The letter F starts with a million words. Some that come to mind can't be said on this blog, but a few that are at the top of my head are fall, fun, fashion, food, fa-la-la, Facebook and FAILURE. How discombobulated is that grouping? Yeah, that's how my mind seems to function as of late.

J.Crew Factory Blazer (similar here and here) // Forever 21 Oxford // Forever 21 Scarf (identical here) // Gap Boyfriend Jeans // Old Navy Flats (super similar) // Wallis Bag c/o (similar here and here) // Lilac Crown Bijoux Ring & Bow Bracelet c/o // Kendra Scott Ring // Cathryn Ann Designs Tassel Bracelet c/o // Forever 21 Rhinestone Bracelet // H&M Sunglasses (similar)
Sooooooo, let's get back to the noun that was typed in all CAPS. Yes, the word FAILURE. You guys, I feel like I need a big L for loser, smacked across my forehead (it's all about the alphabet today, bear with me).
I made some goals for myself over the last few weeks, ones I REALLY wanted to stick to and accomplish. They were all attainable because let's be honest, I don't set my sight on anything too complicated. I don't have time for that, but I like to keep things "real" around here and I am admitting that I tanked....the big one.
Shall I begin my walk talk of shame?
1. I broke my shopping ban. I did so incredibly fabulous in October. I only bought things with Poshmark money and I didn't even feel like I was missing out. Maybe that had to do with the fact I was on vacation for seven days out of the month. Well, sister friends, this month I have bought a few things with my Poshmark sales and then some. I shopped my own post and bought a Forever 21 plaid scarf (sold out now), this coat from Target (it's killer), another fur vest, a plaid oxford, a teeny tiny haul from Sephora, an infinity scarf, a new hat and my new favorite ring from Lilac Bijoux. Dear God, writing that all out just made me cringe. I must stop more. Why does Black Friday have to be this month? I need major intervention and I hope Ross isn't reading....
2. I was on a roll with Shaun T. We did lunges, squats, push up and serious ab work together. I actually did a few burpees too. Then life started happening again; volunteering at school, after school sports, shopping, homework, blogging, shopping, jam packed weekends, house work, holiday prepping, shopping, more blogging and sleeping. I lost my exercise luster over the last several days and all of the above are EXCUSES for not getting my work out on. Back on track. Back on track. Back on track. It's sooooooo hard!
3. I ate Taco Bell and a cream cheese torpedo from 7-11. Enough said. #gross
4. I drank some wine and had a rum and diet coke during the week. I told myself that "mommy juice" was only for the weekends due to the added LBS. I got a little stressed and needed to unwind. Empty, liquid calories are the worst. Back on track. Back on track. Back on track.
5. Not sure if you noticed, but my roots are finally camouflaged. I mentioned that I was getting my hair done last week. I said I was either chopping or going darker. Well, as you can see I chickened out on both ends. I will say that I did go a smidgen darker than normal. So, maybe this isn't a total fail. I just get cold feet every time I sit in that chair. My intentions were good.
I feel better now. I am hoping by getting that off my chest and actually writing for the world to see will get my booty back in gear. Shaun T, we have a date tonight. Forever 21, I will see you in a few weeks. Taco Bell, I don't plan on pulling up to your window any time soon. Hair, well, it looks a though we are long and blonde for awhile.
**If you are linking up today, the only request is that you follow my blog with GFC or Bloglovin' and link
back to it in your post. It's how weekly link ups work. Oh, and go meet some new friends!
Love the color of that blazer and paired with the scarf! My favorite outfit of yours!
You are NOT a failure! It's ok to get a little off track sometimes! The important thing is not to beat yourself up about it and try harder to stay on track. You're only human love, and a beautiful one at that. loveee this outfit.
Wow, this outfit is beautiful! I could never pull something like this off (nor would I ever think to put something like this together!) and you make it look great!
Hey, you are human. We all slip up from time to time, don't beat yourself up too much. Life happens, and sometimes, the ONLY answer is Taco Bell.
