It's Monday and you know that means, reliving the this and thats of the weekend. And what a weekend it was. Not only did it feel like spring time here, my girls got tan lines from playing outside. I think the "winter" weather has officially ended in these parts and I am not complaining one single bit.

So, some of you already know that Ross and I attended a hospital gala on Saturday night (aka adult prom). As much fun as it was to get all fancified in my BCBG steal of a deal, the event itself was somewhat stuffy. However, the people watching was the highlight of the night. I snuck a few pictures of some "Oh, my, is she really wearing that?" dresses, but I decided to be nice and not post any of the pictures. You never know who is reading your blog.
So, the food was not my fave, think bloody filet mignon. Gross. It gives me the willies just thinking about. I may or may not have secretly spit it back into my napkin, wrapped it tightly into a ball and placed under the table. The only thing that made it's way into my belly was a salad and chocolate cake. And, oh yeah, rum and diet cokes and a glass or two of bubbly. And you know what happens when you drink on a half empty stomach. The said drinks hit ya a little bit harder and a tad bit faster. And it doesn't help that the bartender named Angel liked to pour...a lot. Open bars equal headache the next day. We did have a really nice time, met up with some former colleagues that we haven't seen in ages, played a little blackjack and met some crazy wasted ladies outside. Man, I could write an entire blog post about these gals. Being the blogger that I am, I tried with everything I had to get a picture of the three amigos, but they caught me every time I tried to sneak a camera click. Trust me, they were a reality show in the making.

It took me almost the entire day to recover from "adult prom" on Sunday, but I finally mustered up the energy to get Super Bowl, Houston Texans style ready. We headed over to our friends' hood where they set up a big screen of the game. Yep, that's how we do things in Texas, BIG. I dropped the queso that Ross spent hours making, so he said. I thought about scooping it up and putting it back in the crockpot. You know, the five second rule, but I couldn't bring myself to be "that girl". There was more than plenty of grub to grub on, so nobody really missed the cheese anyway. And can we talk about Beyonce? Holy hotness. I swear that woman is something fierce. I have seen my fair share of Super Bowl half time shows, and I think her's was one of the best...if ya don't count Prince. That one is still my fave of all time.

And a blog post wouldn't be a blog post without me telling you a few things to go out and buy. I like to help stimulate the economy. It's my civil duty. So, I have blogged about this self tanner before. It's been awhile, so I thought I would bring it up again. Xen-Tan is hands down the BEST sunless tanner I have used. It goes on clear, gives gradual color and the smell doesn't make you wanna barf. It's $40 at Ulta or Nordstrom. It also lasts a long time; at least 10+ applications. And nope, it won't turn you into a Oompa-loompa.
I found these Nine West heels at DSW this weekend. They were 50% and less than $40. I couldn't resist. Did I need them? Nope? Did I want them? Yep. If you have a DSW in your area, I highly suggest you pop on in. They had some great deals and super fun choices.

Last but not least, I never gave you guys a recap on my styling appointment in San Antonio last week. It was another fun one. We made a total of 72 outfits from what she already owned. Here is a peek at how I suggested she style her red skinny jeans. She is a stay at home mom, so we wanted casual, fun and flirty and also threw in a few date night ideas.
That's all I got. What were you crazy cats up to this weekend? Did ya get in any trouble? Spend some money? Drool over Beyonce like I did?

