Jacket: JCP (option) (option) | Dress: Target (option) (option) | Snood: Forever 21 (option) (option) | Boots: Francesca's (option) (option) | Belt: Forever 21 (option) (option)
Today's Random Wednesday is all about love and hate. Yes, hate is strong word. It's one I don't use while I am in "mommy mode", but a word I am gonna throw out there a few times today. I am justifying it because it's coupled with the for letter word L-O-V-E.
Let me preface by saying this week has been quite the Debbie Downer.
I know, as I am typing this self indulgent post, there are millions of people out there frying bigger fish than I am. Sometimes it's acceptable to bitch and moan a little, take today for instance.
Let's begin.
I love this amazing spring-like weather we have been experiencing in the Austin area.
I hate being so pasty white. I refuse to go back to the tanning beds and have been too lazy to do any self tanners. Pasty it is, for a few more months at least. Or maybe I will layout, lathered in baby oil on our trampoline this weekend.

I love being a mom to a 2nd grader.
hate dealing with crazy drama that takes place at her school, being caught
off guard, seeing my child cry, being labeled by others and having her
heart broken. It's ridiculous and almost makes me consider home school. I
hate to even imagine what it's going to be like in middle school. God,
give me the wisdom.

I love that Justin Timberlake is bringing his Sexy Back.
I hate that the radio is already playing his new song every 30 minutes. Can't we just savor it for a month or so. I predict a "Call Me Maybe" repeat.
I love being able to talk to my best friend about anything and everything.
I hate that we live three hours away and we do all our gossip by text and phone calls.
I love getting comments and emails from all you ladies.
I hate that my inbox is over flowing and I haven't had a chance to respond to so many of you. I am not ignoring you. Promise.

I love that I can call my dermatologist, get an appointment the same day and not have to wait for months.
I hate that I get these crazy cystic acne spots that result in getting two shots of cortisone prodded into my face. Painful, people, just painful. So worth it though. This sucker will vanish in less than 24 hours. I may or may not have tried to toss a few syringes in my bag.

I love blogging and being a blogger.
I hate hearing about bloggers getting their feelings hurt by other bloggers, getting ignored or being talked about. Grow up, people. Instead of being catty and gross, try and support and lift up a few ladies that may need it today. It's amazing how much better you feel when you make someone smile versus being a big ol' "B".
I love that my girls are feeling better and recovering from the flu.
I hate that I am running 100.3 fever as I type. I am NOT getting the flu. I am NOT getting the flu.
Okay, I think that about does it today. What are you loving and hating these days? Anything ruffling your feathers? Let it all out, sisters. Let it all out.
**If you are linking up today, please use good manners. I kindly ask that you follow my blog and link back to it in your post. It's called blogging etiquette.

Oh, and go meet some new friends!

P.S. Don't forget about the $50 J.Crew giveaway going down.
Click HERE to enter.
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Please and thank you.
It takes 5 seconds.
Please and thank you.