I went to college with Shaun T. My boyfriend was very good friends with him, and he is probably one of the nicest guys I've ever met! It's nice to see someone so successful come out of my small, rinky dink southern NJ college!
First, LOVE this outfit. That scarf is perfection. You hair looks amazing!!
Secondly, you are not a failure. You're human. As humans, sometimes we veer off course - it happens to the best of us. You know I have no control when it comes to shopping. At least, you used some of your Poshmark money!
Stilettos & Sequins
I almost bought that scarf from your post, but resisted. However, that was as far as my resistance went. Visited an H&M this weekend. Enough said. Sometimes it feels like one step forward, two steps back, but as long as there is some moving forward, it's all good, right? Your hair looks great!!
Well you definitely didn't fail with your outfit! I love the pop of blue and the red shoes! So cute!
I love that scarf with the blazer, super cute! And I'm with you on feeling like a failure -- I've yet to start my workout plan for the month. Maybe December will be better?
Awwwww dont worry honey you will be totally is all about getting off track & recovering. I don't blame you for snagging that's too pretty for words & too on trend (tartan/plaid)!
I need to copy this outfit. Like pronto.
Also, don't beat yourself up. We all go up and down with our goals. Just be proud that you have them! That's a big step!
Love your look this week and your pictures are fabulous.
Need the scarf. I will find one...we Canadians don't catch on as quickly.
And the hair is gorg! xo
I was looking at these pics thinking your hair looked gorgeous! I love it! Good choice on chickening out :) So proud of you with working out with ShaunT!
This outfit is absolutely adorable and has my name written all over it!! This is something I wear all the time, loving the plaid and red shoes! Gorgeous Shanna :)
Sincerely Miss Ash
Stop being so hard on yourself! But I get it. I have a running list (in my head) of my so-called-failures. Food, wine, and shopping are also biggies for me.
Its Mostly About Fashion
Get back on it girl! Today is a new day even if yesterday was a failure.
The scarf is amazing though. Some things are worth breaking vows for! haha
aaaaaaall this post did is make me like you (and reeeaaaaaaally want TBell) more than I did when I woke up. And PS, wine is nevvvver failing. :)
Sam ipsa Loquitur
You've gotta be a little easier on yourself, girl! Sticking to a workout routine (and going on a shopping freeze) is really hard!
So not a failure! Just human! I was supposed to shop this month but I have, not as much as you did but I still shopped. Slacking on exercise and indulging in alcohol during the week is a necessity as long as it doesn't become a habbit. Give yourself a break, the holiday's are hard enough.
xo, Lee
BTW - your outfit is so cute!
we all get off track sometimes and the most important things is to pick ourselves off dust that failure off and keep going like we never stopped :) my new motto everyday is a new day make a change, so forget about yesterday and soldier on. Love Love Love this outfit pinned it!
Ms Dee Kay
I absolutely LOVE your outfit!! So pretty!! The scarf, bag, and the adorable Red flats!! SO chic!
Thanks so much for the link up as well!!
Lisa, XO
Hey, a little wine here and there never hurt anyone! And hey, everything in moderation. (btw, jealous of the taco bell admission. That takes a lot of guts!)
You are the cutest! Don't beat yourself up too have a lot going on girlfriend...and shopping bans are HARD. You look super cute in those bf jeans and I love that amazing plaid scarf :)
The Other Side of Gray
UGH I love all your outfits!! Can I just go shopping with you lol
You're too hard on yourself. You're teeny-tiny and this outfit is killer for you. Life happens and we all go in and out of our daily flow. Jump back on track when it feels attainable!
Don't be so hard on yourself it happens to all of us. I got this scarf at F21 this weekend, it's so good I cannot wait to wear it.
You did not fail with this outfit, LOVE the whole look!
You can get back on track, life happens and we all stumble but you can do it!!
And even before I read about your hair I thought to myself, 'her hair looks GREAT! Love that color!'
