Can I talk about my feelings today? My emotions. My inner thoughts. My random mind. Okay, thanks for saying yes.

Attonished: I have stuck to exercising the last 6 out of 7 days. I know, I can't believe it either! T25 is kicking my behind along with a couple of Physique 57 sessions. I haven't eaten fast food in one week, except for Chi-fil-A nuggets (no waffle fries). I feel better, have more energy and am sleeping better at night. I told you guys...NO MORE EXCUSES. I think I pulled a muscle in my gluteus maximus. Is this a sign of working hard or that my form is a hot mess? I am going with the latter.
Overjoyed: I get to see my best friends from college on Saturday. These girls are not only my friends, they are an extension of my family. I love them to the moon and back. When we all get together it's as if zero time has passed. I have a feeling it's going to be one of those nights.
Nervous: Oh, I don't know, maybe it was 6 months ago when I told you guys that I was going to the orthodontist about Invisalign. Well, I chickened out and never went through with it. After a RUDE comment about my "vampire teeth" on Instagram a few weeks ago, I decided that it's time to get my chops fixed once and for all. (Note: this jerk isn't the reason I am getting them.) I have had a HUGE self confidence issue with my teeth for years and am fully aware that they are crooked and stick out like a sore thumb. I am going today to get my impressions and x-rays. Hopefully I will have my first tray within the next few weeks. I cannot wait to have a new set of pearly whites, but so anxious about the dent it's going to make in my bank account and how much it's going to hurt.
Confused: How do people have 15K+ Instagram followers? I get it when it comes to famous people, businesses and huge bloggers, but how on Earth did some of these people get this many followers? I know they didn't pay for them. They get the "likes". I am curious, do you read blogs from Instagram? Find new places and products on there? Do you think this is how blogging success is measured now? It seems that the more followers you have the more opportunities you get offered. I am still trying to wrap my brain around it.
Indecisive: I am finally going into the salon on Thursday. It's been over three months since my last cut or color. I am sure you aren't surprised since my roots are out of control. I am on the fence on what I want to do with my locks. Part of me is saying, "CHOP IT" the other part says,"You'll miss it". Then comes the coloring side of things. Should I stay summer blonde or go toward my natural color? Hmmmmmm. The decisions we have to make as women. It's rough and complicated stuff.
Bamboozled: Mother nature is playing tricks on us here in Texas. One day we are getting freeze warnings and then three days later we are back to 80 degrees. No wonder so many people are sick. Come on, I thought we finally hit fall and were well past anything above the 75 degrees mark.
Grateful: This might sound so cliche, but I had to say it since we are on the topic of emotions. I am truly thankful for every single person that reads this blog. I swear I want to quit numerous times a month, but each night I pray asking God if this is His will for me. He seems to answer by faithfully sending you to me each day. I mean it. The comments, emails, friendships, random opportunities and loyalty that so many of you send my way every day are what keep me chugging along. Without you I would not show up on the daily. I just don't say it enough. Thank you.
Meagan from Because of Jackie is someone I would like for you to meet, if you haven't already. Her wit, charm, sense of style, personal journeys and how she makes you feel after leaving her blog is one in a million. I am not just saying this, but Meagan is one of my favorites reads. Maybe it's because we have so much in common, but I think it's because I feel like I am having lunch with a friend over the internet when I stop by her blog.
She has one of the best "about me" sections I have read and spills on the meaning behind Because of Jackie. Another best in my opinion, her take on marriage. Oh my word. Even if you aren't married, stop what you doing and go read this post then come right back. Okay, glad you are back. It was phenomenal, right? I related to every single sentence she wrote. See, I told you it's like having lunch with your BFF. Meagan has also written a how-to ebook guide about starting and running a successful blog. You guys need to check it out. It's always refreshing to get ideas and additional insight from other bloggers. Want to get to know Meagan even more? Of course you do! She opens up in this post and really let's us peek at who this gorgeous and stylish women is behind the blog. You guys, she is a doll, military wife, mom, amazingly talented, style rock star, sweet as pie, genuine to the core and someone I would love to be next door neighbors with. Make sure to stop by Because of Jackie and tell Meagan I sent you. I bet you a million bucks you will be hooked and reading her posts for the next hour or so. Enjoy!

Overjoyed: I get to see my best friends from college on Saturday. These girls are not only my friends, they are an extension of my family. I love them to the moon and back. When we all get together it's as if zero time has passed. I have a feeling it's going to be one of those nights.
