Five years ago today I was getting rolled into the OR for a C-section. It was my 2nd rodeo with being cut open, but unlike the first time, this one was scheduled.
The first time was unexpected and an emergency, so I had no time to think about what was happening. From the time my doctor broke my water to the birth of my baby was less than a 45 minute time frame. I was rushed into the OR and my doctor wasn't messing around. She had to get my baby out and there was zero time to spare. It all happened so suddenly, I had no time to even think about what was going on. To this day, I can barely remember what all went down. I just knew that I needed my first born to be healthy and okay. Doctors, do what ya gotta do, just let my baby that was under severe stress come out kicking and screaming. And that she did.
But, the second go round, I was prepared. I mean, it was scheduled months in advance. NOT. Anxiety rushed over me like a tidal wave and I felt like I was going to hyperventilate laying there on the cold table completely aware what was going on. Being nervous for the second birth of my child was an understatement. I was terrified this time because it wasn't rushed, it wasn't last minute, it wasn't an emergency.
And then, I heard her, she was crying. Ross was crying. I was crying. The nurse brought over my sweet baby girl and shouted, "We have a red head!". I still remember thinking, "What, a red head? No way, I have a red headed child?" Who is this kid and where did she come from? For the longest time I was in denial about her hair color. I mean, she was practically bald, how could anyone tell what color her hair was? Don't think bad of me, but I never wanted a child with red hair. I kept hoping it would change color, that it would fall out or that it was just bad lighting. Nope, not the case.
But, now, oh man, now, I LOVE that the Lord blessed us with a ginger. I mean, a ginger, well if you have one in your family, you know how much fire they bring into a family. Our sweet Landry Evelyn was meant to be red. Everything you hear about red heads, well, it's true. They are spunky. They are hilarious. They are mischievous. They are adventurous. And their freckles stand for all the love and laughter they bring into someone's life.
That IS our child. This little girl has ignited our world with nothing but smiles, giggles, ginormous messes and she has shown us how to love more than we ever thought we could.

Her heart is made of gold. She is the MOST kind, sensitive, loving, cuddle bug, thoughtful, innocent, independent, garbage disposal of candy little girl in the whole world.
I truly wish that each of you could personally know our Landry "Lou" (aka Sparkle Monkey). I promise you that every single person that meets her falls instantly in love. She is a child that has a way with people. She doesn't have to say a word. She can just look at them with her God given twinkle and has them in the palm of her hands.
She's never met a stranger. She brings constant entertainment. Her smile is infectious. Her hair color is only 9% of the population. Her booty is like Beyonce's. Her cheeks, you just wanna squeeze them. She is no longer a toddler. She will always be my baby. She is five years old today.
My eyes are welled up with tears as I type this. Tears of joy and sadness. This is my baby. My very last baby. No more kiddos for us. She is growing into a young lady. She has made me prouder than I could have ever imagined. Even though she is just a child, she is a role model. A role model for unconditional love, laughter, purity, innocence and making the most of life.
I know many of my readers do not have children and possibly never want children. Let me just say, having a child is the most difficult but MOST rewarding thing you can do in life. It will change you for the better. It will show you how to love and sacrifice like you never thought you could.
And without further adieu, this is our Landry Evelyn "Lou", a trip over the last five years.

Now you know why her nickname is Sparkle Monkey. Since the day she was born, that twinkle was there and every day since then, she has brought so much light into our lives. Oh, how I wish I had a video of each of these pictures. Every single one tells a story. Each one deserves a blog post all on it's own. Questions about any of them? Just ask!

And there she is, in all our beautiful and innocent glory.
I love you, Landry Evelyn. I can't wait until the day you can read this, share it with your kids and want to strangle me for a few of these pictures that I posted across the internet. Mommy had to do it. I had to show the world your sparkling personality and just how special you are. You are going to do brilliant things in this world and I will be here every step of the way cheering you on.
Happy Birthday, Sparkle Monkey!