Don't beat yourself up too much on the drop off of working out - it happens to the best of us ESPECIALLY this time of year. I have been meaning to get my butt back into the living room and hitting play on my videos but it hasn't happened. With Thanksgiving right around the corner I was like EFF that - and I am going to wait until after. I need a push.
The fact that you are still mindful and need to do it is what matters!
Ugh, taco bell and shopping two of my vices. I feel you girl. I have been SHOPPING CRAZY. Thankfully most of it is Christmas gifts but I've been doing that ole' one for you, one for me thing... NOT GOOD! Keep fighting the good fight sister!
I hate that the scarf is no longer at Forever 21 - I saw it a while back and should have snagged it when I had the chance. Heck I made an order to Old Navy last night and went back and forth on a flannel shirt - this morning I signed on - SOLD OUT! Story of my life!
I love your outfit today!! So pretty. And your hair looks Amazing!! What products do you use?
oh my goodness, you're not a failure, you're a human! you're fantastic and when we break resolutions, we just hop back on the resolution train and work harder! :)
I think we women are our own worst critics. Don't be so hard on yourself girl! And on another note, did you know that Shaun T. has a legit background in dance? He's from South Jersey and went to a performing arts high school with one of my good friends. Insanity and Hip Hop Abs are just the tip of what he's capable of. The man is a beast with choreography haha!
I know exactly how you feel Shanna but don't beat yourself up. First of, you look adorable so that makes it a little better right?
In regards to shopping….maybe every time you buy something, you have to put something else up for sale on Poshmark or donate? Than it won't feel as bad? I gave myself a shopping ban until I lost some weight and ban changed to no clothes shopping so I could buy some jewelry I liked at J Crew. I have found that the easiest way to avoid shopping is delete all sale emails before I even open them and avoid the malls.
As for exercising and eating, think of it as a lifestyle change rather than a quick fix. I am very religious about my workouts but that's my ME time and I've fallen off the wagon many times. So don't beat yourself up. Once it becomes a habit (I think it takes about 3 months), your body will miss it.
I LOL with your comment about Taco Bell & Cream cheese torpedo!!! I honestly can not remember the last time I ate something from either places. With that said, there are healthy alternatives there aren't so bad for you. Bean burrito with fresh salsa, fruit etc… A little indulgence here and there is not gonna hurt you. I always want the sweetest, fattest food choices when I eat out…I always thinks of eating out as a treat and I treat myself way too often - hence I need to lose weight.
Sorry for the long comment - but just back on it! I know you can do it!!
ohhh girl we all make mistakes. that scarf... you needed it (also love how you tied it) and sometimes we need some taco bell. haha this makes me love you even more!
I know exactly how you feel, but the worst thing you can do is discourage and be hard on yourself! Think about all the amazing things you WERE able to accomplish. Even a few days of working out is tough, and definitely worth a pat on the back!
I love this outfit Shanna, it's too cold to bear ankles here in the UK now, but I think I will be copying it! Don't beat yourself up, we all do it at times. I'm feeling exactly the same at the moment. You've accomplished so much though!
I shopped some and returned more this month. Made me feel good though..heh. Love the blazer pretty. And you look fab as usual :)
Thanks for hosting the link up
Hi Shanna. What a great Outfit, you got me inspired. The Cobalt Blue Blazer is awesome as is that fantastic Plaid Scarf. =) Love it all from the Red Flats. And you are never a Fashion Failure in my book. We both thought Blue today because that is also what I am wearing - take a peek. Also, thanks for your thoughtful comment last Wednesday on my blog. =)
I know exactly how you feel!! I started a spending ban in August and broke it this month :( I'm glad I lasted that long, though! That being said, I just placed an order with Old Navy, so... :)
Oh Shanna! i love this SO much! I have the perfect jeans, I just need to get a blazer and I am going to try to recreate this look!
Ok, ok... but, in your defense, sometimes it's fun to do bad things. Like eat Taco Bell and drink empty calories.
YEAH!!! Linking up today!!! Check out my cute Holiday statement necklace I found in Round Rock!!! Always love your blog!!!
