Before we get to the real fun, I wanted to take a few sentences of your time and say thank you. Really, those two words are not even big enough to express my appreciation and gratitude from yesterday's post. I was texting with my best friend Monday night and told her that I was going to turn off my comments for the post. I didn't want anyone to feel like I was fishing for compliments. I honestly wrote from my heart and it was therapeutic. At the last minute, she convinced me to turn them back on and I am so thankful I did. You ladies not only helped me work through a rough spot, but I think it was a place that came to the rescue for a lot of people. It was refreshing, to say the least, to be reminded that we are not alone on our journey, blogging or not. So, thank you, mean, fake username commenter, you turned your nasty into something good! High five! (And to all the ladies that are "no-reply" bloggers and don't have their emails set up for me to write back...I tried to find you and respond to your comment! I did! Pinky promise!)

Lauren Conrad for Kohl's Blazer (option here and here) // Old Navy Blouse (option here) // H&M Pants (love these) // Forever 21 Heels // Victoria's Secret Clutch (option here and here) // Total Betty Society Necklace c/o // Ettika Bracelets c/o (here and here) // Kendra Scott Ring c/o The Jeweler's Wife
Now, onto that fun I spoke of. I was recently introduced to a new online jewelry boutique called Total Betty Society. You know how much I love discovering affordable, quality and fun new shops and sharing them with all of you. Total Betty Society is the perfect go-to for trendy statement pieces for all styles and budgets.
As soon as I saw the Give Peace a Chance statement necklace, I knew it had to make it's way to my mailbox. The handmade detailing is impeccable. It's even more gorgeous in person. It has a boho vibe, yet so classic and chic. You ladies will be seeing this one pop up plenty around here.
A few other favorites that I think you will equally adore are the Margarita Beaded Necklace and Trendsetter Necklaces (available in 12 colors). These definitely make a statement and get me excited more than I already am about Spring's arrival.
I didn't just fall head over heels for Total Betty Society's jewelry, what REALLY got me was the story behind how the boutique began. The owner and founder's story is ironically very similar to my own. She is a woman that had a passion and went for her dreams. She felt as though she was destined for something more. She left her 9-5 corporate America desk job to make her dreams reality. I have a feeling that this will not be the first or last time you will see Total Betty Society pop up on your computer screen. I am a firm believer in supporting small businesses, especially ones owned by woman. I could not be more delighted to share her story and jewelry; pieces you won't find at the mall or on every other online boutique.
Total Betty Society is giving all of you 25% off site wide with the promo code: SHANNA25.
PLUS you'll get $10 off your first purchase when you become a member of Total Betty Society.
They are giving one lucky reader a $40 gift-card to use on any item(s) of their choosing.
The giveaway is open to all U.S. residents and will be open for one week.
Good luck and happy shopping!
**If you are linking up today, the only request is that you follow my blog with GFC or Bloglovin' and link
back to it in your post. It's how weekly link ups work. Oh, and go meet some new friends!
lady love, I am obsessing over those pants and that necklace! I will be checking out this new boutique for sure! In the mean time can you pack those two items for LA please?! Love you!!
I am so glad you were able to turn a negative into a positive!! Love this outfit - the print on these pants are HOT!!
You look absolutely amazing!! This whole outfit is perfection! Keep it up love!!
xo, Erica
Such a chic look! Love the wedge heels on those shoes!
I love the pants and the necklace! Really pretty look! <3
THIS OUTFIT IS ONE OF YOUR BEST ONES. The pants and shoes are gorgeous. Beautiful jewelry too. The necklace matches the pants to perfection.
As always a pleasure stopping by. See how I styled my Berry Cords and Happy Wednesday.
Thanks, Ada. =)
I'm heading over right now to see if h&m stock those pants in the uk! A beautiful look Shanna and I'm so glad that you are feeling better :) x
Thank you for your sweet response yesterday, these pants and necklace are gorgeous. You look so chic.
As we say in our house....rise above and move on! Go girl! I linked up today. Alison and I are styling The KKL Maddie top today and Friday! Yippee!! Susan
These pants are beautiful! I love how you styled them with the black pieces. Those shoes aren't so bad either =)
Beautiful! Love the pants - Have a GREAT day :)
Wow Shanna ! This is my absolute favorite look of yours! Its great that you're supporting small businesses and her story is great. I have to check out her store!
