Rainy weather came our way, so that called for my Hunter boots. It was tough to get dressed yesterday. I am not going to lie, all I wanted to do was stay in my PJs, throw the covers over my head and snuggle with Gus while everyone was at school and work. Well, that didn't happen. Things needed to be done, like last minute voting, grocery gettin', school assembly and blog pictures...since I kind of failed on that Sunday/Monday.
Speaking of staying under the covers, life lately has been great on the home front, but for some reason I can't shake a downpour of emotions. I have battled depression before. It was rough and still creeps up on me from time to time. I am not saying I have slipped back into complete sadness, but there are a few aspects in my life that have been pecking at me for quite some time. I have swept them under every rug in my house for the past couple of years, which is NOT a remedy
I recently decided to focus on things that needed to be focused on and stop letting certain situations get the best of me. In the process, there's been some major healing going on. I have a sensitive heart...one that gets hurt and broken easily. At the end of the day, I know the choices I have made are the best for me and my family, but that doesn't mean there hasn't been some bruising and scrapes.
I realize that I have been "here" before and gotten through it. I will punch it in the face again because I have an amazing support system of family, friends, readers and faith in the Lord. I also have kick box on my side where I can mutter as many curse words as I please under my breath while punching and kicking a bag. Dear God, sweet release! I highly recommend it.
Anyway, this is just a season. We all go through them. It's part of growth, learning and life. I wouldn't have it any other way. These lessons, good or bad, have molded me into the person I am today. Granted, it's a work in progress, but with each obstacle dawns new strength, courage and persistence to not give up...no matter what life throws at us or the choices we personally make.
We are all human. We have faults, struggles, sadness, tears, changes, challenges, BUT we also have happiness, triumphs, memories, support, courage and beating hearts that just want to be happy. At the end of it all, choose happiness...only you can control that. Do not rely on others to do it for you.
Here's a happy outfit for you...it's warm, cozy, cheerful and bright. :)

Old Navy Stripe Turtleneck // Red Puffer Vest (old: option here and here) // Gray Skinny Denim (old: option here and here) // Black Hunter Boots // Sole Society Crossbody c/o // Golden Tote Infinity Scarf c/o // Daniel Wellington Watch c/o 15% off w/ shannasaidso // Wrenn Jewelry Rings c/o
Awwww you're awesome Shanna so you will hang in there and emerge happy, pretty & victorious! Just like this outfit - stay cozy & warm!!!
Shanna I always love reading your heartfelt posts as they are full of emotion and are so relatable. We all go through hard times and I love your positive approach to the emotions you've been experiencing lately. Hang in there girl, you are a beautiful lady inside and out!!! Also this outfit- seriously happy!! I have the boots in navy, aren't they the best? And all the red makes me smile. Hugs and kisses sweets, XOXO, Elif
Such an open & honest post. Like you say we all have these moments but you will emerge the other side stronger...
Looking beautiful & fabulous in your outfit.
X x
Such an honest and beautifully written post about a topic that many shy away from talking about so I really admire you for writing these encouraging words!! Of course your outfit is so adorbs and loving all the pretty fall colours. Have a great rest of the week and take care:)
Love your scarf :)
And I know exactly what you are talking about. Been there. Am there. Like Captain Picard who keeps hearing the voice of the Borg Queen long after he stopped being Locutus, it keeps calling. But I am getting better at ignoring it ;-)
Alex - Funky Jungle
My heart us currently going out to you all the way from Oz. My eldest son (22yo) suffers from acute depression and anxiety and I know what an insidious illness this is. I can only hope that like you one day he will emerge on the other side. Stay well. Loving the outfit as well :)
love how easy and wearable your outfits are!
Totally been there. It stinks, but the good news is, this too shall pass. I love your positive attitude, even when you're feeling blue. xo
Thank you for being so open and honest. I think it bonds us together as moms and women when we talk about our everyday struggles. I know you will pull through this. Your pictures are gorgeous today!
xo, Whitney and Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
You are the best girly, just know that and focus on all things positive :) You look amazing, I love the combo of that scarf, vest, and stripes
First let me tell you if you ever decide to sell that scarf, I need to be first on your call list! I love it! You do casual chic so well! I am sorry that you are struggling right now. Please know that you are not alone. There are many of us who adore you and look to you for style help and positive energy every day. You have many friends in this community. And Jesus calls you His. He knows who you are and He knows your struggle. Remember to give it to Him so He can handle it for you. Blessings! Susan
Such a great look on you! I should have nabbed that red striped turtleneck when it was $6 on Old Navy! Ah! Looks great on you and I love the crispness of this look.
I'm sorry to hear you are having a hard time. I deal with the same issues from time to time and it can be hard to see that happiness is a choice. So glad you have a support network. I am always hear to listen.
