Style Lately Sweatshirt c/o // Target Chambray (option here and here) // Tractr Jeans c/o // Jacket from High School (no lie) (option here and here) // Joules Wellies c/o (option here and here)// Target Crossbody (option here and here) // Banana Republic Beanie (option here) // Forever 21 Sunglasses (option here)
This is where it gets ugly, for a ton on families. Luckily we missed the brunt of it because, as I said, we were running late. All the kids that got on the bus for school at 7:15 AM where already there when the district decided to call in a weather delay. Meaning they got stuck at school for two hours with NO breakfast. I am still clueless as to why the administration made the late decision and shut down the school AFTER students were already there. The rain, ice and freezing temps were no surprise. It was predicted and known that we were going to have this type of weather first thing in the morning. Most schools in our area announced a late start the night before and were well prepared for the weather. There was not one, but two accidents involving school buses, one being in our district. Yes, kids were on those buses in the freezing rain. From the info I got, nobody was hurt, but still. Those poor kids, worried parents, teachers and staff that had to experience this mess could have been avoided. Moving one...9:00 AM rolled around. I was getting ready to take my girls to school and we get that robot call saying school was cancelled for the entire day. Yes, my girls were jumping up and down like it was Christmas morning, but all those kids who sat up at school for two hours, in the gym, probably bored out of their minds now had to find a way back home. From what I understand, buses were not running, so parents had to make their way back to school to pick up their kids...back on the roads in icy conditions. My Facebook was blowing up with irate parents, as it should. Our district is huge and should know better. I am sure there are folks in administration that already have ulcers from the stress and worry that they brought on themselves. I wouldn't be surprised if there aren't some people that lose there jobs from this debacle...even possible lawsuits from the people that had kids involved in the bus accident.
Anyway, just thought I would share the juicy gossip from the home front. My girls and I made a snuggling day of it and took advantage of staying in most of the morning and afternoon. We played, colored, wrestled, had a gummy worm/sour watermelon feast and ate some comfort food. And my sweatshirt from Style Lately, well it pretty much summed up my afternoon...a little online shopping, magazines galore and plenty of caffeine (maybe not coffee), but lots and lots of Diet Dr.Pepper.
All should be back to normal today and we will return to 70 degree weather on Friday. This is the life we lead here in Texas. We've learned to roll with the weather punches.
**If you are linking up today, the only request is that you follow my blog with GFC or Bloglovin' and link
back to it in your post. It's how weekly link ups work. Oh, and go meet some new friends!
Love the sweater...if it said shopping Tea and Vogue it would be perfect for me ;) as a teacher I would have been so pissed because i would probably have had to sit in the gym with those students watching them... we have no such weather delays here in CA but i imagine my district would be as annoying glad you're all safe though
Wow that sounds like a crazy day and how scary for those kids on the school bus.
Can I say that you are so sticking adorable in this outfit! Love the color palette of this!
Sounds crazy...I feel sorry for the kids at school who missed out on breakfast..they must have been freezing too.....the weather has a lot to answer for! ;(
WOW. I cannot even believe that happened! I would have been furious if my (hypothetical) kids were stuck at school like that. At least you guys weren't in this mess! Being tardy sometimes pays off haha! In other news, I'm in LOVE with this whole look!
UGH! I would have been livid if my little guy was stuck at school for hours amid all the chaos! And don't even get me started if he was on the bus that got in the accident!!! Yikes! Well, on a positive note...love your sunshine-y outfit! And I'm excited to be linking up today with a totally random post!
XOXO, Jenn
The Stylish Housewife
Wow, what a crazy (and scary for many) day! I recently listened a radio piece on NPR about the magic of snow days for kids and how they are so memorable. One woman shared a story of being stuck on a bus with the school shut down and the bus driver took the kids to a restaurant and bought them something to eat. It was the sweetest story. Sounds like you had a fun day with your girls at home! Love all the citrus colors in your outfit!
Love your mustard yellow and orange combo! I live in phoenix so it's also 70 degrees her in the winter, so I understand. :)
Merrie @ www.PetiteCareerGirl.com
Oh wow what a hectic way to start a school day, I could totally understand why parents would be livid. On the side note I love your bright colors on this post :) very cute and that sweater sums it right up :)
Ms Dee Kay
ick hectic day happy it turned out ok. This outfit is so fun love the bold colors.
Love the bright colors...the coat is gorgeous! We had a day where I was just pulling into the parking lot at school when I heard on the radio it was cancelled...grrr!
Ahh, we are working on our 8th snow today. We got almost a foot of snow over the weekend and temps are hovering around negative 15. It is miserable. That was a huge mistake for the schools!! Not ok. I love the bright colors today! I have been searching for a fun crossbody! Thanks! Susan
That really is so bizarre that they made the call after kids were already there. So strange!!!! It's the same here in NC...freezing one day, burning hot the next. I think in our states the school boards panic because snow and ice are so out of the ordinary.
