I told you guys that I would be sporting sunglasses all this week. My allergies are about to be the death of me. Cedar Fever has taken over. I want to scratch my eyeballs out, own a few shares of stock in Kleenex and chug hot, lemon tea all day long. It happens every year at this time, but once February hits, I am good to go.

Anywho, shall we get to some random?
1. I am honestly considering switching to WordPress. Blogger has been giving me fits, but I am worried about taking on another project at this very moment. I have even considered hiring someone to design and create an actual website for me that it not blogged based. Trying to do some research and weigh my options. Any help on this matter is GREATLY appreciated.
2. I had a business use an image from my blog that they found on Pinterest. They posted it on one of their social media channels without tagging me or giving any credit. I am NOT blaming them because they probably didn't get it from my Pinterest board, but from someone else who pinned it. Don't get me wrong. I was beyond flattered that they liked my photograph enough to use it in a campaign, but deep down I wanted to see my name next to it. Am I being too greedy or self absorbed? I know I should probably watermark all my photos, but in my opinion it's distracting and people can always crop them out. I wonder how often this happens? How many images of yours are being used without proper credit or a link back? It's a little scary and disheartening since we all work really hard on our photographs, content and posts. I actually saw the same thing happen in another blog post I was reading last week. I knew the person in the photograph that was used, but the author didn't credit the source. I guess this is part of the Pinterest game, but please always try to find the original author/photographer. It's only fair and you would want people to do the same for you.
3. My Invisalign trays FINALLY came in. I am heading to grab them today. Oh.my.word. The next 12-18 months are not going to be fun where my mouth is concerned. Huge habit changes are about to take place.
4. I write this blog 50% for myself and 50% for you guys. So, I was wondering what topics you would like to see more of in 2014 related to style, beauty, how-to's, life in general, blogging tips or anything else that interests you. Please don't request recipes, fitness or comedy. I promise you won't enjoy it. Seriously though, I want to know.
4. I write this blog 50% for myself and 50% for you guys. So, I was wondering what topics you would like to see more of in 2014 related to style, beauty, how-to's, life in general, blogging tips or anything else that interests you. Please don't request recipes, fitness or comedy. I promise you won't enjoy it. Seriously though, I want to know.
5. This sweater. Yep, the best in the world. I got it from Kiki La'Rue and when I say best fitting, most classic, perfect shade of grey, I mean it. This one is for everyone no matter your age or size. It's on sale now for $24. Get it before it's gone forever. I pinky promise you will thank me for it later.
Guess what? You can score this sweater I just mentioned for an additional 10% off using the code Shanna10. Or you can go ahead and enter with the Rafflecopter below and try your luck at winning a $50 shop credit to Kiki La'Rue. This giveaway is international and open to anyone 18 years or older. Good luck and happy shopping!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
**If you are linking up today, the only request is that you follow my blog with GFC or Bloglovin' and link
back to it in your post. It's how weekly link ups work. Oh, and go meet some new friends!
Oh I hate when a pin on pinterest leads to a dead end and I can't find the originating source! I at least try to post the link to the pin itself in case someone is a better stalker than me? Sorry yours was used without credit :\ Love your necklace with this sweater! And those shoes! /dead
Thanks for hosting week after week!
Allergy season are the worst! I am battling it right now too. The sweater is adorable!!! I bought my first purchase from Kikalarue and it's on my blog today.
I have been seriously considering Invisalign, so I look forward to hearing more about how it works for you. Keep us updated!
- Rachel @ With Love, Rachel
Love how you paired the statement necklace with the turtleneck!
Arielle from Tangled Musings
Another great outfit Shanna! I hope you start to feel better soon! This time of the year is horrible, my eyes have been watering non stop but at least you look fabulous!
Invisalign is such a GREAT option ! I would be interested to know how that whole process went.
Did you have to find a specific dentist, did you go through the whole process alone, or must an orthodontist be involved?
Invisalign should totally sponsor you for a nice post! I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to follow this journey to straighter teeth.
You look great in sunglasses.....is that any consolation at all for your awful allergies?
Angie from reasons to dress
p.s. I’d love to hear from you! I’m hosting a reader survey and LUXURY GIVEAWAY for a $245 pair of earrings from the Paris brand Satellite. Please stop by and enter!!