This is such a gorgeous outfit Shanna - I LOVE it!! You look so beautiful :)
Lauren xx
Love your outfit! I literally wore an outfit almost exactly like that during Christmas break! Denim jackets are my fave! A shot of cortizone in the face?? That sounds VERY painful, sorry you have to go through that!
I love that dress more than words can express. White and black stripes - what's not to love?
I hope you're not getting sick. Sending good, healthy vibes your way!
xo, jill
Classy with a Kick
I'm with you girl!So sick of people talking badly about other bloggers. When I've heard it I've put a stop to it because it's not OK. And I'm sorry things are going rough;y at your daughter's school :( I hope it gets better and that you do as well! Poor thing!
Just a heads up - I love you, don't ever feel obligated to email me back on blog posts lol. You have way too many to get to!
Cute outfit as per usual :)
What's happening at her school? As a teacher this stuff drives me NUTS! Kids shouldn't feel sad at school....it should be fun and emotionally safe for them.....
2nd grade?! not cool. my oldest in 6th grade is just starting to see the ugly in the world. Wishing you germ-free...momma bear just can't be sick! Your look is adorable, love the boots and bright colored scarf but I loved today's post even more. You might just be the only one who transfers over 'cute and bubbly' while repeating the word hate!
1. i'm sick too :( i actually mentioned this in my random wednesday post too! i swear i caught it from other bloggers ;)
2. i admit that i'm one of the ones that gets my feelings hurt sometimes.. i just have very thin skin and take things too personal. it's something i really dislike about myself and i'm working on it! but i try and hope that i'm not ever one of the ones who contributes to the drama. hate that crap.
3. hurry and get to your emails! i sent you a good one :)
Love this post, love your outfit! Feel so bad for your little girl, my little boy is in kindergarten and I'm already nervous for what is to come! xo
Love those stripes! I'm so sorry about your little one. :( I hope things resolve soon. And BTW, if that's pasty, then I don't even know what I am! :P
Ooh I have a dress just like this and was thinking of wearing it with my denim jacket, chunky scarf and my tan boots (I wear my tan boots way too often) when the weather warms up and now I have seen this I am so going to try it :) Sorry to hear your daughter has had a tough time at school, girls can be so cruel to each other (if it is girls that are causing her to cry?) I hope this changes really soon for her. Also get some rest, I hope you don't get flu. I have to have the flu jab (I have MS) but before I had the jab I caught it and ended up with pneumonia, flu is horrible. Big hugs, feel better soon.
Janine xx
Great look! I'm a sucker for stripes, and I love your boots every single time I see them!
You have no idea how much this outfits makes me want Spring to get here - like yesterday! It's negative 10 degrees here in MN which is inhumane! I've never tried those shots - heard they work wonders though!
Pearls & Paws
WHERE HAVE I BEEN? I LOVE JT!!! I can't wait to hear his song!
OHHHH I hope you somehow ward off this bug! YUCK!
Yeah, your outfit.....love.....I have a dress like that.......but it is 20 degrees here. BOOOOO!
Oh Shanna...please don't get the flu!!! Ahhh!!!
Ok, your inbox just made cringe. You need a day all to yourself just to get through emails!!
What in the world is going on with your daughter's 2nd grade class? Drama just keeps getting younger and younger doesn't it?
SO apparently all the Dermatologists live in Austin and no where else because it takes months to get an appointment here! I'm sorry your daughter is dealing with drama at school, kids (and teachers sometimes!) can be mean.
I hope you feel better. LOTS of liquids and rest!!
TOTALLY forgot to compliment your outfit!! Love that striped dress, looks very Kate Spade!
Agreed on the Timberlake song. I'm not even that crazy about it. And ouch! I hate that you have to have those shots. My husband gets that too. :(
I don't get the whole blog bullying thing. It's just so useless. You're right, we should all be supporting each other! Unfortunately, it comes down to what your poor 2nd grader is dealing with- girls are mean and have poor self esteem, so they take it out on others. It's sad. Thankfully your girls have you as a mom to get them through. I experienced some bullying in middle school and some days I felt like my mom was the only person who understood me and that made such a difference.
I hope you feel better soon!!
Lookin' good SHanna, please don't get the flu!! So glad your girls are recovering:) Second grade drama, oh no, my stomach is churning, I was just looking up kindergarten info yesterday. School scares me!!! Stay well friend!! And holy moly at those emails!!
You are adorable and one thing that I don't hate it that outfit! So cute :)
I love that JT is bringing Sexy Back too - it brings me back to the 90s in a split second!
Happy Wednesday, I just might join this link up today!
I love you but hate that you live in Texas because I want to go to lunch and shopping with you! I hear you on the school one - I love teaching, but hate dealing with the drama of some of the parents - does make me a little fearful for sending my kids to school!
Once again - amen to all of this. It breaks my heart when kids are made fun of and bullied in school. I was a culprit many times and it's hard to push out of my head.
I'm also struggling with some bloggers who are just downright mean to me and some others. They are not supportive, it's all about them and who cares about anyone else. It's very frustrating because we should be helping each other, lifting each other up but here - it's just not happening. :(
Wow this turned into a downer comment - but sometimes we need to vent.
Love ya girl! xo
