How wealthy would I be if, after all the years of pimple torture, those pesky little guys actually paid for their unwanted stay? I bet I am not the only one out there that would be sitting pretty on a pile of money.
I have discussed my never ending battle with
adult acne before. It's something I have been dealing with for way too many years. Of course I had a few break outs here and there in high school and
college, but it got severe once I hit about twenty-four. Out of nowhere I
started getting cystic nodules on my face. They were large and in charge and hurt like crazy. "Normal" pimples were the thing of the past. Suddenly, I
was fighting monsters on my face, mostly on my chin and cheeks. I have taken every prescription known to man,
except for Accutane. I have shelled out hundreds and hundreds of dollars on
over the counter acne treatments and skin care products. Proactiv helped for awhile,
but then I think my skin got immune to it.
I have had countless cortisone injections, yes
needles straight into my face. Actually, several shots at a time in a single
appointment. My self esteem would shatter when one surfaced and they're difficult to conceal with cosmetics. I felt
straight up fugly. Oh, and poor Ross. He was the one that had to actually look at me
without makeup and still say I was pretty. God love him and his sweet lies.
Then in February, my friend Heather called me and
said she was a Rodan + Fields representative (or whatever the title is) and she
had this product that she thought I should try. At first, I was like, "oh
riiiiiight, another direct sale product that's going to change the world."
Pssshh, I doubt it.
But, then she brought the Umblemish kit over and
told me to just try it. Nothing to loose. No harm, no foul.
I wasn't expecting a miracle, but I sure has heck hoped for one. I am a dreamer, remember?
I began using the 4-step Umblemish treatment with
my Clarisonic and really didn't notice any sort of difference in the first 2-3
weeks. I was already preparing myself up for another skincare failure. I didn't skip any
days and was following the directions religiously. (Note: I remove my make-up with Cetaphil cleanser before I began using the 4-step regimen. I feel this gives my skin a clean palette for the Unblemish treatments.)
Then it was like a miracle had occurred. At about the 4th
week, I REALLY started noticing a difference. My face wasn't as oily, my skin
was smoother, my acne scars were fading and no signs of a cystic flare up.
I am now on my second round of Unblemish. I have
only had one mild breakout and two small cystic spots appear since I have started this new regimen
over three months ago. That is a huge step for mankind in my book. I don't have to wear near the foundation that I used to
and my confidence is back. (Note: If you feel a cystic flare up coming on, apply over the counter cortisone cream to the area twice day.)
But, if you suffer from any sort of acne,
especially the cystic kind, you know it sucks. Sucks the big
one. I didn't want to look anyone in the eyes, I felt horrendously gross all while emptying my wallet trying to find a cure.
Just so you know, there is NOT a "cure"
for adult/cystic acne. I have read hundreds of articles on it and have done my
research. But, this stuff is as close to a cure as I have witnessed.
I would NEVER post anything that I didn't fully
believe in. Friends, this stuff is legit.
I am not going to lie, it's not cheap. It's $100+ for a 60 day supply, but in my opinion, it's worth every
single penny.
I took a few before and after pictures, but I just
don't have the guts to put them in this post. It's too humiliating, but if you
are REALLY interested in trying this product and suffer from the same acne hell that
I did, I am more than willing to email you the photos.
My friend Heather put together some information
below. She is the expert on this and can tell you more about Umblemish and
three other lines that Rodan + Fields has available.
It's worth your time if you are looking for a
solid way to improve your skin.
Rodan + Fields Dermatologists is a skincare line from the same Doctors
that created Proactiv. Dr. Katie Rodan
and Dr. Kathy Fields have set out to help people with ALL skin types. These
products were the top selling clinical skin care line in Nordstrom until Rodan
+ Fields made the change to a direct sales business model. The products are
clinically proven and truly transformative.
And the BONUS:
All products come with a 60 day money back guarantee!
The MAIN product line-up:
Take a Look-See!
This handy dandy tool, the MACRO-E, is so popular that the beauty editors
are obsessed with it. It is clinically proven to visibly improve skin texture
after only one use. And in the 4-week clinical trial, 100% of the participants
saw an improvement in their skin's texture and overall appearance. Pores looked
smaller, lines were reduced, skin was more even. It essentially takes the place
of office visits for micro-derm and literally removes 5 million dead skin cells
in one use! Who doesn't want that?
1. Affordable, clinically proven
skin that works:
Get 10% off and Free
shipping with a $20 one-time fee **see give-away below
Have the best skin in town!
2. Make money on your terms and
get paid to use fabulous skincare:
looking for coachable, bright people who either want side income to fund
their naughty shoe addiction, pay their mortgage or achieve replacement
income. The sky is the limit! (Imagine if someone approached you about
something called Mary Kay back in the early 60's.) **see give-away below
* No inventory
* No inventory
* Websites and back-office
all turn key...easy breezy.
* Monthly residual income
with limitless earning potential.
* Get your piece of the $3
billion dollar anti-age industry with a reputable brand.
3. Refer someone my way: I have a referral program. If you know someone that could use life-changing skin products (that sounds cheesy, but it's true!) or if you know a someone looking for an extra stream of income, motivated, money driven, a giver, coachable, goal oriented they might just be perfect for this biz.
About Heather Bern:
I live in the great city of Austin, TX, born and raised in Texas and a
proud Texas Longhorn. I have a 1 and 3 year old, handsome hubby and a full time
busy career. I've always been on the
look out for a great biz opportunity and honestly thought direct selling was
out of my comfort zone. R+F fell in my
lap and it's the most fun job I've EVER had.
My income has doubled each month and it's literally catching up and
chatting with all the people I know! I've been able to easily fit this into my
full time jobs as mommy, wife and career woman! I really wish someone would
have told me about this a year ago, but the great news is that R+F is just now
entering their momentum phase, markets are not saturated and the products JUST
WORK. People are starving for products
like this and I've had all happy customers.