Loving this cozy layered look on you! Hang in there, sweet girl, and just remember that this too shall pass. Keeping you in my prayers each & every day :)
You know, life really does come in seasons. I feel like you're a person who always takes care of other people...you're always the strong one, and sometimes the strong ones need taking care of, too! Just remember...in those seasons of feeling inadequate and overworked and stressed...all your many strengths and especially about all the people who think (wait, KNOW) how amazing you are!
Loved this post, love this outfit, love you!
I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough time, but I totally agree about choosing happiness. Wallowing in sadness never gets anyone anywhere.
Shanna, this is one of the reasons I like you and your blog so much. I really appreciate your openness and honesty. I can totally identify with those moments of sadness. I've struggled with depression as well and the fall season always seems to be the time when I feel a little bit of the blues. But you're right, choosing happiness is the only way to go. I always think of all my blessings and the things I'm thankful for. And btw, I absolutely love kickboxing! Wish we could go kickboxing together. Great red white and blue outfit. So appropriate for yesterday :-) Have a great rest of the week! ~Cynthia
Thanks for sharing this, we do indeed all have struggles, sadness, tears, challenges, etc. even though everything looks go on the outside we need to remember that everyone goes through this whether is shows through or not. But I definitely agree, we have to choose happiness and courage! And we can't rely on others for that!
On a lighter note, I love everything about this outfit! So cute :)
I love your Happy outfit Shanna - it's the perfect fall look. Thank you for sharing your struggles with depression. I think depression is just a part of life, but I know from experience that it can get the best of you. Hang in there - this too shall pass.
You look fabulous, I love that outfit! I know the feeling, so many mornings I just wish I could stay in bed.
I think you put it really well, life has seasons and some of them are just plain hard. I totally get it. I'm sorry you are going through one right now. It sounds like you have the right attitude and plenty of people to love you. You look gorgeous as usual!
xo, Amy Ann
The Real Arnolds
You will kick this in the butt I am confident about that and with the love of those nearest and dearest I hope that the path to that is quick. Kids and pets are always great for those moments when we need to stop and reflect and see the joy with which they accept life. I love the outfit today and I have to tell you in your instagram picture you could really see how awesome your teeth are, beautiful smile.
and a P.S. My new sweater that I ordered off Lookbook just arrived ( guess where that inspiration came from) Seriously Kent is going to tell me I am not allowed to read your blog anymore because I find to many things I like..
Love this message and you! Choosing happiness and positives in life is the best way to get through the muck! Though snuggling with Gus doesn't sound half bad ;)
I hope things will get better for you soon!! Sometimes things are hard, even when there is no real reason. Loving this look today, too. Especially that puffer vest!
Absolutely LOVE this outfit, perfect for keeping the elements at bay. Keep on keeping on, P x
it's so hard to not let your emotions get the best of you. even if everything is going just fine. I think we all deal with that to some extent. I really can't put my finger on why it happens but I know exactly what you're talking about. focusing on the good can be really really hard but know that there are so many that care about you!
So many people go through life thinking others are responsible for their happiness. Not true. The only person responsible for your happiness is you. You know that so you're a leg up on a lot of people.
A bad day or a bad season is not a bad life - easy to say when we're in a good time but also important to remember when we're in a bad one. The bad times make us who we are just as much as the good. Everything comes with a silver lining, some are just harder to find.
Big hugs to you as you work through it. The punching bag is a good thing!
p.s. love the outfit. Very Election Day chic!
I love your honesty about life during tough times, but especially love your zest for making it better and not dwelling on it. And truly a happy outfit can change your mood anyday and this outfit would definitely do it for me!
Such a perfect Fall look!! Love the vest mixed with the stripes! Too cute!!
<3 Shannon
We all have those days! Choosing happiness has to be a constant reminder! Love this layered and bright look hun.
You're absolutely right. We all have our moments - no matter how long or short they last - and that's OK. We're all humans fighting our own demons. But we also have the power to find the silver linings in life, to look at our situations from a different perspective and to choose happiness. It really is a choice. Not always any easy one to make, and it doesn't always come immediately after making the choice, but if we're persistent in our mindset, we will be happy.
I love that you share posts like this with us! As you know, I'm pretty shy so I don't open up as well as you do but I went through a little depression sort of thing a few years ago (of course, nobody knows that because I've kept it to myself) and this post makes me feel like I'm not alone in having those feelings. You are such an inspiration! Love ya girl!