Loooove that scarf, it looks just like one from Zara that seems like everyone has! Don't beat yourself up, is totally fine to indulge a little!
The Tiny Heart
Uncommon Goods Giveaway!
You are so gorgeous. I need that F21 scarf. Too bad it's sold out!! I will keep checking!
First of all, this was cute:) We all fail miserably at things from time to time and sometimes more than others. I go on a roll for things for a bit and then go down in flames other times. I made the mistake of going into Target and nought two new sweatshirts, two jackets and may need to go back for a third:) You'll get back on the wagon, so to speak, I know it:) P.S. LOVING the scarf and blazer!
Aw you are too hard on yourself! I have another F word for you.. FRIENDS!
Also, this is one of my favorite outfits of yours, SO cute. I love that scarf and blazer!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
such is life, right! you fail, you try again, you succeed, you add another thing to the list that you will fail, then finally succeed at, and the cycle goes on and on an on. ;) i'd tell you not to beat yourself up, but i a queen B of the above. :)
I LOVE your hair long and blonde, i'm secretly glad you went with that! ;)
oh, and ps.. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this outfit.
oh, and ps.. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this outfit.
Your hair looks great, you look like a skinny minnie, and I love this outfit!
PS: Taco Bell is the bomb, so I'll make up for what you're not eating :)
First off, your hair looks fabulous! I really liked it in the KLR post the other day too. Also, I LOVE that blazer and the blues and reds mixed together. SO perfect. And I'm with you on the exercise thing. I have fallen off the wagon and I have to get back on so I can eat some extra Thanksgiving calories, lol
Girllll working out and getting into a routine is haaaaard. Almost as hard as only drinking on the weekends!
I totally pinned that scarf a week or two ago and I am peeved that it is sold out!
I haven't had Taco Bell in months. MONTHS. I should do something about that...
1- i did a similar outfit minus the blazer and scarf :)
2- I have been FAILING at blogging but been doing well on the no-shopping ban for me!! you can do it!!
I'm in love! The red and blue together are perfect!! I wore red and blue today too. ; )
This scarf is so cute! Looks good paired with the red and blue. :-)
This is one of my favorite looks of yours! I really love your scarf!
That scarf is so pretty and I love the primary colors theme you have going on! Such a gorgeous outfit :)
Love the outfit. It's a subtle and fun way of doing red/white/blue.
Oh my friend, it's just one of those weeks! Chalk it up to a loss.....and try again!!!
I adore this look on you! Don't beat yourself up too much...we're all human! If those purchases make you happy, then go with it! :)
I vote for forgetting your small failures when you look that CUTE in that adorable outfit. :)
Don't feel bad - shopping gets the best of all of us. And, with all these great pre-holiday sales, it is nearly impossible to stop! Keep looking at the positives. Thanks for being honest and sharing.
Lisa @ Daily Style Finds
Your outfit is so coordinated and the scarf is fabulous! I confess to being a shopaholic as well so you're not alone. ;)
I will not even attempt Shaun T so no matter how bad of a fail on that front you are way ahead of me. Not shopping is hard! But I'm doing it because spending was getting ridiculous. I have to save for other things so it's a must. I love Taco Bell too! Ooops. I feel like the only thing worse is to say you like McDonald's.
I want that scarf - so perfect for Fall and love how you styled it!
Love, love your outfit! The colors are delightful!
Totally loving the scarf!
Don't be too hard on yourself, we all deserve a little break and a splurge every now and then... even if it is Taco Bell (stay away from the smothered burrito... OMG that thing is evil good!)!
Love the outfit-- the blazer + scarf+ flats look amazing!
OK see last month I tried not to shop at all, and at the end I fell off the wagon and in a bad move I bought two things that I ended up returning only to learn I only got store credit (also bought some other things that weekend... I was emotionally unstable...) So I am trying to do "in moderation." Unfortunately I haven't done that very well this month either. Perhaps there is group therapy for this?