Please contact me with product questions or to decide if this biz would
be a good fit for you!
1. Sign up as a Preferred Customer
between now and May 31st and I will pay your $20 one-time sign up fee in the
form of a Visa Gift Card. Make sure to email me that you signed up via Because
Shanna Said So.
2. Contact me to learn more about
the business and I will send you a FREE mini-facial.
1. Answer some questions about
your skin on my Solution Tool and comment below what Regimen is the best fit
for you. (Don't forget the last step to have your personalized recommendation
emailed to you)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
2. Share this post for an
extra chance.
P.S. Happy Memorial Day weekend!! Stay safe and have fun! I am taking Monday off from blogging to spend time with family and friends. See you crazy kids on Tuesday! xoxo
*Disclaimer: I received the first 60 days of this product as a gift from my friend NOT Rodan + Fields. I paid for the second supply on my own because of my belief in it. All opinions are 100% my own. This is NOT a sponsored post.

Unblemish regimen will be the products that work best for my skin sister used Maybeline BB cream and broke out in HORRIBLE cystic acne. I shared your post to her FB. The my other sister has always had bad acne...they got the long eyelashes, blonde hair, and book smarts...i got the decent skin hahaha
OMG!!!!!!!! YOU ARE TOO FUNNY! Pimples have been invading my face lately. It's an all out war zone. P.S. I demand rent:))))!
Thank you so much for this post! I appreciate reading your story!
Great info and review! I've been on the search for some new skin care products. I've been using the same old stuff and doing the same routine since I was 16 and my skin is not what it used to be (let's be real), so I'm thinking a change might help. Have a great weekend glamping my friend! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Zits are a curse, and I STILL get them!!! This sounds worth looking into!
I had a friend who had the cortisone shots and she talked about how badly they hurt! Ouch. This Unblemish looks pretty fantastic.
Shoot this sounds like a miracle!! I might need it!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
I have blogged about my Skin Saga quite a few times. I have a series going right now because of it. I hate my skin. I never had a problem until I was around 21 or so. And it's been going on ever since. I hate it so so much. I will be looking into this stuff. I am not really excited about the price tag, but if it works, it's worth it, right? I want to get it figured out before my wedding, that is for sure!
That is awesome that you've found something that works! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
The Tiny Heart
Group Giveaway!
I have heard about this stuff! i really want to try it!
This sounds like a great solution! I have been a sufferer of acne for over 7 years. I have spent A TON of time and money on products that haven't worked. Right now I am fairly happy with the condition of my skin, but it could always be better. I expect 2-3 break outs a week. I wish I could have ZERO.
Thanks so much for your candid reporting on this! My skin became immune to Proactive as well. Nice to know there is another product out there that I can turn to if my skin worsens! <3
I too suffer from cystic acne! Curious...Why have you never tried Accutane? I have tried every prescription known to man as well and even went back on birth control pills to counteract the acne! But the birth control pills cause a whole other set of issues for me and now I find myself considering Accutane. Just wondering what your thoughts are about it and why you have not tried it.
I'm glad you found something that works for you! I had horrible acne when I was in high school and then it went away during college, but lately I've noticed it coming back! I'm about to turn 24 so I hope it doesn't get worse. I thought my acne days were a thing of the past!
so glad you found something that works! my acne comes and goes but i can totally relate to losing self-confidence when a breakout happens
i've started using the Clinique Acne system (after trying everything else out there including Proactiv and having no significant results) and it works like a charm! Yay for clear skin! :)
So glad you found something that works! I'm very happy for you, and I hope this post gives some others the avenue for a less zitty existence!
I finally found my less zits way last year, and when I think of all the money I wasted from age 11 - 35 battling acne, it blows my mind!
i am so so grateful for this! i suffer from acne too and its so frustrating to keep trying things that don't work (and aren't cheap!) i'll have to give this a try.
This is so fantastic. I am sure you want to do backflips. So happy you got your skin mojo back.
Oh wow! That's terrible but I'm glad you found something that works for you.
Shanna, I was taking the acne pill Diane for 9 years, I know its not allowed in the USA but that really helped my skin. my american bf really suggested to drop this pill and what happened I broke out with really horrible acne and I am 31 now,so I know how horrible it feels and totally puts down your selfestem. Right now I am using Eucerin acne products and really satisfied and its not as expensive as the product you suggested. Do they sell it in germany too? In case my skin gets immune to Eucerin :-)
i definitelly cant love the results moreeeee!
It's fantastic you found a regimen that works for you! I am still trying... just picked up a Clarisonic yesterday and it's charging up. I'm not asking for perfect skin--I just want it to be good enough that I can go out of the house with a dusting of powder instead of the full routine (foundation, concealer, powder).
The solution tool recommended the Unblemish regimen to me. Maybe that'll be next on my list of tries.
OMG Thank you so much for sharing!! I have been suffering from Adult acne for sometime now have tried everything and nothing seems to work. I am definitely interested in trying this product out.
The girl who does my hair gave me a sample of some of this stuff to try but it wasn't enough to notice a difference, haha. I really want to try it but I'm just so skeptical about direct sales products. Blah. I have horrible acne too... started when I was 12. I thought it'd get better as I got older but I think it's just gotten worse. I never go out in public without at least foundation - even to the gym or pool. So... I feel your pain :( :( :(
Do you mind emailing me before/after photos? I'd love to see your results so far. Thank you!
is this still working for you?? I bought a clarisonic 2 months ago and I've only seen a mild improvement but my skin gets immune to face wash every couple months. Would love to try this but not if my face will be immune after I finally see results.... Has it helped keep your pores clean also??
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