I went back and forth on whether I was going to post about our weekend. I understand that it might ruffle some feathers and possibly result in losing readers. I am hoping that is not the case. I had to stop and remind myself that yes, I blog for extra income and to share my personal style, but I also blog to record mine and my family's life and memories that we make. This is part of who I am.
Saturday afternoon, Ross and Logan headed to the deer lease after her doubleheader volleyball game. Landry and I were planning on staying back and getting things "done" around the house. Something was tugging at my heart and whispering in my ear to pack up and head there too. So I did. Landry and I loaded up and made the hill country drive.
Saturday afternoon, Ross and Logan headed to the deer lease after her doubleheader volleyball game. Landry and I were planning on staying back and getting things "done" around the house. Something was tugging at my heart and whispering in my ear to pack up and head there too. So I did. Landry and I loaded up and made the hill country drive.
We rolled in just in time for the evening hunt. Ross and Logan were ready and waiting for us in the Jeep as will pulled up.

Landry and I hunkered down in our deer blind with chips, salsa, Starbursts and Diet Dr. Pepper. We sat there for a good hour-and-a-half, munching on snacks, playing paper-rock-scissors, quietly giggling, chit chatting about all kinds of things and whipping out the binoculars every few minutes to see if we could spot any deer. No, we didn't have a gun. Our only intentions were to have fun and see a few animals. We did both.

I was texting back and forth with Ross wondering if him and Logan had seen anything yet. As soon as Landry and I were about to call it quits, we got "the text". It read, "Logan just got a turkey at 60 yards." Chills ran over my body and my heart burst with pride.
Logan has been practicing her shooting for the last several months. Let me tell you, it's sick. Ross has admitted that her aim is better than his. So, we both agreed that we would let her hunt this year. She had her heart set on a doe, but it looks like we will be frying a turkey this week instead.

I knew there was a reason that little voice inside my head was telling me to go. I would have been heartbroken if I would have missed this once in a lifetime moment. Logan was full of smiles and beaming with with pride. We all were. It was an evening none of us will forget and we were all together to share it, as a family.
Being out there, miles away from "city" life is refreshing. It's an escape to a place that is real, raw, simple and peaceful. No sounds of cars, just the buzzing of nature. The sky is lit with millions of stars that I sometimes forget are there. Campfires that make your hair stink for days. Kids playing make believe games outside. Exploring God's country, not concrete and asphalt. It is hands down some of the best bonding time I have had with both Ross and my girls because the distractions of life are eliminated when we come here.
How many places can you go with your children, sit in a small wooden building and talk to them for two-three solid hours without any disruptions except for nature occasionally stepping in? Nowhere, at least I haven't found another place. It's a breath of fresh air to have that one-on-one.
Sunday afternoon, Landry and I drove back home. Ross and Logan stayed for one last evening hunt.
She was determined to get that deer. I mean, a turkey wasn't just good enough, right? Not in her mind.
SURPRISE!! I got the text at 5:33 PM. It said, "Oh, yeah!!!" Then a call came a few minutes later. Miss Hunter herself got her doe. My heart sunk, skipped a beat and was joyous all at the same time. I wasn't there to see get her first deer, couldn't believe it happened, but was screaming up and down in my kitchen because I knew how excited her and Ross both were. Persistence pays off. She wasn't giving up and didn't.

This weekend will be one of her biggest and most remembered childhood memories. It's a story that she can retell for the rest of her life; to friends, her future husband and to her children when she one day becomes a mother.
**I understand that there are plenty of readers that are against hunting animals. I am not going to go into depth on all the reasons why I believe that it is okay, how it's healthier than any store bought, processed meat, that it's smart wildlife management, how we eat everything we hunt and that it's a huge piece of our lives.
**I understand that there are plenty of readers that are against hunting animals. I am not going to go into depth on all the reasons why I believe that it is okay, how it's healthier than any store bought, processed meat, that it's smart wildlife management, how we eat everything we hunt and that it's a huge piece of our lives.
you don't agree, I 100% respect your beliefs, views and perspectives. I
just ask that you respect mine. I am kindly asking that if this isn't
your thing, that you will move onto the next post and not leave a
comment saying how wrong you think we are. I understand this is a touchy and
controversial subject. This post will be read by my children and
something they will cherish years from now. I don't want them reading hurtful comments. Thank you in advance.