#1 I'm on wordpress and love it, I think that would be a great move. And they have tons of great plugins.
#2 Heellll no you need to contact these people, you work too hard on your blog to have them steal your work like that. When I found an image with a dead end I do not use it. That is not right.
I'm on Wordpress, I love it! It took a bit to adjust….but its AWESOME!
Oh sign, it is sad when folks dont give credit where it is due. I have no experience with someone pinning my outfits, but I am sure that is is frustrating!! I am considering creating a Shanna board for myself Would that be too stalkerish? ;) I love this gray sweater and I am having to hold myself back from buying it today due to this crazy shopping ban! What a great deal on a fabulous piece!! Happy hump day and remember that people love your style - that is why they are pinning you everywhere (: I linked up today! Susan
Your necklace and shoes are gorgeous!!! Such a pretty winter outfit! All of your outfits look so great!
Love that sweater! Looks so cozy and no I don't think you're overreacting or being selfish - anyone who puts hard work into their photographs deserves credit.
xo, Nina
Love the pearls and grey together! Gorgeous!
Good luck with the invisalign and the allergies. I get the same way each March. Though today my eyes were itchy when I woke up. I use similisan allergy eye drops and it helps a lot!
Come link up with me at Whatcha Wearing Wednesday! www.themummychronicles.com
That really is frustrating that they didn't give you credit. I would definitely contact them and just give them a heads up. You work so hard...you deserve the credit!
I really like everything you do. I love your outfits, I especially love the random thoughts like today...it's fun to hear what you're thinking and what's going on with you!
Oooh, lots of juicy topics in this one! Question, why do you want to switch to Wordpress or an independent site? I have debated it myself, but in the end I am pretty content (lazy?) and stick with Blogger. Also, Pinterest is tough because images can be taken and credited only back to a specific Pinterest board. I always try and find the actual source and credit it if I can, though some can't be found for some reason.
Lastly, yay for Invisalign! I had braces a couple of years ago and it was painful and slightly embarrassing, but so worth it to finally have a nice smile. Good luck!
I have the same Philip Lim bag!!!! YAY!!!
Not ok Shanna. I would totally reach out to the organization. I had that happen with my wedding photographer! Mind you, he owned the photos but it would have been nice to know that he had used our images all over his brochure! lol.
Good luck with your trays! EEEEK.
That sweater looks so cozy! And I've heard good things about Invisalign...things have come a looong way from the standard braces!
I would be ticked if someone took one of my images and didn't give me any type of credit. That's actually why I don't post client photos on my blog unless I watermark them. There are too many stories out there of stuff like this happening. I really just don't get it at all because most people are flattered when asked if you can use their photo. Okay, rant over!
This outfit is perfection - so simple & chic! And I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one having issues with Blogger lately...so annoying though! :(
I have no real advice when it comes to switching to Wordpress, but I will say that I like it much better than Blogger, which is the format I used for my wedding blog. What I like most is the flexibility with widgets!
And I don't blame you for wanting credit for your image. I would contact the company to make sure that credit was given properly. Good luck! :)
First off - obsessed with this look! You look super chic & cozy! Second - I hope you feel better soon!! Third - I made the switch from Blogger to WP about 9 months ago. I bought the domain, and had a friend design a basic site for me. I was nervous about switching as well, but I love WP. I'd say do it!! Lastly, I've never encountered the problem where my image was used, but I totally don't think you're being greedy. If I were you, I would email the brand. We put a lot of work into our pictures and there's nothing wrong with getting credited for your work!
Lastly, (OMG longest comment ever) - I'm going to email you now.
Stilettos & Sequins
I'm loving that sweater and those heels! I'm obsessed with gray period. I would paint every room in my house with it, if my hubs would let me. I had invisalign twice. You will love them and have great results, just be patient!!! Also...I'm sorry your having problems with blogger....but wordpress is HORRIBLE to comment on ;(
It's incredibly disheartening and wrong when others use your images without proper credit. I agree watermarking can be a hassle and distraction; however, which is the lesser evil. I suppose you could formally request the publisher take the image down or cite properly, but who has the time to trace everything, really...? It doesn't shock me that someone would use you images since they come out to be so flawless, but I agree that it is your hard work that is being exploited without acclaim. Chin up, pretty.
