Finally, a low key weekend. No plans. No agendas. No schedules.
Ross took Logan, our oldest to the deer lease to practice shooting her gun. Big girl has it set in her mind that she is going back next weekend to shoot her first deer, enter proud dad. (By the way, we eat all the meat.)
Landry and I, well, we cleaned the house from top to bottom, did a little shopping, ate like queens, had a slumber party, did make up tutorials, went to church and ate like queens again. It's kind of nice splitting our time with the girls. We both, Ross and I, got to spend time with them in our own special way....whether it was in a deer stand or at Target. I think they need that one-on-one time from the both of us. It all about bonding, memories and focusing on their individual personalities.

It was the first true fall weekend here in Austin. We got lots of rain, cooler temps and overcast skies. In typical, no plans fashion, I wanted to share with you what I wore on Sunday. It was filled with Texans football, running errands and being a family of four again.
This is an easy-breezy look and was oh-so comfy; perfect for running around town and adjusting to the 70 degree weather.
Did I mention that I am addicted to leather pieces this season? Yes, I think I did. This Forever 21 vest has made it's appearance three times already. No, not on the blog but in life outside of this site. It's a true fall staple that I am sure you will see again soon.
What were you guys up to this weekend? According to Instagram there was some glasses of wine, shopping, fairs and fall fun going down. Welcome to October...well tomorrow....but seriously, this is one of my favorite months of of the year! Hello??? Halloween!!!
Vest: Forever 21
Shoes: Target
Glasses: H&M
Necklace: Lookbook Store c/o
Bracelet: Forever 21
P.S. Today marks ten years since my sweet Granny was crowned an angel in Heaven. I miss her every single day, will cherish and remember details of our time and smile when I eat a snickerdoodle cookie. She is the reason for Landry's middle name. I miss you, Granny. You are with us today and every day.