Nervous: Oh, I don't know, maybe it was 6 months ago when I told you guys that I was going to the orthodontist about Invisalign. Well, I chickened out and never went through with it. After a RUDE comment about my "vampire teeth" on Instagram a few weeks ago, I decided that it's time to get my chops fixed once and for all. (Note: this jerk isn't the reason I am getting them.) I have had a HUGE self confidence issue with my teeth for years and am fully aware that they are crooked and stick out like a sore thumb. I am going today to get my impressions and x-rays. Hopefully I will have my first tray within the next few weeks. I cannot wait to have a new set of pearly whites, but so anxious about the dent it's going to make in my bank account and how much it's going to hurt.
Confused: How do people have 15K+ Instagram followers? I get it when it comes to famous people, businesses and huge bloggers, but how on Earth did some of these people get this many followers? I know they didn't pay for them. They get the "likes". I am curious, do you read blogs from Instagram? Find new places and products on there? Do you think this is how blogging success is measured now? It seems that the more followers you have the more opportunities you get offered. I am still trying to wrap my brain around it.
Indecisive: I am finally going into the salon on Thursday. It's been over three months since my last cut or color. I am sure you aren't surprised since my roots are out of control. I am on the fence on what I want to do with my locks. Part of me is saying, "CHOP IT" the other part says,"You'll miss it". Then comes the coloring side of things. Should I stay summer blonde or go toward my natural color? Hmmmmmm. The decisions we have to make as women. It's rough and complicated stuff.
Bamboozled: Mother nature is playing tricks on us here in Texas. One day we are getting freeze warnings and then three days later we are back to 80 degrees. No wonder so many people are sick. Come on, I thought we finally hit fall and were well past anything above the 75 degrees mark.
Grateful: This might sound so cliche, but I had to say it since we are on the topic of emotions. I am truly thankful for every single person that reads this blog. I swear I want to quit numerous times a month, but each night I pray asking God if this is His will for me. He seems to answer by faithfully sending you to me each day. I mean it. The comments, emails, friendships, random opportunities and loyalty that so many of you send my way every day are what keep me chugging along. Without you I would not show up on the daily. I just don't say it enough. Thank you.
Meagan from Because of Jackie is someone I would like for you to meet, if you haven't already. Her wit, charm, sense of style, personal journeys and how she makes you feel after leaving her blog is one in a million. I am not just saying this, but Meagan is one of my favorites reads. Maybe it's because we have so much in common, but I think it's because I feel like I am having lunch with a friend over the internet when I stop by her blog.
She has one of the best "about me" sections I have read and spills on the meaning behind Because of Jackie. Another best in my opinion, her take on marriage. Oh my word. Even if you aren't married, stop what you doing and go read this post then come right back. Okay, glad you are back. It was phenomenal, right? I related to every single sentence she wrote. See, I told you it's like having lunch with your BFF. Meagan has also written a how-to ebook guide about starting and running a successful blog. You guys need to check it out. It's always refreshing to get ideas and additional insight from other bloggers. Want to get to know Meagan even more? Of course you do! She opens up in this post and really let's us peek at who this gorgeous and stylish women is behind the blog. You guys, she is a doll, military wife, mom, amazingly talented, style rock star, sweet as pie, genuine to the core and someone I would love to be next door neighbors with. Make sure to stop by Because of Jackie and tell Meagan I sent you. I bet you a million bucks you will be hooked and reading her posts for the next hour or so. Enjoy!
**If you are linking up today, the only request is that you follow my blog with GFC or Bloglovin' and link
back to it in your post. It's how weekly link ups work. Oh, and go meet some new friends!

1. great job on working out - go girl!!! 2. Whoever made a comment about your teeth is insecure with themselves, you are beautiful. I do get the self conscious thing so if invisalign is what works then yay!! 3. we have talked about the IG thing... who knows! and 4. DO NOOOOT chop it! You have beautiful hair! and 5. love you to pieces and I am thankful for you in my life!
I loved reading all your thoughts Shanna!!! What a fabulous effort on all the working out... I sometimes find it so hard to stay motivated, you've inspired me!
On the hair, I can totally relate - I had this debate for so so long and after asking me readers, ended up cutting it! I've loved having shorter hair, it's SO much quicker and easier to do than long hair, but I must admit I do miss just putting it up in a bun.
And finally, I'm so glad you keep coming back to blog everyday! I adore visiting and am so happy we've met through this!
Thank you for hosting and sharing your thoughts!!
Lauren xx
Congrats on your workout!!! I made a pact with myself that I can not shop until I lose my desired weight. For me - it's all about the eating and I need to stop eating junk food.
