Monday, March 18, 2013

Boots, Views and Green Beer

Another weekend...another pocket full of memories.

Friday afternoon started with a little (okay, a lot) of this...

Luckily, my parents kept the girls for us so we could spend our last day of "big kid spring break" with friends at the rodeo. Let me tell ya, we went out with a bang, free food and drinks, a little Easton Corbin, crazy people watching, singing at the top of our lungs and of course sneaking in a dance or two. There is just something about a rodeo's atmosphere that brings out the kid in me. I swear, if I could, I would hitch a R.V. to Ross's truck, camp out in the parking lot and spend my days at the fairgrounds. I am by no means a true "cowgirl", but slippin' on a pair of boots, smellin' the pits a smokin' and kickin' up some dust gets my heart a racin'. Until next year, Rodeo Austin!

After a full fledged "big kid" night, we kept it low key Saturday with a family foursome dinner on the lake. We headed to The Oasis on Lake Travis. Please click on their link right now.

Okay, you see the picture on their homepage? Well, folks, that was taken by an old and dear friend of mine, Jared Tennant. He is a self taught, crazy talented photographer here in Austin and out of hundreds of entries, his photo was chosen by the Oasis for their advertising campaign. I am so proud of him and felt like he deserved a little shout out. Check out his site. You'll be blown away.

Anyway, the Oasis is not necessarily known for their menu (even though the food is ah-mazing), but more for the views and atmosphere (duh). It's not just a tourist attraction, but a place that draws in the locals alike. As soon as the sun sets behind the water, the restaurant rings a bell and everyone claps, cheers and whistles. It's one of the coolest experiences to witness and be part of. If you ever come to Austin, make sure to let me know and I will personally drive you there. If there is one place to see, this one is it.

In the top right picture, waaaaaay in the back, you can see some buildings. Uh yeah, those aren't actually buildings. They are houses. Yes, people live there; like have beds and sleep there. I mean, can you even imagine waking up to this view every single day of your life? Ho-hum.

And then there was Sunday. We all know that this was no ordinary Sunday Funday. It was GREEN beer Sunday Funday. Of course we first went to give thanks and praise to Jesus for creating this magical day (and all the days before and after), but I will say that we didn't waste any time heading straight for the tinted brew as soon as church was over. I am proud (er, not so proud) that we were the first patrons at the Junior's Icehouse door step. I don't know why, but when a beer is green, it tastes so much better. Am I weird or am I weird? Regardless, I hope you treated yourself to a green beverage this St. Patty's Day weekend; whether it was a Miller Lite or a McDonald's Shamrock Shake.

The in betweens of the weekend entailed a couple of naps, two birthday parties, Sonic tater tots, Ross's basketball games and lots and lots of laundry, but I didn't think you guys cared to see pictures of that.

So what did you take umpteen pictures of this weekend?

P.S. We ALLLLLLLLLLL know Google Reader is getting the boot come July. It seems most people are choosing the Bloglovin' route. Whatever path you choose, there are lots of ways to find my little piece of the interwebs. I hope you pick one of them so we can keep hanging out on the daily, weekly or monthly or whatever you can handle.

I am linking up with:
Lisette  and Rachel for a Bloglovin' Hop
Leeann Monday Morning Gossip
Sami Weekend Shenanigans
Molly and Carly for YOLO Mondays.



Kathrin@shopschoolsleep said...

what a fun-filled weekend!! You were all over the place :) Glad you had fun and I agree with putting on some boots to bring the cowgirl out. I really truly think I have some Texas girl at heart :)

Whitney @ EHFAR said...

I love those flats!

I've never been to a rodeo before. Looks like fun!

I took (well, I stole my friends' pictures) pictures of celebrating St. Patty's Day at the bars. Such a fun weekend :-)

Anonymous said...

And the products are a [url=]lifecell[/url] and maintains your skin balanced, small-seeking and shining. lifecell Stop smoking and you need to know ahead of with these.

Danavee said...

