First of all, the first person to tell me who sang the lyrics to the title of this post wins a prize. Okay, maybe not a prize, but a virtual salute.
Anyway, hodgepodge coming straight at ya today. A little of this and a little of that went down over the past two days. It was an eating, drinking, dancing, shopping, sun shining, kite flying merry good time.
With the weather turning much warmer over the last several weeks, we have taken advantage of the 48 hours that grace us with their presence every five days. It's kinda hard to sit still when the birds are singing, the sun is beaming and spring is in the air (at least for now). If you live in Texas, you know how quickly it can go from flip flops to sweaters.
Speaking of flip flops and sweaters, I thought I would begin with just that...clothes.

Left to right:
Sunday: Francesca's top (not online, but recent) | Sam Moon Scarf | PacSun Boots

Moving onto the actual weekend. Friday night consisted of sushi, sangria and some Target shopping. How freaking cute are these polka dot shoes? Yi-chia, I thought of you when I took this picture! I spent entirely too much money, that I don't have, on some serious goodness. Recall the middle picture in the first set above. I call this threesome a winning combination.

Saturday evening just about turned me into major mush. It was the annual daddy/daughter dance for the Girl Scouts in our area. The theme, in case you couldn't figure it out, was Boot Scootin' Boogie. It doesn't get much better seeing your husband and daughter not only look beyond words adorable, but also having a date night together...corsage and all.

When you have two kids, you can't let the little pipsqueak feel left out. So what does one do to help ease the "I wanna go to the dance too" feeling? They take them on a date and let them order anything they want off the menu...root beer coming right up. It's also a grand excuse to catch up with a best friend. Double dates are the BEST.

After a morning of church and brunch, we had the brilliant idea of heading out to Zilker Park for the annual Kite Festival. It was sunny with bright blue skies, windy and warm, a perfect mix for flying kites, right? Well, yes, sort of. It was fun. It was really cool being part of a pretty awesome event that the GREAT City of Austin hosts every year. It was a bit amusing to see all the kites stuck in trees. It was fabulous people watching. We ooh'd and we ahh'd at all the the kites, but as you can see from the pictures, it was out of control crowded. The traffic was horrendous, the lines were ridiculous and the 50,000 people almost gave me an anxiety attack. If we go again next year, I will plan better, bring a blanket, more food and take the shuttle. It is definitely something to experience at least once if you live in the Austin area. We have lived here for over 10 years and this was our very first rodeo. We were rookies to say the least.
So, tell me what was the highlight of your weekend? I must say watching Logan and Ross head off to do a little two-steppin' took the cake for me.
I am linking up with:
Leeann Monday Morning Gossip
Sami Weekend Shenanigans
Molly and Carly for YOLO Mondays.
Leeann Monday Morning Gossip
Sami Weekend Shenanigans
Molly and Carly for YOLO Mondays.

