Top: Kiki La'Rue c/o // Jeans: Elle from Kohl's (similar here and here) // Scarf: Kiki La'Rue // Boots: Francesca's (similar here and here) // Bag: Olivia and Joy c/o (similar here and here) // Ring: Kendra Scott c/o Jeweler's Wife
Can I get a little personal with you guys?
Something happened when I turned another year older this year. I mean it, all of a sudden my metabolism ran away and I can't seem to find it. It may have to do with the fact that I received a text message from Jack in the Box last week telling me to come in for a Monster Taco. Or the fact that I ate chips in salsa in the deer stand for an hour on Saturday. It could possibly be that I consume more carbonated drinks than water.
I am not saying that I am overweight. I am saying that I am personally not happy with myself right now. I can see it in photos. I can feel it in my clothes. I haven't exercised in God knows when. I just feel gross. I have never been one to weigh myself every single day. I have always gone with how my clothes fit. I had to step on a scale when I had a doctor's appointment last week and seeing the number made me cringe.
After I got over the scale shock, I told myself that is was time to change my habits. My old ways are not cutting it anymore and it's time to get healthy, cut out the junk and get myself back on an exercise routine.
I am not going on some crazy diet or planning to work out seven days a week. I am focusing on cutting out two tacos for $.99. I am waiting for the arrival of Beachbody's T25 and Physique 57. They should be on my doorstep this week. My goal is to ease back into it. Work up agility again because right now, I am the most out of shape I have ever been in my life. It's embarrassing.
Truth is, I got lazy. I made excuses. I gave myself reasons why a drive thru was better than a salad at home. I programmed my brain to think I was too busy to go to the gym, take a walk or break a sweat.
Those days are over...hopefully. I am determined to feel comfortable with my body again. I just wish I would have kicked myself into gear months ago because starting a lifestyle change so close to the holidays might be a tad bit tricky.
I know I can do it. I am The Little Engine that could. I am ready for more energy, my jeans to button without sucking in and doing an up and down "squat" to stretch them out and to eliminate Mexican food comas.
I will keep you guys posted on the videos I am going to start doing and will hopefully report glorious reviews in a few weeks. Until then...wish me luck!

I completely understand! Often, because I am still smaller, people don't understand when I say that my metabolism has changed and I am gaining weight in parts that I never did before. Because I still appear skinny, and I know how to hide unflattering areas, people don't believe me when I mention how self-conscious I feel about my new body additions. It was so refreshing to read this!!
It's funny how things start to rearrange themselves after time isn't it?
Heidi’s Wanderings
This scarf is so cool, love it.
I have a top like that too, when I'm feeling lazy. I'm 22 and I'm afraid my metabolism will catch up to me soon! Love the look hun!
I felt this way after summer. It was an eye opener to put on boyfriend jeans and have them be snug. I'm typically extremely fit and conscious of my eating habits but i just let myself have "fun" in the way of food. I got myself back on track by watching the "cheating" throughout the week and my portion control. That alone after a month or so I was seeing the results and really to pull your pants on and not have a struggle or the pants dance (as i call it) is worth it all. Best of luck to you and if you need any tips, tricks or just some good ole support email me :)
xo, Nina
I feel your pain Shanna. I have to work harder and eat less than ever. It is tough. But you are beautiful and you don't need to change a thing. We have the T25 and I love it. But if it was 26 minutes, I would die - it's hard!! I hope you love it! Is this a piko top? I have been wanting to get one to wear with leggings. I need to jump on the Kiki bandwagon. Blessings and good luck! Susan
I need to start being a little healthier and better about my eating habits (all that stuff) as well. But if it makes you feel any better, you look amazing. You seriously do!!
PS. Love this top…I'm guessing I need it!
You look adorable in that top and scarf! I totally understand how you feel...it is becoming harder and harder as I get older to keep the wait off...I just struggle to find the time and willpower to do something about it...I need to get my butt in gear!
I love that you said fluffier! I am right there with you! Good luck!
LOVE this look, it's my go to everyday,and it looks amazing on you!
I am totally with you on wanting to work on myself, I made it to the gym last night for the first time in over a month!
I am really going to try to keep on it this time, we can all motivate each other:)
I am so with you on this, sister! I have been feeling the exact same way lately. Maybe we can help hold each other accountable? :)
Love that top and scarf... well the whole outfit really :) And you're preaching to the choir about weight! Granted I'm pregnant but still, I hate how I look these days. Eyes on the prize; both of us deserve to be happy and we will find out how to do it somehow! You're gorgeous though, inside and out <3
I've noticed that the older I get, the harder it is to stay fit. Before I got pregnant, I worked out & danced but wasn't going to deny myself something good to eat. I understand eating healthy things but at the same time, life is too short to not eat a bowl of ice cream every now and then or have wine with dinner. I think it's just about finding balance.
I'm in the exact same boat right now! I keep telling myself I will go to the gym and then I never do. I really need some motivation!
P.S. You're beautiful!!! Inside and out! Love you!