Cha Cha
Girl, you just look stunning! It is a more serious, lady-like look that I love. Now, if I could just dress like that every day... :)
Whatcha Wearing Wedensday link-up
I was absent from the blog world yesterday, so I didn't see your post...but I'm getting heated just thinking about someone leaving you a nasty comment. I'll read that in just a second.
These white pants are incredible. These shoes are everything!! I can't wait to check out Total Betty!
Oh man! You look stunning! Your hair, those pants, that necklace - you seriously look amazing. Way to rise above the mean comments. You are so beautiful and need to know/feel that every day. Shine on pretty lady!
I am so in love with this look! You are a bombshell!
xo. Maggie
This look is gorgeous! I love the psants. I love that they are perfectly cropped so you can see the shoes. I love the sparkly clutch and your hair. It's polished and professional, interesting but not garishly colored or printed. Perfection!
This entire look is so gorgeous - those pants fit you like a glove. Tres chic!
Ahh these pants!! I absolutely love them. I also love a jewelry line that references one of my favorite movies of all time (Clueless!). I just went back and read your post from yesterday, and I almost had to laugh at what that person said to you. I'm preeeeetty sure you are the definition of anti-frump, and I'd kill to look like you (especially after having 2 kids!). I guess there are miserable people who just want to make others miserable.
Thanks for hosting!
Welllll, hellllllo gorgeous!!!!
Seriously just beautiful today. xo
LOVE the pants! I am wearing that Lauren Conrad jacket in khaki RIGHT now!!! =) BTW - I was the one who Facebook messaged you yesterday; "Just found your blog on Pinterest - I am inspired by you! Your outfits - your personality - your faith. Thanks for being a breath of fresh air in a world of darkness!!! " ...... THANK YOU for commenting back! You are just wonderful. I am now on my way to check out Total Betty Society!!
I am a bit lost about what happened but I think I can make a guess. We can't please everyone and there will always be a hater or two or even more but that's life. I think you did a right choice to keep moving and not let her/him get the best of you. Keep blogging, stay stylish because I bet there are more lovers and haters out there :) I love your look here and absolutely adore that pants!
Dubai, UAE
I really admire the way you handled the criticism, Shanna. I appreciate you sharing about it because it's easy to see your work and think, "Oh, she's made it as a blogger, everything's perfect and great." "Making it" definitely seems to come at a price and come with its not-so-great moments, too. I'm glad you were able to rise above and know you worth regardless of a hateful comment that probably came from a place of jealousy. That aside, you look beautiful and so classy today...just like your personality. :) Gina
On the Daily Express
You know what, I have recently found out that a) woman and b) blogggers can be horribly mean and jealous for no reason. I don't understand it. Isn't the internet big enough? Do you realllllyyyy want to take the time to write out something negative? So much energy put into negativity!
Anyway, LEGGSSS FOR DAYS lady!
I love how dressy these pants are- I'd wear them every day if I had them!
This is top 5 one of my favorite outfits you've put together. It looks great on you. Sophisticated and yet total date night outfit. love it.
Ummm those heels are from Forever 21?!?! I haven't shopped there in a while but it looks like I need to head back over there because they are stepping their shoe game up :)
Great pictures, you look wonderful!
blue hue wonderland
I went back and read your post from yesterday just now, and whomever called you frumpy must be the type of person who idolizes all of the women on television and in magazines who are rail thin, not understanding that these people are air brushed and edited, and probably starving themselves. They obviously need to wake up and take a big look around them every day. You are thinner than most other women in real life. You are not frumpy at all, you are tiny! Seriously! I wear a size 8 and I am pretty thin. I guarantee you wear a smaller size than me. And you are probably way thinner and better looking than the nasty commenter. I know it hurts, it would hurt me too. But it just isn't true that you are heavy or frumpy!
ummm...this outfit is amazing! you look so chic!
oh i love this whole outfit, those pants are killer. i do love that necklace!! so great!! i think i might need one of my own!
This I think is one of my favourite outfits, of all the bloggers I follow. Cannot quite pinpoint the what it is, but the whole combination.. the necklace is divine as are the bracelets. This is one of those I think I truly must have it outfits for me. So to your mean spiteful commenter, frumpy be damned..
OH! So chic and fancy Shanna! Love it :) Also, those F21 heels are BOMB!
Those pants & that statement necklace certainly nailed this awesome look together!!!