love Justin Timberlake- hate that new song tho. it's not his best. and i am so pasty right now- just rock it!!
Giiirl, get some rest and feel better!! You will NOT get the flu!!
Seems like everyone is sick this year. Hope you are feeling better soon.
I'm hating on the FREEZING -25 celcius weather we have right now.
I love your boots.
I'm loving your blog!! I'm a new follower!!
I think women in general are unsupportive of other women. I have that in tomorrow's blog post a bit, and am doing an entire post on it soon. We should be lifting each other up, not stepping on each other and putting each other down.
I'm sorry about the school trouble, that sucks. So early too.
Love you outfit!
And Prayers for you little one, there is no reason for mean girls, especially in 2nd grade. There also isn't a reason for mean girls in the blog world either.
I hope you are not getting the flu. Good thinking on your hate for the fever. I'd be the same way!
Get well soon!
Understated Classics
I love your blog and all your cute outfits.
I hate that I don't get to look at your blog everyday and that I couldn't put together a decent outfit if my life depended on it.
I hope you feel better honey and you aren't getting that nasty flu! I'm with you on being so pale. I've actually almost broken down and gone to the tanning bed. I love spray tans but they are expensive to keep up. I'm ready for warmer weather so I can lay out for sure!
Love the stripes.
The weather here has been GORGEOUS!
If you do decide to homeschool, just give me a buzz.
I have a second grader and this is our first year but there is a HUGE RR/PF community and if you decide to do it, you'd have plenty of support. If you want to talk about it just let me know and I'll send my my #.
Holy hot tamale, that is a lot of emails, haha. You look gorgeous, love that dress on you. Yay for blogging, boo for meanies. I'm not quite sure how I feel about JT's new song. I love him, but I think the song needs to grow on me!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Okay I am gonna continue the love, hate. I love the outfit you are wearing. Striped dresses are my favorite thing ever and I always wonder, can you ever have too many? But I hate that you are experiencing spring weather, when it was 10 degrees here yesterday. Hate that most dearly (good for you, bad for me).
I love your blog, love you, and love your outfit.
I hate that I committed myself to two other link ups today and can't participate in yours. :[
This blogging thing is nothing but a big ole house full of hens. I think that regardless somedays you like each other some days you don't. This is what makes it interesting.
I know all about the cortisone and zit injections. This happened to me in my early 20s. It was a hormonal. I took an antibiotic and use MD Formulations wash and it was a miracle. I haven't had any since I was about 22. Good luck! Love you
I'm super jealous of the warm weather in Texas. Someday...hopefully soon...we will live there & I'll get to enjoy it with you! :)
Super cute outfit!
Love that dress!!! I am a new follower!! Looking forward to following you along!!! I am also linking up for the first time!!
Feel free to pop by and say hello!!
Ok, I think just bought that same dress at Target yesterday! haha. Does it have lace at the top? I love it, and can't wait to wear it. Your outfit is so cute, and I am insanely jealous that you are having warm weather!
I also really love this post! Don't you just hate drama? Ugh, reading this brought me back to my elementary and middle school days. Why does there have to be so much drama at such a young age?
Also, blogger drama. I really want to tell some people to grow up to! What is the point?!
Great post, Shanna! Happy Wednesday!
Forever 81
I LOVE this outfit, so stinkin' cute! I am totally drawing inspiration from it too... I have a maxi that's almost the exact stripe pattern (size of stripes anyway) and a new green infinity scarf!
I'm loving that we blinked and winter seems to be gone. But I'm also kind of hating it because that means it'll be 105 degrees before we know it!
Oh no, I hate that you have to get those shots in your face :( I used to have problems with cystic acne too and my derm put me on 6 months of Acutane and *knock on wood* it's not been too bad since. Have you ever tried that?
I love this post! and I love that you are looking at both sides of everything. You are amazing! and Can we lay out together please? I am pastttty!!
I love everything about this post!! I completely agree with it all :) of course! So glad you got into your Derm so fast! That is unheard of, same day appt?!?! Lucky! I am not tanning anymore either, wih the exception of normal rays we get while lounging :) loving your outfit today friend! Hope you start feeling better today!!
Oh no! Don't get the flu! Did you guys get shots? We did but I heard that it doesn't matter because it is a different strand anyway. Yikes. It make me scared because my 4 year old has fever seizures so I am petrified. Hope you feel better!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
Oh no, I hope you're not getting the flu! Get yourself some Vitamin C pills stat. I start getting a panic attack if I have too many emails in my inbox...I am OCD about reading/deleting emails! That is so awful that the girls are already being mean in 2nd grade, sigh.
The Tiny Heart
January Group Giveaway!
Second grade drama?! Your poor baby : ( I hate to hear that.
I don't think you look pasty..you look gorgeous! Hope you feel better soon!
I hope you feel better soon, you look great, I love your stripes and jean jacket and boots.
Love - your adorable outfit!
Hate - here in Columbus, OH it's 18 degrees at noon so that outfit could not be worn right now.
I need that scarf! I just got some heels that color and now I want a scarf that color :) You look great!