You are SO beautiful. These pictures are rocking my world!
Love that you added the fun pops of color to that fun sweatshirt!
Okay, I'm going to go ahead and say it......I think these are MY FAVORITE PICTURES YOU HAVE EVER TAKEN! The hair, the hat, the boots, the sweatshirt, the colors! I LOVE IT ALL!!!! Well done friend!
Your sweatshirt! And your boots! Love love love!!
Seriously love that orange coat! I wore a lot of orange in high school. I still miss my JCrew windbreaker and RL sweater in pumpkin. :) Love this look and that shirt!!
No school for us again. My youngest has had TWO days of school this whole month!
Come link up for Whatcha Wearing Wednesday! www.themummychronicles.com
I love the combination of the orange and those yellows!
I'm glad y'all got the day off... We were so desperately hoping campus would be closed yesterday, but unfortunately that never happened. It was SO. freaking. cold.
Love your boots!
~ Country Girl's Daybook, recently posted: Gimme Shelter movie review → http://bit.ly/1iHASJF
Wow that is INSANE that they waited so late to delay and cancel! I can totally understand why there were so many upset parents! Just glad you and your girls were safe and enjoyed a little day at home!
I can't believe it snowed! The weather has certainly been crazy this year.I'm glad you were able to dress appropriately for the weather, although my grandma in Florida bundles up anytime the temperature drops below 60 degrees. That warm air will do that to you!
There is absolutely nothing that riles parents up like schools not doing the appropriate thing in regards to weather.
I'm glad you guys never had to leave the house, but feel really bad for the kids trapped at school with no breakfast!
Got to love Texas weather. One day sweater next day shorts lol. I got in my Kiki La'Rue shit last night. Was nervous I ordered wrong size since hadn't ordered before but it fit. Posted a pic on my Instagram last night trying to style it (instagram.com/lewis_lane). If you have a chance let me know what you think.
I can totally relate to a crazy day like that when my kids where still little. But I can't say with your pretty look here that you are harassed .....everything you put together is soooo cheery, cozy & chic!!!
Wow, what a mess! Luckily we only get fog delay here. But, with the lack of winter weather we've been having, no fog so far. In years past, I've had districts call the delay after buses picked up kids...and legally, they cannot go anywhere, just sit on the side of the road until the fog clears. Crazy!
You are adorable in this outfit! I just bought that cross-body on clearance at Target. Obviously, I was in tune to my inner-Shanna at that moment :)
I NEED this sweatshirt in my life since well, it sums up my life. ;)
Mine would say Coke Zero instead of coffee but amen to the rest of the shirt! What a fun top and I love how you complimented it with the yellow boots!
That sounds like a nightmare! Seriously, what is wrong with people? I would have been livid if my child sat in school all alone and not knowing what is going on. Hopefully the school learns from this and makes it better for the next time.
You are so darn adorable in this outfit! Love every single thing that you're wearing including your hair! I'm glad your girls are safe, what a crazy day. Although things like that would never happen here... they would never shut down school if there were kids already there. Plus, we're so used to the snow/ice here that kids only get school days if there's a blizzard!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
That orange coat is everything!!! Love it. Huge error on the administration's part. I'm sure someone was chewed out for it!
Jeez, that's sounds crazy! They never really canceled school where I grew up, so snow days were always a big deal!
That sweater is SO cute and I love your hair in the pigtail braids...adorable! I'm glad your girls were home safe and sound. You know we get our fair share of winter weather around here, but I think ice is THE worst!
The Tiny Heart
Headband Giveaway!
Before going there this year, I didn't think Texas got so cold. Don't envy you. Actually, that's a lie. We have another week over 100 coming up - I do envy you!!! Thanks so much for hosting.
So first of all, what a fiasco with the whole school thing. Glad you guys were saved having to drive/go out in the freezing rain. Second, I love this outfit. Been excited to see the whole thing since you posted a sneak peek on instagram. Love it! Happy Wednesday!
A Silver Snapshot
Holy hot mess Batman!!!
Seems like the same issues where happening in Birmingham, AL. We had a bit of show here in North Alabama but they got the burnt. So bad that some kids had to say OVERNIGHT in school. I imagine there were no blankets or soft spots for those kids to lay.
Birmingham ALSO had the alert that this could happen. School was on time here yesterday - we just got a dusting nothing too major... but today, there is nothing left on the roads in Florence, AL but all the schools are closed? I am SO confused.
Temps will return to the 60's this weekend for us as well - we are ALL going to be sick.