Oh I love this top on you and that scarf. You are look so pretty. I hear you.. drive thrus and not exercising is totally my thing too. Don't you wish metabolisms stayed with you as you age!? That would make things so much easier!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
I love this whole outfit! I hear you on the fluffy clothes. Right now, my whole wardrobe needs to be fluffy friendly. :(
Oh my gosh! You read my mind. After I turned 40, everything shifted and I hate what I see in the mirror and in pictures. I am the same weight, but have a belly and hips now. And metabolism?? What's that. I just started a "healthy plan" (do not say diet). The funny this is I just started a blog and hate, hate the pictures of myself. I thought, "Do I really look like this?" But this reality check is what gave me the push I needed to really make the change. BTW - you look beautiful and I love that scarf.
I just purchased one of these tops for Thanskgiving. I figured it would be the PERFECT cover-up ;)
I want to try T25 so bad but I just purchased Insanity not too long ago so I want to give that another whirl and then I also have TurboFire - congrats on taking control of yourself :) I need to do the same again.
Oh Shanna, I could have written this post...I FEEL YOUR PAIN! I too have gotten myself into a rut and I can't seem to get motivated either. The scale is one thing, but when your clothes aren't fitting, then you know it's time whip your butt into shape. We can keep each other motivated throughout the holiday season. I'm determined to feel happy about myself again too. We got this!
I have gotten so lazy and made so many excuses.
I'm currently involved in a walk at least one mile a day in November challenge I set up for myself. Starting small and building on it.
Get it girl!
I have quite a few of those outfits, including a tunic sweater I just got with a built in shaper underneath!
There was a time when I'd hit the gym 5-6 days a week. Now? Nothin'. And I think it's just getting worse now that I'm working from home. I really need to get back at it.
Physique 57 is one of my favorites. You're going to love it I think!
I know EXACTLY what you mean. I don't feel bad about the way I look, but I do feel bad about the way I physically feel. I am not in shape at all! I started doing Blogilates from Youtube back in September and saw results. I need to jump back on the wagon and exercise regularly!
you truly look great ( i always think you do) but Im interested to hear how you like those workout videos! and we all need those outfits when we don't have to suck in!
1,. I have that scarf in pink and I love it:)
2. I have been feeling the same way. I work out, but obviously not enough...haha!
3. Let us know how those work for yo:)
Good luck! I know exactly how you feel. It is funny how alike we are. I am same way not overweight or anything just know I have been lazy on the workout front. Pretty much working out only 1 or 2 days a week. Always making excuses as to why I can't go to gym. I decided to start doing a 30 day squat challenge yesterday to see if it could help get into some kind of a routine. Posted the info on my blog (http://lewislanedesigns.com). Keep saying I am going to give up soda but that hasn't happened lol
Shanna - I know exactly how you feel. For me, exercise is HUGE part of my life and somehow I let my diet slide and now it's out of control. I was thinking about starting a series of health and diet but wasn't too sure how personal I wanted to be.
Good luck on your journey! I will be right there with you!
you look so so beautiful! love this scarf!
YES (on getting older and the old metabolism slowing down), not to mention staring at ourselves in high res photos daily....I gained weight this summer on the move up to Michigan and all that and had a come to Jesus moment this fall and have luckily lost the extra. Good luck to you, I think you look fabulous:)
You can DO IT!! Just one day at a time! You have already made steps in the right direction by ordering the videos! Can't wait to hear how they go!
You can do it Shanna.....but believe me you really look great as it is! And how adorable is that fringey yellow scarf????
Good for you! I am doing the same thing-trying to pick up my exercise routine again to FEEL better. I totally agree with you on the metabolism slowing down thing too. I started to get slack a bit and I am changing that! Especially before the holidays! Good Luck to you and Im excited to hear how you like the DVDs- I've heard T25 is excellent!
This outfit is SO great! You look amazing and I love that scarf. And girl, you look great, seriously. But I totally get it. I gained weight at the end of 2011 into 2012 and I'm still working to get back to where I was. But with some patience and dedication to cooking more at home and taking time to work out at least 3 times a week, the results have been amazing! Things are fitting better, my body is looking better and the scale is reading lower :) Which is always a good thing! Just don't get too caught up on the scale, I lost about 5 lbs earlier this year but almost gained it all back in muscle with how much I was lifting/working on my legs! You will get back on a schedule that works for you :) hang in there!
you can do it Shan!! I ave gotten back into my routine, thank goodness, and I have been running just a few days a week. It feels great and allows for your body to unwind. I know you can do it, there is no doubt!! Love & miss you lots!
Exercise is not my thing but I do feel better when I cook my own food versus eating out! You can do it, Shanna!
The Tiny Heart
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I've been following some of Kimberly Snyder's advice lately, and starting the day off with a warm (not hot) cup of water with 1/2 lemon juice squeezed in it(fresh, not bottled) really helps get your digestive tract moving for the day and helps the body get back to an alkaline state, rather than an acidic state. It flushes out toxins, etc. Take small steps in changing your diet and increasing your exercise and they are more apt to stick and you'll form good habits from them. You and your outfits are beautiful and I enjoy reading your blog.
good luck babe!! Gad, this is my CONSTANT struggle. I got T25 and loved it. Something about 25 minutes did the trick for me. It's hard, but the sweat in a short about of time is amazing.