Congrats to your daughter, that's SO awesome! My dad is a big deer hunter, and so my sister and I grew up always eating venison and just having that be part of our life in the fall. However, we never actually did any hunting with my dad because Michigan in the fall is pretty chilly, and so the idea of sitting outside for hours in the freezing cold was never all that appealing to us, ha! But that's so cool that your daughter shot a turkey and a deer, way to go Logan! :)
Congrats on her first successful hunt!! We live in a small town in the midwest. Every local school district here gets at least one day off for deer season. Most people around here hunt to feed their families. Although my daughter and I don't eat meat, we buy meat that has been raised locally so we know what is in it. Hunting has been a way of life since the beginning of time. My kiddo is an animal rights activist, but even she knows that people hunt to eat. It is our way of life here too. Plus, our small town would be overrun with deer if we did not have hunting season. They post a huge danger on the roads when they are overpopulated. Plus, my family believes that every girl should know how to shoot a gun to protect herself. If you ever some to visit, we will take your kiddos shooting. My girl is a fabulous shot too - better than her dad:) Have a blessed day my friend! Tell your girls that they rock!! And what do you make from your catch? Jerky? Patties? Susan
I think this is so cool! How fun for your daughters to have something special they do with their dad - that is important!! Plus the look on their faces? Priceless.
xo, NIna
My husband loves to hunt! I'm not sure if I could ever pull the trigger to kill and animal, but that's mainly because I'm a baby. And I doubt I could sit quietly for that long, even at my age. Kudos to your kiddos!
People that hunt for sport, I disapprove of. People that hunt for food, that's ok. And I know you and your family will eat both of the animals that your daughter shot, and she will be beaming with pride when you say "this meal is all because of Logan!" SO, congrats to Logan for accomplishing her goal!!
Congrats to your beautiful girl! I'm from a small town in Pennsylvania and while I don't hunt, my parents can always tell you when it's hunting season because we hear the gunshots ringing off the side of the mountain. It's for food and it keeps those damn deer off the highways! Congratulations again to your sweet girl! XO
You go girl!!!! I could never do it (my dad has been trying to get me to go for years!) but I am so impressed she did! I think that's fabulous she can hang with the guys ;) my dad got a doe last night too...although some may not see it as a sport, it is and it's exciting for those who love it... and I can tell you're one proud mama! xo
How exciting! Nothing better than being out in the country with your little family. NOTHING!
Wahoo for Logan! There really isn't much hunting out here in the boston area, but I can appreciate how it's a big part of your lives. Logan looks so happy and that's all that matters!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
I grew up in a hunting family and went out in the woods many a time with my dad... only to be prompted told to go home because I "made too much noise!" I was never able to shot a wild animal with anything else besides a Canon, but I eat plenty of wild game growing up. My family ate every single thing my dad hunted and even now I'd take venison over store-bought beef in a heartbeat.
Your daughter is learning valuable lessons and don't worry what other people think. She's learning a skill that has allowed humanity to blossom. You can't argue with that!
I'm a born and bred city gal, but I know meat has to get on the table somehow. The fact that ya'll do it yourselves, that your DAUGHTER, who is just a couple years older than my daughter, did this for your family is mind blowing. To buy that same amount of meat, 60lbs of turkey and who knows how many of deer, would cost me hundreds of dollars. I truly wish I had a caring parent that taught me a skill as valuable as this. (No Dad here.) I am thankful my Mother taught me to cook, but wouldn't it just be deuces if I killed it and cooked it?
So, Dad taught Logan to get the bird, you teach her how to make use of it properly, and the circle of life is complete when everyone sits down at the dinner table.
Congrats to Logan and your family!
Dayummmm woman, you've got yourself a certified bad ass on your hands. I don't think you guys will ever have to worry about any guys trying to mess with her!
That is SO awesome!She looks so excited. good for her!
What a sweet, sweet post. I love it. Thanks for sharing about such a cool family moment with us! :)
What a wonderful memory and activity for your daughter and her dad to share! I was not raised in a family that hunted but have willingly married into one! I love deer meat and turkey and feel pride to know my husband can provide for our family too!
Well, whenever Ross goes out of town, just leave her in charge!!
Congrats to your girl!! That is so awesome!! I know you guys are so proud of her!!
That is incredible and so exciting for her! She really must have some talent! I love what you said at the end and completely agree, if someone doesn't like or agree they can move on. We are in Texas and it is a way of life!
This is an awesome story! Congratulations to her! That is such an exciting moment for you and the rest of your family!! She looks thrilled and I'm glad you all go to enjoy the moment together.
I don't personally hunt, but my boyfriend and his entire family are obsessed with it and it makes you so happy when they are able to get something!
Kudos to you for presenting this so perfectly! I love that you still shared, this is YOUR blog.....so your call what you post!
From a fellow female hunting Goddess to another....congrats to your daughter. Memories have been made!
Shanna that is so awesome! I got chills just reading that! WAY TO GO LOGAN!! I love how much pride you can see in Ross' face in that last picture. Daddy's girl!
This city girl can't wrap my head around hunting ... it's just SO FAR out of my comfort zone ... However, I can appreciate a family who hunts for food and with respect for the animals. So kudos to your family! I know what a proud mama you must be!
