No, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. I posted an almost identical look here a few months ago. I am running out of cold weather options and keep going back to the same pieces over and over again. As much as I love my wellies, scarves, coats and pants, I am getting somewhat bored. Believe me, as soon as temps go up past the 60 degree mark I am dumping the repetitiveness you have been seeing. Doesn't Mother Nature know that I have spring clothes that are lonely and ready for some attention?

Xhilaration Blue Coat (option here and here) // Kiki La'Rue Sweater c/o // Apt.9 Pants (option here and here) // Banana Republic Wellies (option here) // Ruche Bag // Forever 21 Scarf (similar options below) // Banana Republic Beanie (option here and here)
I know that this scarf and two others from Zara have been some of the most wanted accessories I have ever witnessed. No lie when I tell you that the coveted blogger plaid, blanket scarf from Zara is going for over $100 on eBay. Seriously? That is INSANE to me. It's a scarf, people. If you stop and really think about it, this whole blog world is pretty dang influential. I 100% admit that it definitely influences me and a handful of my purchases, but I never would I spend $100 on a scarf that retailed for $40. Too bad I didn't stock up when I saw it. Kidding, just kidding.
If you missed out on the Forever 21 blanket scarf or the over sized magical Zara ones, I found 10 similar options that you might want to scoop up before you start bidding on eBay or paying way too much on Poshmark. Happy shopping, have a fabulous weekend and stay warm out there.
P.S. Happy Birthday, Dad!! I love you and can't wait to celebrate next weekend!!

Oh I loveeee this outfit Shanna! So colorful and I love these colors paired together!!!
Happy Friday!
Xo Ash
Sincerely Miss Ash
Holy cow $100?!! I totally messed up. I bought it and it was just too big for it to be practical in Southern CA so I returned it. I should have known better and sold it on ebay.
Love how colorful you look! I am sooooo over winter fashion too, anything over negative degrees is all I'm hoping for right now though haha I cannot remember how fabulous 60 feels!!
hi! such a great coat! love the fril and the colour is amazing!
Great colours. love it xx
I really hate it when people take advantage of others on resale sites! It makes me sad to think that people feel like they need a particular item so badly, they would pay triple price for it! Crazy! And by the way, I love this coat and will pay you $400 for it;) It really is cute! Happy weekend!! Susan
love this, you look so cozy! I did miss out on a blanket scarf, but am refusing to buy anything else pertaining to winter.... a silent war against mother nature
xo, Nina
love this, you look so cozy! I did miss out on a blanket scarf, but am refusing to buy anything else pertaining to winter.... a silent war against mother nature
xo, Nina
LOVE this outfit so much! All of the bright colors look so great together! And I wish I just looked 1/2 as good in a beanie as you do!
$100 that's ridiculous! I love my scarves but not that much lol. Wish I could send you some warmth from Florida! :(
LOVE this look but I am SO with you! Bring on the Spring weather and more sunshine! You look lovely lady :)
I am in the same boat! I am so, so tired of my Winter clothing! And I CANNOT believe that people are paying over twice the cost for a scarf! Don't get me wrong, I love it and would snap one up if I came across it. But $100 is INSANE!
Yeah this cold weather is no fun.
I just love all the colors! Even though the weather is cold, this outfit brings so much sunshine and warmth. We had a dreary, rainy day here yesterday, so I pulled out my bright yellow cardi...it helped brighten the day :)
This outfit is the perfect mixture of primary colors! Now I keep singing in my head, "red, yellow, blue. red, yellow, blue." haha! And I feel the same way... Sooooo over winter!
Happy birthday to your dad!
Girl, I have so much winter gear. LOL. I try to make sure my coats are bright - my down coat is a nice blue, I have wool peacoats in kelly green, royal purple, and a black and gray plaid, and my zillion scarves are all the colors of the rainbow. If I have to layer it on at least it can be colorful!
I would not pay $100 but your scarf has the perfect colors and that grey plaid is hard to find. So I understand the temptation! :D
Don't feel bad - while I am originally from Maryland and have LOTS of cold weather options left in my wardrobe. I've found myself choosing the same go to outfit combos every single week.
Most of my sweaters haven't seen my body in 2 years - not for lack of wanting to just it's easier to pick the cardigan out of the clean laundry basket and wear that vs. styling the older items.
I did a big clean out of my closet and only kept stuff I couldn't live without... Soemtimes less is more, besides you rock it!!!
I am getting really tired of my winter clothes too. I can only remix them so much! That is really nuts if people are shelling out $100 for the scarf!
The Tiny Heart
Super cute outfit! But I agree, I get bored of cold weather clothes very quickly and long for my summer dresses and sandals. I can't believe how cold it's been this winter even here in FL. I'm over it and want the warmth back!
Happy Friday :)
I find myself doing the same thing during the cold months. I just want to stay warm and cozy, so I wear the same things over and over again.
loving this super colorful outfit! have a great weekend, hun!!
Sandy a la Mode
This outfit is sooo cute!!! Love it, that jacket and pants are just adorable!
i don't care if this was the exact SAME outfit, i love it! such great colors!
Ummmm girl.... totally not identical and these are great pieces!! Never get tired of wellie boots ;) But I feel ya...the end of seasons always make me yearn for the next set of clothes to wear. Happy Friday love! xoxo
Your bright blue coat is so cheery absolutely love it!
Meet @ the Barre
Primary colors - how cute!
Lisa @ Daily Style Finds
Yeah, I don't think I'd spend $40 on a scarf! haha... But I do love the Zara plaid scarf...I'm sad I didn't get it when it was on sale!
Jeans and a Teacup
You look cute as awlays, Shanna! I do agree though -- it's hard to keep coming up with creative styling options when the weather makes me want to reach for an oversized sweater and scarf each morning!
Cute boots<3
Love the color blocking! It may be cold, but you are sure injecting some life into this winter!
xoxo, Elena Michelle
I totally know how you feel - it has been so cold I feel like I just pile on all of my clothes to stay warm! Love the ruffled coat! It is so cute and the color is great on you! Have a wonderful weekend!
Cute plaid scarf! Love the bag too... great neutral color with interesting texture. Have fun celebrating your dad's birthday!
Oh man, I know EXACTLY how you're feeling. I brought two coats abroad with me, and am so sick of wearing them every single day. At least they do their job and keep me warm!
I am so tired of winter. Bright clothes sure help. Love all these gorgeous scarves.
you look so cute!! and that scarf is pretty amazing :) xx
You look so cute and colorful! I know, I am so sick of winter. I just want to where my spring clothes! Right now though I'm just hoping for upper 20s.
I'm tired of my winter clothes simply because I'm tired of winter! The bright colors look pretty on you and they are so much cheerier than black or gray. Spring has to show up eventually...right?!
Hi! Love your blog! I'm also interested in several items in your closet....do you plan on revisiting poshmark anytime soon?
I love the color combination on this one and the cute ruffles on the coat. You are so right, I cant wait for better weather already :)
Ms Dee Kay
THE best combined colors! Love it!
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