I'm trying to put your button on my post and it isn't working - also, I'm highly thinking about home schooling...I have a friend that does and she loves it. It has its ups and downs but hey, at least you aren't going through the trouble you are now! Is that really your inbox?!!!! Lol
I love the word snood and I think I need one. It took me a minute to figure that out!
Blogging = middle school girls. Which, 2nd graders are AWFUL. Someone at work was telling me about his 8 year old getting bullied. Don't these kids have barbies and shit to play with to occupy their time? It breaks my heart.
I am so sorry to hear that your daughter is going through some stuff at school. :( I hate how mean kids can be!! And I hate when bloggers are mean to others too. Why can't everyone just get along!
i LOVE what you're wearing in this post! i am so jealous of y'all's spring-like temps! SO JEALOUS!!
I am in love with that dress!!! I might be a bit partial to black and white stripes, seeing as how that is what I am wearing today, but still. I love it! I would also like you to send some of that warmer weather my direction please and thank you!
you are such a real person + I just love that about you! you have so many am great qualities so keep your pretty little head up :) x
I hope you feel better and in fact do not get the flu! Hopefully this warmer weather we've been having will help. :)
i love that outfit! and im giggling over the fact that your austin "pasty" face is my illinois "tan" face. im seriously whiter than porcelain right now!
Not only are you hilarious, you are pretty and a fantastic fashion sense! Love it.
Cute cute cute as always. And sorry about the injections :(
Love your dress! So pretty with your scarf.
I feel like the drama is starting earlier and earlier in school. kids can be so mean! And i also really dislike JT's new song. They play it way too much on the radio already.
I love the constant sunshine, but I hate that it's accompanied by harsh, bitterly cold wind. Oh, and I'm following you now via GFC :)
A Journey in Style
New follower. Found you from For Lauren and Lauren giveaway. I am the mom of a 2nd grader, and the drama drives me crazy too!
I'm already annoyed by JT's new song. Radio stations need to cool it and not play it every 12 minutes!
That dress is so pretty, and I love that scarf with it.
I love the boots! WOuld you mind telling me what brand they are?! Your post is too funny!
oh man i totally feel your pain in a lot of ways. i'm so sorry about the drama at your daughter's school. i know that's gotta be frustrating. and maybe i'm in a zone or something or i'm in a bubble, but bloggers talking about other bloggers? what?! where?1 that's crazy! forget them! you are awesome, shanna!
is something wrong with the linky thing? I want to see other people's posts but only 17 are showing up for me! hmph :(
I love reading your posts :) Drama in elementary school is just SO uncalled for!! I love your striped dress, you look super cute, and I hope you are feeling better!
The Other Side of Gray
I hope I'm not commenting twice but I don't think my last comment posted. Anyway, I just wanted to say I love reading your posts :) Drama in elementary school is SO unnecessary, I love your striped dress, and I hope you are feeling better!
The Other Side of Gray
I wish I had those boots! And I feel like I hardly ever hear anything GOOD about schools these days. I'd already decided to homeschool when it's time, but homeschool is sounding better and better, it seems.
Excellent pictures and lovely outfit!!!
Kids Games
Looking lovely.
I totally forgot to link up here yesterday!
Know that I am so envious of the weather you are having...and you're not pasty. Try -22 yesterday sweet girl! Oy.
You are hilarious and I couldn't agree more about bloggers being nice. I had a bad experience recently with someone being ugly and it's ridiculous. Just be nice, people! I'm thankful for sweet bloggers like you. I really hope you are not getting the flu. Hang in there and rest up. :)
haha...it used to bother me that I am pasty white! Now I just figure I'll look really good when I get older since I won't have all that sun damage! Your dress looks super cute with the boots!
Jeans and a Teacup
Great post I'm sorry to hear that there is school drama - especially in elementary school! I'm with you people need to not bully - face to face and in the blog world - I really don't understand why people have to be mean. We should all support each other! I hope you don't get the flu!
hi Shanna! I stumbled upon your blog and was really glad to see you say that we need to have nice feelings going out to all our fellow bloggers. Two weeks ago I stopped my fb page because of naughty words coming at me or those I followed there. They can really hurt. I really really try hard to say nice things [except in my sleep] to everyone in person and in blog-land. I will link up with this fun looking hop next week on Wednesday, I promise. And ...I never break my promise. Oh, I am your newest follower.
doh! I didn't stumble upon you. I found you at WIWW, silly me.
Shanna, I couldn't agree with you more. Some of them seriously must grow up! You look amazing and I love your dress, and great outfit!
The outfit is great! Take care! Feel better!
First off, I love your outfit, like usual. Secondly, I too get those horrible nasty frustrating and gross cystic zits. I didn't know you could get a shot in them... and how in the heck do you get same day appointments?! I gotta wait like 6 weeks! But I've boycotted dermatologists all together. After 10 years of going to them without results, I give up. Lastly, if you think your pasty white, you outta see this cheesehead from Wisconsin. Yikes!!
I love this outfit!!
CUTE outfit! LOVE the boots!
I get cystic ones too, but I manage to cover them (well, except one so I wore a hat for a week, haha) I didn't know they had shots for that.
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