Here I sit again with zero clue on how to begin, what to write, how to put it into words or explain the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious weekend that just took place in my life.
I guess I can start by saying that it was Texas Style Council (#TxSC13) weekend and I spent three days with the some of the most brilliant and beautiful ladies friends in all the land.
I will do my best to try and paint a vivid picture of the BEST blogging experience of my blogging life. Bear with me.
So, as I already mentioned 2.2 seconds ago, Texas Style Council finally happened this past weekend and thank the Lord it was hosted in my great city of Austin (insert I didn't have to buy a plane ticket or shack up in a hotel room). Ladies, it WAS the place to be and for the love of all that is holy, be sure to high tail it here next year. Make a mental note that you will kick yourself in the derriere over and over if you miss it again.
Before the vomit of photos begin, let me say a few words....
I suck at blogging when it comes to taking quality photos at events. I am shamefully admitting that I did not use my DSLR camera one time this weekend. Heck, I didn't even whip out my point and shoot. So, forgive my unprofessional, iPhone photos. But, I bet you will still get the full picture of the epicness regardless of quality. I just needed to mention that I am not a photographer...just a poser with a hand on the hip. Note to self, buy a cute camera bag, bring said camera to events and actually use it for things other than fashion posts.
For anyone out there...and yes, this includes both bloggers and blog readers, this blogging thing is legit. It's not a waste of time. It's not JUST about followers, stellar posts, pretty pictures, social media, making money or trying to become blog "famous"...it's about this...what you are about to see. It's about developing REAL friendships with women all over the world. Lifting one another up. Encouragement to become a better you. To push ourselves to learn, explore and grow. My life has forever changed. And no, it didn't change because of the past weekend. It changed the day I started blogging. It has graced me courage, self esteem, knowledge, accountability, dedication, opportunities I never imagined and most importantly friendships that will never be forgotten; ones that all started in front of a computer screen. Who would have thought? Not this girl, but I am living proof, along with hundreds of other girls that it DOES happen and it is genuine and REAL. Okay, enough sap...let's get to the good stuff....PICTURES!!!!

Friday night we kicked off Texas Style Council weekend at happy hour with rewardStyle at La Condesa (one of the hippest places I have stepped foot in) in
the 2nd Street District. I cannot say enough about this company and if
you are a style blogger, do not pass go. Go straight to their website,
get yourself signed up and start making things happen for yourself. The
co-founders and their staff are nothing short of pure genius and a crazy
good time.
Then we took our steamy, humid filled walk (in heels) down to the LuLu's
clothing swap. One word, INSANE. It was hot, packed and clothes were
flying in all directions. In all honesty, it was way too many warm
bodies in one place for my claustrophobic self, but good times
nonetheless. Free clothes, free drinks, a free flow of conversation and
freestyle photo moments. Not too shabby.

This is the part where I may or may not sound super stalker-ish, but I pinky promise that I am not...okay, maybe I am just a tad. I actually spoke to, hung out with, have photo proof of and hugged three of my blog idols. And the winners are Kendi, Mara and the sisters of A Beautiful Mess. I am sick that I didn't have the courage to ask Elise & Emma to take a picture with me, but I swear we did talk...you know, normal topics about dresses, where to shop in Austin and me telling them how bad ass they are. Yeah, I may have dorked out. Now, let me get back to Kendi and Mara. Holy shizzle, I heart these two more now than before. This may come as a shock to you because it did for me, they are real...like as in they aren't snooty, unfriendly, unapproachable women. They are actually cool as the hello. They are pretty freaking famous in blog land, so for some reason I had it in my close minded head that they were going to be stand-offish. I was oh so wrong for the 2,056th time in my life. They were equally amazing, sweet, funny, talkative and actually seemed interested in hanging out with me for more than five seconds. Another note to self, no matter how GINORMOUS a blogger might be or become...at the end of the day all of us, behind this here computer screen, are actually real people, real voices, real personalities that live real lives. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in content and beautiful photos that we often forget they are just as much like us as we are like them. Absolute highlight.

