this goes!
Samantha @ Sam ipsa loquitur
That's wonderful, Shanna! I am a wardrobe consultant/personal stylist in the Seattle area and I own my own small business. It has been fun, challenging, and so rewarding to work for myself. I love the women (and a few men!) I work with. The job has it's challenges for sure, but overall I have loved my venture. Best of luck to you!!! ~Sarah
What an exciting time for you! I know you'll do great! I thought of you at Target last night, the sequined top is now 70% off....so either go get it if you returned it or don't cry in the fetal position because you kept it. :)
How exciting Shanna! I know this had to be a HUGE step for you to put it out there. I'd hire you any day to shop my closet and pick an outfit for an event. Best of luck in your new endeavor.
You cannot BE tomorrow what you do not DO today!! You're an amazing woman!! Love you!!!
great resolution! good luck!!! <33
girlfriend, kudos for putting this out there and making it REAL!! It's a big step to take. And can I say, I KNEW IT, I knew it, I KNEW IT!!! You, having a marketing background is sooo apparent, cause you are Pro girl! I'd dead serious. My first interactions with you and since, I have always thought that.
A few thoughts I have.. you can ponder them, or in one eye, out the other, whatever. ;)
1. Consider a flat fee? $xxx will get you a closet consultation. $xxx will get you a special event consultation.
2. Know what I want to do? Take pictures of the clothes in my closet, and have someone create outfits for me, and suggest add on's that will increase the number of outfits in my closet.
3. Basics tutorials. What items are absolutely necessary to have in a closet, and how to build around them. I feel like I buy whatever is "cute", but have no foundational clothes to put them with so I end up with random pieces that never get worn.
jeez. sorry for the book, ie comment! I am sooo excited for you!!!
As my crazy grandpa always told me when I was scared to do something, "Girls have just as big balls as boys ... It just takes a little longer to find because they are invisible" haha!
Good luck with this new venture and I can't wait to hear more updates!
Happy New Year :)
that is amazing Shanna! I think you will be wonderful and i am so excited for you!
New things are always scary, but this sounds so exciting! You have such great style and I love all your outfits. You would be an amazing style consultant!
I think if anyone could do it, it would be you! I love looking at your outfits and you just seem like such a sweetheart. I know there are tons of people out there that would love a stylist, and Lord knows I'm one of them. I say go for it girl. You got this!! :)
Love the outfit - too cute!! Thanks for hosting the blog hop. Hope you're having a great new year!!
Shanna- I truly and honestly support your decision to do this! I think that it is something that you would be phenomenal at.
JUST from reading your blog/following you on Instagram- I think that you have a terrific sense of style. What I LOVE about it too is that you shop at very affordable and 'down to Earth' stores! I think that you could easily help anyone no matter their budget.
Another strong point is that I think you could be HONEST and CONSTRUCTIVE without being negative and/or critical. That is something that,to me, is extremely important. Personally, if I were to use services like this I would want someone to help me and advise me (making sure that I had the most flattering/complimentary clothing!) but someone who was also willing to incorporate my own personal style & desire for comfort into my look.
I hope all of this makes sense! In short, I'm saying that I think you could and WILL be very,very successful at this! Depending on financial situations and how you are going to approach 'long distance help'- I think that I would LOVE to talk to you about working together sometime this year. Again, personally, I think that this could be a great reward for weight loss & the need for new clothing! :)
Excited to see where this takes you, lady!
Dreams are only dreams until you grow a set of balls and make them reality.
Congrats my dear, you have taken the first step. Here's to reaching for the stars and realizing your dream.
Ring...Ring...Oooh what's that? It's my closet calling you. It says if you ever need a "project" to hit it up.
That is a really cute outfit! I love how you paired it with the blue tights, I wouldn't have thought to do that, but it looks super cute!
That is so awesome that you have set this goal for yourself! I think based on the popularity of your blog that you really could be successful at it! Best of luck, lady!
Shanna, I have the same exact goal! I don't like my current job at all and I KNOW I am meant to do something different, as corny as that sounds. I have the same struggle with being so scared to take the leap and wondering if people will actually pay for something like this. Anyhow, just wanted to say I really related to your post today, I think you would be a FABULOUS personal stylist, and here's to both of us following our dreams in 2013 :)
The Other Side of Gray
i loved reading this post! thanks for being so transparent with all of us Shanna!
C's Evolution of Style
If anybody can do this, it's YOU! I say go for it! I don't really have much advice except to keep it affordable : ) That's what will draw in more people. I cannot wait to see where this journey takes you! Good luck!
Oh honey, DO IT! Your clients would be SO LUCKY!!!
We have the same fire under us this year! I am so excited for so many things I have planned...my only problem is trying to find where to fit it all in!! I love your stylist idea! I think that if that's your passion, then go for it!
Shanna this would be perfect for you!!! You have such fabulous style, there is no reason for you not to succeed!!! Go for it girl!
How exciting!!! Can't wait to see what's in store for ya!!
YES YES YES!!! You would be an amazing personal stylist!
good for you for recognizing your talents and what will be happy and healthy for you!!! you're amazing!!
Um how am I suppose to be a client if you're all the way in TX?! That is a great goal/ career for you and I can only imagine how wonderful, successful you'll be!! Realistically I think it will have some downfalls, but I know you'll push through and end up a fabulous stylist...maybe have a show on Style network and I can say I "knew" her before!! haha...seriously thou...maybe Skype sessions for those of us out of TX....or you can develop a real life computer outfit- maker (? you can make a better name) like the one on Clueless!! haha!! Good luck!! You'll be great!!