Love those shoes!
I agree with the others who say to contact the company using your image. Pinterest DOES make it hard to track sources, but there's no excuse for them not giving you ANY credit. (Even if I have to link back to a pin it's better than nothing!) Thanks so much for hosting a great linkup!
On the Daily Express
Another fabulous outfit! What are you wearing on your lips? They look awesome!
I wish they would've given you credit for your image.
Things I'd like to see more of: makeup (what you're using, new finds, what you've tried and not liked), good sales, new shops you discover.
If you figure out the wordpress/blogger thing, let me know. I would like to make the switch but have zero desire to do it. I would definitely need to pay someone to do it.
I love the turtle neck with the necklace!!!! I seriously never thought of doing that... but I don't wear turtlenecks that often. invisilgn- way better than braces! my father in law had invisilign also, he really liked them. looking great as always!
oh! YOU SHOULD HAVE ALL THE CREDIT!!! do NOT feel bad about wanting that. You do the work- you should most definitely get the credit. I'd email them maybe with a link?
You are teeny tiny! You look great in those jeans, and I love the sweater, necklace and lip color too. ; )
I love this look on you Shanna! As for your photo, that really is sucky. I always think though no matter your or anyone else's intentions... once you put something on the internet, you've lost control of it. No matter how much you try to keep it for you, and how much you follow the rules, anything online is fair game to anyone.
First of all....you are looking so perfect in this look Shanna. Love the fit & length of that gray sweater with that statement necklace, lipstick, ponytail & sunglasses. Nobody would think you're having allergies. And about the switch to Wordpress....I guess it would be a wise move although getting a pro is better to save you from all the headaches! Good luck!
I'm not usually one for turtle neck sweaters (I sometimes feel like I can't breathe? haha), but this one is so cute and cozy. Love it!
Such a classic look - they gray with the pearls. I love it!! I'm not sure how you wear those shoes. I'm so not good in heels! I have been seeing more turtlenecks lately...it seems like they are coming back in style :)
I absolutely love that pearl necklace...it makes quite the statement! That is really, really wrong that the business used your photo without permission. I would contact them and tell them you'd like credit or they need to remove it immediately.
The Tiny Heart
Did you say anything to the company that is using your photo! I would! You don't have to demand money or anything if you don't feel comfortable (I probably would feel funny) but I would definitely let them know that it was my image. At the very least I would want to see my name next to it. It's not legal and it's just not fair. To be honest, if I was the person on the other side of your conversation I would feel horrible! It would have been an accident or a misunderstanding and I would be embarrassed and I would definitely offer you something or at least offer you credit before you could even ask.
You look amazing! Totally chic and that pearl necklace is adorbs! I hope you drink lots of tea and feel better--hurry up February! :)
I really haven't jumped 100% on the Pinterest bandwagon yet (mainly because I need a better quality camera first) But I would hate to have that happen! Hope your allergies are feeling better soon!
1. I have been thinking of switching to wordpress to, maybe we should have a phone date about it. 2. I had a pic go viral too and it wasnt linked back to m blog or my photog site, it was a maternity pic that would have been amazing to get credit for... oh well. 3. you are looking skinny minny, and I am Loooooving those shoes. 4. I want to go to iheeartmusicradio country in Austin!!! I miss your face! love you!
Shanna this outfit is amazing one of my favorites. You look so classic and gorg!
shanna - this necklace is totally gorgeous! love it!
ladies in navy
I am looking forward to hearing how the Invisalign works for you! I desperately need it for my bottom teeth... so I hope it works for you!! P.S. You look gorgeous (as always) in these pics!
wordpress... i know people love it but i just love blogger. hmm.
number 2- you have EVERY right to be upset!!
my allergies have been acting up too, ugh.
I'm loving those shoes. Your whole outfit really - very winter chic!! Hope you find some relief from your allergies soon!!
1. I LOVE that necklace. 2. We are the same person...you should go read today's post...lol!
LOVE that necklace! :)
I'm sorry that happened to you! I've dealt with that before. Once, when I was taking photos of a local band they used one of my photos without giving credit. I just kindly asked that they either remove it or give credit. The second time, a business used a picture of a knitting project of mine for their blog. They credited me on the post after I e-mailed them. It can be really frustrating to find your work somewhere else and not credited! I've even seen fashion bloggers' pictures on ebay for items being auctioned/sold!
