Last Thursday I was honored to co-host an event sponsored by Nordstrom at their Houston Galleria store. This was honestly one of the most rewarding things I have participated since I started blogging. It is not just because I got a few perks from being involved, but because a small piece of my family finally got to see what this blogging "business" is all about. When I say "business", I don't mean that literally. I will get to that in a minute.
I was a little overwhelmed and anxious when I arrived at the store. Seeing a big sign with my name, hanging from the ceiling was all too surreal for me. I am a small town girl, living a simple life, never in my life have I felt like the star of a show, besides my wedding and giving birth.
From the minute I stepped foot into the door, the Nordstrom team made me feel like I was a star. Their kindness and generosity was heartfelt and genuine. I was a believer in this company before, but after this experience, I am a lifelong fan.
Before guests arrived, I frantically perused the Savvy department to curate my own personal pop-up boutique to showcase a few of my favorite pieces and trends for the fall season. I fell in love with this tie waist coat. I plan on adding this wood handle satchel bag to my growing collection. And this print-on-print ensemble (skirt & top) is killer. I even styled the mannequin you see in the back. I did this all in about 30 minutes. Talk about working under pressure.

Guests of the event were greeted with speakers playing tunes of the latest and greatest, swag bags full of fun, sweet drinks, trays of gourmet treats, fruity popsicles and a four different beauty bars.

I had the chance to meet some fellow bloggers, local shop owners and made some new friends along the way.
The best part? Like I said up above, it was the first time my mom, dad and mother-in-law got to see, sort of, what blogging has done for me. Yes, they are some of my biggest fans and daily readers, but for them to actually be there and see the rewards of hard work and dedication meant more to me than any glam, lights, cameras and action. Their love and support has always been strong and something I can't really put into words. All I can say is that I am blessed. They are my rocks. My inspiration. My role models and heroes.

In case you didn't know, this event was a two week long fashion face-off that was based on online votes. The winner was announced at the event and even though I feel like Monica and I were equal winners, I was lucky enough to be announced with the most votes. So, thank you to everyone who took time out of their day to vote for me. I won this because of you and honestly, that is the only reason. At the end of the day, regardless who had the best outfit, style, make-up, hair, smile or whatever else that is JUST external, I have friends, family and readers that are REAL. We all do. When people rally on your behalf and go out of their way to support your endeavors, that is more meaningful than anything. Please know that I never take for granted the opportunities that have been passed my way. I am grateful for each and every one, but also work very hard. This blog means more to me than you know. Like I have said before, it's like my third child, but will never replace my flesh and blood. Again, thank you so much for your votes, kind words and well wishes.

And then there is this photo. As soon as I saw it, tears filled my eyes. I wish each one of you could meet my dad. He is a gem. I true soul with a heart of gold. Anyone that knows him would say the same thing. Ever since I was a little girl, he has been been there for me...secretly holding back tears when his little girl did something that made him proud. Can I just say, that it's a HUGE deal that he was using a digital camera. Typically, he whips out the old 35mm camera and then dashes off to the local CVS to drop off the film. Dad, this time, I am proud of you!

A multitude of gratitude goes out to everyone at the Houston Galleria Nordstrom store. You guys are a stellar team, with so much class, style and grace. You made me feel like a queen for a day and this is one moment in my life that I will never forget. Thanks for making dreams come true.
P.S. I could never forget my husband, Ross. Thank you for taking care of the girls and getting them off to school while I was away. Even though you weren't able to be there in person, your spirit and love was with me the entire time. You are my soul. I love you.
WHAT I WORE: c/o Nordstrom
P.S. I could never forget my husband, Ross. Thank you for taking care of the girls and getting them off to school while I was away. Even though you weren't able to be there in person, your spirit and love was with me the entire time. You are my soul. I love you.
YOUphoria: It's more attainable than you think. Find yours at Nordstrom.
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Nordstrom via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are 100% my own and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Nordstrom.