Very cool story, such a little badass! And the pics of you and little bitty hanging out with snacks in the deer blind are preeeetty cute too :)
Sam ipsa Loquitur
How exciting for Logan!! I bet she's very proud! I never got into hunting, but I did enjoy watching the wildlife. :)
That is so exciting that you can all go hangout as a family. I never got to go, my kids said that I talk to much. Congratulations Logan!!!
That is so AWESOME Shanna!! My girls didn't see a thing this weekend but had a blast even without it. Still waiting on their elusive firsts! My oldest is quite the aim with her bow too so I am sure that she will get one soon either way. Congrats to Logan.
Nothing wrong at all with hunting - my uncle hunts and we all live off the fruits of his labor - deer, wild turkey, etc. Congrats to your girl!
I think that was such an awesome weekend for the girls!!!! Now, who got to clean them? haha
My dad was an avid hunter and now my brother and my nephew hunt together. Congrats to Logan (those pictures of her are fantastic) and I love that you and Landry had that special time together!
That. is. awesome!!! So proud of her! Although hunting is my thing I think it's awesome that she has this memory with her daddy and I'm so glad that something told you to be there.
Congratulations to your daughter!! That is so awesome! I'm super jealous though because no one in my family hunts and I really want to go!
I've been a vegetarian for years, but I think this is great. You're raising a young lady to safely operate a weapon, take care of herself, and responsibly consume meat. Thanks for sharing.
Young SF Lady
I don't have any opinions on hunting becasue I am a meat eater and I know that it comes from somewhere...however I don't think i could ever hunt persoanlly...oh but i definitely don't condone hunting for sport. Congrats to Logan on getting both "targets"!! I think it's an amzing skill you are instilling in her and the daughter-dad time is priceless!!
It's so great when your kids accomplish something they have been working hard for and/or looking forward to! Congrats to Logan!!
Congrats to your daughter!
I'm personally against hunting animals. I couldn't find the heart to do it, even though I'm a meat eater. However, if you are going to hunt animals, I don't see a problem with it if you use it for food and things like that. For sport? No way. I had an ex that would kill animals just for sport and mount their heads. They even had a real zebra rug :-(
I'm from the country, we believe in hunting. Congrats to Logan!!
Okay, so I grew up hunting myself and think a dad and his daughter spending time together and bonding is beautiful. Plus, she is learning life skills and any girl that can shoot a gun with accuracy is a step ahead in life. While I don't like to hunting anymore I think others that do and eat what they kill is fine by me. Good for you and your family, you are spending time together and building memories:)
This reminds me of the time I went hunting with my father. I got bored and was too cold. haha clearly your daughter is way more awesome than I was!
She got her first turkey and her first deer? You go, girl?
Also, you said ruffle some feathers... that had me laughing knowing she killed something with feathers. Ha!
You go, girl was not supposed to have a question mark.
hey lady! my father and brother hunt occasionally and we always eat the hunted game and it's delicious! it can be such a good way to manage game and to hone safe hunting and gun ownership skills. congrats to your girl!
That's AWESOME! Good for her! My husband is a hunter as well, he has yet to get his turkey. I hope she continues to pursue her passion and remain strong!
That's so awesome! My dad hunted when I was growing up and I have many pictures of me in my pj's sitting by a dead deer grinning ear to ear. Cherish these memories. Go Logan!
That's so awesome! I really, really want to learn how to hunt.
Congrats Logan!!!!
I am torn and conflicted on what to write, but given the fact that you put this out there, in a well written and perfectly honest way, I have to say, kudos to you. I am a meat eater myself, and may be I am being a hypocritical here, but your brave daughter's smile with the doe, hit a chord in my heart, that I can't explain and I will just leave it at that..
That is so awesome! Congrats to Logan!
How awesome for her to get a turkey and doe in the same weekend! That is great! My daughter is learning to hunt now and really enjoys it. I think it's great and I think the quality time out enjoying nature is nice too. What size gun does she use on her hunts? We have discussed getting my daughter her own gun this year for Christmas.
What a little badass!! Go Logannnnn!!!!!
So glad that you wrote this and shared such a beautiful memory for your daughter and your family. Very, very cool!
Yes! I love a girl that can hunt! I agree with you that eating food your hunt yourself is much better than the overly-processed meat our USDA claims to be "OK" to eat. This is how it was done in the good ol' days! I would love for mu future children to hunt like this. I think it will help them build character and really appreciate what has to be done in order for us to eat. Congrats to your beautiful daughter!
She got a turkey and a doe?! That is so awesome! Glad you were able to be there with them!
Thank you for sharing this. I imagine you must've been apprehensive about it but you presented it perfectly and, in the end, this is your blog and about your life. I think hunting is such a necessary skill because, let's be real, you just never know when something could happen in the world and there would be no food available. With your daughter's phenomenal skill you know you wouldn't go hungry. :-)
I didn't grow up in a hunting family. I wasn't exposed to it at all. And for a long time was completely against it simply because I thought I should be. As an adult I informed myself and now it's something I support. As a parent I've realized all the valuable lessons that my daughter can learn from it and it's something my husband and I look forward to sharing with her as she gets older. So congratulations to your daughter and to you for being real and sharing. Would love to see pics of the meals that will follow. I've never had venison or turkey that wasn't frozen.
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