I've been thinking about going to wordpress, too, but uuuggghhh! Lots of work!
Gorgeous look on you.
I moved to Wordpress and I LOVE it. It's way better, especially if you want to build a website into your blog. I had Lisette at Northern Belle Diaries move me over and have had ZERO problems whatsoever. I had been blogging for four years on blogger before the move and everything moved over just fine! I say go for it! It's scary but honestly you won't miss Blogger at all.
Loving the pearl necklace! Beautiful. :-)
Ahh that's so frustrating that your image was used without credit! I don't think you're being selfish or anything, it's yours and you deserve the credit! My fiance and I have actually been talking about how the next "blog project" will be creating a water mark for my images. But, then thats juts more work for me to add it to each and every picture. ugh.
As for blog design, I would say pass the torch to somebody else! Luckily, my fiance has a computer science + graphic design degree so he was pretty useful :). It took me forever to design my first blog and it just looked like crap. I would say spare yourself the stress and hire it out to someone else! Hopefully you can find somebody cheap and willing to help.
Good luck!
(Also, one of the things I like about your blog is the content. So many fashion blogs don't include any personal details or stories about their lives. My favorite blogs are the ones where I get to see cute outfits, but also learn about the person behind the computer!)
OMG I am not sure what I would do if I found my pic being used with no credit!!! So Sorry!
I battle all the time with what to do with my blog - do I make a webpage and hire someone.....stay with blogger? So far I have stuck with Blogger.
xo, Lee
I was on wordpress and then switched to blogger - I like wordpress so much better - it more advanced with its features and easier to use (in my opinion). I am considering switching back.
I love your shoes! Zara needs to make them again... Also, thanks for pairing a necklace with a t-neck, I was thinking about doing it but wasn't sure, now I think I will give it a try.
Lisa @ Daily Style Finds
First of all this outfit is so fierce! The shoes are to die for and you look fantastic (allergies or not).
Secondly, consider Squarespace for your site. I've moved a couple of my clients to it and have my own biz site on it as well. Friendly and easy to deal with. If you need any help, let me know. I'm pretty cheap :)
I use blogger and it seems to be fine for me. I'm a bit indifferent about it all. But I do know that when you switch to wordpress your views don't carry over.
You should definitely contact the company about using your images. That's horrible that they wouldn't try to find you and contact you first. That's your property.
Also, congrats on the invisalign! I know it's not fun, but just be thankful you don't have to wear actual braces. I had them twice- the second time was in college when I was 19. A year and a half of complete mortification.
Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget
As someone up and coming in the advertising/marketing world, I HATE seeing that happen to people I know are trying to make a name for themselves, too. I don't think watermarking helps because, like you said, people can just crop it out and if it's too big, it takes away from the point of the photograph. For now, you could find out what the email address of their advertising person is and at least send them an email saying hey, I saw you used my image, here's where I originally posted it, could you please link back to my content.
In other news, I love your fashion posts and would love to see those continue, also interested in finding out like what some of your favorite pieces are and how you find ways to wear them again and again or like where you shop that you know you can always find something in - those posts might be interesting! Otherwise, just do what you're doing! I love your blog!
Cream and gray is a favorite color combo of mine, so love your pearls and sweater! Love your teeth too, sad to hear you're changing them. :/
Ok this look is perfection!! That gorgeous pearl necklace with your hair up like that and those amazing heels, SO chic!
I would be frustrated if they took my image without asking or credit either. Did you try contacting them?
That sweater seriously is the cutest for Winter and looks so cozy!!! And really...people should give credit where credit is do..it's called courtesy. Did you contact them or anything?
You look so fab in these pictures (not that you don't always). Maybe it is your hair like that? Not sure, but you look so great. I LOVE that sweater and necklace together.
As for things to blog about in the future, obviously you need to include Gus :)
Boo about the business using your photo... but I think it's just the way things are now with the web/pinterest. It's really hard to really keep track of where your photos end up.
Good luck with the invisalign! You look so cute in this gray sweater!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Hope you get some relief from your allergies soon! Love how you added the pearls to the sweater :)
I love that sweater, unfortunately went I went to order there were out of large. I hope they get restocked.
