I try to keep things light, happy and focus on content that is geared towards fashion and style. I share basic snip-its of my life, but have avoided going into too much depth to keep some aspects private.
Today, I decided to put something out there that hurt my heart and momentarily deflated my pep like a big balloon. I went back and forth a hundred times contemplating whether I should hit the "publish" button, but went with my gut in hopes that I could remind others that they are not alone in this world we call blogging.
Why are people so mean? Are there really people out there that feel better about themselves when they are ugly to others? Obviously there are. I guess I live in a bubble that is unrealistic. I am not perfect. I am not always the nicest person. I have said hurtful things to other people, but I am pretty positive that it came to a halt back in my teenage years.

I received a tacky comment on my post yesterday and yes, I deleted it. Why? Because it wasn't constructive or heartfelt at all. It was downright rude. I didn't write about a controversial topic for this "reader" to feel like it was okay to leave something sarcastic, catty and snarky. They seemed to be "sincerely" concerned about the weight that I didn't realized I had gained, asked if everything was okay and then said I have become frumpy.
You might be asking yourself why I am even acknowledging this person and their uncalled for comment. There are hundreds of people that get "called" out on a daily basis and don't acknowledge an ounce of it. They move on as if it wasn't said or it didn't happen. Maybe that's what I should be doing, but that's not my personality. I tend to address things with passion and put them out there on the table. Yes, I know things could be much worse. This is a small potato, but a rotten one that is hard for me to just toss into the garbage.
The truth is that it's not right. Plain and simple. I completely understand that when you become a blogger, put yourself out there for others to judge and sign on the dotted line you become fair game to anything and everything, good or bad. It's the risk we all take, but it doesn't make it easier to digest or acceptable for others to judge our appearance or how we choose live. Maybe this comment was a sign or wake up call; a nudge to get healthy and fit again or up my style game. I am not certain.
The truth is that it's not right. Plain and simple. I completely understand that when you become a blogger, put yourself out there for others to judge and sign on the dotted line you become fair game to anything and everything, good or bad. It's the risk we all take, but it doesn't make it easier to digest or acceptable for others to judge our appearance or how we choose live. Maybe this comment was a sign or wake up call; a nudge to get healthy and fit again or up my style game. I am not certain.
I am all about constructive criticism and welcome it, but when it boils down to someone being downright hurtful I have a tough time accepting it.
Why do we tend to let the negatives outweigh the positives? Why have I chosen to focus on one, not so nice comment, instead of the hundreds of uplifting ones?
Here's the deal, I did focus on this one comment for more than half of my day and didn't think twice about all the positive ones. I let it get under my skin and really bother me. After I chewed on things and reflected on what was said, I raised the palm of my hand and proceeded to smack it to my forehead. Stop, Shanna. This is ridiculous. You have an immense amount of support and so much to be grateful for. Don't let a few words rain on your parade and knock you down.
Here's the deal, I did focus on this one comment for more than half of my day and didn't think twice about all the positive ones. I let it get under my skin and really bother me. After I chewed on things and reflected on what was said, I raised the palm of my hand and proceeded to smack it to my forehead. Stop, Shanna. This is ridiculous. You have an immense amount of support and so much to be grateful for. Don't let a few words rain on your parade and knock you down.
I am not going to lie and pretend that yesterday didn't make me question what I am doing. Is all of the stress, pressure, hard work, posting photos of myself and being judged behind a computer screen really worth it? Absolutely, at least right now.
It's tough stuff comparing yourself to others on the internet day in and day out; gorgeous women, flawless skin, legs a mile long, ripped arms, designer clothes, professional photography, Anthropologie styled homes, lavish vacations and crazy successes.
But at the end of the day, this blog DOES NOT define me or my life. It started as a hobby and has slowly provided a little extra income to help pay the bills and have some fun with my family. It's not a simple task to separate "blog land" from "real land". My dog climbs into my lap while I type, a friend tags me in picture of my kids on Facebook and a phone call that I am about to place to my mom for encouragement are some of the "right now" details that remind me of who I am and the person that I have slowly learned to love again.
I have feelings and a heart that can be wounded by words, but I will not let a few sentences said by someone over the internet steal my joy or make me doubt myself again. I will rise above and let it put wind in my sail.
But at the end of the day, this blog DOES NOT define me or my life. It started as a hobby and has slowly provided a little extra income to help pay the bills and have some fun with my family. It's not a simple task to separate "blog land" from "real land". My dog climbs into my lap while I type, a friend tags me in picture of my kids on Facebook and a phone call that I am about to place to my mom for encouragement are some of the "right now" details that remind me of who I am and the person that I have slowly learned to love again.
I have feelings and a heart that can be wounded by words, but I will not let a few sentences said by someone over the internet steal my joy or make me doubt myself again. I will rise above and let it put wind in my sail.

I encourage all of you to listen to this Hunter Hayes song. It really spoke to me yesterday and the words hit home. It relates to us all no matter where we are in our lives. YOU are not invisible. Remember that! Always.