Um how am I suppose to be a client if you're all the way in TX?! That is a great goal/ career for you and I can only imagine how wonderful, successful you'll be!! Realistically I think it will have some downfalls, but I know you'll push through and end up a fabulous stylist...maybe have a show on Style network and I can say I "knew" her before!! haha...seriously thou...maybe Skype sessions for those of us out of TX....or you can develop a real life computer outfit- maker (? you can make a better name) like the one on Clueless!! haha!! Good luck!! You'll be great!!
Wow - what a fantastic color combo, love this outfit on you. May have to link up next week!
You are awesome girl! That is such a fun dream and I am glad that you are taking steps to do something you love! I can't wait to see where this takes you :)
Just found your blog and liked what I see! I will be back! Good luck with fulfilling your dream I truly believe that if you like something and put a lot of energy into it you could succeed!
Lady, this sounds awesome! I think you'd be fabulous doing this sort of thing - you are so sweet and down to earth + you have great style (and you like to do it on a budget!)- for a girl like me all of those things are golden! I'll bet I'm not the only one who thinks so either!
As far as what to charge - I have no idea! Your time and expertise are valuable and you deserve to be paid but I'm cheap and therefore no help to you in that department :)
Good luck to you - I'm rooting for ya!
If I lived closer, I would totally go into business with you! This is something that I would love to do, but definitely don't have the time lol....you should go for it, sounds like such fun!
Oh wow, just found your blog. LOVE it! Thanks for hosting!
Ok, I did have someone come and do this for me. She came over and went through my closet together to help me put together outfits with clothes and accessories that I already had. It was WONDERFUL because I felt like I didn't have any clothes, but really I just didn't know how to pair them. And of course she left me with a list of items I need to fill holes in my closet. I felt like I had nothing to wear last summer and the truth was- I didn't have much. We were able ot make a lot of fall and winter outfits, but I didn't have a lot for summer, so I was REALLY looking forward to showing off some of my fall outfits last fall and then I got pregnant... So much for that idea. But it was totally worth it and I would recommend such a service. It jump started me to thinking more about what I was wearing and pairing accessories. As far as payment goes I think $30-$40/hr is fair. As we went through everything she took lots of pictures and emailed them to me along with some other tips so I have them to go back to. Good luck! If you lived in the Atlanta area I would TOTALLY have you come over to my closet next summer when the baby weight is off
umm let's talk about what an awesome stylist you would be!!! go for it, girl! make those dreams happen!! xoxoxo
I'd pay you for sure! When are you moving to Portland again? ;)
this outfit is PERFECT! I LOVE the neutral colors with the cobalt blue- so chic and pretty:)
I think if you want to do it, GO FOR IT! Especially with a blog following as large as yours, it will definitely be sooo possible!
You'd be great at that! Good luck with it :) 2013 is going to be a great year for you!
Shanna - how awesome! I wish you THE BEST OF LUCK with the personal shopping/stylist path. I think you can totally do anything you put your mind to!!
Oh my goodness, this would be perfect for you!! Not only do you have the BEST sense of style, you are so personable (sounds funny to say that since I only know you online, haha!) and I think you would be so great at this. I would definitely pay for a service like this, no question! You go, girl!!!
Ok so we are definitely meant to be friends. I literally told Robert last night I wanted to become a personal stylist! You should definitely go for it, I believe in you 100%!! Love you!!
Love your dress btw :)
Gotta follow your dream, Shanna!!
Follow your dreams Shanna! You will do awesome! I love your scarf!
Happy New Year pretty lady! I am so happy for you - figuring out what you want to do, and doing something to make it happen! I think you have fabulous style, and are so sweet women would definitely hire you to put a little pizazz into their outfits & closet!
More power & good luck Shanna.....You can do anything you heart desires! Happy NY & thanks for the chance to linkup!
Ive never felt the need for a stylist and wouldn't pay for one anyway so I can't help you there. But I do think you would be great at it and wish you the very best luck.
Happy New Year
Yes, yes, and YES! You got this, Shanna.
Shanna, you would be so great at this! It seems like that would come so natural for you. I said that I would use a personal stylist, but that an average person would be willing to pay 30. I feel like that could be a fair price, especially starting out. I wish you good luck in going through with this goal of yours!!! I truly think you'd be awesome at it!!!
Girl! This is amazing! You would be SO great at this! Also, I love your scarf. :)
Shanna, that is so awesome! I think you would be just so great as a personal stylist! You really do have a great sense of style, and you just seem so lovely and friendly! I love to shop and I really love creating outfits so I would not have the need for a personal stylist, but I can't tell you how many of my friends and co-workers have said they would use one. A few of the malls in my area have recently launched personal shopping services and some of my co-workers have used them. They LOVED them! Their one complainant was that the shopper couldn't come to their house and help them with the clothes already in their closet. I bet once you start offering your services a lot of people will use them. I wish you so much luck with this awesome adventure in your life!
xo Jenny
OMG Shanna!! I couldn't be happier that you are going to go for your goal! I think that this is the perfect job for you. I just LOVE your style, and you have been an inspiration to me in my own journey with style. I think that you could really help women feel good about themselves just by making them feel beautiful in the clothes they wear. Go get it, giiiirl! Love you!!
YEAH, Shanna!!! I was thinking of pursuing the SAME THING in 2013! Go for it, sistah! I'm excited for you!
do it, girl. seriously. do it!
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