You are a gem! I just love how true to yourself and your friends and family you always are. It is such a joy for me to read here and to feel like I know you, even if we've never met :)
You look so lovely and seem like a beautiful person inside out. Congratulations on hosting this event! Hope for much more success to you! :)
YAY! You know you got my vote! I am so happy for you. What an amazing experience this must have been! LOVE Nordstrom! And how CUTE is that pic of your dad taking your pic? Melts my heart. =)
XOXO, Jenn
The Stylish Housewife
You are stunning, Shanna! What a great experience for you and for your in-laws and parents to see it all take place. Good for you, it all looks like a fabulous time and you obviously had some great picks! Good for you, sweetie!!
So Cool. So SO cool! So happy for you and the opportunities that have come your way! You deserve them all!
Shanna, I am so glad you won this, you got my vote. That post is so heartmelting especially that you have your Family there to Support your from their buttom of their heat, is so heartmelting. Love the pic how your dad takes a pic of you, just super gorgeous :-) congrats again for that Milestone Shanna :-)
I wish I could've flown to Texas to be there for you! What an awesome night. I'm so glad that your family was able to be there to support you.
I wanted to come to this event so bad!!! You looked amazing! Congratulations Ma'am!
Totally in love with the outfit you chose for this event! Congrats - looks like such a fun night!! xo
Congraulations! You deserve it! Your outfit is adorable. So glad you and your family had a wonderful time!
Congratulations! You looked fantastic and your happiness is clearly genuine. Your entire family is beaming for you.
That looks like a fantastic evening Shanna! Congratulations to winning! If anyone deserves it, you do. Those pictures totally got me teary too :)
Congratulations, Shanna! You surely deserved the win. It looks like it was such a fantastic time, and how awesome that you got to share it with your family!
What an awesome event Shanna! You looked so fabulous in that leather skirt, and that's amazing that your fam finally got to see you in action :)
The Other Side of Gray
First of all, I teared up seeing that pic of your dad taking a pic of you on IG yesterday. SO awesome, really. You can feel his pride in the shot.
I'm so proud of you! Congratulations on winning and pulling together your pop up in 30 minutes, all while looking fabulous and picking some sweet pieces.
This is the sweetest. Your dad!!!!!
And congrats. loved your look.
Congrats, lady! You totally deserve it!
Shanna I am so so proud of you, you have done so many wonderful things with blogging yet I still feel like I "know" you!
YAY Shanna!!! Way to go! And, i SO hope that wooden handled bag came home with you--it is FAB!
This is the sweetest post! You deserve every bit of this success! Congratulations on winning, you had my vote all along :) proud of you sweet friend!!!!! XO
Girl you looked absolutely gorgeous! I adore that skirt on you!
This was written so beautifully! Your heart shines through in this and your sincere joy in all that comes your way shows. Congrats on everything you have coming your way:)
You are SUCH a doll Shanna! I love love love this post. I'm a daddy's girl too so I totally get that! And that wooden handle I need it. like now.
What an amazing experience and I am still LOVING that skirt! :)
Congratulations, Shanna! So happy to hear that you won! That is so sweet how proud your dad is of your blogging success :)
The Tiny Heart
So happy for you my friend! What a fun day for you and your family! And you deserve it! This blogging business takes a lot of time! I love your skirt and you picked some great items! Blessings to you! By the way, I just purchased the track pants you wore last week for my daughter and I and I think we may wear them every day from now to eternity!!! Thanks! Susan
I am so, SO happy for you Shanna! You deserve every bit of it! Good things happen to good people! And I wish we had had a photographer at our event, I love that so many moments and details were able to be captured. And that is so funny about the pants on the mannequin!!! Love it! And love you!
Congratulations Shanna! You 100% deserve it!!!
Congratulations, Shanna! What an awesome opportunity. Your humility and gratitude makes you even more beautiful and it sets you apart.
XO, Gina
that last photo made me cry, foreals!! congrats shanna! this is sooo awesome!! love your blog!! :)
You are such a loving person. I was so moved reading this post. It's a blessing to have the support and love of our family. Congratulations on this accomplishment and I wish you all the best.