I had a blast watching my Ravens win!! haha!! I am loving all the outfits because I have red pants that sometimes i have no clue how to wear them :) Loving your adult prom dress and I can only imagine the "she really wore that" dresses
YAY for an awesome weekend! So glad you had fun. Love those new shoes, you totally found a great deal. Can't wait to see how you wear them!
I am so interested in trying the self-tanner. I have SUPER fair skin, but your stamp of approval on this product makes me want to go grab some!
That dress you picked. GASP! LOVE! You need to go on a cruise or something and wear it for the formal dinner night!
What a fun filled weekend! I also wore BCBG to our "adult prom" this past Friday:)
i sure wish you got a picture of them. people watching is the best entertainment! you looked gorgeous in that dress!!! i'm glad you wrote about that self tanner again and said that it last for so long! I want to try it!
That dress is gorgeous!
I started screaming with delight when Destiny's Child came on the stage. Matt was like what is your problem?! lol It was so amazing.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you were THE best-dressed at the gala. Seriously, you looked gorgeous and that dress was perfect for you!
And darn it, I want those heels. I have several leopard shoes, but no closed toes that I can wear all the time. I think I need them ;)
Looking so pretty in that formal dress, Shanna! I would've loved to see all the crazy dresses :) People watching can be so entertaining!
The Tiny Heart
Sephora Giveaway!
stuffy event or not you look seriously gorgeous!
and I am going to have to try that self tanner!
You look so gorgeous in your "prom" dress, I bet you were the prettiest one there! So sad about the queso! I've never tried self tanner before because I was always afraid it would stain my clothes and stuff. I might check this one out!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Girl you ROCKED that dress! So so pretty!!!
Beyonce, yes! I want to come back as her in my next life.
I love your adult prom dress. You look so pretty! Didn't watch the SB... Watched a Golden Girls marathon instead. Ha ha!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
you looked absolutely BEAUTIFUL, shanna!! sounds like you had an amazing weekend!! i'm so jealous of your non-winter weather now. send the warmth our way!
I love the dress you chose, it's beautiful!
Love your dress for adult prom! Those DSW shoes are awesome...great find!
love, love your gown! and the shoes is so pretty, good thing you got it. and i like how you style the red jeans, so many possibilities.
beyonce was amazing too, like her like a lot!
have a nice week ahead.
You looked gorgeous as the gala! And I am with you... no more "winter weather"! It dropped into the 40's last night and I was not havin' it! :-P
Shanna! That dress!!! You look absolutely incredible! Wow. And I'm going to have to try the self-tanner! I've never used self-tanner before and I'm scared, but I'm getting a little pasty and I think it's time to start!
You look gorgeous at your gala. That dress is an absolute stunner. And that queso dip looks super good. I would have probably eaten it right off the floor. I'm kidding...just a little.
Your dress was STUNNING! SO classic! Maybe my Mister will have a "ball" to go to soon :)
I agree with the Prince statement. He is still my number one memory but Beyonce is a close second! And I'm still amazed that I didn't see her thighs jiggle once during that entire performance.
You looked absolutely RAVISHING in that dress! And your husband was quite the dapper! I, too, was recuperating all day Sunday from Saturday night. Haha. Loved this post!
P.S. Some of your friends would LOVE some private pics of those fashion disasters :)
Your dress is gorgeous. You look stunning. I love those red pants. I bought a pair last spring from The Gap and wore them all summer long. Love them.
ohmygad, that Beyonce IS something FIERCE. I adore her. She killed it!
And so did you in your prom dress. ;) Absolutely Stunning!!
You looked absolutely AMAZING at the gala! Love that dress :) Also... I need to give that self tanner a try!
Oooh, girl, your dress is phenomenal! I love formal dresses like that but have never had any reason to wear one since high school dances. Yours is perfectly sophisticated and breathtaking. Love it!!
Love that dress and gahhhh those shoes! Animal print, you got me!! Found you from the link up!
Beth @ Clothes & Cocktails
Love the dress! You looked great!
I hear you on the day long recovery. Took me all day yesterday!
Have a wonderful week!
You rocked that dress but then again, who would expect anything less?
{totally didn't intend to rhyme but glad I did ;)}
Oh my picked a gorgeous dress! And those heels are really cute! I have a gift card to DSW that I need to use!
Jeans and a Teacup
An open bar usually spells trouble for me. Sorry the food was no good. Bummer about that queso dip! I'd have been so upset. Yes, I drooled over Beyonce! She is amazing. Red skinnies have been on my list for a while. I haven't taken the plunge yet.
You looked SO pretty at the gala. Love that dress! What a bummer about the queso, but thank goodness you had other goodies :) Thanks for linking up as always love!
"Its my civil duty"...hahah it totally is! I loved loved your prom dress. You looked amazing. Sad that the event wasn't amazing, but at least y'all looked great!
Beyonce. I was DYING. She is just too good. I totally went on a rant to Justin about how perfect of a star she is...she's never had any major controversy ya know? Clearly I'm still not over it.
I would've cried over spilled queso.
the 5 second rule is always okay! ...just kidding. Glad you guys skipped on the cheese haha Beyonce was absolutely wonderful and she definitely made up for any missing food at super bowl parties across the nation!