In regards to your teeth, I have never noticed and how rude for someone to say they are vampire teeth! I got actually metal braces about 10 years ago and to fix my buckling front teeth. I got lazy about wearing my retainers and they are bucking again. So if you do decide on moving forward with it, make sure you wear your retainers afterwards.
And followers on IG - no idea. I haven't even figured out how to add followers on my blog yet :)
Feels like I had the same questions and worries for a while : same thing about chopping/ regretting and changing the hair color, fixing and whitening my teeth, and of course, Instagram followers- I've seen some bloggers getting 50 new followers over few hours- HOW???? ;) anyways, always a joy to read your new posts and joining the link up
Love love love this whole look! I think I need to grab the red sweater! Thank you for always putting a link back to the item or something similar. People can be so rude, I'm sorry that happened to you! I love your pics! About Instagram, I love it because I can shop for my girls on it. I have found so many cute boutiques. I also get to see updates from my favorite blogs since fb doesn't always show them to me. xo
Congrats on your successful workout routine! Love the fall colors and cute paisleys on your top. Unique features/traits are often the most endearing, but you should do whatever will make you feel best. Looking forward to seeing your new do! I've fallen off the blogging/blog reading wagon due to life busy-ness (good things, nothing bad!) but will still drop in from time to time. Take care! :)
Hey girlie...just had to let you know that I am still following along even though I have been TOTALLY slacking in the comment department! Life has been so busy and I feel like I am SO behind on everything with the blog. There just aren't enough hours in the day. =( So I feel ya on the quitting idea every other week. So many things I want to say but first of all...I am disgusted that someone would say something so rude about your teeth. I just can't imagine what a miserable person they must be to spend their time writing such rude comments. =( And I'm with you on the Instagram follower thing...but I don't think it is all about "followers". Brands pay attention to your reader interaction and are a SUPER STAR in that department. You are a fabulous writer/blogger and I look forward to reading your posts every day...even if I don't get to comment on each one. =)
XOXO, Jenn
The Stylish Housewife
I am in love with that outfit and all of the color! Gorgeous!
Don't worry. I've terrible teeth too. Glad you are getting yours fixed though. You'll have a prettier smile, even though you're already so pretty.
Cute outfit by the way. I like the colors.
Beauty Fashion Skin Care Blog -Girlie Blog Seattle | Casual Chic Style
I'm just starting to get into the groove of working and I know how hard it can be so kuddos to you.
I cannot wait to see the new hair I'm sure you will look fabulous. One of the first thing I noticed about you were your teeth and honestly I think you look super cute they make you look like you. I hope this make sense, I understand if you want to fix them but don't let mean people with no life affect you. You are gorgeous.
Have a great one :)
I'm always indecisive when it comes to the salon - so much pressure! I'm sure you'll be stunning as always ;)
And I defo keep up with my fav bloggers through insta/twitter but I also wonder where all of those likes come from! ha
The instagram comment really struck me - people can be so rude. I tell you!!
Love this look, lady! You look gorgeous and casual with a pop of fun!!
xo, Nina
You are killing it in working out and that is awesome!
I'm contemplating cutting my hair too but I'm scared of having "mom hair". Kelly Ripa's hair is a cute style right now but I'm just really torn.
This outfit inspires me to break out something similar. Thanks for another totally honest "talk" and gorgeous outfit!!
Loving this look Shanna! I fell in love with that sweater when I seen it online. Love how you mixed colors
That is fabulous about your work out commitment! I have done T25 a couple of times too and it is killer! So congrats! About the IG comment - that makes me want to cry. I consider myself your friend and your biggest fan. I know that sounds nutty since we have never met, but I look forward to your posts daily. You are truly one of the most lovely people in blog land. Although we put ourselves out there as bloggers, it is our duty as women to lift each other up. Your teeth are beautiful and they make you who you are. If you want them to be different, that is your call. But you are beautiful as it - perfect. I struggle with the fact that I am not pretty enough or well dressed enough to blog every day. Someone left me a comment that I am too old to wear leggings. I cried. i will probably never wear leggings again. Mean, hurtful, and rude. But focus on the people who lift you up Shanna. I appreciate you(: I am excited about your dentist adventure. You dont need it but I am happy that you are excited about it! And your outfit is fab today! Be blessed! Susan
Thank you for always being so candid in your posts. This is the very reason so many women adore you and your blog. You have always been one of my favorites! I also love this color combo on you! Beautiful as always! xx
I wonder the same thing about Instagram. Basically, you could sign my name right under that paragraph.
And I like your smile! I think you're a beauty.
1. Your smile is beautiful and I can't believe that instagram comment. 2. 6 out of 7 days working out? Girl you are on fire! 3. You are gorgeous as always!