I'm so happy your family missed out on all the craziness and could enjoy the "snow/ice day" without all the stress. Bless those families that had to deal with it.
Geez, what an awful/crazy situation! I definitely wouldn't be happy! But, on a positive note, you have a super sunshine-y outfit on & I love that sweatshirt!
Runway Chef
oh my god! that is crazy! I would be furious if I was stuck inside for two hours just waiting. those poor kids!
i cannot get over our crazy weather- i don't think I ever will!
Shanna, believe it or not, we are having the same thing happen here in Atlanta. Everything closed down halfway through the day yesterday, and people are STILL stranded today! There are literally thousands of people just stuck on the highways around the city. They say it's like a parking lot. People were spending the night in their cars, at hospitals, schools, etc. So it's bad here too!!!
That is crazy and i feel bad for those kids that got on the bus!! That sounds like something that would happen in NC too. I really love this sweatshirt!
I just love this look! So so cute!
I can only imagine how frustrating it is for parents with the kiddos already at school.
I am so glad our district went ahead and cancelled just in case!
I love how you turned a rough day all bright and shiny with your outfit!
You are so photogenic!! I want to order the sweatshirt, but there is not a lot of info on the site about sizing. Don't want to take the chance with shipping, returns, etc. Can you offer any guidance on this? Also, I'm a huge Hunter wellie fan but am going to check out Joule boots. Sounds like they also run large, like Hunter's. Thanks for the inspo!
Wow, that is really crazy that they waited so long. What a sh*t show. I'm glad you were running late that day! Ugh! And you are so adorable!!!
That is such a happy outfit! I love the bright colors. And your shirt says it all. ~Ann
Tarnished Royalty
Man, the school did NOT handle it well! Glad y'all are safe and sound at home!
on a side note, I have the SAME sweatshirt waiting to be styled! Great minds my friend! I'm totally going to link to your post when I post mine, different ways to style it :-)
I can't believe they let that happen! Come on, RR, get it together!
Moving on to your precious shirt. I want it, bad!
Oh man that sounds awful! Definitely not a well handled situation haha. Glad you were able to stay out of all the mess! I need this top, it's just too perfect. and those rainboots are super cute too!
Love the way you styled this look. I am totally getting this sweat shirt. I love it.
Have a wonderful day.
YEAH!!! I LOVE your link up's!!! Just shared on my blog! www.dallasleopard.blogspot.com
Hey Girly! I am LOVING the orange and yellow together. You did a perfect job styling it with the toned down grey..love that shade of orange!!!!
Sheree xxx
Loving that sweatshirt!
That's terrible management on the part of the school district. Those poor kids stuck at school.
I LOVE THAT SHIRT!!! 3 of my favorite things! Love the way you styled it. Stay warm!
Sounds like y'all are having similar weather in Texas as we are in Georgia! It's been crazy here! Love your outfit! The brights are such fun!
Your weather is so weird, jumping from freezing rain to 70 degrees! Here we are just constantly cold for the next few months! I'm so obsessed with your shirt, it's perfect!
Love the top and the pops of yellow!!
I seriously love this outfit! Your coat is adorable. I'm glad you were able to stay safe from the weather!! Sucks they didn't get the news out sooner, though. Hopefully they will be better next time!!
That sweatshirt is so Carrie Bradshaw.
Wow, horrible planning on the part of your school district. I'm sorry you had to deal with all of that, and those poor kids had to be put through it. Glad you were safe and warm though! At least you had a fun outfit!!
YIKES!!! What a way to start the morning....everyone loves a snow (or shall I say...ice) day! Glad you are all safe and sound. NOW....let's talk about those WELLIES! I love an option other than Hunter (I always love them on others but they fall flat for me when I try them on). Yours are ADORBS! Are they warm? And what size do you think the calf circumference is? Larger/same/smaller than Hunter? And that stripe down the back....seriously....love!
Oh my goodness - that is a MESS!
But yes, your sweatshirt describes what I am doing now - LOVE!
Enter to win a $500 shopping spree!
Yikes, that sounds like a total disaster. No fun! And talk about some CRAZY weather! Jeeze! On another note, you look adorable and I need that sweater.
Honestly, when it comes down to weather I've taken to making the final call. Our district is a walking district. Parents either drive or walk the kids to school. No buses. If it's under 30 degrees, my kids don't go. I've gotten into trouble over the kids being truant but I defended myself adequately against the district. It may come down to me just home schooling, I'm so fed up. Our walking district had school when it was -10 degrees! You expect kids to walk 2 or 3 miles in that? We're a low-income neighborhood. Not many people have transportation. It's confounding and ridiculous!
Let's get to the outfit! I love your braids and your yellow boots make me smile!
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