Thursday, November 14, 2013

Leopard and a Puffer

Once upon a time, each week, I showed you guys an outfit I posted on Instagram and recreated it with similar items that I wore in said Instagram post. I don't know why it's taken me so long to do another one because they are actually fun and something a little different. It was out of control cold yesterday, so I pulled out my warm and cozy puffer vest from last year and wore this almost identical look.

Below is the exact outfit that I shared on Instagram yesterday. I added a few accessories to the style board above to give you a better picture of a complete head to toe look.

I bought this leopard infinity scarf from Express two years ago. I swear every time I wear it someone asks me were I got it. It is hands down the best scarf I have ever purchased and I have worn it repeatedly on and off this blog. GREAT NEWS! Express brought it back this year and it's available online now for $18. I am not sure if the retail stores carry it. I can promise you won't regret grabbing one for yourself. You need this scarf. Trust me on this one. Break any shopping bans you have going on at the moment. 

On a completely different topic, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who commented on yesterday's post. My heart was so full after reading such endearing words from you guys. What makes me sad is that some of the sweetest ones were from people/bloggers that are no-reply commenters. I tried Googling their names, blogs and pretty much stalked them to try and find a way to respond. No such luck. So, if you commented and I did not say thank you in some shape or form, I am saying it here. Seriously, some of the most genuine and sincere notes were left yesterday and I was happy, happy, happy all day long. The blogging/social media world can be ugly and cruel, but it is also the most supportive arena I have ever stepped in. I am choosing to focus on that. 



PatrĂ­cia M. said...

The belt is such a cute detail!!


Unknown said...

Love the scarf! Great outfit.

Becky M said...

You are so right - that scarf is amazing! I am debating whether it is worth my husband wringing my neck for shopping again! Eeek!

Charming Lucy said...

Beautiful outfit and totally something I could put together! I have been thinking about asking my husband to get me that Kate Spade bracelet for Christmas. But I have wondered if it is comfortable to wear. And what is a no reply commenter? If I am one of those, I need to change it but I dont know how!! I need a computer class(: Susan

Nina Piccini said...

I love this outfit. I had a white vest once.... it quickly became a yellow and splattered beige vest :( i'm a disaster.

xo, Nina

Inge Jane said...

I love these posts! Glad you brought it back =) I know the vest and scarf are the stars of the outfit, but I am sorta in love with the sunglasses and nail polish you included!

Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} said...

I don't have a puffer vest. And now I need one. :)

Unknown said...

Keep thinking about picking up a leopard scarf but was a timid on it. This one is dark enough to my liking. I LOVE those bee earrings too!

Unknown said...

Loveeeee leopard anything. I always have and people thought I was wild... nope, just ahead of the trends, right? xo

Kimberly said...

Adorable outfit - I wish I could get on the puffer vest bandwagon but they just aren't practical here in NY when you really need a serious coat! They are so cute though :)

Sybil@PeaceitallTogether said...

That scarf is the best! I love this outfit..may have to copy this one too :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for telling us about the scarf being back at Express. I ALMOST asked you where you got it on Instagram. Tomorrow's payday, so you BETCHA I'm ordering it online tomorrow!

C said...

And I guess that's what makes this whole blogging community so nice to be in! :D

Btw I would totally ask you where you have gotten that scarf if I ever see you with it. Great outfit picks btw!

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Cassandra | Backtofive

Always Maylee said...

I think I need to get myself a puffy vest! Love the leopard scarf too!

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee

SMD @ lifeaccordingtosteph said...

I've been looking for a leopard print scarf. I'm going to see if Express has it in-store at lunch (I work right next to one) otherwise I'm ordering. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Great outfit. I want a Michael Kohrs watch so bad lol I have the purse already, so have to have the watch right? lol That scarf is too cute

Alyssa said...

I'm on the hunt for a tissue thin turtle neck to wear with a vest like this. It's such a cute combo!

The Pink Growl said...

Give me some leopard and I'm good to go. Add a puffer vest and I am ecstatic!

Ashley said...

LOVE that bow bracelet how adorable!!!

Sincerely Miss Ash

Danielle @ The-Lifestyle-Project said...

I'm crushing hardcore on that scarf Shanna!! I'm happy you received such positive comments yesterday because I thoroughly enjoy your blog! I'm sure it's a lot more work as a big blogger like yourself but just know that your presence would be very missed if you left.

MorganizewithMe said...

Love that leopard scarf and I'm glad you were happy all day yesterday! :)

MorganizewithMe said...

Love that leopard scarf and I'm glad you were happy all day yesterday! :)

Unknown said...

Love the puffer vest!! : )


TheTinyHeart said...

Absolutely love this cute and cozy outfit for a cold day! I might have to recreate it with my black puffer vest!

The Tiny Heart

Wine and Couture said...

Great outfit. I have a similar scarf that I wear all the time.
xo, Lee

Kelly @ turned UP to ELEVEN! said...

This tears it - I have to get a puffer jacket! AND a leopard scarf and I might have to get that bow bracelet. SUCH a great combo!

Leah Behr said...

Love all these picks! Love you blog. Now following :)



Helene in Between said...

hate when the sweet people are no reply!! i do love that scarf and now that it's back in stalk i might need to scoop it up!

a_h_89 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Niki {Glossy Blonde} said...

I LOVE this outfit! And I love you!

Anonymous said...

FYI retail me not has a coupon code 9401 to get 25% off express so saves on some of the shipping

Gwen said...

I have a similar infinity scarf. Sometimes I worry that I have too much animal print. Is that possible? I love your outfit. I'm kind of obsessing over vests lately.

Carly said...

Yayyyyyyy love this series! Glad it's back!


Emily @ Martinis | Bikinis said...

Love that outfit and the scarf immediately caught my attention! So glad it's from Express for less than $20 and not a ridiculously expensive one. Think I'm gonna buy myself an early Christmas present ;-)

Kayla MKOY said...

Omggg that scarf, that bow bracelet...I'm dying. I NEEEEED!

Danielle said...

A few weeks ago, I paced around Old Navy, pondering whether or not I should buy this exact puffer vest (in the very same color), and I left it, sad and alone, on the rack. (I was taking home too many of its friends to justify it.) I'm seriously questioning my judgment thanks to you, Shanna!

Unknown said...

Love this whole outfit! Hoping to get a puffer vest soon!

FitTravelerAJ said...

I already own a leopard scarf, but not a leopard infinity scarf. But now there is a dilemma...which color?! I'm thinking both ;-)


Tara {The Silver Lining} said...

Those Nine West riding boots are awesome. My mom has been on the hunt for some in that color, and those might be perfect!