I love this outfit! That sweater is beautiful and it looks so great with your yellow jeans. Good for you for working out so much! I've been trying to do the same and I tell ya, it's a daily battle for me to get my butt off the couch and into the gym. But it feels so good afterward that I know it's worth it. Keep it up!!
You are so right about this weather here in Texas it is crazy Probably why I can't seem to get my nose to ever stop running.
That sweatshirt and jeans...I am in love! Too bad I'm not spending any money on myself this month. :( Guess I will have to add them to my "wish list". So proud of you for sticking with the exercise and healthy eating. It is not easy (or fun, at least for me), but it is definitely worth it. You are amazing!!
First of all, this outfit is awesome!! You look great :) Good luck with the invisaligns! I've heard really good reviews on them.
Yay for 6 days, that's amazing! And I LOVE that sweatshirt! Just bought two from F21 myself....can't WAIT to wear them!
First, I love your outfit.
Second, please pass along some workout motivation.
Third, please do invisalign because you want to do it, not because some DB made a fool comment. Haters gonna hate. No one is perfect and I think it's our imperfections that make us unique and awesome.
Fourth, I like instagram for a lot of things. I will sometimes read blogs through there, and I like seeing products people like. I also like it for making the ordinary look arty. Look! My coffee has a filter! LOL
Omgsh how cute are you!? I am a new follower and I love your thoughts of the day!! I also wonder about instagram and all the followers it can be frusterating!! And I love your teeth by the way!! They totally make you unique :):) Thanks for hosting the link up!!
So much goodness in this randomness girl. Let me start with your teeth first...we talked about this before! You are beautiful regardless but if it will make you happy DO IT! I have one tooth that juts out and it has driven me crazy for years!! I am excited to hear about your journey with this.
And the instagram thing. Puzzles me too. Let me know if you figure it out. xo
Stick with your workouts! They'll get easier, you'll get less sore, and you'll feel amazing afterwards.
And, let's be honest for a quick second. Your teeth are FINE! I would have responded with a quick, "how rude" to anyone who said otherwise.
Awwwwwww Shanna my dear.....don't ever leave us pls. We need more honest, fun & real people (aside from pretty) like you in this world we call blogging!! We all love you just the way you are!
I will hit someone if I ever see that again; people are SO rude. My lord. And I don't understand the Intagram thing either; guess I'm not that cool right? Haha and just love you to pieces, that is all <3
Absolutely love your bright outfit! You did a great job mixing some very intense colors, I wouldnt have thought to put them together but it really works!
Congrats on the workout dedication! I'm having a hard time keeping mine fueled. Have so much fun this weekend! Your teeth is something I find endearing about your photos and smile. But I get it 100%. I have a canine that never came in all the way so it's kind of stuck in my upper gum and it makes me INSANELY mad and selfconscious. Do whatever keeps you smiling!
How dare anyone say something mean about you?! What I don't understand is that someone feels like it is their place to point out supposed flaws in others. It gets on my last nerve. I wish people would be more sensitive. Good for you for sticking to a workout plan. It's so hard to do! I'm about to take my butt up to the studio and do some arm work. UGH.
CHOP IT CHOP IT!! I'm only saying that because I just chopped mine and it's a fun change. And it'll probably grow out in time for summer so I can look beachy again. And I don't get the instagram followers thing either. I seriously don't see how that drives traffic to blogs because I never see it as a referring source to mine. But it's fun and a great way to connect nonetheless!
Couple things: 1. I LOVE YOU! You look adorable I this outfit...DUH 2. I have vampire teeth too, but I have embraced them. And I don't think you do have vampire teeth? But I definitely do! 3. So proud of you for your workouts!!! You are already one hot mama, but dang you are gonna be ripped! 4. I love you again.
My first comment is simply, haters gonna hate. Lol. I hate that term, but in this case, it is so true. You are beautiful and don't let the haters tell you that you aren't:) Second, I am always against people chopping off hair. Maybe because I love hair, which is why I have like 10 feet of it haha! But, once again you will look fabulous either way:)
On the Instagram followers...I DO NOT GET IT! Some of these people with 15,000 followers only have like 400 pictures too! I get maybe accumulating them through 1000s of pictures...but not 400.
And lastly, don't ever stop blogging! You are one of the main reasons I started my own blog in the first place! I would be so sad:(
Thus ends the longest comment...ever.
Good luck with the invisalign! I got them in March 2012 (I also had braces in grade school..blah). They were not nearly as painful as regular braces, they worked pretty quickly, and I love them! Biggest piece of advice I can give you... WEAR THEM. It can be awkward to wear them out day to day.. but the more you wear them, the fast you will get results (& the less they will hurt!) Good luck!