1 -My goodness, you are always so stunning!! This look is AMAZING! Those jeans are super sexy, and paired with those heels?! Total meltdown!
2 -Credit should always be given! After reading these other comments, it sounds like it's not always easy to find credit on Pinterest, which is another reason a watermark might be a good idea, to help people who want to use your gorgeous pictures. You are so sweet and deserving, you should certainly ask for the credit. You know how to word it! ;)
3- Good luck with the invisalign! No pain, no gain, right? Love you lady!
I am in the midst of doing a move from Blogger to Wordpress SH, and have to admit that I'm a total techno-dunce, so have enlisted help! I think that it's easier, faster, and also there can be someone else to blame if it all goes horribly wrong!
As for other topics on the blog - I love the style picks, and your pride in your daughter; perhaps it would be cool to know a bit more about Youuuuuuu! (I run a weekly Tuesday link up called #AllAboutYou encouraging us all to take some me-time and post about it. I wasn't planning to mention it here, but it just seemed to fit, hope that's ok!). Absolutely love that sweater, and I've said it before, those shoes are FIERCE!
Great sweater! Grey is one of my favorite colors. I am not very tech savvy and have been really happy with Wordpress. I wouldn't have a clue how to switch between blogging platforms, so I would vote for hiring a professional!
Love the statement necklace with the gray sweater, you look lovely, would never know you have allergies, hope you feel better soon. About the photo, I think the company is being really unprofessional! You should contact them and get credited for your hard work. I notice a lot of companies these days either with or without their knowledge try to take advantage of the hard work of bloggers. I mean before the internet they would have to hire all these people to promote themselves but now they just lift things off the internet and expect free promotion.
Ms Dee Kay
You look so freakin' chic here lady! Love this look on you! Your hair in a pony is super cute too!
super glam, girl! Those shoes are to die for.
And if it's YOUR picture, you most definitely have the right to the credit. And don't feel bad about it! Nothing like that has ever happened to me (and honestly if it did I might feel like yay I made it!) butttt your picture, your rules.
perfectly Priya
Your pictures are always really really great..but I feel like the last 2 days have been ESPECIALLY GORGEOUS!!!!!! And that sweater does look awesome!
I LOVE this outfit! You look amazing! Those heels are killer!
And that sucks that a business used your image without credit. They should know better. True, sometimes it's hard to find the original source when going through Pinterest but companies/business should know that you have to give credit when you use someone else's photo. Especially when they are using it to promote their products. You definitely need to contact them and ask that they give you credit. Then maybe they won't do the same thing to someone else.
Jeans and a Teacup
Love the high pony!
Love, love that necklace!!
That's really disappointing about the image! I would have reached out and told them it was mine. Your name SHOULD be attached and I don't think that's asking for too much! This sweater is amazing! Perfect outfit. Classy and comfy.
You're beautiful Shanna!
Great giveaway!
ok, first things first...I LOVE LOVE this outfit! The fit of the sweater and jeans, the little bit of your foot peeking through the shoes, and your pearl necklace...I DIE!
As far as Wordpress is concerned, I would DO IT! Right now, Google owns your content. I would totally rather own all of my info. You will need someone to host your site, I highly recommend RFE. They are great. I'm obviously not a huge blogger like you, but I highly recommend switching :-)
And you're totally in the right for wanting credit for your photos!
that is one of the prettiest necklaces I have seen in a while ( and I am addicted to statement jewellery) As for wordpress not a fan but I am still a newbie. I also find it hard to comment on wordpress blogs not sure what I am not doing but if it takes that much effort to post I am usually on to the next blog.
This outfit is all kinds of gorgeous! And no, you are not being greedy or self-absorbed AT ALL. They should have never used a photo without crediting you, but even more so, I feel like if it was an advertisement for a campaign you should be compensated for that! That is so, so wrong. And I am so happy with Wordpress since I moved, but I definitely recommend hiring someone knowledgeable to do the transfer!
Those shoes look sexy with your skinnies! I have pondered switching to Wordpress, but I feel so much more confident with blogger! I always love what you post, so I can't help you with the topics. I just want it all ;)
You look so chic. You remind me of Sarah Michelle Gellar in this post.
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