I love that you share posts like this with us! As you know, I'm pretty shy so I don't open up as well as you do but I went through a little depression sort of thing a few years ago (of course, nobody knows that because I've kept it to myself) and this post makes me feel like I'm not alone in having those feelings. You are such an inspiration! Love ya girl!
sending hugs your way. please let me know if there is ever a way I can help - if that means jumping on a plane to warm texas and drinking lots of wine, so be it ;)
This look is exactly the reason why I love fall!! Such a 'happy' outfit Shanna! I agree with the post title 100%!! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
Style Delights Blog
This look is exactly the reason why I love fall!! Such a 'happy' outfit Shanna! I agree with the post title 100%!! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
Style Delights Blog
You are much better at expressing yourself than I am! I have been going through the same depression battle. Definitely not fully consumed but my desire to run and hide keeps yelling at me "let's get the heck out of here!"
It feels nice not to be alone and although I have a good support network I can't imagine burdening them with these non-logical but still paralyzing feelings. For me winning the depression battle has always been something I need to do on my own.
We'll keep putting on the happy face until we kick this, right? I wish you much strength and if you ever want to talk to a stranger who knows what it's like, just let me know. Sometimes the outside view is helpful.
Shanna, bless you and your truthfulness. I can't imagine how incredibly hard it is to come and post anything on here for a bunch of strangers to read but for you to post something that personal takes a lot of guts and strength.
You have probably helped someone with this post and it's probably the exact reason why you were meant to write about it.
Also, your outfit is adorable!!
You are in my prayers!
Thanks for sharing your testimony, Shanna! It is truly inspirational to know that you have struggled and overcome and you are choosing happiness in the future despite the blows life throws your way! You are one incredibly beautiful woman on the inside and outside!
I'm glad you decided to share! I suffer from depression and even when everything in my life seems great I can still feel really low. Depression doesn't care how good your life is or happy you should be. It comes for no reason and you can't just shake it off. I wish people would understand that. Anyway, I wish you all the happiness in the world! You deserve it! And you have an amazing attitude too which is something I definitely need to work on ;)
I know what you mean! I go through times like that, usually when the seasons change.
I love, love, love that scarf!!
So sorry to hear about your struggles - but you continue to amaze me with your positivity. I hope things continue to get better for you - you got this! Onto this outfit, which I absolutely love! It looks so super cozy, the perfect rainy day ensemble!
Sending you lots of love and hugs
xoxoxo Danielle
For the Love of Leopard
I want to give you one big virtual hug -- I hope you find yourself overcoming this slump sooner rather than later, and I send you all the well wishes in the world for your honesty here. I bet so many people are going through the same emotions (seasonal affective disorder maybe?) and finding light in this post. Much love to you, my friend!
Oh, Shanna. I can't say I exactly know what you're going through, but I hope it gets better.
I hope you are feeling better soon. Been there:)
Love this outfit! It's perfect for a rainy day or even a camping trip! Glad to hear you are staying so positive when things are trying to bring you down! It can be so hard but you've got a great attitude. xx
I need that infinity scarf! Just love this girl! xox
Hang in there lady! We all love you! You are a strong, wonderful woman and you are so blessed:) You look wonderful in today's post too...beautiful scarf!
I love this look! You always look great!
You got this Shanna! I've found that looking at myself in the mirror and repeating positive, motivational phrases helps to get me through the down days, especially the ones where I feel completely out of control and helpless (which means I don't want to do annnnything). My latest mantra I say to myself in the mirror 3-5 times is, "I can do this. I will do this. I'm a bad bitch." Obviously, you don't have curse lol but you get the idea. I'm basically talking to myself so using the mirror helps me to feel less crazy lol. Sending you positive energy from the east coast :)
I swear we are feeling the exact same way. I've been feeling a little down too although I can't quite put my finger on it. It's almost like a nagging feeling or I am just feeling a bit under the weather. Hoping your spirits are lifted soon girlie. On a positive note...you look friggen adorable!!! That outfit just makes my heart smile! Love you! =)
XOXO, Jenn
The Stylish Housewife
I can understand completely, it doesn't matter how amazing things can be, depression is a sneaky little bastard that creeps in, even during the best of times.
Having friends and family who love and support you through good times and bad is the best possible scenario for getting through it, again, and again.
You are far better than I for braving the weather and getting outfit photos done. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good weather this weekend and hopefully I can double up on outfit photos!
Chic on the Cheap
Love the red stripes! And I also love how open and honest you are. You have an amazing family, a great blog, super fun friends. Continue to focus on that! :-)
I just adore this outfit, all the way down to the stripes, vest, & infinity scarf. It's all perfect for Fall. :)
xoxo, SS
Oh girl, I hope you're feeling better. I've been through this myself numerous times (recently, too!) and sometimes I find that it's even harder when there's no real reason to pinpoint for why those feelings come on. I'm glad you have such a great support system, that definitely helps!! Just try and take one day at a time and remember how amazing you are!! Love you!
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