This is such a gorgeous post! Happy birthday to your daughter. Those baby photos are just too adorable :)
I am new to your blog but what a beautiful written post! Happy Birthday to your blessed little girl
What a wonderful post! And such a spunky and fashionable girl too!
This is such a sweet post! That photo of the diaper/red boots and orange in the mouth are so funny! I completely agree with you about having children... there is nothing more precious, and it's definitely the accomplishment I am most proud of. Happy celebrating! :)
She is just a doll! Happy birthday to your sweet girl!
Happy birthday Sparkle Monkey!!!!!!!! Such sweet words and photos!
Happy birthday to your sweet girl :)
she is SO cute! You can get such a glimpse of her personality from all her pictures - happy happy birthday to your sweet girl!
she is just adorable! what a gift, happy birthday to her!
Love all these pictures of your sweet baby ginger! She's a doll - just like her mama! Have fun celebrating!
She is so stinkin cute and you are sweet to do this for her! She will treasure it forever!! Happiest of birthdays to your girl!
Aw how sweet! Happy birthday!! I was in labor for over 24 hours with my 1st. So with my second I was so scared and had a breakdown in the hospital room as soon as I checked in. The nurse asked if it was my first and I said no. She looked at me like I was nuts.
Fashion and Beauty Finds
She is so beautiful! I can tell just from your photos and your words how happy of a family you are, and she seems like such a sweet, loving girl! Happy Birthday sweetie pie!
Happy birthday Sparkle Monkey! She is so beautiful! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
I love this post - so cute! And the pictures are adorable!!! Happy Birthday to your little Sparkle Monkey! lol
Happy birthday Miss Landry!! Such a sweet post! The time I met her she was so fun & outgoing and it was like we had met many times before!! I hope that she has the best birthday yet!!!
This post brought tears to my eyes! Such sweet words. It makes me smile every time I see a silly picture of her because my brother is a red head so I know how much of a firecracker they can be! Happy Birthday to your sparkle monkey!
What a sweet post! Happy birthday to Landry! I love the photo collages of her throughout the years :)
The Tiny Heart
Necklace Giveaway!
Happy birthday, Landry! This was such a sweet post. Her bright personality shines through!
Fizz and Frosting
Happy birthday to Landry! She looks like such a little ham and I kind of really want to be friends with her :) What a cutie!
The Other Side of Gray
She is adorable!! My ginger niece just turned two yesterday- and she definitely has that fire. Such a little attitude!
Happy Birthday Sparkle Monkey! she is too cute! I love the sass she shows in all of those pictures...
So sweet! Happy Birthday!!
That is so sweet. Congrats on having, raising and taking so much pride in such a beautiful daughter. Time flies! That's what they say and it's kind of true. I don't know what it's like to love a child. I'm not sure that I will but it does sound beautiful.
AW Happy Birthday to you princess! She is soo freakin cute. You can tell she's a red head! What a personality!
Happy Birthday to your daughter! She is so cute, those baby pictures are just precious!
She is too precious. You need to bring those faces to hollywood!
Currently Coveting
Happy birthday sweet sparkling ginger monkey. Red heads rule!
Oh my gosh. This post is soooo sweet! I love all of the pictures too. She is a beautiful girl!!
awwwww, happy birthday to your sweet pea! What a beautiful tribute mama
Oh, she is precious! Happy Birthday from one (sort of) redhead to another!
Happy birthday Landry!! your post brought a tear to y eye and I can't wait ( actually yes I can wait and I am waiting haha) for a child of my own. She certainly looks like a handful of fun. Love all the silly pictures, but the posed pictures are gorgeous!! Have fun celebrating!!
What a beautiful tribute to a pretty and spunky little lady!
Happy birthday to your girl!
So so sweet. Such a beautiful ginger lol.
Oh sweet, sassy little Landry!! What a cutie she is. I (!!!) am tearing up over this post. It really is amazing what joy a child can bring in your life.
Happy Birthday, Sparkle Monkey!
Happy Birthday to your crazy, adorable little one :)
Aw she's adorable!!!
Happy birthday to Landry!! I hope you have fun celebrating today!
What a sweet post! Happy birthday to your little ginger:)
i am tearing up reading this, shanna!! i can't wait to be a mom - i hope i'm half the mom you are! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LANDRY!!
Hehehe that was so sweet! Happy Birthday Landry!
SHE IS SO ADORABLE! Happy Birthday to her!!!!! I hope she has a fabulous birthday :) They were always the best when you were little!
What a beautiful post! I'm sitting here tearing up myself! You are blessed to have her and she is blessed to have you! Thanks for sharing these adorable pics with us. Priceless!
What a sweet, beautiful little girl! (My) Ross has red hair genes in his family and I would be willing to bet money that one of our kiddos has red hair one day.
You were lucky to have girls though because I think girls will always remain close to their momma. Boys kind leave their mom for their wife.
Happy 5th birthday to your littlest one :)
Gingers are in a class all by themselves!! Happy birthday to your sweet little girl!! She is precious!!
Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings
Happy Birthday Landry! She is adorable! And has quite the personality...I can tell!!!
And yes, I am learning all about that sacrifice right now... but you are so right. It is amazing!
best post ever! happy birthday to your amazing little girl!!!!!!!!!!!
Aw how sweet! My boyfriend (and father) had red hair as a child, so there is a chance our kid (wayyyy in the future!) might have it, too :P she's so cute!
Loved every last bit of this.
She is a little beauty! Love the centre photo bottom. Adorable.
Landry is so DARLING!!!!! Happy happy birthday to the sparkliest little monkey-boo! Love her!!
Great post!! Happy B-day Landry... She's cute!!Would u like follow each other? let me know. Kisses
Wow, what a beautiful, inspiring post! She is a gorgeous little lady, and so lucky to have such wonderful, loving parents! These pictures are fabulous, and I would love to hear more stories and see more pictures of her anytime! What a doll!!
What a precious precious post Shanna! Those girls are so lucky to have a mama who loves them so much!:)
This is adorable! You are so lucky to have 2 beautiful children that are happy and healthy! Hope you guys had fun celebrating :-)
How precious!! Your girls are gorgeous and Happy Birthday to your little girl!
happy birthday to your sparkle monkey -- she grew up so fast! love you shan! xo
She is sooo adorable! Love all the pictures! Happy Birthday to your sparkle monkey!
She is such a doll! I hope that she enjoyed a wonderful birthday. You are so blessed :)
Look at her! Ohhhh I just love her sweet little face already! I want a red head now :) lol. I have 3 nieces/nephews with red hair and the parents are blonde and brunette - and I'm talking RED. where does it come from? lol.
she is so so gorgeous!! i love ginger girls...they are SO stunning!
Happy B-day to your sweet girl! Redheads are the best, just saying!!!
Happy Birthday to your little sweetheart!
Such a sweet post! She is adorable! Happy belated birthday to your lil one!
World According to Shia
Happy Birthday Sparkle Monkey! She definitely has some spunk and looks like one of those kids that you just can't help but want to play with! She is gorgeous...
She's adorable! My daughter turned 5 on the 11th and is just as fiery (without the red hair!) - too cute!
Sparkle Monkey might just be the cutest little girl in the world. What a special girl :-) And her real name, Landry Evelyn? So beautiful! DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO GOOD AT EVERYTHING?!?
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