With Luck
You are so real & cute. Everytime I read your blog, it makes me want to hang out with you, do you travel to Utah?:) I love those heels you snagged up!!
You looked gorgeous. Your dress was perfection.
Yes, it was a great weekend seems like everywhere - I wish there was a Super Bowl every month - things are much more fun! Glad you had a nice one and you did an excellent job with the outfits. I need to hit up DSW soon, enjoy the rest of your week.
What a great weekend! You looked fabulous in your gown!
Major bummer on dropping the queso! I can't seem to live without queso :)
I was also drooling over Beyonce, she was amazing!!
Have a great Monday friend!
Stuffy parties are never a good time. But hey, you looked fabulous. Love your dress. And I agree, beyonce's performance was so amazing. And I freaked out once I saw Michelle and Kelly pop out on the stage!
Ok, I am BEYOND jealous of the weather you are having in Texas right now.
My husband, kids & I are hoping to move to Texas in the near future...ASAP would be best.
Can we just move in with you now, so we can skip the winter months up here in the northeast?! :)
Have a great week!
Yikes sorry about the queso ... it looked yummy! Loving those shoes and thanks for all the red pant tips - now I have no excuse to get some!
World According to Shia
Beyonce really was killer. I just watched it on Youtube (I'm pretty sure I"m the only person who watched exactly zero seconds of the SuperBowl)
You could not have looked more stunning in your dress. Oh my!!!! Beautiful, Shanna.
I wish I could see those secret pics...but I totally get what you mean...don't know who is reading!
Sounds like such a fab weekend! You look GORGE in your BCBG!! I've been so in-and-out, I haven't checked in or blogged in 2 weeks! I've missed you!! :)
Love your dress!!! Looks like you had a great weekend...I am jealous of your warm weather. Also great styling options for the red pants...I always do the same outfit over for my coral pants. And I think you have convinced me to buy those shoes!!!
XO Samantha
Love the dress! Our neighbors are hosting an adult prom in May. I can't wait to get all dressed up for it.
I loved Beyonce, and my husband would agree with you that Prince is #1; he's a huge Prince fan.
I've been thinking about becoming a stylist -- so cool you're actually doing it! xo
That cheese dip looks good, even if it did fall on the floor! And I think I need you to come visit my closet and tell me what goes good with what, I am horrible at style! Making any trips to Nebraska soon, haha!!
Sounds like a fun weekend for sure. Too bad the queso spilled. I swear I could eat queso for every meal.
I am definitely gonna go grab some of that self tanner. My pasty skin could use it. And I hate fake-baking unless I'm going on vacay.
Happy Monday :)
Oh gosh, that "prom" dress is so pretty! Can we be best friends and me grow about 5 inches so I can borrow? haha! Such a great weekend, minus the cheese debacle of 2013, so sad.
Fabulous gala dress!
BOO to queso spills and not being able to snap a shot of the three amigos. I hate missing a photo opp!
LOVE the dress you wore to the event. You look so tiny! Great outfits with the red pants!
you look gorgeous in that dress! i love it so much!
Sounds like a super-fun weekend!
Also, I really need you to "shop my closet" for me, and help me come up with more creative outfits, I love what you did here!
Gayle | Grace for Gayle
Absolutely love that dress. You looked gorgeous!
Sorry your event was a little stuffy. But it sounds like the people watching was worth going for! Gotta love those open bars. The next day really is the only part that stinks.
i love your grown up prom dress, girl! i was having serious outfit issues on saturday and i seriously thought "i wish shanna was here to help me pick a fab outfit!"
I love your dress, you're gorgeous and those Nine West heels are just too cute.
Oh m ggg I love the dress you wore! Stunning!
You look gorgeous in that black and white gown!!! Love it! I think i watched 2 minutes of the super bowl...sometimes i wish i liked football.
When it comes to shoes, "Need" is not a word that's in my vocabulary. It's all about WANT! lol...
What a gorgeous dress on you! And you can never have too many pair of shoes :)
You looked so beautiful in that dress! Too bad the party was stuffy... I hate stuffy parties. And those shoes? LOVE! I may sneak out to a DSW soon to see if they have them. Have a lovely week!!!
You looked so beautiful in that dress! Too bad the party was stuffy... I hate stuffy parties. And those shoes? LOVE! I may sneak out to a DSW soon to see if they have them. Have a lovely week!!!
So funny, I saw your instagram post in that dress and was all WTF...PROM?! I spent a good 5 mins wondering if you were chaperoning or something. Yeah, I figured it out. You looked beautiful!
I love all the red pants outfits, definitely gave me some great ideas!
Holy hottness, sweet thang! Loved your dress for adult prom! And boo to dropping the queso dip. I would have scooped it up because I love queso that much! haha. Also, love these red pants outfit ideas. I struggle with my red pants, so this is wonderful! Thanks for being you and providing with this style advice!!
I love your dress! it is so modern and yet feminine! I'm so sad that you dangled the photos of the other guests in front of us and didn't deliver. Such a tease. Haha
I'm a new follower- absolutely love your red pants styling!! Denim is my Favorite, no matter the color. Think I will be taking some tips from you! :)
You look FABULOUS in that dress lady! and 72 outfits from what she already had? you are AMAZING. I need to do this with my own closet! After I'm done being pregnant of course;)
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