Steve Wariner
hope you had a great one
love the shoes. I love polka dots. awww how sweet daddy daughter dances. bet you got a little misty eyed. double dates can be fun I'm sure. I would've loved to have gone to the kite event. Looks like a great day for lots of pictures. :D Loving your blog. hope you'll stop by mine sometime.
Definitely bowling with the husband! We don't do it often but when we do it's a lot of fun, especially when there's yummy bad for you bowling alley food, ie, fried zucchini!
Have a good week!
What a fun weekend! Those daddy/daughter photos are so sweet! How fun to see so many kites scattered across such gorgeous blue skies. Happy monday to you!
Oh my goodness! How precious are they! I'm sure that when I was little a Root Beer could help me get past any jealousy haha. Looks like such fun!
Logan and Ross are the CUTEST!! Love her little outfit...I feel like that's something I would wear :) So jealous of your gorgeous sunny weather, and those Target polka dot shoes are kind of amazing! Happy Monday Shanna!
The Other Side of Gray
When I saw the daddy/daughter pictures on Instagram I about melted. Such a cute idea!!
Love that you got to go out on a little date as well :)
And yes..I always spend way too much money when I go to Target...I need an intervention.
The Instagram of your Target purchases ALMOST had me driving that direction. I WANT THAT OUTFIT!
The kite festival looks like so much fun! And the Daddy Daughter dance! I hope there is something like that when I have kids :) I am OBSESSED with that Target outfit you put together!!!
when my daughter is older I think she will be hiring your girls to dress her :) they are so cute!!!
Your little girl is a complete replica of you! SO cute! Sounds like you had a pretty fab weekend.
Fashion and Beauty Finds
Daddy daughter dance! Too cute! I too made a Target run this weekend and picked up a super cute cardi that I'll show Wednesday!
What's a fun weekend!! I love your outfits of choice.. Sushi was on the menu for our Friday night, too.. So so yum! Happy Monday, girlie!
Your daughters dance outfit was just so darn cute! I bet she was the best dressed there! ;) We had a pretty low key relaxing weekend. It was great!!! We watched Argo and it was fantastic!
That floral skirt is too cute! I would have never thought to pair it with that sweater = Adorable!
=) Brooke
How cute are those pictures from the dance! oh my goodness!
With Luck
Aw, I love Logan's outfit, and I love that you did your own double date so Landry didn't feel left out!
Steve Wariner! Used to see him live when I was in college.
Ahh those polka dot shoes! How have I not seen these at Target, I must go there this week! :)
The father daughter dance pictures are just precious, how adorable! You had another fantastic weekend. I'm really jealous of your warm weather.. it was 45 degrees here this weekend and I didn't wear a jacket, haha!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Going to get those shoes from target right his second. I need them.
Also, the father daughter dance pictures made my baby fever go to a million degrees.
I'm going back to Target to try on the pink and navy top. You keep tempting me with it!
Looks like a great weekend. Your husband and daughter at the father/daughter, SO CUTE.
OMG the daddy/daughter dance pictures are precious!! SOOO sweet!
I can not stand the cuteness of your daughter and hubby in these pics...<3
The daddy/daughter pictures are adorable! I hope they had an awesome time. It's awesome that you and your best friend can go on double dates with your girls together!
Daddy/daughter dance? How cute! Love the photos.
What a fun weekend! I wanna go to a kite festival! Your daughter looked adorable for her dance!!
LOVE the daddy/daughter date. Seriously the cutest thing ever. Corsage and all! How perfect. :)
Logan looks adorable in her outfit...I bet she was the cutest one at the dance!
The Tiny Heart
OH gosh, that picture of your husband and daughter could be the cutest thing ever! And that kite flying thing, so cool. Great weekend!
ohmygosh, those pictures of your baby with her daddy about broke my heart. precious.
Shan what a great weekend!! looks like the girls had a blast at the kite contest!! and your outfits per usual are ah mazing!!! love you!!
I have that orange target necklace! Love it!
Great pictures!!! Glad you took advantage of the sunshine. Dont' forget my link up this thursday and I"m doing a fabulous giveaway for a stella and dot bracelet.
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Sounds like such a fun weekend! And your daughter looked adorable for the daddy/daughter dance :)
fun weekend! love all your outfits and the daddy/daughter dance sounds so cute!!
ah, your little one is just the cutest!!
your girls are so cute. I need to do a better job of dressing my 18 month old daughter. I had a son first and am so spoiled with how easy it is to dress a boy. Saw this girl at the park in LA and she was dressed sooo cute (spunky) but then asked the Mom where she shopped and she said CREW CUTS (CA CHING $$$$) and turned out to be an actress ( I live in LA)
daddy daughter dance- so sweet and precious! the weather was just too good to be true in Tx this weekend!
Your outfits are always adorable!
Happy Monday!
The Hartungs Blog
I need sushi stat!
Father Daughter dance? So incredibly sweet! Melts my heart! Love your recent outfits of course and the kite festival reminds me of our hot air balloon festival. MADNESS. Thanks for linking up pretty :)
I still want your daughter's outfit in mommy size.
The high light was hives! I got flipping hives.
You always have such eventful weekends- I'm jealous! I remember going to a father-daughter dance wayyy back in the day, it's so precious to see your little one doing the same now. I can't imagine how I would react if I were you (lots of crying I'm sure!)
your daughter is seriously too cute for words! I remember my father/daughter dances so well, it was such a highlight of my childhood <3 Sangria looks amazing and so does the sushi! I need those both NOW! :)
I can't decide if I love the Boot Scootin Boogie pictures more or the little ones and the kissy faces. So much cuteness!
Sushi, sangria and shoes?! SIGN ME UP. That sounds like a great weekend! :) And such a sweet father-daughter photos, I love the fact she gets a corsage too.
The daddy daughter dance photos totally made my pregnancy hormones go all berzerk.
I am not the typer of person that gets all mushy about posts like this, but I swear, you have the CUTEST family! I think its SO adorable that your hubs took your daughter on a date to the dance! And how great to take your other daughter on a date as well.
My weekend was crazy busy but fun! I think the highlight was playing with my sister's new puppy!
Love your little one's hot pink and chambray. What a fashionable little booger. I agree that sangria, sushi and target sound like a perfect evening:)
Looks like a fun weekend! We both had sushi this weekend... too bad we didn't have it together. One day. One day.
Looks like a fabulous weekend! L looks so cute in her daddy/daughter outfit!! Definitely the daughter of a stylist! :) The kite event almost gave me an anxiety attack just looking at that crowd! Hope you had a great Monday!
I've drooled over those Target shoes as well! I probably just need to buy a pair...
Oh my the daddy/daughter dance! So cute!
Jeans and a Teacup
I have never been to a kite festival, what a neat thing. Although how, with all those kites in the air, were they not one big tangled mess in 5 minutes?
Highlight of my weekend, was decorating my nursery more. :)
Looks like you had a great weekend! I bet your girl was the cutest one at the dance.
x Audrey
Ugh, I remember how awesome those daddy daughter dances were. So sweet that the little one got to go on a date with mommy too. Don't you wonder how people keep their sanity with more than 2 kids? I only have one and it's a challenge...maybe it's because he doesn't talk yet so I'm constantly having to be a mindreader!
You are too cute!
I love that target outfit, I am seriously tempted to buy it! And those polka dot shoes are SO cute! Also, your daughter looked adorable for the dance! :)
Awww those pics of your daughter and hubs just melt me! You are so lucky to have such an adorable family.
Currently Coveting
Great photos, looks like you had an amazing weekend, ohhh and the photo of sushi is mouthwatering-I crave for sushi for 7 months already:)
By the way, I'm hosting a link up party and would be thrilled if you decided to participate!
Those Target polka dot shoes are so cute!
Those pictures of your daughter and husband are precious! And I love her necklace!
WOW! Now that was a full weekend! Just the right mix of everything! the THAT SUSHI LOOKS cute for the Daddy & Daughter dance and what a neat thing to go see, I imagine the sky looked beautiful with all those colorful kites!
So nice to see you enjoying YOUR time :)
Aww daddy-daughter dance... so cute!
Awww father. daughter dance is one of my fondest memories! So cute!!
Oooh cute purchases! Looks like a fun weekend :)
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