I've never commented before, but I felt compelled to after reading your post today.
1. The person who made the comment about your teeth is irrelevant. How sad, that a perfect stranger felt it necessary and okay to put you down like that.
2. Yes, you have imperfect teeth... but honestly, I'm not lying, I think that's part of what makes you adorable. Okay, maybe it's creepier having a perfect stranger tell you you're adorable. But still. Your teeth don't make you look bad in the least.
3. Getting them fixed should be (and sounds like it is) a decision based on how you feel and think about them and not how others feel and think. It certainly is pricey, but if it will give you confidence you can't put a price on that.
4. Your hair, another decision that's personal, but going darker can help you go even longer between getting it done :) more money in your pocket.
aaaand those pants are the cutest things ever. Yep, you're adorable. Whoever said you have "vampire teeth" needs to suck it. Seriously, you are gorgeous. SO proud of you for working out so consistently!!! It's hard to do, so I applaud you! :)
that sweatshirt is so cute! i hate any kind of dentist and need to call one to get some sort of gum skin graft which sounds like a nightmare. i'm proud of you for working out!
Girl, I would KILL for it be 80 degrees right now! It is freezing here and I hate it!
I don't understand how people rack up so many Instagram followers either. Maybe I don't use my Instagram enough, haha.
The Tiny Heart
Personally, I think your teeth give you character but if you're ready to fix them, go for it! Its awesome to have a smile you're confident in. I am so excited for you to be working out 6 of the last 7 days. I have to work out that many all the time because my metabolism is awful. If I don't work out, I will gain weight. Ahem, I had to lose the same ten pounds three separate times. I don't know about the instagram thing but I do know that your blog is a blessing to me and plenty of others. I think God has given it to you as a gift and you should certainly keep blogging. I hope my comment brings a little smile to your day :) Esther Norine Designs
Woot woot for your workouts! Keep it up girl! Shame on the person for saying negative things to you! Sometimes I wonder about when did they learn that it was okay to bash people publicly?? Didn't their mama (or daddy) teach them if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all?? As far as Instagram followers...yes, there are some ppl who pay for followers. I see it happen. As far as the ones who are getting interaction, it's usually because they are interacting throughout their IG feed (on their posts and on others). And really working at increasing their follows. Search a specific hashtag (that is of interest to you and your blog/brand) and follow people. They will typically follow you back. You can use programs to see who isn't following you and who didn't follow you back. Just unfollow those that don't follow you back (if you aren't interested in following them)...but it's never good practice to follow someone, then they follow you, then you unfollow them because you were able to get them to follow you. Hope those tips help! They say if you build it they will come...well they didn't tell you that it's hard work to keep them coming! ;) LOL
you are totally a mini celebrity in blog world! i am not surprised you have that many followers! congrats! :)
Sandy a la Mode
thank you for these thoughts! jealous of your invisalign process! and congrats!
Shanna I have loved you since high school. Did that make me sound like your stalker? No? Ok good. Because really, one of the things I have always admired about you is your all around class at handling whatever life throws at you. You are always so kind and inspiring. You make me want to be a better person each and every day I read one of your blog posts (and I read them every day! Promise!). I just love your view on life. I may not always agree with every single thing you do, say, or wear but I admire you. Yes! You! You have beliefs and you stick to them. You never judge anyone for having different outlooks than yourself. You embrace them! You treat them like someone you've known your entire life. Basically what I'm saying here is, I want to be you when I grow up. Just keep being you, it's my favorite! <3
Lots of love,
If you ever figure out this IG mystery, please let me know. I don't get it either! But also, I've never had a single referral from Instagram, so I'm not entirely convinced it'd be worth all the effort to seriously put a lot of effort into growing it!
I've also been toying with cutting my hair. For a change I went a bit darker for Fall, but I'm holding onto the length. I like having options! :)
You look so pretty!! This outfit is so cute I really love the color of those pants!!!
Sincerely Miss Ash
A) Way to go working out 6 days this week! It's not easy, and you're awesome for doing it.
B) I can't believe someone would be so rude to comment on your teeth. I'm sure this person is perfect in all ways, but that's no reason to make unnecessary observations.
C) Don't chop your hair! Go for a nice caramel color, but leave the length. You'll regret it (says the person who wishes they didn't recently do it herself).