And then came prom with women dancing with women. Who needs boys anyway? You guys, this was by far better than any high school prom I attended ages and ages ago. Let me just recap the highlights even though the photos speak for themselves.
1. Little 'ol me was nominated for best local blogger. Wha? Huh? Yep, I said the exact same thing. My running mate was none other than Jenni herself. I knew she was gonna win by a landslide, but just being in a category with her seriously had me on cloud nine. Thank you, Langford Market for sponsoring my nomination and for the dazzling little numbers that I took home...soon to be styled on this here blog.
2. Funny and awkward photo faces.
3. Getting fancified.
4. A hair style that was a TOTAL fluke.
5. 1,000 iPhone photos holding monstrous wooden frames.
6. Meeting the girls behind some of my favorites stores and brands; Alatr'd State, Noonday, Langford Market, Ruche and LuLu's.
7. Late night dining inside Whataburger in our prom dresses. No shame. We were HUNGRY!

8. And this....this right here. A hand drawn photo of a photo booth photo that looks TOTALLY like us in real life. Don't you think? This one is going in a frame ASAP. I heart you, Stesha....blogging soul sisters FOREVER!
For the record, believe it or not, there was LOTS of wisdom gained this weekend. This post may seem like all we did was party like a bunch of college freshman, but oh my goodness gracious, the bulks and bulks of knowledge I gained this weekend was unfathomable. I am hoping to squeeze in a post and chit chat this week about advice, tips, tricks and countless ways that we can all grow as bloggers. Just give me a few days to sort through all my chicken scratch note taking. I was writing faster than I could think. I will do my best to get back with you soon, just not making any promises.
Before I go, I must mention my partners in crime over the weekend. Without them, this weekend would not have been complete. Okay, I am going to go cry now and come to terms that this weekend is over.
My girl Jessica who WILL be starting up her blog again soon. I am keeping her accountable.
Yee-haw! Can't wait until next year! Y'all better be there too!
P.S. Here are a few links to what I wore over the weekend. Sequined Dress c/o Wallis. Floral Strapless Dress c/o Altar'd State (not online yet, sold in stores).
P.S. Here are a few links to what I wore over the weekend. Sequined Dress c/o Wallis. Floral Strapless Dress c/o Altar'd State (not online yet, sold in stores).