Congrats! All these little perks and blogging success could not have come to a more deserving and sweet person. I love how humble you are and how passionate you really are about blogging and fashion. So cool for your family to see you in your "blogging element." That last picture is so precious. He whipped out the digital for his baby girl! How wonderful for your dad to be able to see it.
Congratulations!! You deserve all the success you have had. I love reading your blog every day. Best wishes in the future!
Yayyay! Go you!! This is so, so fun and I'm so glad you were able to share it with your family!
You are seriously so sweet.. and that is why we all love you so much. This event looks and sounds like it was a blast. I'm so happy for you and for all of your successes! Keep on rockin' girl!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Aww...Congrats! This looks like such a cool event! I don't think I would be able to pick out clothes like that in 30 minutes! I wish I could have come to the event!
Jeans and a Teacup
Congrats, beautiful! You deserve it! So glad your family could be there.
love it!
Congrats Shanna! Sounds like such an amazing experience!
Congratulations! this is so beautiful you had me smiling ear to ear. You are truly beautiful inside out. So happy that you were able to share this special moment with those close to your heart, it makes all the hard work that much worth it.
Ms Dee Kay
Aw my friend, your heart is THE most stylish part of you! I love this post, and hope we get to meet in person someday soon!
Whoever took the photos for you did a great job! You look great and it sounds like it was a blast. So heartwarming to see that your parents are so proud of you!
Congrats on winning! You looked fabulous, and it looks like it was a great event and an amazing experience. So nice that your parents and mother in law could be there to share it with you.
Congrats, sweet girl. You totally deserve it. You look gorgeous, and I can't imagine what an amazing opportunity this was! I love the pic of your dad taking a pic of you :) Melts my heart how proud he is!! :)
Congrats!!! I really love that picture of your Dad. Nothing is better than an amazing support system!
Congrats! I love your outfit, you look adorable.
Congrats Shanna for such a great experience! But more importantly that you were able to share this with you family!
Make me cry why don't you. What a lovely post Shanna, written with so much heart. I like you more now than ever. Congratulations on the partnership with Nordstrom and for being able to share what you love with the people that mean the most to you.
Congrats on winning and getting to be a part of this event -- it looked great and seemed like you did a wonderful job :)
I love it. You are totally deserving! Wish I coulda been a fan girl in the crowd!!!
So happy for you!
Aww, this post just made me cry! What a sweet daddy you have.
What an amazing experience Shanna - congrats! That's so wonderful your family was able to see all that you have worked for, you should be so proud! :)
I got teary eyed reading this! So happy and proud of you. You deserve every last drop of opportunity. You are the best. Congrats Shanna!
Oh my gosh this is awesome! Congratulations to you. I just started following your blog but I would've voted for you for this opportunity too!!!!
You're just like me when it comes to family. They are more important than anything in this world. My parents are huge supporters of my blogging and I don't know if I would be doing it without them "rootin'" me on.
I'm so sad I wasn't able to go, but SO excited for the awesome opportunity you had! :)
Congrats on hosting this event! You looked amazing!
So cool that some of your family was able to join you and share these fun moments together.
dude! you rock, and of look amazing :) i LOVE that pic of your daddy taking your pic. I'm pretty sure any daughter would feel the way you did. and how cool to see your blog name up there and on the floor. WOOT WOOT!
SOOOOO Proud of you!!!!!!! When I saw your insta with the photos, I couldn't WAIT to have a few free minutes to read & get caught up on things! :)))))
Congrats to you! So happy for you, and how wonderful that you got to share this experience with your family. Cheers!
Congratulations, love! This is SO exciting and I'm SO proud of you! All that you have accomplished in this blogging world is SO WELL deserved! You've worked hard for it and you are one of the kindest people I "know." Again, excited for you.
Stuff like this couldn't happen to a nicer person! You go girl!
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