You go girl!!! I'm proud of your dedication to working out!...and about your hair, If you don't cut it, maybe go darker!? I was thinking about going dark for the first time ever! It could be fun!
ewww to the person who made that comment about your teeth, so rude!! so people need to get a life. you are gorgeous girly! xo
so many things to comment on, I'll try to be brief. I have been good about exercising and eating but i did the exact same thing with chik fil a. i love this entire outfit the colors, jewelry, hair. What the heck is up with our weather?! And i don't understand why people are so mean but i think you look great the way you are!
WAIT Shana let's talk about your teeth. WHY DO PEOpLE THINK THAT THEY CAN JSUT EXPRESS THEIR MEAN AND HURTFUL opinions? WHY? honestly I was just looking at your pictures of this outfit post and you know what I thought. seriously. I thought "I love her teeth". I thought she has the self confidence I do not have, and self confidence is sexy. At the same time I think that it is important that you do whatever you want to, to make you happy. And if fixing your teeth is somethi.... no I can't even finish. You are beautiful just the way you are , and your teeth make you special. But, I had my teeth fixed about 13 years ago when I was 20, I never smiled with my mouth open because they were pretty awful. I just got them cosmetically corrected with front caps and my self confidence was hugely boosted, so I DO understand why you want to fix them, I guess I just hate the fact that you've had to deal with this as an issue. Why must we all be perfect? On that note you've inspired me to start working out again so GRAZIE!
Love these fall looks on you. Great styling.
You are beautiful, no matter what any rude person says. But I'm glad that you are doing what YOU want. I hope the invisalign works for you! Seriously I don't know how people get that many followers, but whatevs. Yay for you working out. You go! I'm so proud of I'm sitting here craving a donut.
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
People can be so mean. I hate that someone said you have vampire teeth. I think you're absolutely gorgeous! And YAY for sticking to working out! I was just watching an infomercial for T25 this past weekend and asked my husband if we could get it! I'm glad to see that it's working for you!
I can't even fathom why someone would comment so hatefully. i have had a few nasty remarks and it's just strange. why follow if you are going to be rude? but, good for you! I want invisalign! i work for a dentist so i will prob do it eventually. :) and good for you on the t25! and one more thing- love this outfit!
1st I have to say that I love your outfit - so colorful and perfect for fall!
I love the post content as well. People are downright mean and it's a shame. Wish you the best on your consultation :-)
I am a bit curious as to how "regular people"/bloggers acquire so many likes/followers. It's mind boggling and weird to me too.
Love your blog and thanks for always hosting this linkups. Can't remember how I found your blog but I'm happy I did. It's one of my top reads!
I love that outfit! but most of all I love reading your random thoughts, and how open you are about yourself! You go girl! You are beautiful!
This is so beautiful! Love the mix of colors here!
My favorite side effect of working out - is the sleeping better. Ugh, it's so amazing!!! I need to get back on the wagon!!! Dropping fast food is a really, really awesome feeling. I haven't had it since, I think probably my last trip. I believe we stopped some where on our way to Atlanta, and it didn't make me feel good at all. I'm always shocked eating it now how awful I feel afterwards and how I used to not be phased by it. Note: The Chic-fil-A grilled sandwich is pretty tasty and not to horrible for you :)
I have wanted to try Invisalign - I got braces at a young age and some of my teeth have started to revert and I hate that. It's a whole different ball game when parents aren't paying for your ortho needs! Good luck with your appointment!!!
I've found that lately - I resort to Instagram more than blogs. I certainly haven't blogged much. I love to read but often times my day only allows for pictures :)
I am in the same boat with my hair. It's currently past my bra strap in the back and in need of a trim. But I don't want them to chop a lot off... I just get nervous all the time.
Mother Nature thinks it's winter here in AL. It's only going to get up to the high 40's today!!! WHAT?
I'm so glad you're blogging. I don't always comment but I do read :)
Go you with working out!! Isn't it great how a small change can change so many other things in your life for the better?!
I have the hair itch too! I'm trying to enjoy my long hair but a I think a 'lob' is calling my name!
why do people bother commenting at all if they're just going to say something rude?! your teeth are one of your unique features and i think it's cute! remember, katherine heigl had uneven teeth, too! :)
Good job with T25!!
if you want to for invisialign, go for it - not because of the stupid rude comment;- ) You are so gorgeous the way you are!!
I totally understand why you are confused about the huge followers on social media of people who honestly don't have anything creative or original to offer - but in a world here kitten starching door generates million youtube hits and gangnam style is considered music, anything is possible! LOL!
LOVE your sweatshirt - you are an outfit ninja!!
Hope you are having a wonderful day!
Style-Delights Blog
Hi Shanna,
People are rude A-holes. Ignore them and live your life.