Be nice to yourself!! Your outfit is stunning, your hair looks great even if it's an old stand by look, you are perfectly accessorized and your entire look is very magazine worthy. It's so easy to be hard on yourself but I challenge you to come up with a list of all the things that you are doing well right now. Fight for positive thoughts :)
When I fall off the wagon I usually fall hard too. Like I'll spend $500 and then go eat an entire Chipotle burrito :) Why can't I control myself??? Let's get back on the wagon together.
<3 Vicki
Oh man I've been shopping too much lately too! I don't even wanna think about it! And then there's black Friday and Christmas shopping coming up! Ah! I've been trying to get back on track with running and eating good too and some days it sucks. Hang in there!
P.s. that scarf is AMAZING.
First of all, you look absolutely adorable.
Second, stop being so hard on yourself! For example, listing your "failures," why not list all the fabulous thing you've been accomplishing? I know i'm being cheesy but for real girl!
I am SO in love with that scarf, very sad its sold out. I love how you tied it too, you may have to do a quick post/picture tutorial/email to me personally on how to tie it like that! The crown ring is fantastic. And everyone slips a little on diet/exercise plans but the good news is they are always there for you to get back on!
Girl, what the heck is a cream cheese torpedo? I can't stop laughing.
I feel you with the whole shopping thing! It's so hard to stay away (Especially as a blogger who sees people wearing new clothes everyday)!
You can do better next time!
Love your scarf:)
J.Crew Necklace Giveaway on
Hi Shanna! Thanks for the link up, it's my first time linking up :)
Your #3 made me lol! And your hair looks fab btw, I am a hairstylist and I love changing hair according to the seasons, so I think a tad darker looks great on you :)
Have a fabulous week!
Wow!!! you look really very adorable. I love all your outfits!!
Mangosteen Juice
You are not a failure! I've definitely been guilty of all of those things. Last month I totally spent twice my monthly budget. And there are weeks when I don't exercise and eat crap! So you are not alone!
I'm loving your outfit! I love how it's fall ready but without the dull colors! I really love that scarf!
Jeans and a Teacup
Hey! Sometimes life gets in the way! I have been slacking on my workouts since I pulled my hip flexor, and I've been trying not to shop {I seriously have too many clothes}, but I have my allowance, and I ALWAYS find cute stuff.
Shanna!! I'm always in awe of your style, but THIS outfit... it's absolutely stunning. I think it's one of my favorites ever!! Love love love everything about it!
Lauren xx
I need everything about this outfit. I'm so sad the scarf is sold out because I would have purchased it immediately.
as far as the letter F....Franziska starts with it so we know it can't be all bad ;) but you are not a failure. live your life, work towards your goals, enjoy some wine once in a while, and keep your hair the way you feel it looks best. nothing about what I just read from you spells failure, promise :)
I think your hair looks great! And it's perfectly ok not to get some things done sometimes. Don't beat yourself up - life happens! I especially understand about the working out thing, it really is hard to keep up with when things are so busy! But you can do it! And I LOVE this outfit - you may have broken the ban but you did it in a great way!
Oh my the colour of that blazer swoon. The scarf is amazing too. If I had to do a walk of shame every time I bought something I didn't intend to ....
I am so obsessed with this outfit..SO obsessed! You look amazing, and the color combo is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!
This is such a cute casual outfit! I love the color combo and that big cozy scarf! Shopping, wine and even taco bell can happen to the best of us, so don't be too hard on yourself! xo!
LOVE your blog. Something I would love to have in my closet.
Checkout the Thanksgiving $75 Giveaway on my blog. Great for Black Friday.
Happy Friday!
Don't beat yourself up pretty lady! There are ups & downs, and you are FABULOUS! Enjoy tonight, start again tomorrow. :)
Enter my Gigi New York tote giveaway!
This is one of my favorite looks on you! You are not a failure. Just jump back on the bandwagon! Xoxo
Gorgeous scarf! I want one! You look chic and comfortable. Don't feel too bad about falling off the wagon. Hop back on and try again.
This is by far my favorite look you've done. I just about died when I saw it on instagram :)
xo, Megan
indie flower
I love this whole outfit, head to toe.
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