It looks like you had a total blast!! I REALLY want to go next year!
Sounds like so much stinkin' fun!! So sad I missed it and missed the chance to meet your sweet self! Next year is a must!!
Xo, Courtney
WOW! Looks like it was an absolute blast Shanna...and I'm so jealous you met Kendi...such a cute photo :) Awesome photos, and congrats on the nomination!
The Other Side of Gray
Looks like so much fun! Those photobooth pictures are so cute!! And i love your sequin dress...stunning!
SO! MUCH! FUN!!!!!!! Loved the recap!
This looks like so much fun! Love that silver glitter dress on you
It sounds so amazing!! I thought about going but then totally forgot about it until you mentioned it last week. Whoops. I might need to be reminded next time. You look so amazing in your sparkly dress and gorgeous hair!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
This looks like such a blast–and I'm so glad to hear that you got to meet with so many amazing ladies face-to-face!
Ahhh I was so excited to read this post after stalking all your instas all weekend! Looks like an absolute blast! I love that you guys had such a great time!! SO so fun!!
This weekend was SO STINKING FUN. I kept meaning to come up to at prom and tell you how much I loved your prom dress!
Glad you had a great time!
So fun! I can totally see how amazing that time was for you! Love it!!!
Wish Austin wasn't so far!
so much fun!!! looks like y'all had an absolutely blast! and you looks freaking gorgeous!
I loved all of your photos on the IG this weekend! I'm so glad it was an amazing experience for you.
Seriously, this looks like so much fun...I have yet to go to a blogging conference...unfortunately teaching will do that to you lol
It was SO much fun! I'm glad you had as much fun as I did! I met some super great ladies and your dress on Friday night was SO fabulous I could have died!
xox Megan
This looks like a blast! I totally agree with you about blogging - I have made some of the best friends. My favorite thing is that it connects women with like interests. In fact, I'm going to dinner with 2 of my friends tonight!
loved seeing all your pics on the ig this weekend! looks like a total blast and you looked SO gorgeous all weekend, miss shanna! xo
I wish it wasn't over....I want to do it all over again. Best weekend ever. Love you, seriously.
Wow. This sounds like an out-of-this-world weekend! I loved following your adventures on IG, but reading about how much you loved it makes me want to go so much more next year!
Fizz and Frosting
You are adorable! Love all your looks and now I'm really craving some Whataburger!!
This looks like it was soo much fun! Love the sparkly dress you wore to the prom :)
The Tiny Heart
looks like you had an awesome time! xo
I think I went to Austin at the wrong time...it looks like you had a blast! And I love that sparkly dress! You look stunning!
Love, love, love!!! Looks like such a fun weekend!! I'm having a blate in a couple weeks with blog friend and I cannot wait for all of us to be in the same city!
What an amazing weekend! So many stylish ladies together. :)
Great pictures!! Looks like you had a great time.. :)
xo Ash,
Sincerely Miss Ash
Looks like so much fun! I seriously might have to go next year. And your sequined dress is amazing!
Jeans and a Teacup
Looks like a blast, I hope they have something like that for FL gals.
And don't be silly about the iPhone pics, I'm pretty sure the majority of us use our iPhones for all of our pics ;)
I'm not walking around everywhere with a big professional camera in case something blog worthy happens lol.
Seriously what an amazing time. I am so sad that I wasn't there! There's nothing I love more than a prom without the drama of boys! You and Stesha looked like you had the time of your lives. :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Next year I'm making myself an official Texan so I can go! This seriously looks incredible. I totally agree with you...the best part about blogging is the people you meet and the friends you make. What an amazing experience you had!
i loveeeed seeing your instagrams over the weekend! i am so jeal i am so far away! it looks like such an amaaaazing weekend!! you are just so wonderful. one day, girl! we will meet!! :)
That is so awesome! I am so going next year. Better start saving now!
Wow, it really looks SO amazing! I can't wait to attend a blogging event like this at some point. I would absolutely LOVE IT :) And I really loved following you via Instagram during the events!
That is AMAZING that you were nominated for best local blogger, Shanna! Congratulations! And I can totally see why, obviously! It looks like you had so much fun! And you're not alone, I didn't bring my DSLR to BlogHer, either. I used my iPhone for everything!
Ahhh!! So much fun!! My little Cali toosh was almost out there to stay with Sarah, but it wasn't in the cards this year...And I regret not going! Next year..FO SHO!
I love all of these photos soooo much!! I especially love that I was able to meet and hang out with YOU sweet lady! I hope we get to meet up and play again sooner rather than later!!! :) Xoxo
i've always always always wanted to go!! and so sad i didnt again this year! gah, next year i must!! i want to meet you!!!!!!
Sandy a la Mode
That sounds and looks amazing! So jealous. You look fab in the Wallis dress. I agree with you 100%. Since blogging I've come into my own. There's this amazing feeling when you connect with people who are obsessed with the same things as you are. I am friends with a 19 year old song writer in Portland, a farmer's wife in Wisconsin, a Diva in North Carolina...people I never would have hear of otherwise if not for blogging. People who GET me. It's the best thing about my blog.
So many of my favorite bloggers in one place! Ah! Looks like an amazing time friend! <3
Looks like an insane blast!!!! I bet on day 1 of blogging you'd never expect this, right? lol.
Aw, I loved your recap. Wish we could've gotten together and talked! I felt like a crazy person running around helping the staff! It really was such a fun weekend. Can't wait for the next one! If you ever feel like getting together with another local ATX blogger email me :)
I WILL go next year. I WILL go next year. I WILL!!!! REPEAT...
but first we need to have GNO first. :)
Holy freaking fabulous! This is too much of my blogging dreams coming true in real life! Is this just for Texas bloggers?
Love you in that sequined dress pretty lady!
This seriously looks like the most fabulous time. I was jealous all weekend seeing all the pics on IG. :) I must go next year!!!
Congratulations for being nominated for best local blogger. That dress is gorgeous and it looked like lots of lots of fun. What an inspiration!
Not only am I super duper jealous of the conference, the fun, the style, and the bloggers, I am RIDICULOUSLY jealous that you got Whataburger! It's one of my faves back home!
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