And this outfit? I could LIVE in it. So comfy AND cute.
I am new to this blog so I'm not sure where you live, but you should look up Pure Barre. Go try a class. I absolutely love it and have never been a part of anything like it. But I have def been in that place before. It is usually as its getting cooler outside and you are pulling out jeans from last year that you think to yourself "well this wasn't this tight last year was it?" ha! Good luck!
I personally think you look incredible, and I always look at your photos and wish I was as skinny as you. The same thing happened to me this year - I gained 15 pounds and I am not feeling good about myself at all lately. I absolutely love this outfit on you - you look great! But I totally understand where you're coming from.
You look great, but it's important to feel good about yourself and in your own body. You can do it! I LOVE the top; just got a big comfy tunic top from Old Navy like that to wear with leggings and boots. I also want to steal that scarf!!
Good luck to you! I'm in the exact same spot you are right now. I have just recently started working out too.
I love that scarf.
I completely understand what you're taking about. It happens to all of us. Way to go on finding a way to get healthier!
I totally know what you mean Shanna! My work schedule is crazy and I'm finding it SO hard to make time to work out...and it makes me feel like a big lazy lump! Here's to making time to get in shape and making healthier choices :) P.S. you look SO cute & cozy in that outfit!
The Other Side of Gray
Good luck! I've been having similar feelings lately and have been having a hard time kicking my butt into gear!
Good luck, Shanna! You can do it! Have you heard of Karena and Katrina from Tone It Up?! They are great trainers and nutritionists. They have free workout videos on Youtube as well as a workout schedule on their website (www.toneitup.com) all for free!! They are AMAZING. The nutrition plan is I think $120 but it's for life. I use them and I love them!
Once this baby comes, I am WITH you.....can't wait to work out again!
I love this outfit! I know what you mean, I just went on a trip to Boston and packed nothing but leggings and baggy sweaters, I knew there would be a lot of eating and beer drinking! At least it's Fall and over-sized sweaters are in, it's a great time to feel "fluffy"!
I have that scarf too! Such a cozy look! and I know how you feel. Robert and I joined a gym about a month ago and I seriously love it. I feel so much better now that I'm actually exercising and that we do it together!
Thank you for my new favourite word ( as I sit here with my salad for lunch) Metabolism is a curse to the female gender, ever notice that the man in our life living the same lifestyle does not get as fluffy as we do. Thanks for a great post about being happy with yourself.
Good for you girl! We all get into those "ruts" where we become content and then all of the sudden we have gained 5 or 10 lbs without noticing... you got this. Just stay positive - and remember not to be too harsh on yourself if you miss a workout or end up having a taco. Trying is better than nothing! :) Also bought this top. Thank you thank you thank you.
I know how you feel. I too have been feeling a bit more doughy lately. This is my usual season for packing on my winter weight (kidding, but i usually feel doughy and add a couple of lbs) so I often find myself looking for those loose fitting tops that fall flatteringly.
I have been feeling exactly the same lately. After my husband and I returned from Europe, I kept my vacation habits going and now I am afraid to try to put on my skinniest pair of jeans. I'm planning on starting The Body Reset Diet (I talk about it here on my blog. I did it before my wedding and was very impressed with the results. I'm looking forward to your reviews!
Young SF Lady
I wore my fluffy outfit last week. I aye so bad but have done much better this week thank goodness lol.
I can totally relate. I was sick half of August and all of September. My workouts were not there and then October I just ate and baked my way through not feeling like I should even bother with working out. Now I just don't feel like me. I started back up again last week and I'm feeling a bit better. Nothing crazy but getting my stamina back is so good for the mind, body and soul.
I wish you lots of luck and you look gorgeous no matter what. I love this post.
oh stop it you silly lady. you are not fluffy. but i do know where you are coming from. i am actually starting to train for a half marathon.. starting tomorrow! :) wish me luck!
& i think you are pretty just the way you are! xo
Good for you! No matter what anyone says, if you're not comfortable with you, no one will be. But I follow you on instagram and you were rocking your bathing suits in Mexico recently. You look great. In fact, I like you fluffier! But there's nothing wrong with toning up and feeling good about you.
You distracted me from your scarf. I need and want it in my life.
I just love that you are real and normal and tell us when you are feeling fluffy. I have made myself do some sort of exercise at least three times a week for awhile now. I hate every minute of it, I feel better about myself when I do it. You got this...you can do anything is you are truly motivated to get it done!
If I could buy clothes, I would buy this scarf! Love this yellow!
YOu said exactly what I have been thinking myself, about myself. I can't grow out of my clothes, I can't afford it! LOL
Love this outfit! The scarf is awesome!
I'm feeling the exact same way lately.
GOOD LUCK with your new routine! Its hard to get back into it, but it will be worth it. And I need that top because we ALL have days like that!
Good luck Shanna! I have successfully lost 10 pounds, three separate times because I kept letting excuses come my way. Not any more! I am now focused on staying healthy and fitting into my clothes forever! It's a struggle but totally worth it. As always, I love your blog! Esther Norine Designs
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