I am completely in love with this entire look-especially those pants! Gorgeous, Shanna!!
Loving the gold and black combo - you look gorgeous as always my friend!
Those pants are SO chic on you! Such a glam look, Shanna!
The Tiny Heart
Jewelry Giveaway!
You ARE a total betty! What a fantastic outfit....I love the pants and the necklace. I can't wait to go checkout her shop. :)
You're a girl after my own heart. I am a closet addict when it comes to F21 shoes. Those are especially fab!
I went back and had a nosey at your last post - after seeing these photos it makes me think that anyone who would say things about your weight is a bit mental! Human beings can be horrible, cruel creatures and find enjoyment in putting others down. I'm sorry they took their unhappiness and bitterness out on you.
Corinne x
Cute pants!! Someone must be seriously deluded to refer to you as frumpy!
Wow!! I'm not sure if it's the pants (which I love!), or the contrast of colors, or the pop of the necklace, or your personality and attitude in these pictures....but this is one of the best and most favorite posts!! You look amazing. There is a glow about you, a stand out and take notice kind of vibe going on here. I can't pin point exactly what it is, but I definitely took notice and said "holy crap" out loud in my office! You are an amazing person with amazing style! Kudos to you and all your efforts!!
Seriously love this look, Shanna! You look so classy and chic. what an awesome story behind her shop. Her shop has pretty much the cutest name ever, too!
I love how elegant these pants are. The entire outfit is super classy, something I would definitely wear for date night, or even to the office.
NCsquared Life
I am absolutely in love wit this look! You look so tall and gorgeous!
Shanna, this outfit is to die for! I am so in love with those pants! They're truly fabulous. And from H&M - score!
I am obsessed with these pants! You look incredible! I seriously had a jaw drop moment when I was scrolling through your pictures.
Loving everything about your stunning look in this post! Those pants are probably my favorite! Thanks for hosting the link up!
You look gorgeous! I love those pants on you, so chic!
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Beautiful look on you. Chic and sophisticated.
This is such a gorgeous look! I am wearing my LC blazer today, so now I feel very stylish :) As a side note...I just realized that it's been a year since we worked together on my first virtual closet. The time has flown by since you saved my "fashion life" XO
Ok I'm definitely checking out this Total Betty Society but I'm also obsessed with your pants!! You look SO dang good in them too! Love them with those shoes. I think I need to go to H&M stat! Haha.
Oh my gosh, these pictures are GORGEOUS. Love the black and gold, it just looks so classy and FUN. I also love finding new companies to shop with, as well as hearing a great success story;)
WHOA GIRL. Your legs look miles on miles on miles long! :)
I am so happy that everyone that loves you and your blog came forward to patch the "damage" done by some random person. :)
And if there was any doubt in your mind this post proves them wrong, you look awesome.
BTW are those shoes comfy? they look great, but I don't always have the best of luck with F21 shoes
Absolutely love today's outfit!
Cream and black is so chic! That necklace has me swooning!
xo Adri
Saw you in People Style Watch! Congrats~~~~
Oh my gosh that necklace and those pants were made for each other! Thanks for sharing this website, love it
I NEED those pants. End of story!
Those pants are amazing Shanna!
"Total Betty" always makes me think of Clueless, so I love the boutique already. :)
-Rachel @ With Love, Rachel
Stunning girly...those pants are fab, and your hair is amazing!
I really enjoy your blog!
Amy Ann @ http://www.thearnoldsblogalot.com
Gorgeous clutch!
Beautiful! Love the necklace especially.
~ Country Girl's Daybook, recently: perfect imperfections challenge! http://bit.ly/1dlqrYF
First of all, I LOVE THIS OUTFIT. I love the pants, I love the shoes, I love the necklace. Seriously, this may be one of my favorite looks ever of yours (but I love so many!). Second, I am going to have to go back and read your post from yesterday because apparently I missed it!
Oh my goodness-- those pants are AMAZING. I need this whole outfit for work! SO cute, Shanna!
I am so glad everyone's comments were helpful to you! I'm so sorry mine was so late! But you are a good person and you deserve that support. And you look insanely beautiful in these photos! I love the necklace you're wearing and I am now OBSESSED with the Margarita beaded necklace you mentioned as well!
This whole look is next level lady! Totally chic in a basic color palette!
Enter my current giveaways!
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