I love that sunset pic of the whole fam! Beautiful!

TaraMixandMatch said...

Green beer was a must! Looks like you had an awesome weekend!

Dina said...

Never been to a rodeo before but you definitely make me want to! Your outfit looks so cute, wish you took more pictures! :)

Beauty to Sparkle

Kristine -Heart Shaped Sweat said...

Still so in love with your Rodeo outfit! Oasis on the lake looks magical. I now have another reason to be sure I make it to Texas, sooner rather than later! Love seeing your pics, you def crammed in a ton of fun this past weekend! Cheers to good times and great memories!

Katie said...

how fun!! i want to be your real life friend!!

Rachel said...

This looks like so much fun! It makes me want to put on a spring dress and my cowgirl boots (too bad it's snowing here later tonight!)

Unknown said...

Looks like you had so much fun!!!! The country girl in me wants to tag along ;)


Sybil@PeaceitallTogether said...

Looks like you had a super-busy weekend! What fun!! Love the green shoes :)

Helene said...

rodeo looks like an absolute blast!!! what a fun weekend! and I of course am following you on bloglovin!

Anonymous said...

Wow, looks like you had the perfect weekend!!! I forgot how gorgeous the views were at the Oasis... I'm going next time we're in Austin! Happy Monday! xoxo

lovenailpolish said...

Nice post, I remember going to a few rodeos when I lived in Houston, this is making me nostalgic! Looks like you know how to live right.

Amy Shaughnessy said...

Fun weekend girl! I totally forgot about St. Patricks day yesterday and wore all black. Oops.

Fashion and Beauty Finds

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

Ah I've missed being home in Texas so much this rodeo season! I love all you Texas bloggers but sometimes it makes me so homesick to read. Looks like so much fun! Stopping by from the blog hop!

The Pink Growl said...

Can I come live with you? You always have the best weekends!

Always Maylee said...

You seriously always seem to have such fun filled weekends! I love your shirt in the picture with you, Ross, and the girls overlooking the water. So pretty!

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee

Sam said...

Looks like such a fun weekend!! From rodeo to gorgeous views to green beers...perfect!

Sarah Tucker said...

The Oasis is the best :) What a great weekend! XO!

Unknown said...

I saw your Instagram rodeo pics, looked like so much fun! :) Also, definitely celebrated yesterday with some green beer!

Rachel’s Lookbook

Kristin said...

Green beer is essential! Looks like you had an awesome weekend! :D


still being [molly] said...

what a SUPER fun weekend, shanna!!! i will say that i'm sad i didn't get to enjoy some green beer this year :)

jackie jade said...

looks like you guys had a great weekend. i love your rodeo outfit. and wow to those amazing lake views. i would definitely take one of those houses!

Unknown said...

that restaurant looks beautiful. looked like California for a minute

Carly said...

Looks like you had a blast!!! Happy Monday my friend!


Unknown said...

Great pictures. Looks like you had a blast.


Adrienne @ The Art of Being Black and White said...

Love your pics! Super cute. The rodeo looks like so much fun! Now following ya via bloglovin'. Happy Monday!

Jes said...

I don't get over to Austin too often, but you def just added places on my Austin To Do List. Def looks like a good time!

I'm loving your hair in the top pictures!

Anonymous said...

So fun! That's nice that you have family close by to watch the kiddos! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Thank you SO MUCH for linking up with us today!!! It looks like you had a great deal of fun! B kept getting calls all weekend long for work (hotel business means never a day off) so we didn't get to do anything fun. I enjoyed your pictures! I'd love to go to a rodeo!

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

You always have epic weekends, I LOVE IT! The pictures show just how much fun you are IRL :)

And the pic of you and the fam in front of the lake is so pretty. It's a framer!

Thanks for linking up!

renae said...

hi Shanna! Oh what a great time you had. Yes, you are weird thinking green beer tastes better, hahahaha. I know that feeling about putting on cowgirl boots. Now my cowgirl boots are green, so that counts right?

Ashley said...

