J.Crew Factory Blazer (option here and here) // Style Lately Love Tee c/o // Express Skirt // Payless Heels // Target Cross Body (option here) // Forever 21 Sunglasses not online (option) // Lilac Bijoux Bow Bangle c/o (optional color) // Lookbook Store Necklace c/o // Forever 21 Rings (exact and option) // Gigglosophy Heart Ring c/o
This week is Spring Break and you know what that means. No school all week. Every year during this time our girls go and spend a few days with their grandparents. It gives Ross and I the chance to have a few date nights and share some one-on-one time together. It also gives the kids the opportunity to get spoiled rotten. They don't hate it.
We spent Saturday night at Rodeo Austin. It was straight up nasty, rainy and freezing. There was no way in heck I was wearing anything but rain boots. I was a little bummed that I didn't get to slip on my cowboy boots, but it just wasn't happening. We look forward to this time each year. It's hard to beat carnival food (chili cheese fries covered in sour cream and jalapenos), smokey BBQ cook-offs, Ferris Wheel rides, rodeo cowboys and the Josh Abbott Band (that's who performed). There was no way we were going to let the weather damper our plans, so we sucked it up and got a little muddy along the way. It was 100% worth it. Sunday morning was a different story. We lost an hour of sleep, had to get up early and drive two hours for a family reunion. Long day.
Sunday evening we took full advantage of not having to pay for a sitter and headed out for a Chinese food fest. Once we snapped out of our food coma and still lethargic on the sofa, we did what all old married couples do, we watched a movie without any interruptions (ahem, breaking up sisterly bickering). Sweet bliss.
In other news, I have pink eye in BOTH eyes. What in the world? So, there your go, the reasoning behind sunglasses when quite frankly, it wasn't really sunny out. Happy new week to me!

I love this outfit and can't believe your Payless find! Spring Break is early for your kiddos...my son goes to year round school and will have his break in 3 weeks for 3 weeks.
Boo to the pink eye! I had that in both eyes when I got it from my son. It's not fun at all.
awww pink eye is the worst, but do enjoy your kids-free week. Love this outfit, it is so girly.
I have the same shoes :) love the top with the skirt!
You look so lovely in pink! I hope you enjoy some quality time with your hubby!! Blessings! Susan
Ugh - pink eye is awful...so sorry! On the bright side, this look is adorable! :)
sounds like an eventful week. Minus the pink eye. Get well soon! Love this over the knee skirt on you and how you paired it with a screen tee, so chic.
You are SO CHIC this week! Love the whole look! That skirt looks AMAZING on you.
I am so obsessed with this skirt and outfit!! You look like a walking Kate Spade ad! Gahhh, I hope your pink eye heals soon - that's the worst :(
The heels are super cute. Still can't believe you found them at Payless. My mom and I hit up Ross this weekend and found some cute items. My mom has been finding tons of cute clothes at Ross lately. She got some Guess wedges for $29.
Hot mama! I love this outfit!! You rocked it girl!! I actually just saw those pumps at Payless over the weekend, but my size was sold out :(
Hope you had a nice weekend!
xo, Erica
This whole combo is adorable...I'm loving that skirt on you!
Ugh. Eye infections are just the worst. I hope you get better soon!
OK I think this is my favorite look so far!
Also, just wanted to stop by to let you know I started a weekly Monday linkup with Regan from The Hollinsworth House. We'd love to have you link up with us!
The Heathered Life
Have a great day!
Sounds like such a great weekend--aside from the pink eye. Hope you get better soon and don't have to throw out too much of your makeup!
I adore this outfit. Everything about it is perfect!!
xo Amy
omg! i'm so sorry about your eyes!! that sounds awful! at least you still look cute and y'all are getting some quality time!
amazing heels find! go payless. :)
and adore this outfit on so many levels. I really, really need that tee. Crazy to say?! It's a good one. Great style!
What a cute tee! I'm sorry about the pink eye... I know that is not fun! Hope it heals quick!
The Tiny Heart
Running to payless RIGHT NOW! Those shoes, I have to have. Pink eye, no fun! Hope it gets better soon!
I want that shirt! So me! And so sorry about your eyes! Boo!
I love every inch of this outfit. Perfect styled and so fun! That tee is great and I love that you paired it with that skirt. Happy Spring!
I'm sorry... you have what? Pink eye in BOTH eyes and you still managed to pull this off like you did? You are just THAT fabulous and I don't hate it one bit. Hope your eyeballs get better soon, though I'm quite partial to the color pink.
Your shoes are fantastic. I actually stalked them on Instagram last night and almost bought them.....then I decided I needed to try them on...so we'll just have to see if the Payless by me has them in my size:)
Love how you played with colors and prints! Great outfit! I hope you feel better soon!!
I always love when you wear pink- it's such a pretty color on you with your blonde hair!
