Today I am teaming up with American Eagle and my good friend Ashlyn
with Let It Be Beautiful for a style challenge series. We wanted
to show you ladies a couple of weekend wear ideas that incorporate tribal prints for the spring and
summer months. Make sure to head over to Ashlyn's blog to see additional pictures of her look.

Express Crop Top (coupon codes to Express) // American Eagle Pants c/o (coupon codes for American Eagle) // Forever 21 Denim Vest (option here and here) // Chuck Taylor Converse // Forever 21 Tote // Lookbook Store Necklace c/o (option) // Michael Kors Watch c/o The Jeweler's Wife // Nordstrom Leather Wrap Bracelet c/o // Forever 21 Sunglasses (option)
While Ashlyn chose to style romper pant suit great for a Saturday date or Sunday brunch, I went with a pair of track pants for a comfortable, casual look, perfect for running errands. If you are interested in the pants I am wearing today, make sure to size down.
I am a huge fan of a track style pants with an elastic waist. I have styled and worn a few on my blog before. I know some of you are on the fence about this style, but I promise you that if you give them a try you will be sold as well. They are super comfortable, light, airy and can easily be dressed up or down depending on the day's activities.
Something else I have been drawn to for years is a black, white and red color combination. Ashlyn and I both paired our black and white pieces with pops of red. It's a palette the never goes out of style and can make a statement without being too bold with colors.
I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was eventful to say the least. We celebrated our oldest daughter's birthday, enjoyed the gorgeous Texas spring weather, went to the iHeartRadio Country Fest (words cannot describe this show and how blessed I was that I ended up going) and had a family reunion on Sunday. I am dragging today and exhausted, but all the running around was worth it. This past weekend is definitely going down as one of the best in the 2014 book!