Braces or botox or whatever- do what makes you feel best. No one walks in your shoes but you.
You don't nave to get your hair totally cut short to make a change. Try some some layers or side swept bangs. Baby steps.
Can you do a review on T25? Very curious to hear your thoughts and if it's worth the price tag.
Thanks for a great blog- I read it every day.
Hi from a new reader! I absolutely love the red sweater and how you've accessorized. I don't understand rude comments...what's the point? Clearly those people are trying to put others down in an attempt to build themselves up and that's just sad. As for Invisalign--it's wonderful that you're taking that step for yourself. I'm nearing the end of my Invisalign treatment and it's truly one of the best decisions and investments I've ever made for myself. Everyone told me my teeth were fine, but I wanted it for myself because there had just never been a time when I was completely comfortable with my wonky teeth. Now I'm getting to that point where I'm not longer self-conscious when I smile and that feeling makes the entire journey incredibly worth it. I think you'll love it :) I might actually miss my aligners when I'm done!
What a lovely, brightly colored, fall outfit!
I'm sorry someone left you a mean comment on Instagram about your teefers. But I'm so glad that you're doing this for you - for your confidence. You are beautiful inside and out!
I've been a follower of Because of Jackie for awhile, but haven't read much. You're right, she's amazing. I'm hooked.
Great Job on the working out! I have been trying to do the same and what a difference it makes. Whoever made that comment about your teeth is Ridiculous-you are gorgeous. The weather here has been crazy! Love your outfit too-the jeans are such a great color!
I'm so proud of you to sticking to your workout routine! The hardest thing is developing a routine. I can't wait to get back to mine after baby. Only 7 more weeks! Yikes! By the way, you look fabulous. I love your smile, but I totally agree with you - if you aren't confident about it, do something to fix it.
So this might seem crazy, but I was born without a canine. As a result, have a crooked smile and don't smile alot with my teeth. And you want to know what my first thought was when I started following your blog over a year ago? How awesome it was that you embraced your smile regardless of said imperfections. I've definitely smiled more with my teeth ever since. So thank you :) And good luck with getting Invisalign!!!
I actually like your teeth!! They kind of remind me of Kirsten Dunst's teeth and I've always liked the way hers look. If it helps you feel better to go for the Invisalign that is a good thing though. Good job on sticking to the work out routine. Consistency is key but sometimes it's really hard to get there and then to stay there.
Congrats on sticking to your gym routine! I know how hard that can be sometimes. I have been reading you blog for awhile now and it's one of my favorites so I'm glad you're sticking to it. As for the IG comment-people can be so rude but you are a beautiful person inside and out. :)
good job for sticking to your gym routine!! And I cannot believe somebody said that on your instagram photo... it amazes me what some people say to one another without thinking about it! I hope your new pearly whites bring you lots of happiness, though! I'm currently going back and forth between taking the bullet and paying for teeth whitening. It's hard to know what to do!! Also, I think a lot of people get followers on instagram by spamming... "LB for LB" or "Recents for Recents". It's no different than people who don't even read blog posts and just go from blog to blog writing "want to follow each other?". I will say, though, that I have found some of my favorite blogs through Instagram! All it takes is one person I already follow to "like" someone elses pictures and if I see it and like it I may follow along!
Oh Shanna. You are beautiful just the way you are. I know it's hard to believe that about ourselves, but you are. (We all have our insecurities!)
I also have grotesque roots. I don't know whether to continue with my current color or to change things up and get highlights. THAT is an extremely hard decision!
1. It was nice getting updated on your blog since I was away for a little over a week. 2. You look great as always. The sweatshirt is the cutest. I love how bright the colors of this Outfit are yet it is very perfect for Fall. 3. I loved reading this post with all of your emotions. I am glad you ended it with Grateful. You should be. Yours is considered one of the best blogs out there (Instagram be damned!) 4. You really, really are making me check out Meagan's blog. I am heading straight for the ABOUT ME section right now. 5. (Hopefully) you will stop by my blog more regularly. I swear I am nice, too. LOL
Have a Great rest of the week!! My pleasure linking up again, Ada. =)
You look sooo lovely.
I feel so related with some of your worries and questions......
But you are beautiful!!!!
Thanks for hosting.
Wow-I can't believe how some people make such rude comments! But good for you for going through with invisalign! If it's something you've wanted to do you shouldn't be scared. My front teeth are a little crooked too - you can see in a lot of my close up photos. So eventually I'd like to do the invisalign thing too!