Adorable as always Shanna! Love the tee paired with the midi skirt! : )
SO cute! LOVE. xox
So sorry to hear about your bad weather, and pink eye! You look fabulous in these pictures though! I've been wanting to get a pair of black and white striped shoes for a while now, these ones look amazing!
Hot mama!!! LOVING This, that foil tee is perfection and I adore how you paired it with that full aline skirt and hot pink blazer. just sheer perfection lady!
xo, Nina
LOVING that gold purse! OB-SESSED. And wow, spring break already?! My husband's a teacher and their spring break isn't until the week of Easter! Crazy how different they are depending on the school! I hope your pink eye clears up quick, too. No fun!
SO pretty Shanna! Love the skirt and heels. So chic!
Oh No! I hope you feel better soon! Enjoy your time without the girls. That concert sounds so fun!!
Those shoes are from Payless? Stop it! You look so gorgeous and pretty and fresh here, loving the look. I'm glad you enjoyed a couple of childless days (despite the pink eye), isn't it wonderful to sort of reconnect and have fun as a couple?!
You look so cute!!! I love that blazer and that skirt is adorable!!!
Xo Ash
Sincerely Miss Ash
yikes Shanna! Feel better!Speaking of Rodeo Austin- my boyfriend and i are heading to Austin for a 5 day Easter break! We've never been before. What should we do and where should we stay!? (Seriously. I really need the help planning.)
I'm sorry about the pink eye! Hope it goes away soon!
I'm loving those amazing sunglasses and your bright blazer!
saw those heels on your instagram - they look great in person! And the express skirt is of course gorgeous. I'm planning on wearing mine again soon!
I just LOVE that skirt on you! And thanks for the reminder that I need to pull out my hot pink blazer! =) So strange that you have pink eye because one of my close friends son just came home with it also!
P.S. Any closer to finalizing your plans for LuckyFABB? Can't wait!!!
XOXO, Jenn
The Stylish Housewife
Oh hey gorgeous - yes even with pinkeye. I am totally sending my kids to their grandparents during spring break - planning it now, best idea ever.
great outfit!! Love the skirt!
How nice that you get a few days for yourself! This tee is adorable and I need to go to Payless...I saw some great shoes in an email they sent me. Enjoy your week!! XO
How perfect! Love this playful look :)
xo TJ
Lol I think we were on the same wavelength. My outfit for the Thursday is very similar. Love the pink blazer!!
Ugh, hope your pink eye goes away quickly!! That tee is so cute, and it just screams to be paired with pink!
I love the heels! So fun.
L-O-V-E everything about you + this outfit! I actually got the People StyleWatch mag and, girl, you totally deserve to be featured!
Obsesseddddd with this look and hope you feel better!
Love your bag!
Bummer about the pink eye, I hope you get better soon! I love that pink jacket over your pretty, full skirt. The shoes are my favorite part though, too cute!
Adorable! The full skirt and pink blazer are such a classic look! And those shoes pull the look together so nicely.
Also I love your nail polish color!
Pink eye in BOTH eyes?! I bet you look SEXY! HAHA, sorry to hear that, I hope it clears up soon! And how nice that you and Ross get some together time. Enjoy it! LOVE those shoes...awesome find!
Hey, was that you in People Style Watch this month? If so, I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Your outfit was really cute and that's my favorite fashion mag! This outfit you have on now is really cute...pink, gold, stripes and a full skirt...what more can you ask for? :)
Such a fun outfit ( and so not, what was the word that I will not repeat...) You always continue to surprise and delight with you fashion outfits. So sorry about the pink eye, I had it in both once, what a horrid experience.
Amazing skirt!!! Plus the shoes are beyond adorable! Great look!!
First of all, this outfit is fantastic. I love the shirt, I love the pink blazer, I love the shoes… too cute Shanna!! Second, I hope your eyes get better! Pink eye is the worst!
I love this whole look and want everything in this outfit! But I love everything you post so this is no different.
So fun to see you in People!!!
Love the striped shoes, what a fantastic find. And I'm loving you in that skirt. Hope your pink eye gets better soon! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Isnt it great how some striped heels can put so much girlyness and plafullness to an ensemble. That shade of pink looks just great on you Shanna :)
This outfit is just so girly, and fun!!!! I'm obsessed with the shoes! :) so sorry to hear you have pink eye in BOTH eyes! Oh my goodness.
Happy to know you got your own
"spring break" Shanna. Totally great look here.....And you've certainly been lucky with those fab shoes!
At least you have these fantastic sunglasses to cover your double pink eye. This is one of my absolute favorite outfits I've seen you in. The length of the skirt and waistline are totally flattering, the t-shirt dresses down the blazer and heels and the color of the blazer + striped heels are an AMAZING combination. Waita style!
So classy and fabulous! Love it!
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