Those building slash houses are incredible!! Wow!!

You looked so cute this weekend!! (duh!)

Shelley said...

It looks like a lot of fun!

Tiffany said...

That place looks amazinggggg. Can I go there when I visit? On my imaginary trip to Texas?

I loved seeing all your pics on IG this weekend. You sure know how to party!

I haven' even dealt with this reader crap yet. Justin saw an article while we were out of town and I was like, DO NOT EVEN TALK ABOUT CHANGE RIGHT NOW. And I miss vacation already ;-)

Lindsay said...

Looks like you had a great weekend! When I come visit you, can we please go here!

Unknown said...

You have way too much fun without me! I'm seriously going to come next year!!

Jeans and a Teacup said...

I've never been to Texas but you make it look so fun!

Girls Love Fried Pickles said...

I ate pizza. It was very important and also required meatballs.

Jamie Sefcik || Hello Little Scout said...

Umm, how fun!! Looks like you guys had an amazing weekend! :)

xoxo Jamie

Anonymous said...

What a fun weekend! I love that your whole group wore their cowboy boots to the rodeo. :)

Anonymous said...

love the oasis! perfect views :) y'all look great!!

Anonymous said...

love the oasis! perfect views :) y'all look great!!

renae said...

Hahahaha, My grandie boy is dang cute, huh? I can't believe he is a year already. They live close so I get to see him a bunch. He always has big smiles for grandpa and me. Yes, kids do grow up toooooo fast!

~Anchored In Christ~ said...

glad you had good weekend. what's green beer taste like. not big on beer so i was just curious if it taste like regular beer. be sure and check it out. and leave me some ?s. you'll know what i mean when you get there

Amber said...

Love your outfits, as always. And you can bet your pretty self I treated myself to some green beer :) Definitely my fave thing about St. Patty's day! xoxo

Jacqueline said...

I'm so jealous of getting to see Easton Corbin! I love him! All of your pictures of the rodeo made me soooo jealous!

Unfortunately, I didn't have any green beer... I did have plenty of beer though... and an Irish breakfast shot, so that kinda counts doesn't it?!

Hope you have a wonderful week, lady!

tara said...

i'm dying to go to the oasis! i've never been! i think we need to meet up there! :)

FitTravelerAJ said...

Super fun weekend! I am crushing on that flower top (I think you said its from Target?!) I had a fun weekend full of basketball, Irish Car Bombs, and playing with my new alarm system for the house! HAHA.


Darcy said...

Looks like a fun weekend! Love the floral top!

Lisa - respect the shoes said...

The floral top from the first pics looks so cute on you - I adore the print!

Vicki said...

Ive never had green beer lol

Andrea said...

What a wonderful weekend! I had a calm weekend so will live through you! :) Looks like everyone had a blast!

Head to Toe Chic said...

The rodeo looks like a ton of fun, and that view is amazingggg. I really need to visit TX.


My-cliffnotes said...

I want to spend the weekend with you

Unknown said...

Looks like such a blast!

Unknown said...

Your photos are beautiful and it looks like you had a blast!

I'd love for you to join our Blog Hop going on now:

xoxo Tori

Bri said...

What an awesome weekend girl!! Cute boots and green beer are just the icing on the cake ;)

Anonymous said...

Fun weekend! What a great picture of the whole family with the setting sun in the background!

Annie said...

You are totally making me want to go to a sounds like SO much fun and your photos are amazing :) Obsessing over your floral blouse a bit pretty Shanna!

The Other Side of Gray

Anonymous said...

Looks like y'all had a blast!! Stopping by from the Bloglovin' link up party! Following you! :)

Janna Renee said...

I want to hop in the truck and head to Austin right now after checking out that place! Wow!

alesha said...

Ah I love the rodeo atmosphere and can't wait for the rodeos this summer!

Kiki said...

seriously love that shirt you wore to the rodeo!!! where is it from?

A Sunshine Day said...

Looks like you have a GREAT weekend!!!!