Jeans and a Teacup
Such a rude comment! I think it's wonderful that you are doing it for you and there's nothing wrong with that at all! You are beautiful regardless
I think people are rude because of insecurities within themselves. Please don't let it worry you. You are beautiful! As for T25...I did all three phases, and it did kick my butt. I was used to going to the gym for about an hour and a half most days before starting it. Sadly, I ended up gaining weight, and it isn't muscle! LOL I think you will like the program. It gets harder. :)
Shanna, so inspired by your workout regimen! and also, ignore the haters. I don't know how people get joy out of being jerks to other people!
I can't believe someone made a comment about your teeth on IG! I just don't get people like that. IF you don't like me, don't follow me. Ugh. You know, I don't have "perfect" teeth, and I've gotten rude comments about the gap in my teeth as well. Many times. But my grandfather always said to me that it's lucky for me and I should never get rid of it. For that reason, I've kept it. It took me years to get comfortable with it and smile openly. Now that I am comfortable with it, I realize it gives me character and I love it.
Anyhoo - I think you are beautiful just the way you are. Inside and out. You are one of the sweetest people I've ever met. I wish you the best with your Invisalign journey. I'm sure it will all go well! Sending you hugs! xx
Stilettos & Sequins
I found you through another blog (Jisforjessica) so in my opinion blog links are much more effective than Instagram. God is amazing isn't He?!
I want to punch that girl that left you that nasty comment in the face. That is all.
I think instagram is awesome but I can't gauge how much I like a blogger based on a square of an outfit. I need to read about you to see if I like you. Though the more followers you have, the more opportunities you get. I'd love to work with more people but I'm content with my little slice of blogland!
P.S. Whoever talked shit about your teethe is RUDE. I was raised that if you don't have anything nice to say, do not say anything at all.
Great post today, Shanna! I think it's great that you're going to go for it and get Invisalign! Such a simple fix to what sounds like something that will be a great self-esteem boost! Glad you're doing that for yourself (and not the jack-a$$ that made the comment). Okay…now the hair…I'm always a fan of changing it up! Go for it. It's just hair….it grows back. Chop it just below the shoulders and do an "ombre" effect with a light brown on top that is blonde towards the end. I have a pixie cut so can't really do the ombre thing but it makes me want to grow my hair out….just so I can! HA! Happy Thursday!
Check this link out for hair. I did a quick google search and took the first one that looked good. Look at the Miley Cyrus (overlook that it's Miley Cyrus please…ha) picture…this is my vision for you!
I say don't cut it but I'm partial to long hair! If you like it short go for it! I'm sure you'll look beautiful either way :) Also, what an incredibly RUDE person. Such a dumb comment, I'm sorry. Also, I'm astonished as well with how many followers people have on instagram!! SO crazy!
Love your colorful look today :)
First of all, I love that your teeth aren't perfect (though I totally understand wanting to fix them - mine are chipped and I contemplate veneers ALL the time).
Secondly, I'm so with you on the Instagram thing. How do people get so many followers?! But if you're missing out on offers because of Instagram, then it's those brands who are missing out - you're adorable. :)
I'm totally late, but I hope your ortho appointment went well! Its scary, but it sounds like something you have thought about for a long time so you won't regret it. And I love this bright for fall but warm and cozy too!
I want new teeth! Jealous.
Thanks for inspiration for my next post! PS. I LOVE those jeans. I am soooo into mustard anything these days!
Be lucky that your teeth are just stick out. My teeth are all kinda of cavity filled and so I will have to get them removed and then put implants in. Now that will be painful.
I completely get the 15K+ on IG. I just opened my shop on IG and I see people with that many and they don't even sell anything. I don't get it either.
1-This is the reason you should continue to blog - just look how many people commented! 2-Proud of you for working out, awesome!!! 3-I worry about putting myself out there and opening myself up for criticism with having a blog. But then I have to remember that most anyone that will criticize me probably doesn't have the gumption to do what I am doing. And, you can't fix crazy. I always hold on to that one. 4-I LOVE your openness and honesty and that is why I keep following you and why I reasonate with you. You feel like a friend, a real person. 5-Be encouraged you are so beautiful inside and out. The Lord is using you. xoxo Carry On!
surfing some old posts and I saw his, I can so relate to the teeth issue, when I was 35 I was in a bar and someone said, "oh you are so pretty but if you fixed your teeth you could be beautiful" Its not because of that person that I went for braces ecept for the fact that all those Teeth insecurities came rushing back. You will make it through invis w/o a problem and because you are not a kid you will follow all the rules and get through it in no time and be very happy when it is all done I promise. Been there done that but I went the whole metal braces route and it was still worth it. Someday I will boldly post the puics of me in my 30's in braces.
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